Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 641 Create Glory Again

Chapter 641 Create Glory Again
5000 million to sign the exclusive copyright, it still seems very high.

After all, the first-tier stars now perform a variety show, and the signing fee is only 300 million yuan for one episode.

A variety show usually has about ten episodes, and a season is about 3000 million.

This is the current market price of first-line stars, and there will basically not be much difference.

As for Luo Quan, the signing of an album alone is 5000 million, not to mention the follow-up share.

This has far exceeded the market price of first-line stars, and the top streamers are no more than that.

However, the specific situation must be analyzed in detail. There is also a gap between the top players in China and the top players in the world.

If converted into US dollars, 5000 million RMB is more than 700 million.

You know, now foreign countries want to collaborate with Luo Quan on a single, and the asking price is more than tens of millions of dollars.

And you have to be a first-line singer to be eligible to ask for a price, and I am too embarrassed to mention it if I am a lower-ranked singer.

Looking at it this way, the price is actually not outrageous.

Although Luo Quan is from Huaxia, his fame is also on the table, and he is definitely a top class in the world.

If Uncle Long revealed that the signing fee for a movie was 5000 million RMB, no one would have any objection, and they might even say that the film studio paid less.

This is the public's recognition of the artist's status.

Luo Quan is currently a little younger, and feels that such a young artist can have any status in the world.

But in fact, Luoquan is actually only one step away from becoming a Chinese symbol like Uncle Long.

The only pity is that Uncle Long can promote Chinese action movies to the world.

However, Luoquan did not carry forward Chinese music.

Although they are all in Chinese, the difficulty is not in one dimension.

First of all, foreign action movies in the last century are like boxing matches, you punch me and kick you, there is no wonderful design at all.

It was Uncle Long, who used his unique funny fighting to tell all the producers that action movies can still be performed like this.

What's even more rare is that Uncle Long's action movies not only have wonderful and funny fighting designs, but also lead the world in thrilling shots.

In terms of desperation, no action movie actor in the world can surpass Uncle Long, so much so that the insurance company directly blocked him from accepting his business after seeing his filming scene.

It can be seen how exciting the scene was when Uncle Long was filming.

But it is precisely this kind of desperation that earned him an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement, and also contributed to the success of Chinese-language action films in the world film industry.

However, Chinese music is inherently deficient.

Since the 60s and [-]s, foreign rock bands have become popular, and multiple music types such as country, folk, jazz, soul, and funk have flourished.

The popular music in China is a series of patriotic songs such as "Tunnel Warfare".

Given the historical context, there is nothing to blame for this.

After all, only when the material conditions are rich can we look forward to the construction of spiritual culture.

It was difficult for Huaxia to start, and the food and clothing were not enough, so there must be a lack of entertainment.

And this is also the reason why Xiangjiang Entertainment dominated the country in the last century.

It's just that people are developing fast, and when they are full, don't they have spare energy to develop popular entertainment.

It's just that, in terms of music, what Xiangjiang plays is what's left over from the Japanese music next door.

As for Japanese music, what they play is the leftovers from other European and American music.

This is a generation difference between two entire eras, so no matter how hard you chase after it, you won't be able to catch up.

This is not something that can be made up for by the appearance of a genius or two.

Luo Quan had fantasized about letting Chinese pop music go abroad before, but she quickly saw this clearly, so she never said such words after that.

There is no need to take out some things and compare them in the fields that others are good at.

There is not only one kind of Chinese music that is popular.

Speaking of signing the contract, after Penguin successfully won the authorization from Luoquan, it immediately sent a Weibo to share the happy event with music fans.

"Luo Quan's new album "Fleeing Years" has been bought out by Penguin Music!"

"Fleeing Years" is the title of Luo Quan's new album, and it was released together with the photos at noon.

Although it is a hot search for buying, but based on the traffic of Penguin and Luoquan, there are not many people scolding it.

After all, if there is any movement between these two, the last hot search is a very simple matter, and the money to buy it is just for faster exposure.

