Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 630 Unfinished

Chapter 630 Unfinished
It is definitely not that easy to master it just by reading it once. Not everyone has Luo Quan's ability to never forget.

Therefore, although Luo Quan performed a perfect demonstration, it took three shots to barely reach the standard she wanted.

Now, the other actors also know that the director's request is a bit high, but it's not unacceptable, just keep improving.

After all, the director's level is here, and she must hope that the actors can reach the best level.

However, the acting skills of the actors are high and low, and the high requirements are not realistic, so Luo Quan is only more serious about some important shots, and the requirements for other places are relaxed a lot.

This movie is nearly three hours long, if everything is true, it would take a year to finish filming.

She is not a certain director surnamed Wang, who has tossed a movie for three or four years.

Besides, even if she is willing to do this, in this fast-paced era, there are no celebrities who are willing to spend so much time with her.

The scene of the first act has been entangled in this part for quite a long time, and the first and second days are basically tossing this part.

Fortunately, the actors finally got the hang of it, and all the scenes were successfully completed, which can be regarded as not exceeding the requirements of the crew.

Luo Quan stayed up late at night to finish editing this part of the film, and took the original film to the variety show recording site the next day.

Following the plot of the previous episode, Director Fei and Luo Quan were at loggerheads over the lines of the movie, and finally Director Fei told Luo Quan that you can do what you want.

After three days of shooting, Luo Quan brought the movie back.

In the past three days, although a group of film critics didn't pay much attention to the show, they still knew about the launch of "Farewell My Concubine".

This is the largest film project in China right now, and it has included a large group of top people in the industry, including veteran actors, as well as movie kings like Jiang Wen and He You.

No matter how you look at it, it is the strongest production lineup of domestic films in recent years.

Even "Let the Bullets Fly", which has three film stars joining in, is much worse than it.

Of course, there are not uncommon examples of bad movies made with a strong lineup, and a group of unknown directors and actors can also make classics.

However, considering that the director of this movie is Luo Quan, the probability of a bad movie is relatively small.

It just so happens that today I will present the "Early Access Version" to everyone. A ten-minute clip is enough to judge whether the movie is good or bad.

According to the usual practice, before the film is shown, the director has to talk about the problems encountered in the creation and his mental journey.

Luo Quan had been prepared for a long time, and directly released the status problems encountered by Li Shuyun on the set, and there was also a scene of her personally performing a demonstration.

As soon as the actress-level acting skills were revealed, the audience at the recording site showed dumbfounded expressions, as they were already overwhelmed by her performance.

Just this simple demonstration makes everyone look forward to the upcoming movie.

After finishing the director's personal interview segment, the feature film finally begins.

The audience turned black, and the name of the movie first appeared on the big screen.

The four big characters of "Farewell My Concubine" were written with a vigorous ink brush, but at the beginning of the pen, you can see splashes of ink, which set off these four characters quite bleakly.

As if, this is not ink, but blood and tears.

There are not many people who feel this way, but this sensitivity is indeed quite good, and they have realized the true meaning of Luo Quan's calligraphy.

Soon, the movie begins.

At the beginning, there is a group portrait of people on the streets of the city. Judging from the clothes and some notices on the wall, this should be the period of the Republic of China.

In the crowd, a woman shuttled through the crowd with a child in her arms, as if she was looking for something.

At this time, a well-dressed man came up and grabbed the woman.

With just one sentence, all the audience understood the identity of the woman.

But today, the woman had no intention of doing business, so she pushed the man away impatiently, which also caused him to scold him "stinky bitch".

Pushing aside the crowd, the woman came to a folk opera troupe performance with her baby in her arms.

Amidst the sound of gongs and drums, the two protagonists of the movie met...

After 10 minutes, the movie ended with a group of children playing.

They overlooked the mountains and stood between the sky and the earth with their hips akimbo, as if they had infinite pride.

It was the overlord of Gaixia who was in jail.

At this point, the movie came to an abrupt end.

The lights came on, and there was an uproar in the audience.

Obviously, the audience hadn't recovered from their emotions. Many of them were fascinated by watching it, but suddenly stopped.

