Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 629 Can't Wait

Chapter 629 Can't Wait
The first half of the variety show has been recorded here, and the next highlight will belong to Luo Quan. She has three days to shoot.

After the recording of the variety show, several guests who had disputes before had a new wave of communication, mainly to express that they were right and wrong, and they didn't mean to deliberately embarrass them, and they had the opportunity to cooperate together in the future.

This can be regarded as the routine of the show. After all, disputes are a feature of this variety show, but it is best not to bring them on stage. They are all insiders, so there is no need to be so ugly.

Of course, it's not without truth.

Luo Quan looked around and found that several producers came over and wanted to chat with her.

"Luo Quan, I'm the producer of Shuguang Films, and this is my business card."

A slightly fat woman handed Luo Quan's business card: "We have a lot of good scripts in our hands. If there is an opportunity, we can consider cooperating. It will definitely not be bad to invest in this one."

"I've been busy with a lot of tasks recently. I don't think I'll be free in a short time. Let's talk about it when I have a chance." Luo Quan accepted the business card, but apparently declined it in words.

But it's normal, after all, Luo Quan seldom takes on scenes with people he doesn't know, and he's only been Karan so far.

It's not that I think I look down on the big cards, the main reason is that I don't know the opponent's reputation, so I definitely can't take it rashly.

And the producer was very happy when he saw that Luo Quan took the business card, which meant he had completed the task.

Maybe it will be opened one day in the future?

But it was obvious that he thought too much, Luo Quan threw the business card into the drawer directly after returning home.

The reason why I didn't throw it directly in the trash can outside was because I was afraid that if it was found out, it would be easy to offend people.

As for the drawer thrown at home, there are already hundreds of business cards stuffed in it.

They were all given to her by attending various occasions and people.

Domestic and foreign, entertainment circles, business circles, literary circles, and even political circles. When she was bored, she even dug it out and sorted it out, feeling a bit like collecting stamps.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that none of the owners of these business cards has the need to make a phone call.

Today, there is another member in the drawer.

"I'm going to Hengdian tomorrow, and I'm ready to start shooting." Luo Quan sent Wen Xia a screenshot of the booked electronic ticket, asking her to pack her luggage.

"So urgent." Wen Xia was lying on the sofa drinking hot milk, completely unaware of this.

"You have to wait for a while for your role, but go to the set in advance to familiarize yourself with it and brew your emotions." Luo Quan said and sent Wen Xia a list, "There are quite a few bosses participating this time, you are the heroine, go It certainly pays off to be early."

"Jiang Wen, He You, Li Jun, Zhao Xilin...

I'll go, so many powerful factions! "

Wen Xia was stunned after reading the list.

She didn't expect that there were so many stars in this movie, and almost all of them were veterans.

Zhao Xilin, the youngest among them, is also widely recognized by the industry for his acting skills.

Ever since he became popular because of his wonderful performance in "The Queen Wearing Chanel", he has kept making film appointments, and the more he shoots, the more popular he is, and now he is almost at the level of a first-line star.

"I'll go. From this point of view, I seem to be the only traffic star." Wen Xia also became nervous at this time.

In the domestic environment, there will always be traffic stars in a big-investment movie, either small fresh meat or some small flowers.

Wen Xia felt that with her strength, the word "traffic star" must not cover her head.

But looking at it now, besides group acting, she is the one with the least seniority.

Luo Quan smiled and hugged Wen Xia's shoulders: "So you see how kind I am to you, I let you play the role of heroine."

"I'm really a little afraid of giving you a miscellaneous role." Wen Xia put down her phone, with a worried expression on her face.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. With a famous director like me, I can teach you even if you don't know how to act." Luo Quan patted his chest and assured Wen Xia.

Wen Xia shook her head: "Then I'm not that useless. I still know how to act, but I'm afraid of showing my timidity in front of these big guys. After all, the heroine has many rival scenes."

Luo Quan comforted: "It's okay, just act as you want, just keep a normal mind."

Originally, these were words of comfort to Wen Xia, but unexpectedly, Luo Quan really put them into action soon, but the target was not Wen Xia.

The next day, the family of seven flew to Hengdian Film and Television City in the south of the Yangtze River.

Originally, there were only Luo Quan and Wen Xia, but the other five said it was not fun at home, so they wanted to go with them.

