Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 627: Official Business That Can't Be Escaped

Chapter 627: Official Business That Can't Be Escaped
After more than a week of leisure at home, Luoquan's good days are finally over.

After nearly half a year of preparation, Luo Quan finally received the news.

Fu Huadao and the staff in all positions are basically ready, and the filming can start now.

But before the real start, you have to create a momentum.

To put it bluntly, it is to increase exposure, such as walking the red carpet, appearing on talk shows and the like.

Just during this time, the variety show "Director Please Get Ready" curated by Penguin is currently on the air.

Because most of the guests are controversial figures, and the program group deliberately created an antagonistic effect, the scene was full of gunpowder.

You've watched a lot of star-stirring shows, but you haven't watched the show that famous directors are ripping off.

This is much more interesting than ordinary variety shows. Penguin, among other things, can always come up with some new tricks.

Based on the relationship between Luo Quan and Penguin, it was very easy to get the qualification to be a guest of the first flight.

This is Luoquan's first variety show this year, and probably the only one.

After all, she only accepted one last year, and the music variety show at station B didn't make too many rumors. The only one who looked pretty good, Hao Shuai, was eliminated in the second period.

This year's Penguin is completely different, the lineup is strong, there is no shortage of directors, stars, and topical characters, and they are even so powerful that Luo Quan was invited.

Although she offered to think about the last issue, the program group must have spent a lot of effort in publicizing it, exaggerating how hard she worked for the program.

After all, it was the consensus in the circle that Luo Quan was hard to please, and this kind of publicity was considered to be a promotion for her.

This kind of business exchange makes her very comfortable.

Of course, the penguins and spectators are also comfortable.

Penguin has gained more traffic, and viewers can see their favorite stars in their favorite variety shows, which is a win-win situation.

The third episode of "Director, Please Get Ready" has already been filmed, and the idea of ​​the program team is not to use a talent show to select the best director or something.

Instead, invite these well-known professionals to come to the show to discuss the current dilemma of Chinese films and where is the way out.

The specific performance is to let several main guests shoot a movie, and then let the flying guests and public judges comment, try to give constructive opinions.

The flying guests are mainly people in the industry, mostly directors, producers, and screenwriters, and there are also two or three distributors.

The composition of the public judges is more complicated, each of them has the title of a professional film critic or film and television practitioner, and only they themselves know how valuable they are.

It is worth mentioning that this program also set up one of the most interesting links.

That is, you do what you do.

That is, after the resident guest shoots a short film, if he is not satisfied with the comments of the flying guest or the public judges, he can use this right to say to the dissatisfied judges: You can do it.

If the judges agree, they will also make a short film and compare it with the director's work. Those who win will gain applause and respect.

Those who lose also have applause. Only when the skills are inferior to others can we know where the defects are, and only then can we correct and improve.

I have to say that doing it like this really adds a lot of highlights to the variety show.

Refrigerators don't cool, and if you don't know how to build a refrigerator, you can't comment on this problem. There is a solution on the show.

Since you said that I can't shoot well, then you can take one and see how good you are.

Because there are challenges, but making a short film is not something that can be done overnight, at least it will take three to five days, so the variety show is divided into two parts.

The first part is to play the works shot by the director himself, including the evaluation and scoring of the judges.

The latter part is full of gunpowder, that is, the stage of questioning and challenging you.

Because Luo Quan has an extra role, not only is she included in the previous comments, but she will also be included when you do it later.

Therefore, although Luo Quan said that it was only the first issue, in fact it was still suitable for two episodes.

Variety shows have scripts, and her script is to question the focus of a resident guest.

The focus person's surname is Fei, and people in the world call him Dao Fei.

His main achievement is to shoot the super bad movie with the lowest rating ever in the history of Chinese film - "Entertainment is a Circle".

How bad it is can only be described in words. After reading it, I just feel dizzy, at a loss, and don't know what to say.

In the words of Teacher Li in the variety show, the process of watching movies is like sitting on pins and needles.

Penguin invited him here to increase the topicality.

