Chapter 642 IQ
Reality is often more absurd than people's imagination.

Originally, people thought that such an answer was unrestrained enough, but the fact is even more outrageous than these people thought.

However, this answer is indeed quite close to the correct answer.

Luoquan does have a world, to be precise, a system.

It's just that it's impossible for these people to guess this kind of thing even if they want to break their heads.

But at least this argument has been given so far, which is quite convincing and well-founded.

After all, what Luo Quan himself said to Director Jiang Wen proved that she really has the habit of shaping plots with imagination, and it is not surprising that she shapes a world.

But in this way, fans have something to say.

"According to what you said, have I been greened by Luo Quan for N times invisibly?"

"Damn it, she is such a woman, she is so angry that she is her husband!"

"Hello, I'm Master Tong from the Big Iron Stick Mental Hospital. I've seen you two speak in a very serious condition. I suggest you come to the hospital for a checkup."

"Haha, Luo Quan would rather fantasize about finding a boyfriend than act in reality. It seems that she still loves me."

"Don't stop me, I'll confess tonight and end her flirting!"


The comment area directly turned into a large-scale communication scene for mentally ill patients. The speeches made by each of them were so far from the world that Luo Quan couldn't stand it when he saw it.

And as this answer analyzing Luoquan's intelligence was spread more and more widely, it actually attracted the attention of an association.

The next morning, the Mensa Club publicly called out to Luo Quan on Weibo, intending to invite her to become a senior member of the club.

The Mensa club in this world is a rather high-end association.

Known for organizing friends of highly intelligent businessmen and conducting scientific research.

Naturally, scientific research is not about slicing, but doing some questionnaires or observations to see what is special about the lives of these highly intelligent humans and ordinary people.

The point is to talk about games, which is equivalent to using IQ as a threshold to form a social circle.

It is worth mentioning that there are quite a lot of rich people in the circle.

Da is a person who can make money, and usually has a high IQ.

Or people with high IQs can make money easily.

The causal relationship between the two is difficult to distinguish, but because there are many rich men and geniuses in this Mensa club, its reputation is quite high at home and abroad.

Many people think that in this club is the upper class in the true sense, and they can see the pinnacle of the world.

So many people racked their brains to study the entrance examination questions of the Mensa club, hoping to prove their IQ and obtain the qualifications to become ordinary members.

There are two types of exam questions for the Mensa club. One is for the general public, and there is no particularly large scientific basis. It is some math questions that test thinking.

Marketing accounts often use these questions to publicize that IQ can be tested, but in fact it is just for fun.

The other is the exam questions for members who want to join the membership. The questions of this kind of exam questions will be quite difficult, and they will cover a variety of knowledge areas, which is not something ordinary people can do.

As long as you get a certain score, you can join the club.

And joining the club, according to the Internet, is equivalent to entering the upper class.

In the eyes of many overseas returnees, this is a very tall club, which is often used as a talking point.

But this time, the Mensa Club, which is rarely on the hot search, took advantage of Luo Quan's popularity and sent her an invitation.

This kind of behavior can also be regarded as justifying Luo Quan's hypothesis of creating the world, which shows that there is really a scientific basis in it.

Of course, none of the serious scientists have commented so far, probably because they feel too boring.

As for Luo Quan, after seeing the invitation from the Mensa club, he has not responded yet.

Vienna's Golden Hall is her professional counterpart, and she would be very happy if the three major film festivals send an invitation.

But this Mensa club doesn't seem to have much to do with her, so what's the benefit of joining?
Is there some kind of party in the future, so that a bunch of old men can drink her again?

Thinking of that scene gave her a headache, and she was not good at dealing with such occasions.

However, at any rate, this club is quite famous, and it is not appropriate to directly ignore others, so after a while, Luo Quan sent a dynamic response at station B:
"I am born with social fear and do not know how to communicate. Thank you for your club's appreciation. I am very honored, but this precious opportunity should be left to others."

