Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 643 Chapter 645 Country and Humanities

Chapter 643 Chapter 640 Five countries and humanities

"Why do I have such a sense of substitution?"

Below the song, the comment with the most likes said so.

It is said that licking a dog is not a house, but there are never a few people who are willing to give everything in a relationship.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is self-importance and stupidity.

However, feelings are like drinking water, only you know whether it is cold or warm.

Still the same sentence, if you don't really like it, who would be willing to be a licking dog.

Everyone scolds and licks a dog, and everyone is a licking dog.

After the song was released, it aroused an unimaginable resonance among fans.

Bilibili, Weibo, Zhihu, and in the comment areas of many platforms, fans shared their bitter experiences, and story conferences were held everywhere throughout the night.

For a love song to achieve such an effect, it has already successfully fulfilled the mission of its birth.

What is a love song?
It is pastime, comfort, and compensation for the lack of emotion.

If you can move those idiotic men and women, you can be called quite successful.

Luo Quan's "Insatiable" achieved such an effect, and without any suspense, it began to become popular all over the Internet, and the momentum was even more fierce than the earlier released "Song of Thousand Thousand Que".

""Insatiable" single sales exceeded 2000 million!"

The next day, this news came to the third most searched position on Weibo.

The song with the highest sales of domestic singles is "Nocturne", with a record of more than 800 million, which is unprecedented, and it is difficult for others to achieve results.

However, the appearance of "Insatiable" has made everyone see the hope of getting closer.

It is still impossible to exceed the estimate. "Nocturne" sold so well at the beginning, Penguin Music was blown up on the night of its release, and the popularity can be called exaggerated.

But this time, the influence of "Insatiable" does not seem to be much worse than "Nocturne".

It's just that short videos are too developed now, if there are more videos edited for "Insatiable", it may affect sales.

But no matter what, only one day later, after "Song of Thousand Thousands of Ques", Luoquan released another hit song of the year, and the title of queen of the Chinese music scene is well-deserved.

Speaking of which, she was still thinking of a song "The Next Stop Diva".

However, it felt like this was too much for the queen to sell melons, so she gave up such a plan.

According to the usual practice, after two new songs are released, there will be a two-day break, and fans will be given a two-day delay.

The continuous bombing of the Divine Comedy can easily cause aesthetic fatigue, so it is more scientific to release a few songs in two days.

Of course, most people like diarrhea-style updates, hate squeezing toothpaste, and want to see all the good things at the first time.

It's just that everyone knew Luo Quan's habits, so they didn't urge him too much.

The next morning, Luo Quan still started the live broadcast as usual.

But this time, I went to the street with the camera on, and I was going to buy a la carte and cook a good meal at noon.

Walking on the street, the live broadcast screen moves with Luo Quan, and the barrage is constantly rolling:

"I really envy someone like Luo Quan with a camera on his head. I don't have one."

"Speaking of where the camera is installed, I feel that the field of view is a bit high, and most of it is from a bird's-eye view."

"That's because Luo Quan is tall, almost 1.8 meters, but most people look down."

"It's hard to imagine the concept of a girl who is 1.8 meters faster. I have never seen a real person in Luoquan."

"Like me, jump up and hit her knee."

"Are you a yordle or a hobbit?"


A group of Sand Sculpture Brothers were discussing perspective issues on the barrage, but in reality, Luo Quan had a camera on his forehead and a mask on his face, making him look like a sewer repairman.

It's the Chinese New Year, and the streets of Shanghai are very bustling, and the crowd is shoulder to shoulder. Although I try my best not to bump into others when I move forward, it is still unavoidable.

Fortunately, the girls from Luoquan still had an advantage, and the elders next to her were all gentlemen, who deliberately let her in and gave her some space.

Luo Quan also took this opportunity to rush through the most congested area on the road.

I thought the road ahead would be wider, but it was more crowded, and the crowd seemed to stay where they were.

"Although it's Chinese New Year, there are too many people here."

"This is also a stampede accident, it's okay."

"Don't be crowed, say something auspicious for the New Year's Eve."

"It seems that something really happened up front."

"Hey, it's lively, go and have a look."