In the comment area, fans were quite active:
"Although many functions of Penguin Music are true and anti-human, and the VIP experience is not very good, it is indeed the most comprehensive in terms of copyright."

"I bought an album, so I have to spend my old nose money."

"Last time, Luo Quan charged [-] million yuan for an album for the Penguin boy group. Can't he sing twice as much this time?"

"Two hundred million for an album? It's more lucrative than stock trading."

"If you want her talent, you can also charge for it."

"By the way, isn't there a salary limit order recently? Isn't the signing fee of [-] million yuan illegal?"

"I don't know, but Luo Quan can have some privileges anyway?"


Sure enough, the comment area began to discuss the signing fee.

And Penguin was already prepared, and immediately sent a Weibo to clarify:
"This time I signed a contract with Luoquan and strictly abided by the salary limit order issued by the state, and did not exceed the hard limit of 5000 million.

The sales share of the song is the creator's due right, and it is not included in the salary. "

This announcement is tantamount to confirming the 5000 million signing fee.

As for how high the sales share is, it has not been said, and it is estimated that it will not be low.

And this kind of salary, although still aroused discussion, but most of them are relatively positive.

"Although I know this is a price within the allowable range of regulations, I still feel that it is too high."

"Yes, an ordinary migrant worker may not earn one-tenth of his income in his entire life."

"The value difference that people can create is reflected in these places. Those who should be criticized are those who have no level and make so much money."

"Indeed, no matter how much money Luoquan makes, it's worth it."

"In addition, Luoquan will donate half of all the income earned in China after tax, so the 5000 million actually received is estimated to be about 2000 million."

"That's why I keep saying that those Fountains who make a lot of money have no conscience."

"No wonder it is so favored by GQT. This pattern is not comparable to ordinary people."


This is the first time that Luoquan's charity work has been known by so many people.

In the past, she was relatively low-key in this regard, and many donations were even anonymous.

After the news broke out this time, she calculated her donations over the past two years on a whim.

The sum of every stroke of the eloquence is almost more than one billion.

It's not that I don't know, but after a calculation, I found out that there is already such a large amount.

To be honest, such a number really gave her a great sense of accomplishment.

After the fans praised, they looked forward to the first title song of the album.

It has been a long time since Luoquan released a Chinese-language album last time. This time, the theme is Cantonese, and people hope to hear something different.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the new song arrived as scheduled.

Others play poker from childhood to adulthood, but Luoquan is different.

Because there were too many cards in his hand, he had to blow up the king of the starting hand.

"Luo Quan's new song "Song of Thousand Thousand Que"!"

Almost at the same time, the release of the new song topped Weibo’s most-searched list. The Penguin Music app did not blow up this time, but there was still a fairly obvious freeze.

It's not that there are fewer fans than when "Chopin in November" was released, but that Penguin has upgraded the server.

When the song was released, the number one most searched song was naturally bought, because most people listen to the song on the app and go to Weibo when they are free.

But 10 minutes later, the hot search prefix became "explosive".

This is the real thing, and it was commented by netizens and fans.

Almost in the blink of an eye, nearly [-] comments were added!

Those who didn't know thought it was all created by the navy, but there were quite a lot of Weibo-certified big v's in it.

Everyone was in the comment area, expressing their inner excitement after listening to the new song.

"This is a timeless classic!

Luo Quan's attack power of blending emotions into the voice has been refined to perfection, and the skills and emotions are perfect. I only listened to half of it and I was already in tears, partly because of the story in the song, and partly because of her singing. "

"This song with a strong Xiangjiang style from the last century can be said to present the atmosphere of that era in an authentic way.

Luo Quan did what she promised and reproduced the prosperous times decades ago.

Although the song is sad, I can hear splendor and prosperity from it.

That was the era when the stars were shining, and that was the fleeting time that was full of brilliance.

If Luo Quan was also born in that era, he would be the only one out there! "

"This song reminds me of a line: After many years, it should be a good day and a good time. Even if there are thousands of styles, who can I tell?

