Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 638 Life is hard, can't learn to bend over

Chapter 638 Life is hard, can't learn to bend over
Luo Quan has always had a big mouth, sometimes he speaks his heart outright, and he blurts out a lot of words directly.

But this is also her true inner thoughts, and it is at home, surrounded by Wen Xia and Su Yu, so it doesn't matter if the words are more intense.

Wen Xia smiled helplessly: "It's best for you to tell us this in private. If a reporter asks about it, don't reveal it too."

"Then I'm not that stupid." Luo Quan waved his hand, "There's no interaction at all, these reporters want to step down the steps for me out of affection, is it necessary for me to go down?

Not everything needs favoritism. The quality of "Farewell My Concubine" is here. Even if it really can't win the award, at least it doesn't need the recommendation of these old seniors to enter the shortlist. "

When Luo Quan talked about the old seniors, he deliberately emphasized his tone, obviously disapproving of these people.

These old directors did make a lot of good movies at the turn of the century and won many awards.

But after that, it basically just kept driving in reverse.

Especially in recent years, with the rise of traffic, these people express their stance on the traffic with verbal criticism, and at the same time use small fresh meat in the bad movies they make, which is very funny.

It is typical: the mouth is full of doctrine, and the heart is full of business.

The key point is that if you make bad movies for money, although it is not a good thing, it is not against the law.

However, as a highly respected director, at least you have made some good movies over the years.

Not to mention a masterpiece, at least it is not too much above the passing line.

The fact is that the number of movies that can be watched over the years is really pitifully small.

Now these people belong to the nail households in the film industry.

Can't shoot good things, and don't give up the position.

Holds the last resources, does not do personnel affairs, and likes to give pointers to the country.

He doesn't have the virtues that his predecessors should have, and his temper is not lacking at all.

Of course, the current environment in the Chinese film industry is like this, and it cannot be blamed on a certain person or group of people for not being able to make a good movie.

It should be said that the whole has problems.

Fortunately, at least since last year, the environment has been improving. Many good movies have emerged on the market, and box office records have been broken one after another.

This shows that as long as the movie is well shot, the audience will definitely buy it.

And those bad movies that think that a few small fresh meat can make fans money are now mostly dead.

For such a situation, Luo Quan must have clapped his hands in applause.

Only in this way can the market enter a virtuous circle and see more good movies.

As far as movies are concerned, at least they can be saved.

So when many fans on the Internet said that she is the savior of the Chinese music scene, she also repeatedly reminded not to use such titles to describe her.

Because the market as a whole is improving now, it is not her turn to save her, so there is no need to put such gold on her face.

As for the music scene, to be honest, it's a bit hard to get back. She has the heart, but she doesn't have the strength.

Plagiarism has become popular in Chinese, bad money drives out good money, and an industrial chain has been formed.

How can I save this?
Anyway, Luo Quan's mentality is already letting nature take its course.

Luo Quan's current mentality is probably like this.

Whether it's music or movies, she only cares about what she should do anyway, and then strives to do her best.

Box office, awards, etc., as long as the quality is here, it will definitely not be bad.

In fact, it has always been that way.

So this time the media is building up momentum for her and asking her to make friends with the "old seniors", she is not interested at all.

On Weibo, many bloggers even began to popularize science to passers-by on what wonderful movies these old-timers made in the past, and what is their status in the international arena now.

He also said that as long as Luo Quan is doing well, he will definitely be recommended, and the probability of winning the prize will be greatly increased.

Relevant news was even on the hot searches.

At first, passers-by thought it was quite interesting, and thought it would be a good thing if Luo Quan could get favor.

But then I thought about it later, if she didn't deliberately make friends, wouldn't she be on the candidate list?
Some things cannot be thought through carefully.

In particular, most of Luo Quan's fans have the same straight-talking personality as his idol.

Soon some fans said in the comment area:

"With the quality of "Farewell My Concubine", if you don't make friends with the old seniors, you won't be able to enter the candidate list?"

"Does Luo Quan need to engage in these smuggling behaviors? Can't she win the prize by herself?"

"I don't see where the advantages of these seniors lie except that they will be buried faster than Luoquan."