Yoona and Junko Aiwei mainly went on a trip, and went to check in after getting off the plane.

Su Yu and Lan Xuan followed them to the set.

The production crew is scheduled to start today, and many crew members have already arrived in Hengdian.

This project is not an ordinary project. It belongs to the task of a national brand, and it must not be sloppy. Regardless of whether it is a big-name star or not, it is very important.

Besides, no matter how big your card is, it is bigger than Luo Quan and Jiang Wen?
Therefore, at noon, the staff had basically arrived. Luo Quan was wearing a down jacket and standing in the cold wind, asking the assistant director to count the number of people.

Not far away is the decoration before starting the machine.

It is a tradition in Chinese film studios to order animal sacrifices to worship gods before doing big things, hoping for smooth sailing.

"The people are basically all there, and there are two prop masters whose planes are delayed, and they will arrive in more than two hours." After counting the number of people, the assistant director reported to Luo Quan.

Because Luo Quan asked the big bosses that she was the only one in the crew who could make the decision in this filming, and could not have a second voice.

So for such an important project, the boss did not arrange other directors for her.

The assistant director hired veteran qualifications, but he didn't have any outstanding works done by himself, so he could only give Luo Quan a start.

"Don't wait for them, just turn on the phone."

Luo Quan nodded, and the assistant director waved his hand to signal everyone to come and worship God.

Kneeling and bowing, the right one is the king, relative and teacher of heaven and earth.

In order to get a job smoothly, they don't kneel down, everyone just bends down.

Although Luo Quan didn't like this kind of tradition, since it started, it should be finished seriously, so there was no expression during the whole process, and the ceremony was carried out in a rigid manner.

After the worship, the crew officially started.

Because he has to deal with variety shows, Luo Quan plans to start filming in the order of the plot.

The first ones to appear are the childhood stages of the leading actors. The performances are all child actors, and several of them are even directly drawn from opera families, and all of them have real kung fu.

Two of them were shy of strangers, but after seeing the director Luo Quan came over, they immediately felt a lot more relaxed, and they wanted to perform well in front of her and attract attention.

Sure enough, people are beautiful, and they also have status bonuses for those around them.

At the shooting scene, a group of bigwigs stuffed their hands into their sleeves, facing the script.

Zhao Xilin played Cheng Dieyi this time, and he was the first actor Luo Quan called.

He had studied opera, and he happened to be a dan role, so he had sung the famous part of "Farewell My Concubine", but he didn't remember the details very clearly, so he just practiced it.

Originally, he accepted the scene with the intention of returning favors, but after reading the script, he found that Boss Luo was indeed not an ordinary person.

As long as this movie is made according to the script, it will be a classic, even a masterpiece!
This is not asking him to return the favor, this is simply giving him another favor.

Zhao Xilin was so moved that he didn't know what to say to Luo Quan.

He is a big man, and it seems inappropriate to tell Luo Quan that he should make a promise with his body. He will probably be scolded and shameless.

But the other ways of repaying seemed to be nothing special, and I didn't know that they could show Luo Quan's sincerity.

In short, he accepted another favor from Luo Quan.

Among other things, just being able to play against so many old actors is already a worthwhile trip.

This side is playing against each other, and that side has already begun.

The first scene of the movie was originally the scene at the end.

Here it must be left at the end and then cut to the front.

In the first scene shot by Luoquan, Xifucheng troupe was performing on the street. A child in the troupe ran away. Because something went wrong in the performance, the troupe master was caught by the spectators, and later he was rescued by the big brother Duan Xiaolou.

In this scene, Cheng Dieyi also watched the whole process in his mother's arms, and also saw the "heroic" deeds of senior brother Duan Xiaolou's broken forehead.

The two protagonists meet under such circumstances.

Next, is the first small climax in the first act.

Cheng Dieyi is a boy, but his mother is a prostitute.

In a brothel, if the boy grows bigger, he will definitely not be able to keep it.

In desperation, Cheng Dieyi's mother could only bring him to the theater troupe, hoping to sell him to the troupe owner to find a way out.

The most difficult part of the play here is Cheng Dieyi's mother.

It is necessary to perform the life of a prostitute, as well as the reservedness of a mother, her love for her child, and her child's compromise when she is rejected.

