Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 65 Weibo Night

Chapter 65 Weibo Night
It is said that I am wholeheartedly preparing for the start of school and will not participate in any media activities, but in the end it is really fragrant.

On August 8, Luo Quan and Wen Xia were invited to Sina Weibo Night.

Every summer Sina hosts a Weibo Night at the end of the summer. Last year it was in Shanghai, and this year it was in Beijing.

Originally, Luo Quan didn't plan to go, but after thinking about it, Weibo is the king of domestic media traffic, and the attention of Weibo Night is also quite high, and those who can participate are all big stars.

Being able to participate this time shows that people still recognize her popularity and give her face. If she refuses like this, it will have some impact in the country in the future. Besides, Wen Xia is with her, so she finally decided to go together.

Junko, who has no invitation letter, can only stay at home pitifully, waiting for the two women to bring her some Chinese souvenirs as compensation.

The Weibo Night is held at the National Convention Center and starts at [-] pm.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia booked tickets two days in advance and arrived at Capital International Airport at 12:30 noon.

As soon as he walked out of the passenger passage, the gentle broadcasting female voice mixed with countless noises poured into Luo Quan's ears. Luo Quan was actually moved by this familiar Mandarin and this familiar Chinese character.

Luo Quan sighed softly: "After all, it's better to be at home."

"What's good?" Wen Xia turned her head in confusion.

"It's nothing..." Luo Quan shook his head, curious: "Why aren't fans coming to pick up the plane, I remember that fans would welcome the stars when they got off the plane. Is it because the two of us don't have enough seats?"

Wen Xia laughed: "Fans are not paparazzi, as long as the stars don't say anything, the ghost knows which flight you are on?"

Wearing sunglasses, the two women walked towards the exit with the flow of people while criticizing the contrived domestic stars.

Just two steps away, a large crowd rushed towards them.

"What are you doing, don't squeeze!" Wen Xia raised her hand to protect the face door, and hurriedly avoided both sides. Unexpectedly, a large group of people gathered around.

"What happened?" Luo Quan frowned, a little displeased in his tone.

These people are obviously not passengers, because this is a one-way passage that can only go in and out, and no one will squeeze in.

"Wang Yan! Wang Yan!"

"Yan Yan I love you!"

Several girls screamed the name of a certain female star, and their eyes turned to another exit, which was more crowded than Luo Quan and the others.

"This should be the star who revealed his whereabouts." Wen Xia pushed aside the crowd in front of her like a swim, but her strength as a girl was too small, and she was as powerless as a mayfly shaking a tree in the face of the crowd.

"Who is this Wang Yan, the battle is so big, there must be five or six hundred people in this large group!" Luo Quan was in a bad mood, his tone was a little rushed, and his voice was a little loud.

Facing the crowd, Wen Xia said helplessly: "A young actress, this year, there is an ancient costume palace fighting drama that is very popular, and it is a second-tier female star in China."

Luo Quan laughed: "Why didn't we pick up the plane? It turns out that we didn't disclose it to the fans on purpose, so it's fine."

"Who are you talking about?" A female fan beside Luo Quan turned her face and glared at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan was expressionless: "I didn't tell you, why are you so excited?"

"Wang Yan provoked you to provoke you, don't hurt if you don't like it, walk away silently!"

Are you still here with me for a meal circle quote?Luo Quan was immediately angry: "How can I go if you block the road for us? It's not good to pick up the plane outside the airport. It's inexplicable that Star Chaser is so righteous after chasing it here!"

"That's right, what bothers me the most is you SB star chasers, all TMs are looking for a pump!" An irritable old man behind Luo Quan directly sprayed, and other passengers also criticized.

However, fans don't seem to care about these accusations at all, and they still go their own way. The girl who was choking with Luo Quan even took out her mobile phone and pointed it at Luo Quan: "I am one of the hosts of Wang Yanchao's talk, you have the ability to say what you just said. Say it again, I guarantee you will be on the hot search tonight!"

Facing the camera, Luo Quan was not at all frightened: "What if I say it ten times?! I didn't reveal it to fans on purpose, can you know her whereabouts?
Besides, even if you want to chase stars, can't you just walk quietly? You have to yell at the Eight Great Families to block the road. Do you really think that shouting loudly will show that your star is popular? "

The female fan did not change her face: "Did you dare to take off your sunglasses? What's the point of being secretive?"

"I see you people chasing stars are really stunned." Luo Quan smirked, "Why, you take off your sunglasses, what do you think of human flesh?"

"I'm just curious about the face of a person like Zhang you. You're so bitter and mean, your true face must be invisible, otherwise why would you wear sunglasses in the daytime?"

Wen Xia and Luo Quan looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

For people with such clear brain circuits, it is simply not feasible to reason with them with normal thinking.

"I won't be able to walk anyway, so I'll play with you." Luo Quan said, taking off his sunglasses.

Usually Luo Quan never regards his appearance as a capital to show off, but today must be an exception: "I don't know that my face is not worth seeing?"

The female fan just held up the phone and didn't speak.

The fans next to him shouted: "What if you are a foreigner? This is Huaxia, and our Chinese stars will get your foreigners to make irresponsible remarks?"

"It seems that you are not useless. At least you are worthy of praise in terms of patriotism, but you should be scolded for causing crowding in public places for no reason." Luo Quan said, pulling out his ID card from his satchel, "Also, I am People from China who are rooted in Miaohong, don't use any nationality to oppress me!"

At this moment, the fans had nothing to say, and the super talk host had to put away the phone angrily and turned his head away.

Luo Quan put on the sunglasses again, and was a little puzzled, but no one recognized her. It stands to reason that she should be highly recognizable by her appearance. It seems that she overestimated her popularity in China.

Think about it too, in a big country of 14 billion, how can everyone know a new female singer with a foreign face?

After a while, a group of bodyguards in black came out of the passage. These tall and strong men easily separated the crowded crowd in front of them, and the fans also cooperated and took the initiative to move out.

Surrounded by a group of bodyguards and agents, Wang Yan, wearing a mask, walked out of the passage with her head lowered, fans called to her, and the paparazzi hidden in the crowd also aimed the camera at her.

With Wang Yan's departure, the crowd of people gradually dissipated, and the entire passage returned to normal.

"Which super talk host dares to pick me up in the future, I will definitely dismiss her!" Looking at the group of crazy fans, Luo Quan swears fiercely with his waist on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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