"Stop bragging, the time for these people is over."

These comments were liked one by one to the forefront, which can be said to represent the aspirations of most fans and passers-by.

I don't know if this media campaign was inspired or not. It looks like it's for the good of Luoquan, but in fact it's a bit of a sham for Luoquan's popularity.

But it's normal, after all, Luoquan is so popular now, someday it won't be rubbed off.

People come to touch porcelain almost every day, both men and women.

Luo Quan said that fans can ignore these things, because there are too many, and if they really want to manage it, how can they manage it.

Therefore, fans didn't pay much attention to it at first.

Until these media said: It is recommended that Luo Quan get to know these old seniors, and then many passers-by praised and approved it.

Now, the fans couldn't sit still.

Luo Quan said in a live broadcast before: "What I hate the most is being coerced by public opinion, or being forced by many irrelevant people to do everything I don't like to do.

This is what I hate the most. "

She said this more than once.

And the reason, of course, was because when she was in Japan, she was forced by public opinion to make her fall in love with Masaku Jinggong.

At that time, she immediately chose to escape, that is, she fled back to Huaxia.

If it were now, she thinks she would tweet and berate these ignorant people.

Why can you use your own preferences to decide other people's personal affairs?

This is what Luo Quan dislikes.

But this time, the actions of these media have not yet touched Luo Quan's pain points.

But obviously the pain points of fans have been touched.

Because they love each other, they are more sensitive than the main one.

Some grievances can be tolerated by Luo Quan, and he can ignore them.

But they can't be so generous.

So after the rhythm was brought up this time, the fans didn't wait long before they started to refute.

The way to refute is naturally to curse.

The purest mouth odor, the most extreme enjoyment.

Some emotions can be expressed in more than one way.

But swear words are definitely the most direct.

Under the large-scale counterattack of Luoquan fans, although the media gained a lot of traffic, they were also sprayed bloody.

This group of people either don't do anything, or if they do, they will be overwhelming.

Under pressure, most media have stopped mentioning similar topics.

Although the traffic is good, if you use your own word-of-mouth for this, it will not be worth the candle.

Therefore, the turmoil subsided quickly.

As for Luo Quan, there was no comment on this matter from the beginning to the end.

Just posted a sentence on station B: Tonight's live broadcast, everyone remember to come to the live broadcast room to play.

In the past, when live broadcasts were held, sometimes Luo Quan would notify, sometimes not, it all depended on his mood.

So there is no clue to this dynamic.

Soon, it's time for the live broadcast.

Luo Quan was sitting in front of the camera, wearing a heavy gray padded jacket, as strong as a bear.

It stands to reason that she has a lot of fat on her body, so she shouldn't be afraid of the cold.

But when it comes to winter, she can't wait to wrap herself into rice dumplings, which can be regarded as a strange thing.

No, as soon as the live broadcast started, the fans started making jokes.

"Hey, this body is so weak, and it's still wrapped so thickly in the house?"

"Is this the most popular style at the beginning of the year? It looks so textured."

"This rainbow fart shot, I can't stand it even if I'm a Luoquan iron-blooded fan."

"Texture? I think it's the quality, right? I already weigh 120 kilograms, and with these clothes, I'm afraid it will cost 130."

"Without this size, how can it be called the strongest creature on earth?"

"Good guy, wasn't it the strongest combat power of human beings before, how did it become the strongest creature on the surface again?"

"The human race can no longer limit Luo Quan, because she is too strong."

"Indeed, watching her sword dance before, it's like the reincarnation of a sword fairy."

"By the way, what is the sword technique that Luo Quan danced in the video before? I have never seen it before."


Luo Quan looked at the barrage all the way, most of them were joking, and no one mentioned what happened on Weibo today.

As for the sword technique, she actually exchanged it from the system mall, and it was called [Hundred Flowers Sword Technique].

If it is a cultivator who uses this kind of sword technique, it is very exquisite to be able to display the beautiful sword energy like flowers.

But she is not a cultivator, so she can only learn the moves.

However, these moves are already dazzling just by using them. It is absolutely good to use them as ornamental swordsmanship, and they also have certain realization value.