Although it is only a minute or so long, there are really many twists and turns in it, and the difficulty is quite large.

Luo Quan told the bosses that an experienced actress is needed to play the role, and the age should not be particularly old.

The invited ones are indeed talented, and they are only 28 years old, but the actual effect of the performance, Luo Quan always feels that it is not interesting.

"Ka." Luo Quan sighed and called out Ka again.

This is already the sixth time. She didn't deliberately put pressure on the actors, but she really couldn't pass it like this.

"Director Luo, tell me again, I'm really..." The actor's name is Li Shuyun, and he is also a second-tier star in the industry.

I am not very old, but I have been filming for ten years, but I have never encountered a situation where the card was stuck six times just after turning on the machine.

"Sister Li, your body is still not stretched enough, you are holding it up too much." Luo Quan asked a question, "You still have eyes, can you be more charming?"

With that said, Luo Quan put down the microphone and walked directly into the camera: "Forget it, I will demonstrate again, you are paying attention to my movements and eyes.

In addition, don't be in a hurry, this movie is the task of the above, high requirements are the top priority, we must strive for excellence, and I am not deliberately making things difficult for everyone. "

"Understood!" Everyone responded, everyone knew what this filming was for, anyway, the salary was paid by the day.

And the director's personal demonstration also attracted the actors who were opposite to the scene next to him.

"The Silence of the Lambs" is world-renowned, and together with "Titanic", it is called the double wall of the 18-year film industry.

A love story that moves the world with a great and boundless love story.

One that rocked the world with a brilliant performance.

It is said that Jingying has planned to include Luo Quan's performance in the teaching materials, which shows how profound her acting skills are.

Although they are not bad at asking themselves, they can always get some new gains by watching more and learning more.

Although it was a demonstration, several cameras were still running at the scene.

Luo Quan has already taken off his coat and put on a spare costume.

Put warm baby, it is still warm.

When he came to the actor's station, Luo Quan took a deep breath, dripped some water under the bridge of his nose, and then gestured ok.

The assistant director raised the microphone and replaced Luo Quan's position: "Attention all units, action!"

Luo Quan entered the scene in a second.

"It's not that I can't afford it, it's that the boy can't keep it when he grows up, that's why I came to join you."

Luo Quan wiped away the water stains with one hand, and his tone gradually changed from excited and helpless to pleading: "You have to accept him anyway, as long as you accept him, you can do whatever you want."

After two sentences, Luo Quan showed another charming smile, and those eyes seemed to have hooks, which almost hooked people's souls.

The eyes are full of drama.

Or rather, it's all about charm.

This is the look in the eyes of a real prostitute, which is completely different from those artificial ones.

"Don't despise us~~"

Luo Quan softened his voice, left the bench with his buttocks, and knelt down on the ground softly.

Her figure twisted into a graceful S, her body limp and bony half leaning on the table foot, like a rootless duckweed, I really feel pity for it.

Although the expression on his face was still smiling, there was already a sadness between his brows.

As a mother, she has tried her best to get her child to be adopted.

Such a tragedy, but she still has to laugh and make up for her smile, which makes the scene even more sad.

However, it was such a wonderful performance that allowed Luo Quan to interpret this character vividly and thoroughly.

After watching Luo Quan's performance, He You touched his bald head and sighed: "I think this acting is fine."

"How can this not work, can it work at the queen level?" Jiang asked back.

"As expected of Luoluo." Wen Xia sighed in her heart.

She is about to act as a prostitute. In the past few days, she has imitated many times in the room, especially in terms of eyes and figure.

Originally, she thought that she had already imitated him very much, but compared with Luo Quan, it was completely superficial and she didn't care about it.

Look at this look, what is flattery?
A pure vixen, no wonder it was said in ancient times that a peerless beauty must bring disaster to the country and the people.

Wen Xia was completely convinced now, and at the same time secretly made up her mind that she must ask Luo Quan more about how to act in this special profession and how to act well.

It sounds weird for two women from good families to discuss this matter.

If Luo Quan knew about it, he would probably give her a headache.

The ten or so seconds of the scene passed in the blink of an eye. After Luo Quan stood up, he asked the actress to try to find a state again, and then started shooting again.

(End of this chapter)

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