Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 639 Full-time anchor

Chapter 639 Full-time anchor
"first blood!"

A high-pitched voice resounded through the canyon, and the Qinggang Shadow controlled by Luo Quan fell powerlessly, and after the ignition on Jian Ji's body on the opposite side disappeared, there were still 53 drops of blood left.

It seems that there are only two levels of A, but it is actually an insurmountable gap and an irreparable gap in strength.

"Oh, I still can't beat it." Luo Quan sighed, bought a red crystal and went out.

"Okay, Qinggangying is not easy to beat Sword Fairy, besides, the opposite side is hot."

"To be fair, this laning is already very powerful. If I go up, I will probably be beaten home before the pawns arrive."

"It's been 5 minutes in the laning, and the CS is not too far behind. It's enough to brag about the reason."

"Indeed, which top laner in the S8 finals didn't get pissed off?"

"Let's be obscene, Qinggangying is more effective than Sword Fairy when it comes to level."


The barrage was full of comforting voices. If it was an ordinary high-scoring anchor, the big guys would have already started to laugh at her for being a noob.

But fan filters are always powerful.

Fortunately, Luoquan was no longer as reckless as before, and started the ultimate anti-pressure style of play-eating soldiers under the tower.

He even gave the jungler a signal to stay away, telling him to leave the road alone.

As long as the first tower did not lose too much blood before 10 minutes, it is considered a victory.

If Sword Fairy's advantage is not big enough, she won't be too much of a threat if she brings it up alone.

When it's time to report to the group, Qinggangying, who can start the group without thinking, will be much more effective than Jian Ji.

While retreating, Luo Quan's attention also began to be fully mobilized, staring at every level A and skill of Jian Ji, and constantly controlling the hero's last attack and position in his hand.

With such high-intensity concentration, Luo Quan's reaction and operation improved a lot.

Although he has been under the pressure of the tower, but the last knife is not far behind.

In addition, Jian Ji was not fast at clearing the line, so it didn't cause any consumption to the tower.

"I'm going, I actually resisted the pressure!"

"It's awesome, Luo Bao, I'm going to have to scratch my head now."

"It's not that simple. The opposing jungler hasn't shown up for a while."


As soon as the words fell, the head of the blind jungler on the opposite side appeared in the field of view of the small map at the bottom right of Luo Quan.

She guessed that the other side would come back, but she didn't know when, but her eyes kept looking at the small map from time to time.

So the first time he saw the blind monk, Luo Quan directly Q the soldier's e-tower in place and kicked towards the blind monk.

This operation just hit the blind monk who moved over, the second skill + normal attack + second stage Q + ignition, the four processes were completed in one go.

With one operation, the opposing jungler's blood volume dropped a lot in an instant.

Her hand speed has reached its limit at this time.

Although in the end she was killed under the target of the two big moves on the opposite side, she used the big move to avoid the key Q skill of the blind monk and killed him with the help of the defensive tower.

Two hit one, successfully counter-kill one for one.

"I'll go, Luo Baoxiu, kill them all."

"Instead, I would have left the keyboard with both hands."

"This set of operations is really smooth and powerful."

"The one who came to the live broadcast room is Luo Quan, who is really playing Qinggangying."


There was a lot of praise in the barrage, but Luo Quan's face was a bit dignified: "There is a high probability that this one will be gone. Although it is a one-for-one exchange, Jian Ji took the head and ate a lot of tapas, and the economy took off directly."

He was already a little behind in making up the knife, but now the opponent took two heads and Gatapi, and took the lead in making a big one.

Then there is nothing to talk about. Resha, who is equipped with dual magazines, directly kills Luoquan's top lane, flattening the base in 10 minutes.

When the five people on Luoquan's side hung up the phone, the jungler and mid laner all complained about her sending out a monster sword girl, and their words were quite ugly.

Luo Quan's hands were also quick, and he directly chose to block.

"Everyone, don't criticize others or anything. It's normal to swear at others. The most important thing is to calm down."

Luo Quan was sprayed, and turned around and had to give fans psychological counseling.

Because the fans in the live broadcast room were very angry, and felt that what these people scolded was too ugly, and they directly confronted the human flesh.