Luo Quan didn't try to find a connection with the swordsmanship here, but explained: "Actually, I just fiddled around with nothing to do. You think it's beautiful because of me. If you change it, you probably won't think so. "

Hearing this, the barrage immediately stirred up:
"Good guy, have you become so narcissistic now?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Luo Bao, you're a little drifting."

"I can't help it. After all, the world of Sanlian is the most beautiful, and the aspect of appearance is very good."

"The appearance of the heroine and the leader of the East is indeed very good-looking. In the future, this kind of cosplay will be more beautiful."

"I still want to see Luo Quan pretending to be a female teacher in black silk."


In this world, some people are always persistent.

"Hey, why are you a female teacher again?" Luo Quan felt a little helpless, "It's better not to do this as a profession of teaching and educating people, we are different from Japan."

With that said, Luo Quan changed the title of the studio to "Positive Energy Anchor".

This operation made the fans laugh.

After chatting with the fans for a while, Luo Quan started the positioning of the new season of lol.

It has been a while since iGaming won the S8 championship. After a few months of offseason, S9 officially started.

At the end of last season, Luo Quan hadn't played high-intensity lol for a while, mainly because he didn't have time to make movies.

I also occasionally go online to play a game to keep my score.

So at the final settlement, only Canyon Master was in the early 300s.

A segment that is not too low, but not too high either.

But to be honest, when Luo Quan reached this rank, it was already a little difficult to get higher points, and his strength was basically here.

However, in the new season, dragons and snakes are mixed, there are many masters, and sometimes there are many rookies.

Luo Quan didn't think he was a rookie, so as long as he was lucky enough to rank among the top players, his positioning would not be too bad.

As for whether he can become the king, I don't know, the difficulty may not be low.

However, many fans also suggested to Luo Quan to change her nickname to: I am Luo Quan himself.

In this way, as long as there are fans on the opposite side, they will definitely give away buffs, and directly play themselves as actors.

However, such behavior has also been complained by many fans.

We are certainly not because such behavior is not in line with core values.


"If you want to change this name, then I will change my name too. I will only catch Luo Quan, catch and cry Luo Quan, and the assassin will only see Luo Quan."

"Thinking too much, in Fensu's eyes, it doesn't matter whether you are a celebrity or not, you will still kill on the opposite side. If you are cheated on your side, you will be sprayed."

"Is this a man? So love will disappear, right?"

"Love doesn't disappear, but points do."

"To be honest, I really wanted to see Luoquankeng, and then I was sprayed by passers-by."

"What's your weird psychology?"

"Don't say it, it's really interesting."


"It seems that I haven't played games for a long time, making you forget my strength." Luo Quan smiled coldly, "Have you forgotten my name? I'm the master summoner, bastard!"

After logging into his account, Luo Quan zoomed in on his canyon's nickname and rank: "Anyway, I was also a master with 300 points last season. If I had time, it would be no problem to be the last king. What illusion makes you think that I need fans to get points?"

Although she is really not very sure of becoming the king, but there are some scenes that must be said. If you lose, you will not lose.

While speaking, Luo Quan directly started positioning.

"Look, this time I will go directly to Platinum One without losing once!"

Luoquan has a high hidden score, and if he wins all the placement matches, he can reach Platinum [-], which is also the highest rank that can be reached in the placement matches.

It sounds like big talk, but it's not an impossible task.

But after only 10 minutes, the mission came to an end.

At the beginning, everything was normal. Luo Quan played the top laner and chose Qinggang Ying.

On the opposite side is the chosen sword girl.

They are all heroes who play laning and rely on manipulation. With the same level, Jian Ji has an advantage.

It's not easy to fight, but it's not impossible to fight.

But soon, the manipulator of Sword Fairy on the other side was found out by the fans.

It was just a while ago that the world's number one top laner who made a big splash on S8 - the leader of the I game team!
And Jian Ji is his unique skill among his unique skills.

This time he also chose Sword Fairy as the champion skin, but it hasn't been made yet.

In the first qualifying game, he met the champion top laner, and he was still known for his fierce laning.

Although Luo Quan tried his best to resist, he was still taken down.

(End of this chapter)

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