What needs to be emphasized is that at this time, Luo Quan did not have time to watch the barrage, and the behavior of joining the crowd to watch the excitement was completely voluntary, and no one forced it.

Because of her height, she squeezed in a little bit to see what was going on.

It turned out to be an international emotional dispute. A fashionable girl was holding the arm of a black man, while a boy next to him questioned the two of them with an angry face.

"Uncle, what's the situation?" Luo Quan asked the uncle who was watching.

"Hey, young people nowadays." The uncle shook his head and smiled, and said, "This girl is the boy's girlfriend. She didn't go home with the boy for the New Year's Eve. She said she had a job and couldn't leave, but the boy had already I became suspicious and followed her specially, only to find out that this girl's job is to accompany this foreigner to go shopping."

After listening to the uncle's narration, Luo Quan didn't speak.

However, many fans in the live broadcast room were blown up:

"I'll go. Is there really such a shepherd dog?"

"To be honest, the shepherd dog can actually understand it, but you should admire it anyway, so you really don't have to eat it?"

"An easy girl is like this, but after a few years, she will still be a good girl."


Netizens are sarcastic, while boys and girls are still arguing.

And as the two sides became more and more fierce, the words spoken became more and more refreshing.

"Look at your day-to-day look. It's rustic. When you're with you, you're often laughed at by your sisters."

"Look at how fashionable John is, and he's good to me. That's the difference, do you understand?"

The girl looked at the boy with disdainful eyes, belittled him, and praised the foreign companions around her.

"Then he is so nice, why did you ask me for money yesterday? Why didn't you just break up?" The boy was full of anger, but he still didn't yell at the girl, and his tone was still relatively gentle.

The girl rolled her eyes: "I'm not well off financially recently, so let me borrow from you?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Quan's two eyebrows almost frowned until his swords merged.

This kind of thing is obviously intolerable, just outsiders like them sound angry and disgusted, let alone the sufferer himself.

Of course, there is no real hammer on whether he has become a sufferer, but it seems to be hanging by now.

Anyway, the spectators around looked at the boy with sympathy.

And the boy himself finally became angry after arguing for a few words. He grabbed the foreigner by the collar and asked him what happened to his girlfriend.

The foreigner didn't understand Chinese, but he immediately became angry when he was caught, and he punched the boy with his fist.

Although the foreigner is tall and strong, the boy is not a vegetarian, and the two are actually about the same in size.

As soon as the fuse was lit, the scene immediately exploded.

The two wrestled fiercely, and the girl only knew how to shout, but did not dare to go up and pull.

Some people around pulled out their mobile phones to call the police, and some tried to come forward to persuade them to fight.

Two boys held the foreigner's arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and shouted: "Stop beating, and talk if you have something to say."

Then the boy caught up with him and punched the black student in the face.

After suffering a great loss, the foreigner was not willing to give up, and immediately broke free from the shackles and rushed forward, and then the two rolled on the ground, the scene was very anxious.

Finally, after both of them were exhausted, the young and old who watched the theater rushed forward to separate them.

The police came soon, briefly understood the situation, and brought all three of them back to the bureau.

Both the boy and the foreigner were injured, and there was a lot of blood left on the corners of the nose and mouth. It is estimated that the final treatment will be to beat [-] boards each, and stay together in the detention center for seven days.

After watching the excitement, the crowd dispersed, and Luo Quan didn't understand how to deal with Luo Quan in the future.

Only then did she turn on her phone and look at the live broadcast room, and found that the barrage was dense:
"I'm stupid. I was excited to see such a big show when I woke up in the morning."

"This boy isn't cruel enough. If I were to change it, I'd just lick his feet and button his eyes. If he doesn't kill half of his life, it's his grandpa. I'm merciful today!"

"If you lose, you will be hospitalized, if you win, you will be jailed. You still have to deal with it calmly."

"Is there any man who can calm down like this?"

"Indeed, if my girlfriend did something like this, I would probably be mad."

"This woman, and this foreigner, are not good things."


In the barrage, there are quite a lot of politically incorrect remarks and very ugly adjectives.

