Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 628 Questions

Chapter 628 Questions
This is the work of a female director.

The film is adapted from the classic film at the beginning of the century - "Don't Guess What a Woman's Mind"

But it is a change, but the context of the story has undergone relatively large changes.

In the new version, the heroine has an independent and self-improving personality on the surface, but it shows an image of some pastoral female boxing.

I only know how to ask, but I don't know that the harvest needs to be paid.

And the image of the male protagonist is even more outrageous. A proper scumbag has nothing but good looks, and the movie also spends a lot of space to whitewash the scumbag, but the scale is well-measured and does not reverse black and white.

It's just that although the scumbag is hateful, there are also pitiful places.

To be honest, the filming of this story is actually quite interesting. It has everything that a comedy movie should have, and the technology is also in place.

However, this three views are a bit bursting.

However, no one in the jury has yet to speak.

Luo Quan looked up and looked around, then picked up the words directly:
"There is nothing wrong with the quality of this video, but the ass is a bit crooked.

Let me put it bluntly, the three views are not correct. "

These two simple sentences surprised the judges.

Everyone has actually noticed it, but they don't really want to wade into the muddy water, they are all waiting for the early bird to take the initiative to attract firepower.

But I didn't expect Luo Quan to be such an early bird, but it was in line with her temper.

"I don't quite understand what you mean." Zhao Yu, who made this short film, grinned.

"In the short film, you want to talk about women's rights, but what you make out of it is completely called Shuo women's laziness, money worship, and emotional irresponsibility. I think this kind of film is very bad."

Luo Quan's tone was calm, but the words were already very serious.

Just as Zhao Yu was about to refute, Luo Quan signaled that she hadn't finished speaking, and continued: "I have always felt that in addition to using stories to move the audience or stimulate the audience, Luo Quan can sometimes have some educational significance.

For example, shaping and correcting the three views, telling people what is right and what is wrong.

The director is the backbone of the whole movie. If the backbone is crooked, then the movie may also be crooked. "

"I don't think there is anything wrong with my thinking." Zhao Yu, who got the chance to speak, looked straight at Luo Quan.

The atmosphere seemed a little tense, and the judges next to him saw that something was wrong and were thinking about how to persuade them.

"Isn't this a big problem?" Luo Quan laughed angrily, "You say that the heroine works hard, but she just doesn't get reused, and she feels that society discriminates.

As for the plot you filmed, when other employees are working, the heroine is either on the phone or texting, or is messing with the president about those Mary Su plots.

What kind of company would value such employees?Will it give her a promotion?

There is also the relationship line, the heroine has a boyfriend, but she has never explained it when she is being chased by the scumbag president, she is obviously stepping on two boats, and finally said that women have to think carefully about their relationship, not blindly .

So, is this the way you're acting?

There are many other problems, so I won't mention them one by one. "

Luo Quan said a lot in one breath, with good reason and evidence. Obviously, he had already thought up the words when he watched the movie, which shows that the opinions are quite large.

"Then what do you think is the image of a real feminist, and what does it look like when you come to shoot it?" Zhao Yu was furious after being scolded by Luo Quan, and directly questioned Luo Quan.

That is to say, the variety show has a script, you can't let her tell Luo Quan if you can do it, otherwise she really wants Luo Quan to show her hand.

"Do you want to shoot again?" Luo Quan laughed, "Have you seen my "The Queen Wearing Chanel", and Andy is an example.

In order to get promoted, she works hard, does what she does and loves what she does.

Emotionally, there are so many temptations in the fashion industry, but I have never been deeply involved in them.

And in the end, she did not indulge in this world of money, and found her true heart.

I think this is what women's rights should be like, that is to use hard work in exchange for rewards, not just talking about getting, not talking about obligations. "

After speaking, the audience burst into applause.

Zhao Yu's face had already turned pale, and she wanted to refute, but if she continued, it would be making trouble for no reason.

Originally, she took this photo to attract fans of the group of female boxing fans on Weibo.

