Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 636 "Farewell My Concubine"

Chapter 636 "Farewell My Concubine"

Two parts, two looks.

In the front is the wanton heroine, and in the back is the glamorous and enchanting leader.

They are all extremely distinctive symbols in Chinese martial arts culture.

In addition, "Mingyue Tianya", as the accompanying song of the video, is also full of chivalry.

The lyrics and accompaniment are not perfect, but they are also unique. It is enough to use them directly as opening and ending songs for martial arts TV dramas.

Fans are quite satisfied with this cosplay.

Especially for Luoquan's image of the oriental leader.

When Luo Quan was a minor, everyone thought she was suitable for a sunny and pure style.

But who would have thought that in just two years, she would undergo such a big change from her appearance to her figure.

From the innocent little girl next door to a mature and charming big sister.

Moreover, it is also unique in playing strong women.

To put it simply, now Luoquan is very suitable for pure desire.

Of course, Luo Quan has the final say on what style is suitable for her and what kind of look she should make.

In order to satisfy fans' desire for photos, most of her looks can actually be controlled.

But in real life, she feels that she is not what fans are familiar with.

If I have to say it, it should be decadent style is more appropriate.

After all, the life she most wishes to live is nothing but sleep and food every day.

She is currently working hard towards this kind of life.

Last year must have been busy, and I couldn't be decadent if I wanted to.

As for this year, Luo Quan decided not to take on so many tasks for himself. He just finished filming the two films at hand and added "Resident Evil 2", and it was over.

For some movies, it is not necessary for her to do it herself. It is actually possible to ask a senior director to take the test for her to come up with the script and pay attention to the details.

In this case, the artists in the company will not worry about lack of resources.

That's the tentative plan, but Luo Quan also understands that it's not realistic to want to keep relaxing forever.

If you don't look for things to do, things will come to you by themselves.

Like that Karan who asked her to do the movie before.

Although Luo Quan knew what she was planning to come to him for, the way she blushed and her heart beat, and that look in her eyes.

I am afraid that only the blind man does not know what Karan is thinking.

It was nothing more than wanting to chase her, but just like Senior Jing Gong, he was afraid that he would not have a chance to be friends if he confessed his love, so he casually made an excuse to ask her to make a movie to get closer.

It's just that I didn't expect that I found an excuse, but in the end I couldn't get close to success.

Anyway, Luo Quan made it clear from the very beginning, only talking about work, not about relationship.

It's okay to make a movie, the price is enough, and I can't refuse you with your identity and background.

But if you want to go one step further, sorry.

Fortunately, Karan is also very knowledgeable. Since the last time we met, I haven't looked for her in this period of time, and I guess I know it's useless.

In short, in the future there will definitely be similar officials and eunuchs who approach her with various excuses.

Especially as she grew up and her career took off.

What she needs to consider is how to reject these people one by one without tearing her face.

Of course, these are things that will happen in the future, after all, she is currently in China.

Since the incident with the eldest son of the Huang family, there should be few second and third generations in Huaxia who dare to provoke her. Don't fail to embrace the beauty at that time, but ruin the family by yourself...

"Wow, this time is really extravagant, I just booked it out."

In the luxury box of a movie theater in Shanghai, three women walked in with their arms full of snacks.

Luo Quan looked at the surrounding environment and sighed.

"Farewell My Concubine" will be screened soon, and today they rented a box at a high price, and the three of them occupied a room that could accommodate more than ten people.

Wen Xia laughed: "It's Chinese New Year, it's not too much to be extravagant once in a while."

The three women are not usually extravagant and wasteful people, and the clothes and jewelry they wear are all given by the endorsement brand.

Wen Xia used to like to collect limited-edition clothing from various brands, but since Luo Quan gave her a whole wardrobe, this hobby seemed to be satisfied instantly, and she became less enthusiastic.

This kind of collecting addiction is actually the same as playing a stand-alone game.

At the beginning, there was nothing, achievements and props had to be collected, and the difficulty was not low.

But as long as one is completed, there will be a sense of accomplishment.

However, Luo Quan's actions were tantamount to directly setting up a modifier for Wen Xia, allowing her to pass the level in an instant.

