Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 640 Cantonese Album?

Chapter 640 Cantonese Album?

"Luo Bao Luo Bao, it seems that I have never heard you sing a Cantonese song, are you interested in making one?"

"One song? Who cares? With Luo Quan's offensive power, it's easy to release an album."

"Does Luo Quan speak Cantonese?"

"Cold knowledge, Luoquan's university major is linguistics, and music and movies are all side jobs."

"Damn, if you don't tell me, I'd forget that Luo Quan is a linguistics major."

"Haha, after all, I also studied in the singing department of Shangyi for a year, so I guess everyone thought that Luo Quan was singing professionally."

"But linguistics shouldn't have much to do with the number of languages ​​you know, right?"

"Others may be like this, but in Luoquan, there is no language she doesn't know."


Seeing the comments on the bullet screen, Luo Quan smiled slightly: "Wow, I don't know how to walk? (Who says I can't speak Cantonese?)"

The words were correct, and a group of Cantonese-speaking fans in the barrage immediately became excited.

"I'll go, good standard."

"Luo Bao's Cantonese is too soft and waxy, it sounds good to you."

"I always feel like I'm being coquettish, but why is my expression so serious?"

"Some girls sound a bit whiny when they speak Cantonese."

"The locals said that they couldn't tell that Luo Quan was from an inland country, with a proper Gwangju accent."


"Haha, I actually met it a long time ago, but I haven't had a chance to talk about it." Luo Quan was very happy to see that the fans recognized her accent.

"As for the request for Cantonese songs from fans before, I think it would be appropriate to release a Cantonese album.

After all, it can be regarded as the birthplace of Chinese entertainment, and it is quite sentimental to release an album to remember the old days. "Luo Quan was straightforward, expressing his inner thoughts.

"Haha, does this imply that the current Xiangjiang Entertainment has been buried?"

"Is there still a hint? Isn't this obvious?"

"Indeed, in the past, mainland stars went to Xiangjiang to make money, but now it's the other way around."

"As for the songs, everyone is the same, and the same sucks."

"With Luo Quan this time, it will be different."

"Haha, I'm really looking forward to it. This is called Chinese New Year. There are surprises every day."


Seeing some rhythms, there might be suspicions of rhythms, Luo Quan also explained: "I don't mean that, I just want to remember the old days, that is to say, the style of my songs will be more retro, It doesn't sound that new."

For the sake of explaining this, Luo Quan felt that he had explained it clearly enough.

If there is a rhythm again, it has nothing to do with her.

However, with her current traffic level, can she really separate all relationships with just one sentence?

The answer is obviously impossible.

Not long after the live broadcast ended, she was on the trending searches.

In the past few days, "Farewell My Concubine" has been in theaters, and in less than a week, it has won 4 million box office, and its score is 10 points, ranking first in the history of domestic films.

Under such a big event, it is normal for Luo Quan, as a director, to dominate the hot searches.

But this time, the headline is: "Luoquan live broadcast hints that Xiangjiang Music has been buried."

Such a title can be said to stir up a thousand waves with one stone.

Although you can see Luo Quan's live broadcast by clicking on the news, you can see what she said.

However, there are obviously more people who express their opinions just by reading the title.

"It's a bit drifting, Luo Quan, you can say that."

"However, it is also the birthplace of Chinese entertainment, and it has been brilliant in the past, so it should be given some respect."

"Your work is indeed very powerful, but such words really shouldn't be said."

"Probably because I have stayed in the United States for too long, my personality has become more flamboyant, and I have forgotten that modesty is the virtue of Chinese people."


The entire comment area can only be described as Shanggang Shangxian.

This time, the trolls have found the moral high ground to attack Luoquan.

However, there are trolls and there are naturally fans who defend Luo Quan. They watched the entire live broadcast, so they seemed even more angry.

"Sure enough, I was afraid of what would happen. I knew there would be a rhythm during the live broadcast."

"Are people so impetuous now? Please watch the video."

"Although Luo Quan never said that Xiangjiang Music has been buried, isn't that the truth?"

"Let's not say a few words, things that are created out of nothing can also quarrel."