"That's it? What's next!" A producer stood up, remembering that he was not in a movie theater, but was filming a variety show, and quickly sat down again.

"The cowhide is really not for bragging." Director Wang Jing looked at Luo Quan's seat and sighed.

What a formidable young girl, this young girl's offensive power can already be compared with those of them who have been in the industry for decades, and she even faintly has the posture of winning.

In a few years, she might be the leader in China's film industry.


Director Fei was the first to speak. Everyone was immersed in the movie and didn't care about the previous dispute between the two.

But as the party involved, he couldn't help but care.

So he pays great attention to the lines of the movie.

The terminology in it is quite elegant, with all kinds of common sayings, allegorical sayings, dialects, and jargon emerging in endlessly, with a very positive taste, and there is no sense of disobedience.

It makes people feel that this is how people talked at that time.

The so-called art of language is probably like this.

This is actually a kind of intangible cultural heritage of China, but because it is too popular, it is not particularly valued.

However, Luo Quan has restored the language of that era very well, making people feel very enjoyable just listening to them, and it sounds comfortable.

It's amazing and powerful.

"I'm convinced. Director Luo really taught me a lesson this time." Director Fei bowed seriously to Luo Quan, "I really learned a lot. I used to think about the lines. It's too shallow."

"Not at all, not at all." Luo Quan was flattered to see Director Fei performing this great gift, "It's enough for everyone to learn together and make progress together."

It must be said in the scene, and it is already clear at a glance who learns from whom.

After Luo Quan showed his hand, he directly opened up a huge gap with most of the directors on the scene.

In the previous episodes, there have been more than a dozen movies shown, and none of them can fascinate all audiences like this one.

This is a work that can't pick out any thorns, technically and artistically there are no problems.

The acting skills of the actors, the director's mirroring and editing are all perfect.

This is probably what this variety show wants to find, the future of Chinese movies.

Originally, no one expected to find it on an entertainment-oriented variety show, but Luo Quan actually showed it, and it was beyond everyone's expectations on time.

The director of this variety show has a hunch that this episode will be the best in the whole variety show.

After the recording was over, the number of people who came to Luo Quan this time was three times more than before.

Most people asked questions about the movie "Farewell My Concubine". They were mainly concerned about the progress of the filming, whether there were any financial problems, whether there were any vacancies for actors, and whether the distribution was settled.

Anyway, as long as it is a profitable place, I have asked almost all of them.

Luo Quan also answered them one by one patiently.

As for whether there are still vacancies, Luo Quan can only say that there are no vacancies, and there is no shortage of money or popularity.

The implication is that don't stuff me with fresh meat, it's not bad for that traffic.

More than a dozen producers wanted to get a piece of the action and participate in the production of "Farewell My Concubine", but in the end all of them failed.

Luo Quan just came here to promote the movie this time, and didn't mean to attract investment.

Besides, this time she is only the director, and the producer is G Electronics, and it is not up to her to call the shots.

On the surface, Luo Quan is as gentle as a spring breeze, and he is willing to answer most of the questions.

But it's actually an iron bucket, and none of them can go further, which really annoys a kind of filmmaker.

But tonight is not without a little gain, at least I know that there is such a movie as "Farewell My Concubine", and I have seen its sample.

This will definitely be a good movie with a burst of word of mouth, as for the box office.

With so many stars, the word-of-mouth of the plot has exploded again, are you still worried about the box office?

Therefore, these profit-seeking businessmen will definitely not let go of a movie that is destined to sell well.

The only good news is that Luo Quan is not the producer of the film, so they still have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After all, in Huaxia, a society of human relations, the most important thing is to settle for a relationship.

When the relationship is in place, everything is easy to talk about.

Luo Quan is not clear about the twists and turns in the hearts of these producers.

After dealing with these producers who had more questions than reporters, Luo Quan returned to the hotel by car.

Opening the door, I saw Wen Xia and Su Yu applying facial masks on the sofa, and four white, tender and lovely feet were placed on the coffee table, swinging leisurely from side to side.

"Hey, I'm putting on this volcanic mask again." Luo Quan smiled when he saw the dark masks on their faces.

