Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 637 The pinnacle of work

Chapter 637 The pinnacle of work
Shock, sorrow, regret, surprise.

The audience at this time had mixed feelings.

I originally thought that after going through so many disasters and going through so many things, I once again stood on the stage to sing.

At this point, the story can end, it's not perfect, at least everyone can accept it.

However, I didn't expect Cheng Dieyi to choose to commit suicide and become the real Concubine Yu once.

Or maybe the audience has already guessed the ending, but they still have expectations in their hearts.

However, Luo Quan still violated the promise she personally made at the beginning and offered such an ending.

She once said: She doesn't like tragic endings, and she hates deliberately making the protagonist experience unnecessary ups and downs for the sake of tragedy.

But "Farewell My Concubine" filmed this time was a complete tragedy.

But I have to say that this tragedy is indeed wonderful and unforgettable.

This can be seen from the tears in the eyes of many audience members in the theater.

And nothing made everyone cry more than Cheng Dieyi.

And Cheng Dieyi is the one that everyone admires the most.

The master told him when he was a child that people have to perfect themselves by themselves.

This principle of life has also run through his life, and in the end he even practiced it with his life.


Wen Xia and Su Yu were holding tissues in their hands, and they were already crying like pear blossoms and rain.

Although they all knew what the final ending of the movie was, they still couldn't help but want to cry a lot after watching it.

There is a saying that goes like this: Tragedy is the smashing of beautiful things for others to see.

In Cheng Dieyi, it is perfectly reflected.

In fact, they couldn't bear it any longer since Juxian hanged himself, until Cheng Dieyi committed suicide, and finally couldn't help crying.

Girls are all emotional, and they will always become more emotional after empathizing with the characters.

Luo Quan just looked at them and didn't persuade them anything, it will be fine after a while.

She herself didn't have any big emotional fluctuations. After all, she had watched the movie N many times from shooting to editing.

Coupled with the original version of the previous life, don't be too familiar with it.

No matter how touching the plot is, there is a threshold, and Luo Quan has already passed this threshold.

After crying for a few minutes, Wen Xia and Su Yu calmed down a bit. Everyone picked up tissues and leftover food bags and left the cinema.

The two sisters calmed down, but the entire Internet became agitated because of "Farewell My Concubine".

Everyone who watched the movie seemed to have countless things Huaxia wanted to say in their hearts.

In reality, I didn't know who to talk to for a while, so I posted it all on the Internet.

"Farewell My Concubine!"

Related topics quickly rushed to the top of the hot search, and the comment area appeared for the first time, and the audience and film critics applauded the scene.

"Why does Dieyi have to die? He is so pitiful, can't we give him a good ending?"

"If it's a happy ending, then it can't be called Farewell My Concubine."

"Indeed, this play is a tragedy, just like Dieyi's own life."

"It's a tragedy of that era."

"The movie is very long, but there is no urine point, ups and downs, and conflicts one after another. It feels more enjoyable to me than watching a blockbuster special effects movie!"

"I declare that this is the best for this year's Spring Festival, and I don't accept rebuttals."


Compared with the relatively short words on Weibo, everyone in Zhihu prefers long speeches.

However, my central idea has not changed much, and it is mainly based on Kualuo Spring.

"How would you rate the movie "Farewell My Concubine"?"

Gao Zan answered directly that the rainbow has blossomed:
"This is the most exciting movie in the past 20 years, from the picture, the plot to the acting, it is completely impeccable.

This is a great tragedy, and it also shows the style of the last century.

There is no blackening or beautification of any place, and it is almost shown in a line drawing.

Of course, this is a movie after all, not a documentary, so many details are not fully reflected, but this is not even a flaw.

Because it is only about a few characters, love and hatred in the background of that era, there is no need to experience the main theme of family and country feelings.

Where it should be done, "Farewell My Concubine" does it perfectly.

In other words, Luo Quan achieved perfection, just like her appearance.