But this is Huaxia, and we don't pay attention to racism. Everyone scolds them casually, and no one will hold them accountable.

But Luo Quan knew that as soon as this incident was broadcast live, it is estimated that a small matter would become a big one, because now the popularity of the live broadcast room has exceeded 5000 million.

"Fights and brawls appeared in the Luoquan live broadcast room!"

The hot search on station B is high hanging, and I don't know how many streams it has attracted.

But I was a little disappointed that Luo Quan was not among those fighting.

It's been a long time since I saw her do anything, but no one can forget that she was on the streets of Shanghai back then, with her invincible heroic posture, it was as exciting as an action movie.

Although the two people who fought were taken away, the incident had just begun.

After Luo Quan bought the vegetables and returned home, there were already related hot searches on Weibo.

"Shanghai made trouble and there were fights on the street."

In a metropolis like Shanghai, it's easy to be searched for anything, not to mention fights involving foreigners and even Luo Quan.

The elements related to popularity are basically complete. It just happens to be Chinese New Year. Netizens have nothing to do when they are idle, and the amount of attention instantly increases after eating melons online.

Fighting is actually a trivial matter, and beating a foreigner is no big deal.

What everyone pays more attention to is the essence behind the incident.

Worshiping foreigners is actually an old-fashioned issue. It is not difficult to see from the girl's words that it seems that in the circle around her, there are behaviors similar to hers.

Even, it is fashionable to have a foreigner friend, or it is a very face-saving thing.

Although teachers have taught us since we were young that it is shameful to worship foreigners and foreign countries, it is obvious that there are still quite a few quality-oriented education that slip through the net.

However, how the road will be taken is their own business, and worshiping foreigners is indeed not illegal, and others actually have no position to criticize.

Soon, the handling of the matter came out, because the savageness was relatively large, which caused a bad social impact. This time, the Shanghai Police Station issued a special announcement, explaining the ins and outs.

Speaking of which, this foreigner, John, is also quite unlucky. He has been abiding by the law since he came to China.

When I went to a bar for a drink, I met this nice girl.

The girl told him from beginning to end that she was single and didn't mention anything about having a boyfriend.

John can be said to be quite innocent. He went to the street with his girlfriend to feel the New Year's atmosphere, but was beaten up by his boyfriend.

The police criticized and educated all three of them, and did not protect anyone, and dealt with them as they should.

But to the astonishment of the people who eat melons, the boy actually said afterwards that he could forgive his girlfriend's mistakes, and the two reconciled as before.

It is indeed the elite among the green fur turtles.

If Luo Quan hadn't broadcasted the incident this time, maybe it wouldn't have caused too much trouble, it was nothing more than a fight.

But through Luoquan's live broadcast room, this incident has become a big news that is well known on the Internet, and related discussions are also very heated.

In addition, there are people with a heart who deliberately set the rhythm inside, causing many irrelevant things to be brought in for discussion.

Netizens were most annoyed, one was the girl's behavior of eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, and the other was the boy's bottomless tolerance.

People are already like this, you can still forgive her, because green is your lucky color.

As the tide of discussion got higher and higher, someone brought the rhythm to Luo Quan's head.

Said she was free and fine, why did she want to start this live broadcast, if it weren't for her, the matter would not have such a big impact.

Originally, a young couple could still get along well, but now it has become known all over the country. In case of a breakup, the girl will not want to jump off the building, and you will be fully responsible.

A series of assumptions directly charged Luo Quan'an with such a big crime.

There are even many people who like this kind of comments.

After Luo Quan saw it, he replied two words under the comment with the most likes in a large size:


Both passers-by and fans burst into laughter after seeing the reply, saying that Luo Quan had taken what he wanted to say.

"I started a live broadcast to record my life, and I happened to film a street fight. This is also my problem, right? It's purely mentally ill.

I originally wanted to rest for two days, but I think I still have to work overtime. "

Soon, she posted another Weibo like this.

Originally, this brawl was very big, and everyone kept piling up firewood to light the fire, making public opinion blaze.

And the two songs that Luo Quan released at night poured the biggest can of fire oil on this firewood pile.

(End of this chapter)

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