"It's not necessary to be like this, it's just a game of grievances, and it's okay to start the next game." Luo Quan said, firing a round of infinite firepower.

The new season is a mixed bag, with a lot of masters.

The first time I met Resun, who knows what other masters I will meet next, so I just played the entertainment mode.

It's really tiring to play high-end rounds. I felt my blood pressure was high when I was in line with Reshai.

Occasionally, it’s okay. If you have a few more, you can’t stand it. Just play the entertainment mode, which can make the program more effective.

After playing the game for about an hour, Luo Quan entered the conversation stage again.

The theme of this "Luoquan Night Talk" is to let fans speak freely and talk about their imagination for the future.

At the beginning of the new year, in a festive atmosphere, people are always full of hope, and it is easier to speak their minds at this time.

First of all, Luo Quan, as the host, had to let her talk about her vision for the future.

"First of all, get the diploma from the University of Tokyo and draw a successful conclusion to my university career."

As Luo Quan said, he entered a graduation certificate in the notepad on the computer desktop.

"Then, it is to make more money, and also to make more contributions to the cause of poverty alleviation. As the saying goes, there are tens of thousands of mansions, which will shelter the poor and the poor all over the world."

Luo Quan continued to type on the notepad, leaving a message to help the poor.

"What is a positive energy anchor?"

"The more money you make, the more donations you can make. This realm has surpassed many people."

"I like you not only because you say it now, but because you have done it before."

"Indeed, Luo Quan has always been active."

"Actually, I am also quite poor, and I also want to have a mansion to shelter me."

"Haha, the old man of poetry may not have imagined that after more than 1000 years, housing is still a big problem in China."

When talking about the topic of the house, Luo Quan didn't answer the question.

The main reason is that this issue is beyond her ability to discuss clearly as a layman.

"Next, I will probably release more new songs and make more new movies until I can't sing anymore. After all, this is my main business."

When it comes to work, Luo Quan's idea is also very simple, that is, to be old, there is a beginning before an end.

"Then I'll also listen to your songs to hear old age."

"Watching your movies makes me look old."

"Lick your photo until you grow old."

"Then you are a real bully, and you will probably have a layer of calluses on your tongue by then."

"Licking the dog is still amazing."


"I don't believe you guys can have such a long relationship with those who say you'll grow old. Maybe someone prettier than me will come out in a few years, and then everyone will move on." Luo Quan laughed. , with suspicion written all over his face.

"Biologically speaking, it should be unlikely."

"Indeed, there is a gap between Leon's handsomeness and your beauty. Even my own sister Luoxi may not be as beautiful as you."

"The best plastic surgeons can't say that you can't fix your face. This beauty can be regarded as ancient and modern."

"It's a scary thing. Luoquan only turned 21 this year, and there is still room for growth in a few years."

"Didn't girls almost stop at the age of eighteen or nineteen?"

"That's the figure. Things like temperament will definitely become more mature with age."

"Mature women have the most charm."

"I think Luo Quan is very familiar now, almost familiar."


Seeing the fans talking more and more crookedly, Luo Quan smiled helplessly.

However, there were so many barrages, none of them talked about finding a partner.

Everyone probably understands that although Luo Quan didn't say that she couldn't talk about this topic, her attitude has always been very firm.

That is singleism.

Unlike the common single or unmarried doctrine, these people just don't want to be dragged down by marriage, so that they can meet and love each other.

As for Luo Quan, he just wanted to live alone.

So far no one knows why.

I didn't hear who was hurt, and I had a shadow in my heart.

The bigger possibility is that Luo Quan simply doesn't want to, and there is no reason at all.

In short, Luo Quan explained his future plans.

There is no grand plan, just a simple extension on the basis of my current achievements.

As for the next fan imagination session, it can only be described as a flurry of dances.

Some people want to go to Thailand for surgery and come back to be an anchor.

There are those who want to speculate in Bitcoin, and they have already bought a large amount of it while the current currency price is low.

There are also those who want to confess to their college English teachers.

They are all very simple wishes of everyone. They are not great, but they belong to the kind that makes people smile knowingly.

Of course, there are great ones too.

One fan boasted that he wanted to go to Luoquan to be his wife, and then let her take cosplay photos every day to give benefits to all fans.