He politely declined, but it seemed a bit like nonsense.

Luo Quan, who is in front of the camera all day, bragging to fans, is also considered to be social phobia?Social awesomeness is almost the same!
But everyone also knows that this is a refusal, but fans still make fun of it in the comment area:

"Although I am chatting in the live broadcast room and getting along with a bunch of older brothers, I am actually a shy girl who is socially phobic. (狗头)"

"Redefining social fear. Like me, I guess it belongs to social entrapment."

"Haha, but Luo Quan really doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to socialize. After so many years, his friends are still those few, and his circle shows no signs of expanding."

"That's true, but I think it's good to be simple. You don't have many friends. The key is to make friends."

"Speaking of what this Mensa club does, it seems pretty awesome to hear from a bunch of bigwigs."

"It's really awesome. It's known as a gathering place for geniuses. Those who can enter are top talents from all walks of life. The gold content is quite high."


The waiting time for the new song is quite boring, and the big guys have nothing to do because they have fun by themselves

Compared with the sensation brought by "Song of Thousand Thousands of Ques", the Mensa club can only be regarded as a small splash.

After the new song was launched last night, it directly broke the historical record of domestic broadcast volume.

Before, it was only popular in the mainland, but this time it set off a frenzy of listening in all three places on both sides of the strait.

In just one night, the number of listeners reached [-] million times, and the rate of looping one piece at a time reached [-]%!
What a concept, it means that after listening to it once, everyone listened to it at least once again!
The ear-catching degree of the song can be seen.

And after a day, the fans' comments on the Internet are still 90.00% [-], and they all say that the more they listen to it, the more interesting it is, and the listening level is higher than expected.

It can be said that Luoquan's plan to create another glories has achieved unprecedented success.

As for the album "Fleeing Years", there is only one song released now, and there are nine more songs in the future!

When it was almost seven o'clock, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast.

Fans saw her smiling face as bright as a flower as always, and immediately sent a barrage to ask:
"If you don't record a song, start a live broadcast here, right?"

"Don't be salty, I'm going to hear a new song tonight, otherwise I'll be there for you."

"She's so good-looking, what are you going to make Luo Quan look like?"

"This one is not as good-looking as the other, and it's the one you haven't seen before."

"Tell me in detail."


"The song has been recorded a long time ago, don't you know my speed?" Luo Quan looked a little helpless, "If the matter is not finished, do I dare to come out and start a live broadcast?"

"By the way, what type of song is it, can you tell me?"

"Retro Xiangjiang style, what else can there be besides love songs? 99 out of [-] songs in that era were love songs."

"Love songs are pretty good. I don't like so-called critical songs. Wouldn't it be better to write them directly into articles and publish them?"

"It can only be said that love songs are more in line with the taste of the public."

"Unfortunate, Luo Quan is going to develop a relationship with a dog man in a place where I can't see it."

"Haha, have you also read the fantasy world on Zhihu?"

"This old man's brains are really big, and he accidentally helped Luo Quan get an invitation from the Mensa club."

"I feel quite reasonable and well-founded, but I don't want to accept it in my heart, and I always feel blocked in my heart."

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm pretty excited."

"Substitute into the perspective of the suffering master? Is my brother an arch?"

"Sometimes the joys and sorrows of people are not connected. Mr. Lu Da sincerely does not deceive me."

"By the way, what is the song about this time, can you give me a spoiler?"


There are more fan dramas in the barrage than Luo Quan imagined.

She also read the answer on Zhihu. Although it contained nonsense, it was true, but the facts were more exaggerated than what he said.

But it is very reasonable to explain her "genius".

But this also brings up a problem, that is, her experience of vicissitudes in the fantasy world.

A large group of boyfriend fans expressed that they were very uncomfortable and started eating vinegar.

For this, Luo Quan didn't know how to explain it, he just thought it was funny.

There is no one who can be jealous with someone who does not exist at all.

However, some boys are more possessive, which is not incomprehensible. Of course, most of them are just joking. It is not normal to take this kind of ridicule seriously.