Yes, after going around in such a big circle, what I want to praise is actually Luo Quan.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a genius, who can shoot such an amazing work. Among the new generation of Chinese directors, "Farewell My Concubine" is already the leader.

Moreover, she still has two films to shoot, and it is said that each script is no worse than "Farewell My Concubine". It is really hard to imagine what kind of masterpiece it will be.

Perhaps, the Chinese film industry will really rise in her hands? "

So many nasty compliments, coupled with an attitude of worshiping Luo Quan.

All the people who read the answer turn back to see the name of the big answerer.

Sure enough, it was still the old die-hard fan who "listen to the wind".

In Zhihu, he is the well-known Luo Quanchuan, and he is also a hardcore fan of Luo Quan, and he has started to praise her on Zhihu very early.

Naturally, he was indispensable for such a big battle this time, and the answers he gave made the crowd quite satisfied, and they all commented: "You are worthy of it."

However, although let's listen to Feng Yin's use of so many nasty words.

But no one thinks that this is killing Luo Quan, because the quality of the movie is there, and it can't be overstated.

In the past, audiences and film critics were bound to disagree with this kind of tragic literary film.

Most audiences prefer fast-paced cool films, while film critics pay more attention to humanities and plot.

Therefore, the two groups of people often disagree on this type of film.

Just like "The Wandering Earth", which was popular throughout the Spring Festival a few days ago, the audience praised it in various ways, but the film critics thought it was mediocre. Compared with the classic sci-fi films at the beginning of the Hollywood century, there seemed to be nothing worthy of praise.

This is the point of disagreement.

However, "Farewell My Concubine" has managed to unify everyone's opinions, and the whole Internet is praising it, no matter if it is a film major or not.

This shows that "Farewell My Concubine" is really excellent.

But think about it, if "Farewell My Concubine" is not excellent, how can there be many restricted plots in the movie, how can it pass the review?
Although the relevant prefixes related to Zhao are already popular on Weibo hot searches, but it is midnight after all, and it is still a little bit less interesting.

When public opinion really exploded, it was at noon the next day.

After all the media carefully wrote the reports, they all released them in a short period of time.

From the various components of the movie, from top to bottom, it is all exaggerated.

Not only the director Luo Quan, but also the leading actors Zhao Xilin, Jiang Wen, He You, and Wen Xia all received great praise.

This movie, together with "The Wandering Earth", has become a phenomenon-level work with the addition of the Spring Festival file.

"The Wandering Earth" represents the rise of China's special effects blockbusters and proves the soft and hard power of China's film industry.

And "Farewell My Concubine" represents the soft power of Chinese movies.

It is said that Japanese movies are the best in Asia, full of humanity and national feelings.

Luo Quan used "Farewell My Concubine" to tell the world that we are not bad.

And it's not a rise like The Wandering Earth, it's more of a revival.

Because, decades ago, we also had a large number of excellent films, and the three major film festivals also won many awards.

The ancestors were indeed rich, and Luo Quan is now a pioneer of "making Chinese movies great again".

A piece of conferring gods is probably the image Luo Quan is currently talking about in the domestic media.

At next year's film festival, "Farewell My Concubine" will definitely win something, even those heavyweight awards are not impossible to look forward to.

As for the most famous Oscar, that award must have some gold content, and its status is also very high in the eyes of the public.

However, it has never been very popular with foreign movie theaters, especially movies from China.

There are big political considerations in it.

It used to be a little bit better, but in the past ten years it has lost its purity and is full of political correctness.

Last year's "White Paper" is the best proof.

This year, there is also a politically correct film that will be nominated for Oscars, called "Get Out".

The plot is even more straightforward than the "White Paper", which puts discrimination, anti-discrimination, and political correctness on the table.

Foreign betting websites have already opened the market. From the looks of it, "Get Out" will definitely win the Oscar this time, and it may be a relatively heavyweight award if it wins.

What exactly is unknown.

Everyone is worried that the tragedy of "Lord of the Rings" will be repeated on "Titanic".

