Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 632 Expectation

Chapter 632 Expectation
ps. The previous chapter was harmonized and is applying for lifting the ban...


There will soon be related questions on Zhihu.

"How to evaluate "Farewell My Concubine""

This time, quite a few people in the industry appeared, and many of them were even familiar to netizens.

The collective appearance of these industry insiders is only because "Farewell My Concubine" has so much potential.

Although it's only 10 minutes, I can't even see a general plot line.

However, judging from the texture of the lens, as well as the acting skills and lines of the characters in it, you can know that this is a good film.

This is the intuition of a senior practitioner.

It is rare to see such a movie in China that makes people fall in love with it after seeing it.

Many people think that this may become a work like "The Silence of the Lambs" that leaves a huge imprint on the hearts of the people.

But judging from the initial plot, this may be about a forbidden love.

Anyone who is not blind can see that there is something wrong with the little relationship between Xiaodouzi and Xiaoshitou.

Especially one who grew up among women since he was a child, male and female, and after entering the troupe, he still sang Danjiao.

Director Luo Quan'an's thoughts were almost on the surface.

And this kind of forbidden love, under the historical background of China, usually does not end well.

Therefore, this may also be a love tragedy like "Titanic".

This is the judgment made by most film critics based on the currently known plot.

As the saying goes, people can look old at the age of three, and it actually makes sense when used in movies.

But for a doomed ending, how ups and downs Luo Quan can shoot it is what everyone looks forward to the most.

No one questioned her ability, the only concern was whether the content of this movie could pass the review.

After all, China is no better than foreign countries, and many places have relatively large restrictions.

However, I heard that this is a task arranged by the above. If the script is passed, it means that it can be screened, so there is no need to worry about it.

The popularity of "Farewell My Concubine" began to rise gradually on the whole network with the discussions among netizens.

Along with it, the popularity of Peking Opera has increased.

The reason for saying again is because Luo Quan has done similar things before.

Not long ago, she just posted a photo of her wearing costumes and makeup.

It caused quite a stir not only at home, but also abroad, which is a proper cultural export.

It is also because of her that many young people have begun to take the initiative to get in touch with Peking Opera, instead of passively listening to Peking Opera played by their grandparents.

Of course, compared with China's large population base, Luoquan's current efforts have not yet reached the point where Peking Opera has become popular, but it has only broadened the contact area of ​​young people.

But she is at least the only one among the stars with traffic who is willing to bring attention to Peking Opera.

Some celebrities obviously learned to sing before their debut, and received a lot of care.

As a result, after his debut, he didn't mention a word about the past, which is really chilling.

But there is no way, after all, the current popularity of Peking Opera in China is indeed not high.

In utilitarian terms, there is no enthusiasm to rub.

If Beijing opera was as popular as rap or the previous idol talent show, these stars would probably be eager to say something when they have nothing to do.

That's right.

Perhaps, "Farewell My Concubine" is an opportunity for Peking Opera to become popular.

Many people think so, but the specifics depend on Luo Quan's ability.

Filming continues, and after the children's chapter is over, it's time to be a teenager.

The actors invited are still drawn from the drama school. They must not only have acting skills, but also have a certain level of drama skills.

Especially the young Cheng Dieyi, whose appearance has to pass the test.

Although China claims to lack everything, it does not lack people.

However, Luo Quan also spent a lot of time in order to find a suitable role.

Generally speaking, when a director shoots this kind of deep and connotative film, he will be very meticulous, trying to make a picture express as much lens language as possible.

Therefore, the shooting speed of the metropolis will not be very fast, and it is common for a scene to toss for several hours.

For some directors, a scene can even be entangled for a week.

The type of film determines its shooting efficiency.

Literary films like "Farewell My Concubine" are destined to be unhappy.

The premise is that you don't meet Luo Quan.

Also as a director, when Jiang Wen made his debut, he actually made all literary films, and the average rating was one year, and the longest one took a year and a half.

It was also that one that made him win the Cannes Grand Prix.

