Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 64 Payday

Chapter 64 Payday

[Advanced task completed!

Reward optional star binding card × 3 (the duration of each card is one month)]
[Level up!The current level is popular all over the country (gold, Japan), and the upper limit of popularity has been raised to 60! ]
[Get the branch task - Almighty Queen, task introduction:

In addition to the voice, the real goddess should imprint her face on the movie screen, so that the world can admire your peerless elegance!

Mission requirements: Impress the audience in two consecutive films with box office exceeding one billion RMB.

Reward: appearance enhancement! ]
This is what Luoquan has gained these days. The number of Twitter followers exceeded 500 million, and the explosion of "Don't Give Up" made her popular all over the country in just a few days, and she still has a population of [-] million. East Asian power!

Although the three star binding cards obtained were useless for the time being, the sudden appearance of the branch task made Luo Quan very interested.

Completing the task can improve her appearance. This is much more than any limited-term celebrity binding card. Her current appearance is already the best in the world. I don’t know what it would be like to upgrade to a new level. Is it the legendary disaster for the country and the people? ?
Luo Quan said he was looking forward to it, but the conditions for completing this branch task were a bit harsh.

It is not clear how profound it is to impress the audience in a movie with a box office of more than one billion, and it has to be two consecutive films. It is very rare for an ordinary actress to have a movie with a box office of over one billion.

But anyway, this time the reward is no longer as vain as before, and Luo Quan is very satisfied with it.

As for the movie, there is no time limit for this person's task anyway, just look for it slowly, with her current reputation, I'm not afraid to find a good movie.

Because of a song, Japanese society has regained its vigor, and the stock market has experienced a substantial increase after falling for nearly ten days in a row, which was not predicted by all domestic and foreign experts.

The stock market fell into a mess before, and it was on the verge of a meltdown several times. Many financial experts said that Japan will repeat the mistakes of the past 20 years. After the dividends of information technology in the new era are gradually exhausted, a new round of economic crisis is about to break out.

But I didn't expect that Luo Quan's song would bring back the Japanese stock market that was on the verge of collapse, which is really legendary.

However, it is not very accurate to say that Luo Quan saved the Japanese stock market. What she saved should be those investors who fell into a pessimistic atmosphere, so that they stopped selling at low prices, and finally waited for the stock price to recover.

Another important reason is that the so-called Great Tokyo Earthquake that would sink the whole of Japan has not happened yet.

The three major earthquakes, just as the government said, broke out in three consecutive days because of a coincidence, and there is no connection whatsoever. The 9.5-magnitude earthquake is just nonsense. At present, human beings have no ability to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.

Rumors can only be rumors after all, no need for a wise man to break it, time will make it manifest by itself.

Under the influence of two factors, the Japanese people recovered their spirits and became more motivated than before because of Luo Quan's encouragement.

When "Don't admit defeat" was being sung enthusiastically all over Japan, several TV stations and official media wanted to interview Luo Quan, preparing to carry out the creation of gods to the end.

However, these invitations were all rejected by Luo Quan.

She knows her own position. The so-called God-creation is just because the Japanese government needs it. As long as she has value, she can always be a goddess, but this doesn't actually make much sense. Too much propaganda will make people feel bored sooner or later.

Moreover, Luo Quan actually didn't want to have too much relationship with the Japanese government.

Although she has a western face and is now in Japan, she is still an extremely pure Chinese from the root, and she will definitely return to China in the future, after all, that is her hometown.

So now this situation is already very good, if it is too involved, there may be some moths in the future.

Just when "Coming of Age" was in full swing, my mother, who had not called for nearly half a month, finally remembered to look for her.

The caller showed that the mother's current location was Tasmania, a place that Luoquan had never heard of before.

Later, I checked the information and found out that this island belongs to Australia and is a protected scenic spot. The facilities on the island are very primitive, and the network signal is randomly covered. Whether or not you can access the Internet depends on God’s mood. A phone call is the result of accumulating character for half a month.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Baby girl! Is there an earthquake in Japan? Are you alright now!"

The mother's voice was full of joy, and she was glad that her daughter was able to get through to her phone.

While moving, Luo Quan felt a little funny: "Mom, your news is too slow, the earthquake was ten days ago."

Luo Ni patted her chest: "I just connected to the Internet here. I called when I saw the earthquake in Japan, and didn't pay attention to the time."

Luo Quan smiled proudly: "Your daughter, I am doing well now, and she has become a goddess! By the way, how are you and your father?"

"I heard from you that day and went to see your dad..." Luo Ni suddenly stopped.

"and then?"

"I'm at his house now..." Luo Ni's voice sounded a little shy.

Luo Quan was speechless for a while, he was obviously in his forties, how could he be like a big girl.

"Hey, your dad is here, do you want to talk to him?"

Before Luo Quan could react, he heard Luo Ni say, "Do you want to have a word with Quanquan?"


A male voice came out of the phone, seemingly surprised.

Then he tentatively said to the phone: "Quanquan?"

"Dad." Luo Quan agreed very simply, but his tone was not as familiar as when he was talking to his mother just now.

"Are you used to living in Tokyo alone? Do you have enough money? If not, ask your mother to call you more."

I haven't seen each other for more than ten years, and there is really no good way to communicate with each other over the phone. Opening my mouth is to make money. If it was before, Luo Quan would be very happy to have such a cheerful father.

"I live with a friend, so you don't have to worry about money. I'm a singer now, and this record is selling well."

"Friends? Men and women?" Father Luo Quan seemed very nervous when he mentioned this topic. It seemed that even Neptune was very concerned about his daughter's private life.

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry: "Of course it's a girl, I'm the one."

"That's good." Father Luo Quan smiled awkwardly.

Then the two fell into silence, not knowing what to talk about for a while.

Luo Ni saw this, and hurried to call: "That's it for Quanquan. Mom will call you again in a few days. School is about to start, so you have to study hard."


The phone hangs up, and Luo Quan's contact with his mother is disconnected again.

(End of this chapter)

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