This kind of topic is inherently sensitive, even if she has a problem with the three views of the film, as long as the quality of the film is good, there will not be too much criticism.

It was proof that the judges didn't speak at the beginning, because everyone didn't want to get involved in this.

But I didn't expect that Luo Quan didn't believe this evil at all, and bluntly said that this was a wrong value, not only firing at her, but also at Weibo Female Boxing.

After all this has been said, how can she refute?

Without even saying thank you for the evaluation, Zhao Yu left the stage directly.

"Don't be angry, director Zhao Yu is young and energetic, and he was like this in the last issue, he had an argument with a guest." Director Wang Jing is generous and fat, and he also acts as a peacemaker.

"I'm not angry." Luo Quan spread his hands with a relaxed expression, "I've always been right about things and wrong about people, so I must point them out if there are any problems in the filming."

Luo Quan said this very frankly, because there is a problem with this problem.

The show continues with the third film.

A literary film, telling the story of an ordinary and fulfilling day in the city.

A little sad at the beginning, but a sweet ending at the end.

However, the means of expression in many places are very obscure, similar to the first movie of the variety show, and many scenes are inexplicable, and the audience can't understand it.

Director Wu replied directly on stage: "It's okay if you don't understand, because this is for people who can understand."

Kind of like the emperor's new clothes.

Several judges took turns to make evaluations, and generally there were mixed reviews.

When there are differences of opinion, there will naturally be disputes.

The first debate in this program: whether it is important to be easy to understand.

Director Wu’s point of view is that literary films are not popular art, just like those abstract paintings. There are many people who don’t understand it, but it doesn’t affect its value, because there will always be people who understand it.

It's the question of elegance and vulgarity again.

This is a common and sharp point of controversy in many artistic fields.

Luo Quan has said many times in music that she always wants to make music appealing to both refined and popular tastes, rather than deliberately deepening it.

The same goes for movies, of course.

So after others finished speaking, she asked Director Wu first:
"The literary films you make in the future will not be shown in theaters."

"Of course we have to, otherwise how can more people realize its value?" Director Wu replied without hesitation.

Luo Quan asked again: "The audience who was deceived by the trailer and the poster, can the ticket be refunded if they can't understand the movie?"

Director Wu was speechless, not knowing how to answer.

That's right, people read this trailer and thought it was quite interesting, but after reading it, they found that they couldn't understand it at all.

You bought an item that didn't meet your expectations and you can return it.

But if you watched a movie that didn't meet your expectations, can you get a refund?

Director Wu was stopped by the question, and his mouth moved for a long time, not knowing how to answer.

However, among the public judges, a film critic who supported him stood up and said: "Then there are so many bad domestic films that can't be refunded? It's a matter of willing to fight and willing to suffer."

"After watching a bad movie, fans will spray the director to the actors, and nail it to the pillar of shame with a score of two or three.

And you just need to say that this is a literary movie, and you just fooled it without trying to make it understandable to the public. Do you think it is reasonable?
Since you know that the public can't understand what you are shooting, why do you go to the public theater?Wouldn't it be better to have a private professional appreciation? "

Still a sharp rebuttal, still no one to refute.

Luo Quan took a breath and continued: "Theatrical movies, your first priority is to make the things you shoot understandable to most people, because you are a consumer product, and you have to be responsible for consumers. High quality is not an excuse.

Besides, making a movie is not about playing charades. It doesn't mean that the more unpredictable you make the film, the more connotative it will be.

In many domestic and foreign literary and artistic films, many metaphors are traceable and can be deduced, not like the emperor's new clothes, only those who understand can understand.

I think this is a problem that many domestic young artists need to face, not only movies, but also music and painting.

Of course, I'm talking about the kind that will be sold on the shelves. "

Luo Quan made two films and made two speeches, and what he said was definitely thought-provoking.

This made the entire recording of the variety show look a little different as a whole.

There were also debates in the first two issues, and they were quite heated.

Everyone pointed out the director's problem, extended it to the current situation of the entire Chinese film industry, and criticized it.

