Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 633 Everything is ready

Chapter 633 Everything is ready
The filming was proceeding in an orderly manner, and when everyone was in the mood, Luo Quan's work became easier.

Because everyone knows her habits, every shooting is based on command actions, and everything becomes very efficient.

In addition, the actors are all capable, with very high savvy, and there is no such situation as playing big names and making the whole group wait for him, everything went very smoothly.

Apart from making movies, Luo Quan is not idle about other things.

"Azeroth" ushered in the end, Illidan pretended to surrender at the price of a pair of eyes, and finally cooperated with his brother Malfurion to defeat the plot of the villain Sargeras to destroy Azeroth.

However, Illidan was sentenced to 1 years in prison after he was discovered because of his possession of forbidden items.

The whole episode also ended in Illidan's eyes of hatred.

All in all, this is a great storyline and well-made work.

Although the plot doesn't make the players who substitute Illidan's perspective too cool, it is still unconventional in general, and most of the characters are flesh and blood, and the portrayal is quite in place.

The network score was finally fixed at around 9.5, which is a rare masterpiece.

And with the end of the first season of "Azeroth", everyone can't wait to urge the launch of the second season.

However, Luo Quan said on Twitter that the new "Azeroth" will not be released for the time being.

Because, this is originally a prequel, a prequel for the company's game, some of which let players understand the meaning of the game background.

The real big head is the large-scale MMORPG "World of Warcraft" that will be launched this year.

However, the cover of the game is a green-headed beast, which has never appeared in the animation.

Fans speculate that this should be another month of new races besides the night elves and the Burning Legion.

Judging by the ferocious and roaring appearance, it is estimated that it will not be a good thing.

Soon, Luoquan also released some settings related to the game.

This is a story that takes place 1 years after the War of the Ancients.

The protagonist of Azeroth has changed from a night elf to a human being, but one day, the door of darkness opened, and the green-skinned orcs that emerged from it invaded the world.

The war between the Alliance and the Horde is imminent.

No one knows how many people's teenage years will run through the two camps of the Alliance and the Horde.

I don't know how much youth and glory will be engraved in Stormwind City and Orgrimmar.

But now, this game has just opened a Twitter account, with only a few tens of thousands of fans.

However, Blizzard Studios, which has thousands of employees, has been producing at full speed.

After accumulating experience in "Final Fantasy", most of the veteran employees have become quite skilled in their craft.

Moreover, as an online game, "World of Warcraft" does not need to be made as exquisitely as a stand-alone game.

On the one hand, it is for regular and stable updates, and on the other hand, it is also for the sake of player configuration.

After all, not everyone has a top console that can play all games at 2k144hz.

If you want more people to play, you must optimize this part, and the picture quality should not be too high.

However, with the current performance of Unreal Engine, even the castrated version is much better than the current online games on the market.

The hottest ones right now are the 2D or 2.5D types like DNF and LOL.

The full 3D "World of Warcraft" will be a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Moreover, the three most important elements of an online game, production capacity, gameplay, and plot, were basically resolved when the project was first approved.

At present, Blizzard Studio is still recruiting people, and the production capacity is absolutely sufficient.

In terms of gameplay, all netizens are nothing more than that, fighting monsters and upgrading to high-end equipment.

Then use advanced equipment to fight more advanced monsters, and then explode higher equipment.

Wireless matryoshka is just that, ever-changing remains the same.

However, this mode has been tested by the market and is a very mature and highly playable gameplay.

People who like it, like it to death.

There is no need to worry about making it out and no one will play it.

As for the plot, this can be described as the soul of a role-playing netizen.

Without a good plot, it will be garbage after all.

If the picture is good, it is nothing more than carefully carved garbage.

Therefore, attractive plots and characters are the key to retaining users.

In this regard, there is no need to worry about "World of Warcraft".

Tens of millions of words can be written about its setting, history, and biographies.

Although Luo Quan has a lot of hands, he hasn't finished all of them yet.

This needs time to accumulate slowly, anyway, she has already rushed out the content of the first two expansion packs of "World of Warcraft".