As soon as these words came out, the realm immediately rose to the level of a saint, and it would be enough for my hut to be frozen to death on my own.

Countless fans in the bullet screen were moved.

But soon everyone came to their senses, how can you do such a good thing as chasing after Luoquan as a wife?

Isn't this nonsense!
So, the fans immediately began to criticize this guy for being shameless.

As for Luo Quan, he watched the fans perform by themselves throughout the whole process, and did not make any comments.

Anyway, it's all about talking freely, and it's okay to speak outrageously.

At least in terms of quality, the fans are pretty good at it, and nothing bad has happened.

The imagination session lasted for half an hour, and more than 200 nicknames and wishes were recorded in Luoquan's notepad, which she found interesting and possible.

You can think of this as a time capsule, temporarily seal it up and leave it alone.

I will remember it during the live broadcast in the future, and I will take it out and ask the fans to see how many of my wishes have come true.

Today's live broadcast ends here, but the live broadcast of the whole winter vacation has just begun.

During this period of time, the filming of Luo Quan's movie, the shooting of the photoshoot, and the release of the song were finished.

In the true sense of "debt free", there is no job.

It happened that I owed fans a lot of live broadcast time before, and now I can directly make up for it while I have nothing to do.

Just like the previous long holidays, Luo Quan started the live broadcast as soon as he woke up.

Among the relatively well-known celebrities and Internet celebrities in Huaxia, she is probably the only one who can conduct live broadcasts like this and directly share her life with fans.

In foreign countries, this is a reality show without a script.

Obviously, I haven't had much contact with it in China, so I find it very interesting.

It happened to be the winter vacation, and a large group of fans did nothing but stare at the live broadcast room, preparing to watch Luo Quan get up in the morning, with sleepy-eyed and cute appearance.

"There are so many people?" Luo Quan watched the popularity in the live broadcast room, and found that it was not much less than when it was broadcast last night, which was an average level.

"Go wash your face first."

Luo Quan stretched his waist and walked into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Luo Quan came out.

After washing and combing my hair, I obviously became more energetic.

I don't know if it's because of the cold weather, but Luo Quan's skin looks very white without any color.

Soon some fans asked in the barrage.

"I've always had this skin color." Luo Quan opened his sleeves, the color of his arms and face was basically the same.

As for Scarlet...

She opened the window to keep her head out in the cold air for a while.

Ten seconds later, she shrank back trembling and closed the window.

"Look, isn't this bloody?"

Luo Quan pointed to his red nose and cheeks, and laughed.

Human skin is like this, it is what color it should be when it is not stimulated.

When stimulated, nature changes.

It's just that her skin is fairer than ordinary people, so it makes fans feel a little sick.

In fact, her body was anything but healthy.

Of course, no matter how healthy you are, you can't stand the cold wind.

In order to make up for the lost calories, she immediately went downstairs to make breakfast.

The fan's perspective was held by Luo Quan in his hand, and he went down the stairs in a bumpy ride.

Looking through the refrigerator, there was also cold rice left over from last night, Luo Quan didn't waste it, and directly used it to fry eggs and fried rice.

As soon as this side was finished, there was movement on the stairs.

"My god, this fried rice with eggs is too fragrant, I can smell it right here." Wen Xia walked downstairs with a bold duck and rushed into the kitchen.

In the barrage, there is also a scene: envious, want to eat, hungry.

"Look, our star's breakfast is so plain and unpretentious." Luo Quan's cheeks puffed up like a hamster, and Gai didn't forget to explain to the fans.

"So everyone, don't deify celebrities, everyone has a time to eat whole grains.

Of course, there must be many people who are extravagant. That is their way of life, but it cannot be our pursuit. "Luo Quan swallowed the rice ball, feeling a little choked, and quickly took another sip of water.

"You can hold back your words while eating, so be careful of choking."

"Looking at the way you rub your neck, you look very much like my deceased grandma."

"Is that how your grandma left?"

"Haha, that's how egg fried rice is. If it doesn't choke people, it's not called egg fried rice."


Amidst the barrage of barrage, Luo Quan swallowed the meal with difficulty.

This breath was finally balanced.

After being teased like this, she didn't dare to talk anymore, so she could only finish her meal first.

After a while, a barrage caught her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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