It will definitely be exciting for a while at the beginning, but once this exciting period is over, emptiness and boredom will gradually come to mind.

And in the absence of alternatives, all desires will weaken.

This is also the reason why Wen Xia doesn't like to spend money very much, because there is really nothing to buy.

But this time, it was even better that Luoquan and Su Yu were all together, and the movie he was watching this time was also starring in, so Wen Xia was extravagant once, paying a lot of money to book a box on the day of the premiere.

As soon as she and Luo Quan finished attending the premiere, she and Su Yu came to the theater and walked through the VIP channel to bypass the crowd.

As the most popular movie in the Spring Festival this year, "Farewell My Concubine" was already full of topics before it was released.

As a great tragedy, the courage to dare to release it in the Spring Festival file is commendable, and it also makes people look forward to its next performance.

Therefore, when the movie premiered today, there were crowds of people outside the major movie theaters, and the grand occasion was far higher than in previous years.

However, part of it was aimed at "The Wandering Earth". After a few days of word-of-mouth fermentation, this domestic blockbuster has completely become a hit.

The audience's enthusiasm for watching movies is not inferior to the original "Wolf Warrior 2".

And the main theme of this film is far less intense than "Wolf Warrior 2".

If "Wolf Warrior 2" has the above-mentioned reasons for all units to watch it, then "Flowing Earth" is entirely because fans want to go to the theater, simply because of Wu Jin and the quality of the film.

As for "Farewell My Concubine", there are too many factors.

Luo Quan, Jiang Wen, and He You are all synonymous with well-known and high-quality works in the film industry.

Just by hearing the name, you can guess that this is a good movie.

What's more, the early access version is so amazing.

Many film critics said that this may be the best Chinese film since the new century.

And many movie fans walked into the cinema with the intention of witnessing the best movie.

After the time reached zero, all the lights in the luxury box were turned off.

The three women chose a comfortable position, lying on the seat, watching the big screen while grabbing potato chips.

At the beginning of the film this time, Luo Quan changed his tone.

It was a neutral white letter on a black background before, but this time it is a dark red letter on a black background.

The words "Farewell My Concubine" seem to be splashed with blood, and it looks really scary.

At the beginning of the film, there are also some changes from the previous preemptive version.

The first scene is Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi wearing costumes, walking into the dim theater.

As soon as I came in, I was stopped by the theatergoers.

After some conversation, I found out that the brothers and sisters hadn't sung in an opera for more than ten years.

And the reason was all because of a man-made disaster.

In the movie, some nouns are spoken very straightforwardly.

Many movie fans widened their eyes when they saw it, thinking that it was only on such a large scale from the beginning.

It seems that this movie is really covered by someone, and it can pass the review.

Then, will it continue to be high-energy?
The answer is no, the recall phase ends quickly.

The feature film starts from the childhood of the two protagonists.

The content is not much different from the previous early access version, which is equivalent to watching it again.

For many viewers, this part of the plot is almost familiar.

During the period of waiting for the release of "Farewell My Concubine", they watched the ten-minute clips repeatedly to pass the emptiness caused by waiting for two hundred.

However, for those viewers who have not watched the early access version, just this paragraph of content has already made their eyes straight.

There is no explosive point in the content, but it is able to immerse people in it with the story and the performance of the actors.

This is the texture of an excellent movie. In the shoddy movies currently on the market, you can't feel this kind of feeling anyway.

Soon, the plot of the movie came to a new stage.

The troupe children grew up and became teenagers.

Cheng Dieyi also appeared more and more handsome. Although his head was shaved, his eyebrows and eyes were still so gentle and pleasant.

And here at the beginning, it was the scene where she kept reciting the lines of "Night Run" wrongly, and was beaten on the palm of her hand.

There are obviously no problems in the front, but I made a mistake in the most important sentence.

"I was originally a man, not a girl."

Cheng Dieyi's eyes were full of tears, even in the face of repeated corrections and punishments by the play master, he still emphasized that he was originally a man.

But what is to be sung in the play is the opposite.

And Cheng Dieyi didn't carry the cloth down, this was his last bit of stubbornness about his gender perception.

