Chapter 631
The hair dryer kept ringing, and Luo Quan held his long hair, letting the heat reach every corner of his hair.

This is the most troublesome time, especially for people like Luo Quan with a lot of hair volume, it takes several minutes to blow.

However, because Luo Quan didn't need to do hair care or anything, Luo Quan had the most hair volume, so he was the one who got it done first.

Although I thought about it before, it would be very convenient to cut a short hair.

However, I feel that long hair is indeed more beautiful, and I am not sure whether it can give people a refreshing feeling after cutting short hair.

So this idea can only be an idea, and there is no plan to implement it.

Fortunately, all she needs to take care of is her hair, and she doesn't need to worry about other aspects.

It was still early, Luo Quan turned on his mobile phone to check what hot news has been happening recently.

As an anchor who often broadcasts live and chats with netizens and fans, Luo Quan collects materials online every day.

Otherwise, you don't know anything about what is mentioned in the barrage, so how can you talk about it.

Anyway, she has quite a few forum apps both at home and abroad, so if she has nothing to do, she can take a look at the hot list.

Today's hot list has an entry that appears both at home and abroad, that is, a major stampede in Houston, the aerospace city of the United States.

The incident happened during the day, the United States exploded very early, and the news appeared in Huaxia at night.

The cause was that a well-known rapper in the United States used a series of coquettish operations to cause a stampede and squeeze accident at the scene because of his personal concert.

The current news is that nine people have died, more than 20 people have been seriously injured, and hundreds of people have received treatment.

This scale, no matter when it is a major accident.

When Luo Quan saw the word rapper, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that something happened to his younger brother, after all his fans are notoriously crazy.

But if you think about it carefully, there is no news about him doing a tour recently, so it must not be him.

When I opened the news, I found that it was another one.

She is also a well-known African-American rapper who had sent her a chorus invitation before, but Luo Quan declined.

After reading the cause and effect of the incident, Luo Quan can only say that it was caused by various problems, but the singer is very responsible.

First of all, before the solo concert started, he tweeted: "I hope that the fans I see will greet me with the most fanatical attitude."

Such extremely provocative words directly led to the frantic flock of fans into the venue after the concert began, regardless of whether they bought tickets or not. Many fans and security guards were pushed down by the crowd, and many people were injured at the time. .

The maximum capacity of this concert was 7 people, but there were at least [-] people who entered the venue at the time, which was far beyond the capacity limit. With so many people, it would be strange if nothing happened.

And just to make people feel very excited, there was already a stampede at the concert site, and when the ambulance appeared in the audience, the singer still didn't let everyone stop, and even took the lead in booing.

Obviously the medical staff came to the stage early to remind him, but he still insisted on finishing the concert, and it was delayed until more than an hour before the police intervened.

At this time, it was already too late, many audience members had already lost their breath, and the singer himself had already gone home to sleep at this time.

And when such a big incident happened, the singer even issued an apology statement after a few hours, and it was quite insincere, and there were quite a lot of blame-blame remarks.

Now in the United States, netizens have scolded him on Twitter.

Some people even raised a question: Is it necessary to hold large-scale concerts.

In other words, whether any artist is qualified to hold such a large concert.

Because some artists hold concerts solely for the sake of popularity and money, and do not consider safety issues at all. Not only the number of tickets sold has greatly exceeded the upper limit, but there are not enough security and medical personnel.

This kind of behavior is obviously irresponsible, and the United States seems to have no relevant bills to regulate it.

The stampede this time was too heavy, and it sounded the alarm for everyone, so now some people directly stood up and issued an appeal to restrict the concert, and they also got a lot of support.

Of course, there are also objections.

Opponents believe that concerts will help stimulate the local economy, and that not all concerts will cause accidents. It is just a matter of saying that accidents occur. It is not advisable to waste food because of choking, and diodes are even less advisable.

However, there is a turn off they are in favor of.

That is, not every artist is qualified to hold a super large concert.