Facts have proved that it is indeed very successful, and the first two and a half issues have achieved quite good results.

However, although Dao Fei received a lot of criticism in the first two episodes, he himself knew that he did have shortcomings, so he didn't refute too much.

There are two directors who are not very good-tempered, which helped him attract firepower.

And the results of your previous links all end in failure of the challenger.

Facts have proved that people who rely on their mouths to eat have good theoretical knowledge, but after all, they can't compare with real directors. After all, this is what they learn and work.

As for Director Fei, he seems to be a director whose theoretical knowledge is more than qualified, but the actual operation is infinitely close to zero. If you do it, you will definitely win in the last session.

Fortunately, it was not easy for the show crew to see him being criticized for two episodes, so they directly arranged for Luo Quan to be his challenger.

Losing to Luo Quan is not a shame for a director like him, because losing is normal.

The pressure came to Luo Quan's side. It's normal to win, but if you lose, the scene will not be very good.

Of course, Luo Quan himself has no pressure. The pressure mentioned above refers to the pressure of public opinion.

I am quite confident, because the topic of the third issue is free play, that is, I can shoot whatever I want.

And anyway, no matter how she questioned it, all she wanted to shoot was clips of "Farewell My Concubine", which happened to be a promotion for the movie, which could be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Soon, the news that Luo Quan would be appearing in the third issue of "Director, Get Ready" rushed to the top of the trending searches.

Penguin took the lead in buying hot searches, and various marketing accounts reposted the reports intensively, and the traffic was directly full.

Passers-by and fans are also very happy with such reports, after all, it is sometimes quite fresh to see popular variety shows on Luoquan.

It is said that the stars are not the same on the show as usual. They want to see Luo Quan, who likes to comment on various news reports, and what kind of sharp comments will be made on this show.

The biggest possibility is that the person being evaluated cannot beat her, can't say it, can't even beat her, it's crushing on three levels.

This scene, just thinking about it, is very exciting.

Seeing this, some netizens directly @费道的微博, pointing out that this is aimed at you.

In fact, after a little thought, you can know that it is impossible for such a big star to be on the show, just a role of criticizing people, and it is a necessary part of the whole show.

Director Fei, as the person in charge of the controversy in the show, has been persuaded twice in a row, and it would be inappropriate to continue to persuade him.

Besides, there are five resident guests in total, and it's his turn.

Therefore, most of them knew in their hearts that Dao Fei and Luo Quan would definitely have a fierce battle this time.

It can't be called a fierce battle, because in the eyes of most people, this is a competition without suspense.

But before the show airs, anything is possible.

Those with good intentions even encouraged Fei Dao, at this moment when the whole world is not optimistic about you, you can explode your potential and surprise everyone.

Although Fei Dao himself quickly posted on Weibo, using a shivering and funny Internet picture, which was a bit self-deprecating.

However, with the encouragement of so many netizens, I should still really want to win this round.

And the mentality of netizens is actually quite strange sometimes.

Although most of them like Luo Quan, but now, Dao Fei is the underdog, and Luo Quan occupies an invincible position.

But people just like the side that is not favored, and the script that can turn defeat into victory in the end.

Because such scripts are the most dramatic and exciting.

There is no doubt that Luo Quan has become a big villain.

Under Penguin's deliberate promotion, there is already a "Cheer for Fei Dao" support activity on Weibo, which is quite popular.

The topics are already full now, and the specific broadcast is only an effect, and we still have to talk about the work.

Two days later, Luo Quan arrived at the Jiangnan TV Center in the center of Jiangnan, where the Penguin program was recorded.

After the guests put on their makeup, they sat down one after another, and the camera began to record.

As a newcomer, Luo Quan also greeted the big guys on the show first.

According to the usual practice, new flying guests also have to introduce themselves. Those who have new works will talk about their new works, and those who have no new works will talk about their previous works to increase their popularity.

"Hi everyone, I am Luo Quan. It is a great honor to be invited to participate in the program "Director, Please Get Ready" to discuss the future of Chinese films. I personally have some superficial opinions, and I want to discuss with you later. comminicate.

