Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 644 Stand Up

Chapter 644 Stand Up

ps. There is no good way. After all, we must promote positive energy. If the content is not harmonious, it will not pass the review. It is very lucky to be able to release it once after the revision. Like the previous prohibited chapters, they have been revised several times and have not been given. Contact It was only made by the editor.

It is really difficult to grasp some of the points, because there are too many places where taboos are violated, so I can only go to the mine one time at a time to understand what can be written and what cannot be written.

If you spend a lot of time thundering, you will have experience.

So there may be some unreasonable things in the plot, please bear with me.


After posting on Weibo, Luo Quan worked overtime to produce the song.

Speaking of which, there were quite a lot of patriotic songs in Xiangjiang in the last century, and the quality of them was pretty good.

So when she sings it now, it won't look abrupt.

After all, in such a wonderful era, how could it be possible to only talk about love, and there is actually no shortage of songs such as family and country feelings, inspirational, and humanities.

In the past, songs were released at [-] o'clock, but this time because it was a temporary decision, it came out a little later.

However, the fans are really willing to wait. They have been paying attention to the news of Luoquan's B station. From time to time, they will open Penguin Music to refresh to see if there are new songs.

Luo Quan didn't keep everyone waiting too long, and released this new song called "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" at ten o'clock in the evening.

This is a song title, so you know what it will be about.

And the lyrics are also expressing her patriotic feelings every word, and the standard theme can't be more standard.

"The people of the country who have been sleeping for a hundred years have gradually woken up.
Open your eyes, be careful
Who is willing to admit himself

Because of cringe and forbearance

People's arrogance is rising
Say it, say it loudly

This is the whole country

Robbers have always invaded

In the end
The Great Wall will never fall

Thousands of miles of the Yellow River surging

Beautiful rivers and mountains, colorful peaks and mountains

Asked my country what is like a disease

Different from common military songs or red songs, the voice used by Luoquan is quite soft and the volume is not high, but the articulation and tone of each lyrics are as hard as steel, and there is a sound on the ground, and each accent is like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening. on the heart of the reader.

Moreover, from Luo Quan's singing, a lot of emotion can be heard.

Anger, firmness, love, expectation, pride, all mixed together, can be called the most abundant time since debut.

In the past, Luo Quan's songs were full of skills and no emotion, but this time, both skills and emotions are definitely at their peak.

Perhaps this is not a song that can win a Grammy Award, but in the eyes of many people, this is definitely one of the best songs written by Luo Quan.

As soon as the song was released, "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" topped the list of most searched songs, and the prefix was immediately explosive.

In addition to the contributions of extremely excited fans, GQT's likes and reposts are also one of the reasons for the explosive popularity.

Tuantuan said: "In this song, Luo Quan expresses extremely strong patriotism. In his own way, he sends out the strongest cry since the beginning of 2019. It is also a gift, which has a very special meaning!"

Such an evaluation already put the words "quickly praise Luoquan" on his face.

Apart from Wu Jin, Luo Quan is the only Chinese artist who is so loved by the official media.

Both of them were liked and forwarded by GQT several times because of their works.

Both of them have a characteristic, that is, the popular works take away the main theme, and at the same time, both of them are currently in charge in their respective fields.

Some people are envious of these things, but they have no way to imitate them.

Because patriotism cannot be pretended, patriotism for money is definitely not as good as those who are sincere.

After getting the official platform, the demons in the comment area have already dispersed, and the scene where netizens are in harmony can be said to be quite rare.

"Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I love this land deeply."

"Combined with what happened today, I think this song is really appropriate and timely. The problem of xenophobia has really existed for too long, and it is a bit deeply rooted."

"I hope this song can be like a slap in the face to wake up those people, open your eyes, stand up, and stop kneeling."

"Although the reality may not be as perfect as the ideal, but a real warrior will always dare to face the blood. As long as we are determined, we can definitely change it."

"At noon, when I saw the news and some comments, I was actually extremely angry, but after listening to Luo Quan's song, I only felt that these people were ridiculous and pitiful.

His own country is so powerful, but he is willing to kneel and lick others, which can no longer be described as shameless, it should be boneless. "

"Do you think these people will have a good end? Black people are notoriously irresponsible. When they have children in the future, they can run faster than Olympic champions. At that time, these women will hold a black baby, and they will look for panmen. not."

"That's hard to say. The base of 14 billion people is too big. It's hard to find a hero. It's not a lot to lick a dog."

"Some licking dogs are stupid, but not stupid."


It can be seen that Luo Quan's song has completely aroused the patriotic sentiment of the masses.