As long as it is updated stably, you are not afraid of player content.

Although there is still some time before it goes online, Luo Quan has already seen the future of making money lying down.

Of course, she is not the only one who sees this future.

As the leader of the domestic game industry, Penguin has almost been in a monopoly position in recent years.

Hearing that Luoquan had such a good project, I communicated with her immediately.

If it is a small company, Penguin estimates that the first thing to do is to buy black materials to make a big hit, and then talk about acquisitions.

You can't do that to Luoquan, after all, the two sides have had such a pleasant... cooperation.

Not to mention feelings, there must be some friendship.

The first time, it must be an olive branch extended by Luo Quan.

On Luo Quan's side, there was no reason to refuse.

Penguins do have a bad reputation in the gaming world.

But for an online game, if it can get the login support of Penguin account, it will really help to explode.

In China, Penguin's channels crush all other manufacturers.

And its anti-cheat system and servers are also second to none.

Therefore, the domestic agent of "World of Warcraft", Penguin is the best candidate.

However, in view of the bad reputation accumulated in the past, if Penguin is allowed to operate according to the concept of its own game.

No matter how well "World of Warcraft" is done, it is estimated that they will not be able to escape the end of being scolded bloody.

Therefore, when Luo Quan agreed to let Penguin act as a domestic agent, he also made a request.

That is, the game's in-app purchases cannot have any props that can improve combat effectiveness.

And the game implements a point card system, and players spend money to buy time.

In addition, the content of the game is determined by the studio, and the penguin cannot be changed secretly.

The rules of the past few days have been set, which basically means that the control of the game is firmly in the hands.

Penguin is just an agent and has no control over the game itself.

Only with such a premise can the word-of-mouth of the game be guaranteed.

Although the conditions were harsh, Penguin knew Luo Quan's temper.

She has always been a very possessive person, and she likes to hold everything in her own hands.

It's quite a face-saving thing to let the penguin get involved, so I can't ask for more.

As long as the game can become popular, even if the market price is divided into [-] to [-]%, Penguin can still make a lot of money.

After all, they have a ready channel - Penguin.

On the day of the game's public beta, an advertisement was placed on Penguin Software, and more than [-]% of all Internet users were estimated to be able to get the news.

This monopoly-level publicity is indeed quite shameless, and it is all Penguin's own resources, so it doesn't need to spend any money at all.

There is a bit of an empty-handed white wolf, but who makes people have such capital.

Luo Quan needs this kind of channel, so he can only choose to cooperate, anyway, she will not suffer.

Of course, seeing that manager Zhou Yangwen was in a good mood when he was just talking about the next game business, Luo Quan also told him about Wen Xia.

It can be regarded as making it clear in advance for the friend list, and offending Penguin for her.

After hearing that Wen Xia's contract expired and would switch to the Spring Water Company, Zhou Yangwen was taken aback for a moment, but then said: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and if Wen Xia wants to leave, we will certainly not insist on staying.

As long as our two companies can maintain close cooperation in the future, it will be fine. "

Things went more smoothly than expected.

But it's actually not difficult to understand, after all, now that the country restricts talent shows, Wen Xia's biggest advantage is almost gone.

Although Girls' Generation is making money, it is impossible to maintain this state of national tour for a long time, and it has to be developed separately.

At that time, the value that Wen Xia can create will not be as high as expected.

If other companies forced him to stay, Penguin would definitely not let him go so easily.

But it's still the same sentence, after all, Luo Quan is opposite.

If she did it, it can still be forgiven.

Of course, it's not because she's so pretty.

The main reason is that the benefits she can bring to penguins are too great.

If you can get along well, why do you want to offend her?

Therefore, Zhou Yangwen, in the name of an executive and a good friend for many years, assured Luo Quan that he would never get stuck in Wenxia's contract, and he would not target him afterwards. Everyone is good to get together, and if there are good projects in the future, they will be given priority .

This must be the situation Luo Quan would like to see the most.

On the other hand, Luo Quan did not turn his face and continued to cooperate happily, which was naturally what Penguin wanted to see.