Without such qualifications, morality is not coordinated, and troubles are easy to arise.

For example, the male singer who caused a catastrophe this time, as long as he has a higher quality, pays attention to the situation in the venue, and listens to the staff's persuasion, so many people will not die.

And he only cared about being hilarious, and he didn't show any sincerity of regret afterwards, obviously he didn't take it to heart.

In this case, netizens are naturally furious.

Not only were they insulted online, they even took to the streets for demonstrations.

This can be regarded as a traditional art in the United States. Public anger can be expressed directly and personally. Parades are much more useful than online.

There are two main demands of the parade. One is to punish the rapper, not only to pay for an apology, but also to block him.

If it is not handled in this way, it is not enough for the people to be angry.

The second is to restrict the large-scale gatherings such as concerts and music festivals held by artists. Before bidding, evaluate his qualifications, such as looking at his usual resume and artistic virtues.

A good behavior record is not necessarily a good person, but a person who is not even willing to pretend is definitely not a good person.

This appeal can be said to be the lifeblood of the majority of stars.

Unlike Chinese stars in variety shows, a considerable part of the big money earned by European and American stars comes from concert income.

For a large-scale concert, if the tickets are sold well, the price ranges from tens of billions to tens of millions.

The money came really fast.

If it is really because of this parade that the government introduces relevant restrictive bills, it will simply cut off everyone's money.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

What's more, concerts are not only the stars that can make money, but also involve quite a lot of interests.

Therefore, this demonstration is not destined to go smoothly.

After watching it, Luo Quan said that the concert was really not that easy to organize.

If her fans really go crazy, they probably won't be worse than the ones in the news. I don't know if she can hold everyone back if something like this happens.

A piece of news made her worry a little more.

However, as netizens said, it’s not okay to give up eating because of choking.

The concert will definitely still be held, but it must not be as hasty as most people.

After swiping his phone for a while, Luo Quan got up and poured a cup of hot milk.

She usually goes to bed early, but today she took a hot bath and felt no sleepiness after coming out.

As for Wen Xia and Su Yu, they both stayed up late for a long time, so the three girls went to bed late tonight.

Likewise, I wake up late the next day.

Luo Quan didn't open his eyes until ten o'clock, and he was the first one to open them.

I checked my phone, but no one called or sent a message.

The filming is scheduled for noon, so there is no need to rush.

Looking at the phone, there has been a promotion on Weibo about her performance in "Director, Please Get Ready".

The promotional clip is the moment when she argues with several directors.

Contradictions between people always attract a lot of attention, and it is really interesting for the majority of netizens to watch Luo Quan hate people.

Although Luo Quan is a beautiful girl, she has a tolerance for making trouble for no reason.

But she never used such unfair privileges for men.

She has always behaved quite rationally in speaking and doing things. When she was on the show, she never lost her temper. Her voice was always soft and intellectual, and she felt like the big sister next door was giving a lecture to the little brother next door.

However, although her voice is soft, it does not mean that what she said has no position.

On the contrary, every sentence of her is extremely logical, analyzing and thinking completely from a rational point of view, and there is no time for nonsense.

This can actually be seen from some clips released by current variety shows.

Although Luo Quan has always been the one who questioned her, but every time it was the director who was attacked, no audience or guests attacked her.

What does this mean?
Explain her point of view, most people agree with it.

Or, most people simply can't figure out how to refute it.

No matter what the situation is, Luo Quan's performance is quite impressive.

However, the highlight of this episode of the show is not Luo Quan's slander.

Some live viewers who recorded the show revealed in the comment area that Luo Quan presented the best work in the show during the You Go You Up segment.

It is also possible that it is the best variety show in the entire show, even though "Director Please Continue" has only filmed four episodes so far.

Such an evaluation immediately filled everyone's expectations.

No one would doubt Luo Quan's ability. Since the evaluation is so high, there is only one possibility, and that is that Luo Quan has released another masterpiece this time.