After the incident became serious, the melon eaters who heard the news saw the quarrel in the comment area and became more cautious in expressing their opinions.

Conformity and impetuosity are the biggest characteristics of the Internet age, and it is a common problem for many people to take an arrow with chicken feathers.

But for Luo Quan, it is definitely the stupidest thing to do to blackmail her, because all the misunderstandings about her have been clarified.

Those mobs were also beaten in the face one by one.

As the saying goes, if you don't understand, you don't have the right to speak, especially in Luo Quan.

Therefore, everyone still held back the idea of ​​participating in the war and watched the live broadcast clip.

After reading it, quite a few people said in their hearts: Fortunately, they didn't go to the comment area to match the line.

Sure enough, Luo Quan just said that he would release a Cantonese album to recall the glory days of Heung Kong Entertainment.

It was Danmaku who mentioned it, and she immediately explained it.

Luo Quan is not at fault.

The one who should be scolded is the person who took the headline of this news, and properly cited the headline party.

Fortunately, Luoquan has always established a very positive image in the eyes of the public.

After the negative news comes out, most people are more willing to just find out its authenticity first, rather than follow along with the curse.

In such an environment, the rhythm quickly subsided.

Of course, during the period, many Xiangjiang stars also posted on Weibo, saying that Xiangjiang entertainment and music had not yet been buried, and were still full of vitality, which can be seen from the attendance rate of singers' concerts.

This is really true.

There are very few celebrities in mainland China who hold concerts now, and when they do, most of them lose money, which is a joke in the industry.

As for those well-known singers in Xiangjiang, when they hold a concert, they are full of singing, and it is common for the whole audience to sing in a chorus.

Although it is said that there are some suspicions of living on their laurels, others have to have their laurels to eat.

Just for this point, Xiangjiang's music is really not buried.

But in any case, it is a fact that there is no successor, but no one mentions it now.

Soon, the focus of things changed.

Everyone is concerned, can Luo Quan sing the style and glory that belonged to that era?
Naturally, there is no need to question her musical talent, but some songs really need the background of the times and the precipitation of time to produce that unique charm.

Perhaps Luo Quan's new songs can be very good, but some charms cannot be born just by good songs.

Of course, people who eat melons just question this.

No one dared to say that Luo Quan would not be able to write, after all, he had been slapped in the face too many times before.

A miracle, even if it happened to Luo Quan, was no longer a miracle, but a routine operation.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, quickly announced his new look the next day.

He wore a round-brimmed sun hat, a dark purple dress, and a pair of white lace gloves on his hands.

These are not the point.

The point is the makeup she puts on.

A few decades ago, cosmetics and make-up technology were not at home, but the lighting effect was very strong.

In order to let the stars' faces be seen clearly, there was no light makeup at that time, all heavy makeup, the more gorgeous and eye-catching the better.

The most common thing for female stars is purple eyeshadow and red lips, and some even apply some blush.

At that time, it was naturally glamorous and glamorous, and it fascinated a group of men and women.

But looking at it now, it doesn't look so good.

I feel that each of them has the taste of sister pomegranate, with three points of beauty and ugliness in the exaggeration.

However, Luo Quan gave netizens a wave of testimony, telling them what is the most beautiful gold content in the world of Sanlian!
Although the face is covered with heavy makeup of death, that appearance is still peerless.

Standing on the stage with this look, he is still a big star who fascinates everyone.

And this dressing feature is exactly the same as those Xiangjiang female stars in the 90s and [-]s.

Netizens and his friends were immediately stunned:
"I'll go, what's the situation with this thick old photo style?"

"It feels as if time traveled to decades ago, this image is too nostalgic."

"Haha, this blush is so good, it's as good as the paper pricks sold in the shop next door."

"It's exaggerated, but it's really too thick."

"This is the characteristic of makeup in the last century. It has a sense of the times. I guess young people don't understand it."

"In Xiangjiang movies, the classic look of rich girls is also the classic look of Xiangjiang actresses."

"I always thought bathing suits were the show."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Aren't those beautiful Xiangjiang actresses all born as young ladies? When they go on stage, don't they all wear swimsuits?"

"Haha, it seems to be true."