After all, what is the fate of making Luo Quan unhappy? A certain satellite TV has already interpreted it quite well.

Penguin has used so many Luo Quan's songs in variety shows and stages, it's hard to count.

If the copyright is lost one day, the loss will be too great.

Therefore, it is impossible to offend Luo Quan in any case without hurting Penguin.

What is the root of a penguin?
It's nothing more than instant messaging and social networking.

As for this, Luo Quan has no interest at all, so there is basically no conflict between the two.

At least, the "honeymoon period" between the two will continue.


The cold wind came, Luo Quan rubbed his head and took a deep breath.

"Excessive use of the brain is true." Luo Quan felt a little headache, and after rubbing his temples for a while, it relieved a lot.

There are quite a lot of busy things in the past few days. They are shooting movies, editing, and working on the studio.

In addition, Nikola's project has recently begun to take shape. It is said that a new type of car engine has been developed, and the loading test has begun, and it is progressing smoothly.

If nothing else, this year should be able to see the advent of new energy vehicles.

Although it is a bit later than Tesla, according to Nikola, his car will be more stable and safe.

And because this technology broke Tesla's monopoly in the market, the US government is also quite supportive of Nikola's cause.

I dare not say anything else, at least when Nikola cars are on the shelves, they will not be retaliated or maliciously competed by Tesla.

The government will try to create a level playing field for the two.

If Tesla does not play by the rules, then the United States naturally has antitrust laws to deal with them.

In the entertainment industry, Luo Quan can call the wind and shake the rain, but she has no experience in the business world, and her eyes are completely blind.

The reason is that she hired several business consultants at a high price, both at home and abroad, and she just wanted them to advise her.

Although it is really a headache to deal with these data, Luo Quan is extremely excited when she thinks that these will be the cornerstone of her business empire in the future.

When I was excited, I forgot the time, and didn't go to bed until after three o'clock last night.

It's also because I went to bed too late and woke up too early, so when the cold wind blows this morning, my head hurts a bit.

Fortunately, after noon, Luo Quan quickly fell asleep and didn't get up for lunch until 02:30 in the afternoon.

After returning to the cage after a good night's sleep, his mental state improved.

Keep working and try to get everything done before New Year's Eve.

The progress of filming was faster than she originally planned.

The crew is very professional, and there is no delay at all.

Unlike some production crews next door, they used public funds to shoot historical educational dramas, and wished that the plot that could be completed in three months would be dragged into six months.

Luoquan is also auctioning at public expense, but the speed is really much faster than all the peers.

Director He said that this is the model that Huaxia directors should learn from.

It is almost exactly the same as the words of GQT Qua Luoquan back then.

Heroes see the same thing?
Probably so, but Luo Quan felt that this kind of evaluation was somewhat offending.

The domestic director circle is slightly better than the entertainment circle, and there are still many capable people.

Regardless of whether it is an old-timer or a new director, he can still make a good movie occasionally.

As for character, since the director doesn't have many chances to appear on screen, it's really hard to comment.

Praising her like this is actually a bit of a generalization.

She is not enough to set an example and lead the entire Chinese film industry.

Of course, this is Luo Quan's current cognition.

After "Farewell My Concubine" is released, the situation will probably be different.

In the previous life, this movie was hailed as the pinnacle of Chinese movies.

The scores in all aspects are the highest among Chinese-language movies, and there are very few that can be compared with it.

In this life, Luo Quan doesn't know what height it can reach.

After all, in this world, there are still quite a few masterpieces of Chinese-language movies at the end of the last century.

From her point of view, there are quite a few works that are no worse than "Farewell My Concubine".

Unlike music, there are so many blanks for her to fill in.

The development of the film industry has always been very vigorous.

Of course, this does not mean that "Farewell My Concubine" is inferior to these movies.

After all, viewing a movie is a very subjective thing, and no one can predict how the film will be evaluated by all walks of life.

But what is certain is that with such a fast shooting speed, "Farewell My Concubine" has been confirmed to be released during the Spring Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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