Last year's "Lord of the Rings" was so invincible, it was a blast in all aspects, and it was originally scheduled for the best picture Oscar.

Who knew that a "White Paper" came out halfway, and it really won an award in the end.

At that time, the cameraman should have given Director Ford a close-up.

Out of politeness, Director Ford applauded and congratulated, quite a gentleman.

But that Sima's expression had already expressed all he wanted to say on his face.

But it's also normal, the big prize in hand was finally given out in this way, if you change your temper, I'm afraid that you will have the heart to beat someone violently.

Director Ford didn't scold his mother directly, which is already very self-restraining.

After this type of film tasted the sweetness, many follow-up works emerged immediately.

"Get Out" is one of the best.

But it can only be regarded as the general among the dwarfs. As a thriller, the audience really didn't think it was scary anyway.

The plot is not bad, there are reversals and foreshadowing, which belong to works above the passing line.

In normal times, it can also earn a lot of box office.

It's a pity that when it was released, it just happened to hit "Frozen". Everyone in North America went to see Queen Elsa and Princess Anna. It seems that not many people care about the story of Deadly Town.

Until, the director of "Get Out" announced that he would participate in this year's Oscar selection, and successfully entered the shortlist.

When the news came out, not to mention an uproar in the film industry, it also caused considerable controversy.

Many people also said that if this movie dares to win this year's Oscar, then there is no need to watch it in the future.
Roughness is not rough, and the current public opinion is basically in this direction.

Therefore, in the case of Oscar's continued death, the three major film festivals that have always adhered to the bottom line are getting better and better in terms of gold content and reputation.

Although the Cannes red carpet can be paid for, but at most it only gives the stars a chance to be exposed.

The main event was actually the awarding session, and there should be no major controversy in this session so far.

After the release of "Farewell My Concubine", the domestic media has already started to build momentum.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a work that is absolutely qualified to compete for major film awards.

Now to build momentum early can also attract the attention of foreign media.

But there is one thing to say, like the Cannes Film Festival, there is actually a bit of sophistication in it.

Directors of award-winning films usually have many acquaintances in the selection committee.

And this year I won the award, and next year I joined the committee, and if I were to participate in the selection of films made by these old acquaintances, I would give some emotional points.

Then, the cycle begins.

But as we all know, Luo Quan is notoriously autistic in all circles.

After debuting for so long, countless people wanted to find her to cooperate, whether it was music, variety shows or movies, but they all failed.

There are also many people who want to make friends with her on and off the stage, but the response they get is just a friend of a gentleman, as plain as water.

The only ones she is willing to cooperate with are basically relatives and friends, or artists of her own company.

It has to be said that the aspect of social and interpersonal relationships is really the only area that Luoquan has not handled particularly well.

However, no celebrity complained publicly. After all, Luo Quan was unwilling to cooperate with them, but he never troubled them.

Someone commented on Weibo like this:
"She is like an independent white lotus, standing noblely on a piece of mud, beautiful and conspicuous.

Usually, the scenery is boundless, but when encountering storms, no mud can protect her. "

Now, the storm is coming, but it doesn't mean that this "storm" will cause any harm to her career.

If handled well, her status can be raised to a higher level.

But if it is not handled well, the loss caused may be difficult for people to accept.

Now the media has listed Luo Quan to build momentum, and they have also listed many directors who have won the three major film festivals in China, which is quite intended to be recommended by Luo Quan.

This is actually giving her a step. As for whether to go up or down, it depends on how Luo Quan chooses.

In fact, as a junior in the film industry, it is not unreasonable to be courteous and take the initiative to say hello.

Now the whole network is waiting for Luo Quan's next move, to see whether she cares about the awards of the three major film festivals.

"What are you going to do?"

At home, Wen Xia asked Luo Quan.

After reading the rhythm on the Internet, she felt that Luo Quan should show something now.

"It's just a dead bone in the tomb, there's nothing to worry about." Luo Quan blurted out without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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