It is said to be a mask, but it is actually more like mud.

It is a new foreign skin care product, made of volcanic mud purification, strong absorption of skin magazines, to protect the skin and whiten the effect.

"Yeah, who has such good skin as yours, you don't even need to apply anything, and you can slip like a loach." Wen Xia opened her mouth slightly, and said in a strange way.

"Why do I feel that you are scolding me." Luo Quan walked over, put the bag on the sofa, picked up his mobile phone and called the hotel front desk to order food.

Tonight's dinner is her favorite fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowl.

"Have you eaten, do you want to order one too?" Luo Quan didn't hang up after ordering, but asked Wen Xia and Su Yu.

"No, eat early." The two shook their heads.

Soon, the star hotel version of fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowl was delivered.

The portion of the shredded pork is generous, but the taste is a bit too bland.

"This chef is not good enough, the taste is a bit bland." Luo Quan swallowed a big mouthful of dry rice stuck in the esophagus. It was delicious, but he still complained about the taste.

Su Yu laughed: "The boss's craftsmanship, in your eyes, is there any good chef?"

"You can't say that, some dishes should be made according to their taste.

The chef of this hotel guessed that for the sake of looking good, the seasoning was not clear enough, and the taste was not enough.

But some chefs understand very well that the most important thing in a dish is the taste, followed by the color. "Luo Quan said, and took another big mouthful.

I recorded the show all night, although I didn't say much, but I didn't dare to miss it.

After all, she is the "key focus" of the camera in this show, and she may suddenly have to pass a message to her, so she has always been highly concentrated.

After concentrating all night, I am really hungry now.

It only took less than 10 minutes, and Luo Quan ate up a large plate of fish-flavored shredded pork.

"Hey, you look quite interesting." Wen Xia held up her phone and smiled happily.

"You took another ugly photo of me, right?" Luo Quan hurriedly sat over to see what Wen Xia took again.

The photos Wen Xia took were not ugly.

It's a picture of Luo Quan taking a big mouthful of rice and wrapping it in his mouth to chew.

The two cheeks are full, like a cute frog.

Luo Quan was still staring blankly at the camera, not interested in being photographed by Wen Xia at all.

After all, holding up the mobile phone to browse the website is also the same posture.

"This is too cute, I didn't expect the boss to still be like this." Su Yu also poked his head over, looking as if his heart was about to melt, "Send me a piece, I want to make it wallpaper."

"The most beautiful thing in the world is like this. Everything you do is beautiful." Wen Xia sent a copy to Su Yu, and then set it as a wallpaper herself.

"You guys are enough, what's so good about eating a meal." Luo Quan felt relieved when he saw that it wasn't an ugly photo.

But speaking of it, if she hadn't done it on purpose with her current appearance, she probably wouldn't be able to take any ugly photos.

Or when you sneeze, your expression is uncontrollable, and you can take precious pictures.

"Speaking of which, Luo Luo, you don't seem to like taking photos of your life. Obviously, your usual appearance is not worse than when you cosplay deliberately. It's even quite refreshing. Why don't you take some photos?" Wen Xia was curious after setting up the wallpaper. asked this question.

Luo Quan smiled: "What's so good about taking life photos? Don't you just do it when I'm live broadcasting? Is it what it looks like in life? Before live broadcasting every day, isn't there a life photo every day?"

"That's true." Wen Xia put down her phone, looked up at the bedroom, "Lolo, the beds in this hotel are very big, shall we sleep together with a big quilt tonight?"

"Just don't snatch my quilt on the bed. I'm afraid of catching cold in winter." Luo Quan said, went into the bedroom to get his clothes, ready to take a bath.

"Hey, we're going to sleep together anyway, why not take a bath together, I think that pool is quite big." Wen Xia pulled Su Yu up, looking eager to try.

Su Yu is half a northerner, and he has been to the public bathhouses in the northeast many times, so there is no problem with them.

Where did Luo Quan have this kind of experience, he made a difficult mistake directly.

But when he was still hesitating, he was pushed into the bathroom by Wen Xia and Su Yu...

(End of this chapter)

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