At the same time, some viewers with big mouths have leaked the name of the work.

It's not a leak, after all, it's not something that needs to be kept secret.

The words "Farewell My Concubine" soon became a hot topic of discussion both inside and outside the circle.

People who have seen it all say that this is a work that may be a god.

For those who haven't seen it, those who see these riddles really hate it.

If you want to say it, you can finish it. This kind of attitude of revealing half and hiding half is very tantalizing. .

Under such circumstances, everyone finally waited for the broadcast of the new episode of "Director, Please Get Ready" with great enthusiasm.

The first half of the variety show is naturally a scene where Luo Quan incarnates as Luo Dangdang, arguing with the guests.

Especially the female director, who was directly sprayed by Luo Quan and left the show, which can be called the most intense reaction in several episodes.

However, before the show was broadcast, this situation caused a lot of controversy. Some people felt that Luo Quan's words were very serious.

But at that time, everyone didn't know the cause and effect, so they were deceived.

For Luo Quan's more violent words, I think it is not particularly appropriate.

After the show was officially broadcast, everyone now knew why Luo Quan wanted to criticize this female director.

This Nima is purely trying to please a certain group of people with a movie. In his heart, he wants to provoke confrontation, and the director also wants to use this confrontation to gain a lot of related traffic.

This kind of behavior has never been mentioned before, so it is very popular.

It's just that when she met Luo Quan this time, she was never used to this kind of behavior.

Others didn't dare to say it, but Luo Quan didn't care about it at all, and left the meeting angrily by talking about the female director.

Of course, it is also possible to be ashamed.

But no matter what it is, it can be regarded as a mouthful of bad breath, and the audience on the screen are all called Luo Quan.

Facts have proved that Luo Quan is indeed not an unreasonable woman, no one is more reasonable than her.

The following scenes are similar, Luo Quan is still pointing out the director's problem, and at the same time giving a feasible solution.

It's just that the words are not as fierce as the female director just now, and seem much warmer.

Soon, the show reached the second half, which was Luoquan's one-man show.

First, Director Fei amazed all the audience with "Fortress Besieged", making everyone sigh that the stupid bird will finally fly one day.

Then Luo Quan thought that there was something wrong with the lines and that they were not rigorous enough.

The two sides were at loggerheads, so Director Fei told Luo Quan that you can do what you want.

In the program, it took three days before this segment was picked up.

However, after editing, only a few tens of seconds later, the screen has returned to the show.

At this time, Luo Quan had finished filming the film, and the problems encountered on the set were shown on the screen.

The place with the most barrage is the part where she guides the actresses, and the effect of the program can be called a burst.

"The acting skills are really amazing, Luo Quan's talent is really high."

"Just like the real thing."

"This look is simply ecstasy."

"I never thought that Luo Quan could be so seductive."

"The main reason is that people are beautiful, so try another tank?"


It can be seen that the public is quite satisfied with this performance and has been fascinated.

However, because the identity of Luo Quan's role is like this, being able to achieve such an effect shows that the acting is in place.

However, it may also be related to talent, maybe she is suitable for such a role?
Of course, these are just the thoughts in the hearts of the audience, and Luo Quan will definitely not bind the role to what he does.

After the small climax of this scene is over, the big climax comes next.

Luo Quan's works appeared in thousands of households, and the four characters of "Farewell My Concubine" were horizontally displayed in the center of the screen.

For the audience, the next ten or so minutes are both long and short.

They seem to have spent many years like the characters in the movie.

In the blink of an eye, the plot was interrupted.

"I'm going, no more?"

"It's just right!"

"This is the early access version, where can I watch the full version?"

"I've watched pirated copies all my life, but this time I really want to watch the original version, even if it costs ten times as much."

"I blew up Luo Quan's movie right away."

"I finally understand what it means to be the best solution for Chinese-language movies."

The barrage was full of compliments, almost boasting the movie to the sky

(End of this chapter)

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