"Luoquan also has swimsuits, but those are too young for children. (Funny)"

"This is the end of today's Weibo."


I have to say that as long as the female stars at that time were beautiful, almost all of them were from Miss Xiangjiang.

There is no such thing as appearance, figure and temperament, and each has its own characteristics.

Therefore, the Xiangjiang beauties of that era were also to a certain extent one of the most typical symbols of the Xiangjiang entertainment circle.

And martial arts, police and robbers, young and Dangerous, God of Gamblers, etc., are very distinctive cultural symbols.

However, with the development of the times, the representatives of many symbols either died or retired.

The latecomers are not good at learning, and no good works have come out for a long time, so that these classic symbols have gradually become uninterested.

Only when it occasionally appeared in the public eye, it caused a wave of sentimental nostalgia.

As for the music, the most typical one is Xiangjiang Love Song.

In the past, some people ridiculed that Xiangjiang has produced so many love songs in the past few decades that they can circle the earth three times.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also shows that love songs are the most important and common feature in Xiangjiang songs.

It is true that countless classics have appeared, and many of them are still being sung until now.

Go to KTV to take a look, and among the top dozens of on-demand rankings, more than half are still Xiangjiang love songs.

It can be seen how long-lasting the general public's love for Xiangjiang's love songs is.

It also shows that the general public is not very accepting of new styles in Cantonese songs.

If you work hard, it may be thankless.

What Luo Quan likes is precisely the whole job, and everyone is looking forward to how she will choose this time.

The cover of the album has come out, which is the "Classic Style of Xiangjiang Women" she posted at noon.

Although it is a bit more beautiful, it does not hide its flaws.

As for the song, according to the usual practice, it must not be released until the evening.

At the same time, Luo Quan just came out of the studio.

After the photos were taken, they didn't do much editing. Unless some special effects were necessary, she didn't need any ps processing at all given her looks.

So in most cases, she sends out the photos immediately after they are taken.

After sending the photos here, Penguin also called.

As long as there is new news in Luoquan, Penguin and Universal are always the first to act.

But because this is a Chinese song, Universal just asked politely.

As for Penguin, they definitely wanted to win the exclusive agency rights for Luo Quan's album.

With the introduction of the salary limit order, it has become impossible for celebrities to get sky-high signing fees.

But if you don't give enough price, others are not willing to sign with you.

There are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom, and the yin-yang contract came into being.

In fact, this kind of thing has always existed. It used to be used to evade taxes, but now it is used to deal with salary restrictions.

Before it broke out, everyone was a good citizen who obeyed the law.

But when it came out, they all became super bosses who evaded hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.

With such a number, many rich people are terrified when they see it.

The tax alone is several hundred million, so how high will the money earned be?
No one knows this, or no one dares to say it.

Anyway, China's stars are still making money.

On this point, Luo Quan himself has the right to speak.

For example, the signing plan given by Penguin this time is a signing fee of 5000 million yuan, and the sales share will be calculated separately.

For making an album a year ago, Penguin offered [-] million.

At that time, because of the sky-high signing fee, Luo Quan was also on the hot search and was scolded for a while.

Now that her coffee status has risen, it is normal for her signing fee to increase.

However, the salary limit order is there. If it is so large, it will be difficult to explain to the above.

So Zhou Yangwen proposed the most common solution.

"How about we have a yin and yang too?"

This is very cryptic, I don't know what I thought I was trying to get rid of yin and yang.

But Luo Quan quickly reacted, and said righteously: "Mr. Zhou, don't mention this again in the future.

The signing fee is calculated based on the maximum salary of 5000 million, and then the sales share is increased by three points. What do you think? "

5000 million signed Luoquan, this is the price of cabbage.

As for the increase of the share by three points, it is actually not very high.

Such a request is completely reciprocating Penguin's willingness to let go of Wen Xia.

"Luo Quan, I'm really ashamed of your structure and ideological awareness." For the first time in his life, Zhou Yangwen felt a little ashamed, and it was still in front of a young man.

Luo Quan smiled softly: "Wan Zhong didn't recognize etiquette and added it, Wan Zhong is to me and Jia Yan?"

(End of this chapter)

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