For movies, he has always believed in the principle of slow work and careful work.

But when it comes to Luo Quan, all truth becomes bullshit.

In addition to the many NGs on the first day, the plot after Luo Quan was filmed so smoothly.

Although it has something to do with the high quality of the actors, after all, they are looking for the top domestic level, but it is not possible to shoot so fast.

I don't know, he thought it was a commercial film.

As a director, Jiang Wen was really worried about the quality of the film.

After nearly a week, Director Jiang Wen finally couldn't help questioning Luo Quan.

In private, of course.

His EQ is not that low, no matter how much he has to say, it is impossible to get it on the stage.

"Director Luo, isn't this movie shot a little too fast? I think it's up to you alone to make decisions about camera moves, lighting, and actors' positions, without any adjustments. You're so sure that it will be shot. must be the best angle and steps?"

Jiang Wen's questions were completely from the perspective of a director, and they were all professional questions.

For a one-and-a-half-hour movie, its material may be as long as five or six hours.

A shot may be taken from several angles, and the last one with the effect will be selected from among them for preservation during the final editing.

As for Luo Quan, only one shot was taken for almost every shot.

Jiang Wen, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, said that he has never seen such a filmmaker.

Even if it is a shoddy online micro-movie, it can't be done like this.

This is Luo Quan, with past achievements as a basis.

If it was a young man, he would probably lose his temper on the first day.

"Oh, you said that."

Hearing Jiang Wen's worries, Luo Quan smiled while drinking tea: "Before I make a movie, I go through all the steps in my mind, build a 3D stereoscopic model, and then make constant adjustments to finally come up with an optimal plan.

So for my movie, the plan I told the actors and crew is almost the best plan, and there is no need to make too many adjustments.

As long as the actors' acting skills and emotions are okay, and the crew does not make mistakes, the things I shoot can basically achieve the effect I want. "

"There is such a thing?" Jiang asked very surprised.

This is the first time I heard that a movie can be shot in my head first.

"That's how my song came about." Luo Quan stretched out his finger and poked his head, "Imagine the notes first, let them arrange and combine, and finally get what I want, and then do it overnight."

"You are this." Jiang Wen gave a thumbs up directly.

He had long heard that Luo Quan was a genius, but he always thought it meant a great talent in music or art.

Unexpectedly, this genius refers to superior brain power.

It is not just intelligence anymore, only the evolution of the brain can achieve such a function.

After dismissing director Jiang Wen, Luo Quan also heaved a sigh of relief.

What 3D models, in fact, all nonsense.

Although her mind is really good now, she has not yet reached the level of a supercomputer.

The above remarks are purely to answer the doubts of director Jiang Wen.

After all, this is a great director, and ordinary nonsense can't be perfunctory, so he can only do this kind of super-superior.

After all, it is not surprising that her current personality has unimaginable intelligence and some special skills.

In the final analysis, in fact, the past "records" are too brilliant to make people question his outrageous methods.

If a fledgling director were to tell Director Jiang Wen that he had such a shooting trick, he would have slapped him with a big mouth.

After solving the only person who would doubt him, Luo Quan pulled up his horsepower and continued to shoot.

"Farewell My Concubine" is similar to "The Silence of the Lambs". There are a lot of literary dramas, and the lines are memorized quickly, so the scenes are shot quickly.

Moreover, it will be considered as a film after shooting, and there are no special effects to be produced.

Judging from the current progress, "Farewell My Concubine" is quite likely to be released as a blockbuster for the Lunar New Year.

It's just that Chinese New Year pays attention to a celebration, and most of the movies released are family fun, or they are special effects blockbusters, which are addictive to the eyes.

This kind of "Frozen" is very good, and it also fits the occasion.

But for the Chinese New Year, if it is a family watching "Farewell My Concubine" such a human tragedy, I always feel a little bit reluctant.

Originally, everyone walked into the cinema happily, but in the end, tears came out, which is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

However, who makes the Lunar New Year file the hottest time period in the entire Chinese film market throughout the year.