Among the farewell songs, this one is not only the first, but also the top three, although the melody is a Japanese song "Song of the Setting Sun" sung by Luo Quan before.

However, some modifications have been made in the arrangement and melody, which can be regarded as the same song but with different results, and she performed a completely different taste, which is a very successful cover.

Of course, since they are all her works, there is nothing wrong with saying that they are brand new works. "

"It is said that Luo Quan has never been in a relationship, and his love songs are all based on third-rate urban novels and TV dramas.

But why, I always feel that she has dozens of times richer emotional experience than ordinary people?
How can such lyrics, including the previous ones, be written without experiencing unforgettable sadomasochism?

"Song of Thousand Thousands of Ques" is very nice. Counting last year's song, it can definitely be called the best of the year. This song should become a regular guest at the party in the future! "


In Gao Zan's answer, they are generally older 7-year-olds or middle-aged.

The retro music style naturally arouses the feelings in their hearts and the memory of that period of time.

As for young people, they may not have so many and deep feelings, but good songs can gain love and praise.

Although most people do not speak Cantonese, it is not a foreign language after all, and it has some similarities with Mandarin.

Besides, many people grew up listening to Cantonese songs, and some words will be mastered after learning them twice.

It is not difficult to learn to hum after listening to it several times.

In terms of nationality, it is not a problem at all.

It is foreseeable that this will be the first explosive model since the beginning of 2019.

Soon, many questions related to Luoquan's new song appeared on Zhihu.

"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's new song "Song of Thousand Thousand Que"?"

It's full of fans' answers about Luo Quan's rainbow farts, and old acquaintances and Ting Feng Yin are also in it, so there's nothing interesting about it.

More interesting is the following question.

"How did Luo Quan, who is only 20, write so many bitter love songs? Where did her experience come from?"

This question is obviously much more interesting than the answer to flatter Luo Quan, and it soon gained more than 1000 million popularity.

Gao Zan replied as follows:
"Probably, this is genius.

Of course, what I mean is that geniuses are more imaginative, let me explain the specific reasons.

I remember watching the promotional interview video of the main creators of "Farewell My Concubine". Mr. Jiang Wen, the actor who played Duan Xiaolou, once said this sentence:

When I first saw Luo Quan filming, I was shocked. She only shoots one scene in every scene, and the material is pitifully small, as if this scene can be directly cut into the final film after shooting.

It is impossible for a novice who has learned a little film knowledge to do such a ridiculous thing.

I suppressed my anger and asked her why she took such a photo.

And her answer made me realize the gap between mortals and geniuses.

She said: When I make a movie, I write the script and play it in my head.

In the end, I already have a model in my mind of what the movie will look like, and it is enough to reproduce these scenes in reality, and there is no need to use so many material editing.

This kind of imagination simply astonished me.

And everyone has seen what happened afterwards. The entire film of "Farewell My Concubine" lasted 3 hours, but the material that was filmed was only 5 hours and [-] minutes.

It's only 5 minutes longer than the original film, and there are almost no extra shots!

This is also the reason why Luoquan was able to complete the project in such a short period of time.

The above are the original words of director Jiang Wen. He told us the secret of Luo Quan's creation, which is unparalleled imagination.

No one knows what kind of world is in her mind.

But what is certain is that every time she creates, she will simulate a brand new life after another to experience different perceptions, and the experience is likely to be extremely real.

This is also the reason why her songs are so touching.

Maybe she looks like a young girl in reality, but in the world she built, she has already suffered from vicissitudes, and she has been in countless love affairs.

Only in this way can she write such a sincere love song without having any boyfriend.

It's not that they didn't talk about it, it's just that it wasn't about you.

It has to be said that geniuses are different from ordinary people.

It is indeed unheard of for Luo Quan to use fake imagination or thinking construction ability like this.

But if you think about it this way, it's understandable that she has a steady stream of inspiration.

After all, she owns a world! "

As soon as this analysis came out, the whole Zhihu was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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