But after criticizing the problem, but not proposing a solution, not saying what should be done, this is what has always been true.

And Luo Quan quickly pointed out the problem and proposed a solution.

This is what she has brought to the show.

At the show, many veteran directors and film critics secretly nodded for her.

I can see so clearly at such a young age. No wonder I can make so many good movies.

This time, director Wu did not leave the meeting angrily like the previous director Zhao.

Instead, he expressed his gratitude to Luo Quan very solemnly, and also frankly stated his feelings and problems, and accepted the evaluation with an open mind.

Of course, I didn't say how to change it, I guess I still have some stubbornness in my heart.

But when it comes to art, anyone who has a heart is very stubborn.

It is understandable.

Soon, the fourth stubborn director appeared on stage, and it was Director Fei who had built up a huge momentum before the recording of the show.

The work he brought is a short film adapted from the famous book "Fortress Besieged".

After reading it, everyone was stunned.

This mirror movement technique and the light and shadow texture of the lens have made considerable progress compared with previous works.

The story is also told quite well, complete and dramatic, although it is a bit bland, but bland means that there will be no big mistakes.

There is no doubt that Fei Dao's adaptation is quite successful, and he can't find too many faults.

But Luo Quan came here today to find fault.

"There are no other problems, but this line is not good enough." Luo Quan mercilessly pointed at the center of the problem.

"If I remember correctly, the original "Fortress Besieged" tells the story of the last century, and the protagonist of your movie is obviously not dressed in modern times. Since you want to shoot a story from the last century, you still have to pay attention to the language. .

People's words in the short film are too modern, and there is a relatively large sense of disobedience. "

To be honest, Luo Quan is actually a bit nitpicking.

After all, this is an adaptation of a movie, and the words of the characters are not completely modern, but they don't have the feeling of the age, which belongs to flaws.

But Luo Quan feels that this affects the perception very much and is a major flaw.

Director Fei now had something to say, and responded directly: "I think the lines, if they were spoken as they were 100 years ago, might not be so easy to understand.

Besides, you haven't been to 100 years ago, how do you know what they said? "

"I have never been there, but I know that people 100 years ago would not use I go, Niu, as modal particles."

Luo Quan said with a smile, and the other judges also laughed.

This is indeed a slot, but it probably has something to do with the actor's spoken language, and Director Fei probably wasn't particularly careful when editing.

However, Director Fei was not stumped, but continued to ask: "According to what you said, it is correct to shoot ancient costume films as in ancient articles, and those who are full of knowledge are correct. Respect historical facts?"

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "You just said that wrongly, the old version of the four famous TV dramas, on the contrary, are very elegant in their lines, which is very in line with the language habits of people of that era.

Because classical Chinese has always been a written language, common people who speak like that still use more spoken language in their daily life, and dialects vary from region to region.

It's just that most of the costume films made now don't pay attention to this point, but quite a few still notice it. "

"I still can't agree that this has too much influence. Are lines that don't fit the times really that important?" Director Fei didn't think this was a problem, and he was still talking hard.

Luo Quan shook his head: "It really has a great influence. Every era has its background. Sometimes a simple line or two that fits the scene can clearly explain the background of the entire era, region, and even the characters. .”

"You do what you want, I may not have the ability to choose words and make sentences." Director Fei smiled helplessly, and said the sentence that the audience had been waiting for for a long time.

In order to match the effect of the program, there was a surprised expression in the audience.

The guests also became serious and looked at Luo Quan.

"Okay, I'll demonstrate. I'll use the scene from the movie "Farewell My Concubine" which is about to start filming." Luo Quan nodded and accepted the challenge.

The climax of the first half of this episode is here.

In the confrontation between Luo Quan and Fei Dao, it was impossible to say who would win or lose.

To really see the outcome, we have to see what kind of movie Luo Quan can make.

Can the so-called use of suitable language to show the background of the times really be so simple and effective?
Many people are skeptical.

(End of this chapter)

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