Within half a month, it is the peak season, and those who want to hit the box office will be released during this time period.

Luo Quan really had no reason to refuse.

She feels that this movie deserves everyone to go to the cinema and be moved to tears, even during the Chinese New Year.

With this in mind, she didn't care about it anymore. When someone wants to make complaints, just make complaints. There will only be heat if there are disputes.

Although she is not the complete producer, she also has a lot of investment in the movie. When it is released, the Spring Water Company will also be at the forefront.

So this matter, she alone can decide.

certainly.Whether it can be done or not, we still have to discuss it with the big bosses in the bureau.

But there shouldn't be too many problems, after all, those bigwigs didn't go to the box office in the first place.

International influence is what they want.

It has been a long time since Huaxia Films has had no success in the international arena. If there is no news, the world will probably forget who the big boss of East Asia Entertainment is.

Although the outside world has always believed that Japan is the leader in entertainment in East Asia, South Korea is weaker and has a tendency to catch up.

As for Huaxia, there are almost never any disturbances.

But this kind of truth must not be told outside anyway, and it even needs to be proved by actual awards. We are still very good at this aspect.

And the confidence of the bosses lies in Luo Quan's "Farewell My Concubine".

Therefore, during Luoquan's filming period, the big bosses, including Director He, would send their secretaries to the scene to check the situation from time to time.

Ask if the progress is going well, if anyone is playing big names, or if you need help, just let me know if you need it.

Anyway, green light all the way.

Luo Quan doesn't have any special requirements here, it's not that he's embarrassed to ask, the main thing is that he has already prepared everything he needs now.

I just hope that when it is released in China, some scenes can be cut less.

For this promise, the bosses have not yet given an exact reply, saying that they will not be able to confirm until the film is released.

It is understandable to be more cautious.

In short, Luo Quan, who won the gold medal, also had no distractions during this time, and devoted himself to the filming of the movie.

Several leading actors also knew what this movie meant, and they all performed quite hard.

Especially Zhao Xilin, the actor of Cheng Dieyi, can often be seen reciting lines to himself on the set.

I watched it while I was eating, it was like being possessed.

But because of his hard work, his current state in the play is the Cheng Dieyi in Luo Quan's mind.

Compared with the original version, Zhao Xilin's appearance is more feminine and more indistinguishable.

Whether it's a boy or a girl or a girl, it's either ugly or beautiful.

Zhao Xilin is obviously the latter, which is also the reason why he was taken by that awesome director before.

In addition, he was born in Danjiao in his early years, so he is quite experienced in this area.

In the words of the brother at station B, this is a peerless seedling of a women's clothing boss.

It's just that Zhao Xilin has always been a man in private, acting is one thing, and reality is another.

But Luo Quan saw that he was faintly insane, and thought it would be better to remind him.

Don't get into the drama too deeply, and you can't extricate yourself, then the problem will be too big.

After one day's filming, Luo Quan found Zhao Xilin and asked him to stay and say that he had some scenes to explain.

When the people were almost gone, Luo Quan looked at Zhao Xilin and said, "During this time, you have been a little obsessed, and when I saw you, you were memorizing your lines and thinking about your role.

It's a good thing to be attentive, but you also need to be relaxed. Don't get into the drama too deeply. If you can't get out of the drama like Cheng Dieyi, the consequences will be troublesome. "

"That's why you left me here?" Zhao Xilin was taken aback for a moment, then laughed again:
"When I was learning to sing, my master taught me how to get into and out of a play.

When I enter the play, I have to be a woman, and when I go out, I have to be an upright man. The two must not be confused.

So I can still distinguish between fantasy and reality, so you don't have to worry too much.

Besides, if you want to play this role well, don't you have to use this state?

As the saying goes, if you are not crazy, you will not survive. "

"If that's the case, it's the last one. In short, don't go too far into the drama." Luo Quan nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xilin's thoughts were quite clear, but she was a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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