If it was all true, then the song she released today would probably cause a storm.

"Tonight's new song tells a story about licking a dog."

Holding a cup of hot milk in his hand, Luo Quan looked at the screen with a half-smile.

"Female licking dog?"

"Well, you bad woman, how dare you do such a thing."

"It's okay to lick the dog. I just lick the dog. It resonates with me."

"After so many years of experience, I understand a truth, that is, licking a dog is not a house."

"If you don't really like it, who would want to be a licking dog?"

"There are still a few hours until 12 o'clock, and everyone's emotions are brewing a little earlier."

"Haha, everyone seems to have a story, and there is another topic for Luoquan Night Talk tonight."

"Please begin your performance."


Luo Quan didn't expect that he could blow up so many people with a single lick.

It seems that these male fans of hers have quite complicated emotional experiences, she thought they were all a bunch of nerds.

But think about it, boys and girls at this age are at the time when their hormones are strong, who would have no idea about the classmates who get along with each other day and night?

After all, there are still a few people like her who are the most handsome old lady and don't love anyone.

"I just watched a mixed-cut video about love, and I just expressed my feelings. Don't think too much."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said something from the bottom of his heart: "Besides, there is no such thing as love or not, only whether you are willing to give. If you like it, you will naturally be willing.

But just like planting crops, you may not be able to harvest if you pay, and you may not be able to bear fruit if you sprout.

But at least in the process of giving, you are sincere and happy. "

"I'll go, it feels so philosophical."

"Hurry up and write it down, there is a copy for tonight."

"Is this the emotional leader? You deserve to be the queen of the sea in the fantasy world."

"Luo Bao, are you also talking so sweetly when facing those men in your imagination?"

"Such good looks still need sweet talk? It's the man who should talk sweet talk, okay?"

"You're trying to laugh at me to death, aren't you?"


"Okay, just listen to the poisonous chicken soup for the soul." Luo Quan waved his hand, signaling these agitated boys to calm down a little:

"At your age, it's better to spend more energy on your studies, and then consider falling in love without delaying your grades, or wait until the college entrance examination fails in a bad university, and you have nowhere to buy regret medicine."

Compared with hopelessly romantic, Luo Quan is more realistic.

What love is priceless, youth should be indulged or something, that is completely nonsense.

If it is in a country like Northern Europe, where the national welfare is ridiculously good, it doesn't matter if Nubu works hard, and he can have a good life anyway.

But not in Huaxia, if you don't work hard, you will be banned.

Some people were born in Rome, and some people were born as cattle and horses.

If you want to get rid of the fate of cattle and horses, you have to work hard to study, this is the truth that Luo Quan understands.

It sounds realistic and cruel, but this society is like this.

However, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room did not become dignified because of this. The teenagers were big-hearted, and their sorrows came and went quickly.

What's more, the teachings of parents and teachers can be ignored, so how effective can Luo Quan's words be?

After looking at the time for a while, it was almost eight o'clock, Luo Quan opened Penguin Music from the desktop, and said: "At eight o'clock in Beijing time, the song has also been launched on Penguin Music.

Here I will sing it for everyone, you can go to Penguin Music to listen to it, or you can listen to it in the live broadcast room. "

As she spoke, she searched for and purchased songs, and then turned on the accompaniment mode.

Fans who haven't searched for new songs at this time only saw that the new song tonight is called "Insatiable". ps. The original song is "Zhong Wuyan"

"I'll love without your permission
Bless each other when the heart is soft or allow me to kiss
I hate being so mature that you don't want you to look at me and cry

But smiling beautifully is like drinking snow water in winter


Luo Quan's lazy and sad singing voice fully interprets the lyrics of this song.

As she said before, this is a song about women licking dogs.

Singing the sadness in love to the fullest, it makes people helpless.

Mourning its misfortune?Are you angry?

It doesn't matter anymore, the fans are already a little drunk after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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