Growing up surrounded by women made him confused.

After entering the opera troupe, he sang Danjiao again, and this confusion gradually deepened.

Now, he can only use this sentence to remind him of his identity.

But this stubbornness didn't last long.

The theater troupe always had to perform on stage, and soon the big man came to the theater troupe to look for newcomers.

He fell in love with Cheng Dieyi at a glance, and then clicked on a script at random, which was "Night Run" which was most likely to cause problems.

Sure enough, Cheng Dieyi recited it wrong.

But this time, he was completely used to it, and it could be seen from his astonished expression that it was not his intention.

But there is only one chance, and his own mistakes ruined the efforts of the entire theater troupe.

At this moment, the elder brother who hated iron and steel held him down, and stabbed him in the mouth with a joystick as a punishment.

It was at this moment that he changed.

The female Jiao'e's Cheng Dieyi finally overwhelmed the man's Cheng Dieyi and gained the upper hand.

He seemed to have a sudden realization, walking with firm steps and reciting skillful lines, everything was so natural.

This kind of performance also made the master change his mind.

However, no one expected that the important person whom the two brothers and sisters were brought to meet turned out to be an eunuch from the previous dynasty.

A very perverted eunuch.

It was also today that Cheng Dieyi completely changed from a man to a woman psychologically.

The movie doesn't say exactly what happened to him, but in fact everything is very clear.

The screen changed again, it was already many years later.

At this time, Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi have become corners.

Duan Xiaolou is tall and majestic, mighty and heroic.

Cheng Dieyi is thin, gentle and beautiful.

The two's Farewell My Concubine was the most famous one in the entire capital's Liyuan.

However, the ill-fated fate of the two had just begun.

When the war came, the appearance of Juxian caused a rift between the two brothers.

Fourth Master Yuan added fuel to the fire.

However, after all, the two have been in love for many years, and Cheng Dieyi still has a special relationship, so even though they are facing many obstacles, even their lives are in danger.

In the end, I still supported each other with my seniors and survived until the end of the war.

But unexpectedly, the second crisis came from the Chinese.

The one whose life was in danger before was the senior brother, but this time the one who was arrested and tried was replaced by Cheng Dieyi

And Duan Xiaolou didn't flinch, he ran around for his junior and younger brother, and even took out his sword to ask Yuan Siye for help.

This time, the crisis was overcome safely in Yuan Siye's impassioned speech.

That sentence: Anyone with a little common sense of Chinese culture understands that Peony Garden is the most quintessential Chinese drama culture, why it has become an obscene song in the mouth of the prosecutor.

How domineering to speak out.

Countless audiences couldn't help but applaud for it.

It's a pity that Juxian's child is gone in this crisis.

There was a complete crack in the relationship between the three of them, which also paved the way for a future break.

Soon, the climax of the plot came.

This is the last crisis, it is the brew of the times, and it is also a proof that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters is no longer what it used to be.

At the same time, it also symbolizes the decline of Peking Opera.

Just like what Cheng Dieyi said when he was pointed out by thousands of people:
This overlord has kneeled down, can Peking Opera survive?

In that environment, everyone's spirits were broken.

Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi started to attack each other, Cheng Dieyi even told about Juxian being a prostitute, and Duan Xiaolou, as a husband, just kept blaming his wife, and everyone became strangers.

After the chaos was over, Cheng Dieyi sat on the road, looking forward with a haggard face, his beautiful face looked so old and ugly.

But it's heartbreaking.

What is even more distressing is that Juxian, who was betrayed by the two lovers, hanged herself.

She couldn't accept her husband's betrayal, nor could she accept her husband's junior brother's betrayal.

This is her only living relative, and at that moment, there is no hope in her life.

The movie is almost over here.

The scene continued from the beginning. The two wore costumes and came to the stage for rehearsal.

It was their best Farewell My Concubine.

But this time, Cheng Dieyi was holding a real sword.

Amidst Duan Xiaolou's terrified shouts, Cheng Dieyi swung his sword in front of the Overlord, like the Concubine Yu in Gaixia, and committed suicide.

The movie was frozen at this scene, and the audience in the movie theater seemed to be frozen, and no one moved for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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