Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 63 The Goddess of the People

Chapter 63 The Goddess of the People
Sure enough, Luo Quan was on the morning news of major TV stations in Japan early the next morning. Even TV Tokyo, for example, played the full video version of "Don't admit defeat" at the end of the show.

She and this song can be seen in almost every corner. The calls from various radio stations to order this song have never stopped, and the video has reached 2000 million online views.

Luoquan's Twitter followers also more than doubled from less than 200 million to 400 million and 20 overnight because of this song, and the pre-sale volume of "Rite of Coming of Age" also reached 200 million!

And this is just the second day after the song was released, and the Japanese government's publicity for this song and Luo Quan himself has just begun.

Almost overnight, all the supermarkets, shopping malls, convenience stores on the street and other crowded places were playing this song on a loop, literally everywhere.

At the end of all news programs, the full studio version of "Don't Give Up" will be played, and Luo Quan's encouragement to the Japanese people at the end of the video has become the favorite of netizens. In less than a few hours, this segment is less than 20 The second video was trending on Twitter.

Now the top five on Twitter are all Luo Quan, and no star has achieved such an achievement in recent years.

"No one would dislike such a girl, right?"

This is the number one topic on Twitter in Japan today.

Below the topic is the edited video, more than 10 people commented and liked it below.

"Being able to marry such a girl must have saved the galaxy in a previous life!"

"Her song and this cheering video have been my motivation to regain hope."

"Don't give up, everyone, don't let the spring water's encouragement to us!"

"So beautiful and kind, I declare her to be my goddess."

"You are too selfish, she should be the goddess of all of us, not only you!"

"Yes, she is a treasure of our Japanese people."

"It's a pity that she is a Chinese, how good she would be if she were Japanese..."

"It doesn't matter, it matters that she's singing for us now!"


The birth of the goddess is sometimes so sudden. A few days ago, she was just a super popular singer in the new century. Now she is directly promoted to the goddess. This span is really big.

However, the opinions of netizens this time were surprisingly unanimous. They all felt that Luo Quan was worthy of this title. The "minority" who always liked to sing against the public raised their hands in approval this time.

In this unreturnable pursuit, Luo Quan was gradually lifted to the top.

Soon, various TV stations struck while the iron was hot, and also carried out questionnaires about Luoquan on the streets.

When everything is improving, it is to use entertainment content that the public is interested in to divert social conflicts. When people are entertained again, the anguish of life will naturally be left behind. This is the best way to stimulate the economy. Printing money directly to save the market is too clever.

And Luo Quan definitely has such a degree of attention. Now she is the most popular woman in Japan. As long as she does not live in a place completely isolated from the world, there must be a way to know her existence and what she does.

And it's hard for people who know what she does to not like such a beautiful and loving girl.

In a street survey conducted by TV Tokyo, Luo Quan became the second most wanted person by the public, the first Japanese emperor.

On TV Asahi, a reporter interviewed nearly 500 people with the question "Do you like spring water?"

Luo Quan is the only star with a 100% love rate in Japan, followed by the famous Japanese director Ryosuke Shiramizu, whose love rate reached 500% in a sample of 90.00 people, but this world-renowned star The director has been dead for many years.

This level of enthusiasm, even Luo Quan himself did not expect.

She knew that this song would bring her a very high evaluation and goodwill from the public, but she didn't expect to be named a god directly. What's even more outrageous is that even the Japanese government participated in it and enjoyed it.

It can only be said that these officials are also working hard to save the stock market, and they spare no effort to promote themselves as foreigners.

It is also fortunate that she is not Korean. After all, the relationship between Japan and China can be said to be pretty good, but the relationship with South Korea is just like water and fire. If both countries have the same boss, I am afraid they would have fought long ago. .

It can only be said that the Japanese people are not particularly sensitive to Luo Quan's nationality, so Luo Quan, who has the right time and place, will become a goddess in one fell swoop.

Of course, Luo Quan would not naively think that she can do whatever she wants like another god in Japan, the Emperor. The Emperor must also obey the law, and her words and deeds need to be more cautious.

Now her personality is flawless, pure and kind. If there is a little bit of bad behavior, it means that the personality will completely collapse, and it will collapse to the end, so Luo Quan needs to pay more attention to his words and deeds than before.

Although the future life may be very limited, but at least for now Luo Quan is still very satisfied.Record sales have soared, and popularity has reached its peak. For a star, he is now at the pinnacle of his life. As long as he doesn't mess around, he may become a legend within a short time.

Three days later, the first batch of "Rites of Coming of Age" records, which were rush-produced overnight, finally released the first batch, which is 400 million copies.

The Japanese music industry is arguably eager for this album right now, as it's the one record most likely to break Japan's sales records.

On August 8, the long-awaited "Rite of Coming of Age" was finally put on the shelves in major music markets around the world, but it was said to be on the global shelves, but in fact there are only two versions in Japanese and Chinese.

The Korean market has basically been abandoned. Although Luo Quan's reputation has improved in Korea because of the quality of the songs, it is basically impossible to completely reverse it in a short period of time.

In terms of sales volume, South Korea can sell tens of thousands of copies, but this is not a matter for Sony executives.

On the other hand, although the popularity of Huaxia is high, there are not many people who are really willing to pay. .

So as soon as the album hit the shelves, the sales outside of Japan only contributed less than [-] copies, which can only be described as poor.

But in Japan, where the most high expectations are placed, the sales volume of "Rite of Coming of Age" on the first day of its release reached a terrifying 400 million!
That is, the first batch of printed records are all sold!

Except for the more than 200 million pre-sales that were sent directly, the remaining more than 100 million were distributed to various record retail stores in Tokyo. Often, the bosses had not put the records on the shelves, and the eager people rushed in to fight for them. snapped up.

Some of them saw the news of the release of Luoquan Records on TV, and some heard it on the radio. The efficiency of such a large-scale free publicity is several times that of Sony's publicity department.

Most of the people who come to the store are middle-aged people over the age of 30. They are the group with the highest spending power, and they are also the group most affected by social negative emotions.

It was Luo Quan's singing that made them regain their confidence and move forward. Whether it was to thank the goddess for her help, or to fully appreciate the goddess's singing voice, they all wanted to buy a record.

And this is just Tokyo, and now all of Japan are looking forward to Luo Quan's record.

Those who didn't buy the record complained on the Internet, accusing Sony of how it took so long to print such an order, and the person in charge should commit suicide in apology!
Seeing that the public reacted so understandingly, Sony immediately issued an apology as before, and arranged for all cooperative record printing factories to start operation. The second batch of printing volume will be 600 million copies!
If the second batch of records can be sold out, Luo Quan will become a legend in the history of Asian pop music.

(End of this chapter)

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