In addition, the movie "Farewell My Concubine" written and directed by me is about to start, and fans are invited to pay more attention and support, thank you all. "

A very official self-introduction, but this did not affect the enthusiastic applause of hundreds of guests and more than 200 audience members in the studio.

At this time, works directed by Luo Quan also appeared on the big screen: "Resident Evil", "Rurouni Kenshin", "The Queen Wearing Chanel", "The Silence of the Lambs", "Frozen".

Each one is a blockbuster hit at the box office, and the audience is already full of exclamations.

"It's really hard to imagine that this was filmed in two years." Director Wang Jing among the flying guests was very emotional.

As the major director of Xiangjiang, Wang Jing was famous for his fast production.

In his view, making movies is to make money, the faster you shoot, the more you earn.

At his fastest time, he made one movie a month, and many of them became classics, but most of them were bad movies.

But at that time, the whole of Xiangjiang was like this. If we didn't shoot like this, we couldn't support a large group of practitioners.

Now who dares to say that he can make a good movie in a month or two, he is either a liar or a fool.

Even a movie like "Entertainment is a Circle" was said to have been in preparation for five years before it was shot.

However, for Luo Quan, the shooting time of each film does not exceed two months, and this speed itself is outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that the films produced are all classics, which is comparable to her extraordinary music.

As soon as this resume was presented, Luo Quan was immediately labeled as an international famous director.

There are many people in the circle here, and they basically know that Luo Quan will definitely gain something in the upcoming Oscars.

Just a few days ago, the Oscar Selection Committee has announced the list of films competing for various awards.

Huaxia's entry for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film - "The Wandering Earth".

It is also the only domestic film that is eligible for the election, and it is not certain whether it will be a candidate.

And Luoquan has more, "The Queen Wearing Chanel", "The Silence of the Lambs", and "Frozen" all participated in the election.

And there are heavyweight awards such as Oscar for Best Film and Oscar for Best Actress.

Although there is no nomination yet, it is already very difficult to qualify for the election.

And for a film of this level, it is almost a certainty that it will enter the nomination stage.

Such a qualification also made her look quite tall among the guests, and she was already quite tall.

Bare feet are 1.7 meters five, and Luo Quan, who does not wear high heels, is close to 1.8 meters even with sneakers.

After introducing the new guests, the main drama of the show soon began.

The five took out their new works shot last week, and everyone watched them one by one, and then commented.

Because it is free play, everyone chooses a variety of themes.

The first director, who worked in a band before, has many popular works and has a high reputation.

This time he was on the show as a director, but the film he made was surprisingly high-quality, which also surprised many viewers.

And what he shot today is a short film with a stream of consciousness.

A man was smoking in the room, with cigarette butts all over the floor, holding torn photos and broken photo frames in his hands, the room was intertwined with light and shadow, and the music was very low.

During the period, the man had a conversation on his mobile phone, probably because he was about to get divorced, and he and his wife on the other end scolded and insulted each other.

Towards the end of the movie, more than half of the audience turned off the lights.

According to the rules, when half of the audience lights out, the film will stop.

But this is not surprising, because this has happened twice in a row in the works of the singer-director, and today is the third time.

He seems to be fighting with the audience, and he wants to make this kind of thing to challenge people's bottom line.

Director Wang Jing fired directly:
"There is no storyline, only technology, I don't know what kind of story you told, only a decadent man who is about to get divorced.

If it's a scene, I'll give it eight, if it's a movie, I can only say one is too much. "

There were disputes and rebuttals, and some film critics felt that this short film was shot very well, and the picture was very textured, which shows that the level is a bit at home.

Due to time constraints, one story cannot be finished.

But if it's a real movie, you can't make a good one.

Both sides hold their own views and are at a stalemate.

But in general, the first work is definitely not useless, at least in this part of the filming, the technology is really quite good.

After watching the first film, the second film followed.

(End of this chapter)

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