But the crowd is excited here, and not every place is excited.

For example, under the Weibo of some bloggers on Weibo, and some discussion groups on Douban, there are people posting complaints about Luo Quan's songs.

It is said that she is a female war wolf, and now she has finally found the wealth code.

There are also people who say that things that are not big at first have to be added to the flames. You are so happy after singing, what about other girls?
It is also said that she is trying to gain fame and make use of the topic. She is clearly a foreign brand and often develops abroad, but she still pretends to be so patriotic.

There have been a lot of remarks against her, and there has never been one as strong as this time.

Probably some of the lyrics in this song and some words of netizens really hurt the fragile self-esteem of these people.

The times are different. Some things may have been fashionable and face-saving in the past, but from now on, they will be scandalous things that will be cast aside by the whole society.

And it started because of two girls.

A "good girl", with two boats on her feet, cheated domestically and abroad.

A "bad girl" deliberately provokes confrontation and becomes a wolf warrior for fame.

Reality can be so absurd sometimes, but this bad girl doesn't intend to stop there.

After seeing these slanderous remarks, Luo Quan posted another Weibo overnight: "It only costs less than ten yuan to change your nationality. If you don't like this country, you can leave immediately. No one will stop you.

I don't know why you hate your mother country so much but you still refuse to leave. Is it because you are a waste, so you are afraid that if you leave, the country will not want it?

Or was he just an idiot with a thicker skin than a city wall, who spoke completely illogically and only knew how to spew dung with his mouth open?
I have a lot of time tonight, if you want to braid it, just come to the comment area, and all my fans don't talk, I want to see how many shameless people there are. "

Luo Quan is not afraid of trouble, and loves to take the initiative to cause trouble. He never holds back what he dislikes, and speaks out directly.

Now that the gauntlet has come down, it is open to the entire network, and fans are not allowed to participate in the battle. This is an intention to fight alone.

This can no longer be described as iron, it is simply a diamond!

However, not all of the opposing camps are cowards, and soon someone will come out to fight.

A nickname is a string of English avatars who responded first in the comment area:

"First of all, I would like to say that I am a Chinese American who has recently become an American citizen, with a mediocre education, that is, a graduate from MIT.

Although I am in a foreign country, I still love my motherland and nation, and I have always used domestic products.

But I want to ask you, why do you wear and drink mostly foreign things if you are so patriotic?When you broadcast live, everyone can see cosmetics, milk, clothes, etc. How do you explain it? "

Obviously, this is someone who has followed Luo Quan for a long time, maybe he is still an old fan.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the deeper you can hurt, and this person's move is a big move.

But Luo Quan was not asked at all, but responded sharply:
"I have made much more money from foreigners than the foreign products I have used. Moreover, many of your so-called domestic products have foreign technology, and some even have foreign companies investing in them. Have you ever tried to find out? ?

In addition, you said that you are naturalized in the United States but still love your country.

Then I will repeat the oath of naturalization to you now:
I completely renounce my citizenship and allegiance to any former foreign prince, monarch, country or sovereign, and I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of America against all enemies at home and abroad.I will sincerely serve America...  

This is what everyone has to say when they are naturalized in the United States. After you read this kind of words, you have completely abandoned your motherland.

And now you say you still love your motherland, which is a betrayal of your current country and oath. In the past, you had no king and no father, abandoned the country and family, and had both ends of the head, just like a dog with a broken spine. dog.

It's embarrassing to look like this in public, and the orangutan barks in front of me. I have never seen such a brazen person! "

Sprinkling hundreds of words eloquently, intercepting the evidence and making sense, Luo Quan directly scolded this so-called high-achieving student who graduated from MIT.

After scolding for more than ten minutes, I didn't see any reply, probably because I was too scolded to reply and went offline.

There are only these two comments in the comment area. The fans obeyed her appeal very much and did not answer below. They just cheered her up with likes.

Luo Quan's comment now has more than [-] likes.

"Luo Quan is so strong"

Because of this comment, she was on the hot search again today.

Her Weibo comment section does not allow comments, but there is no such restriction under the trending search, and the fans are already happy.

"Haha, I've never felt that watching others scold others can be so enjoyable."

"I can imagine Luo Quan's expression when he was typing, his beautiful face was full of anger, and he had to hold back his mother-in-law and fight back in a more civilized way. If it were me, I would just fuck you M three times."

"After all, the purest mouth smell, the most extreme enjoyment."

"Actually, I really want to hear Luo Quan scolding me. It must be very interesting."

"Put on some clothes. (Dog head)"


I don't know where the bad habit came from, but some people feel very happy to be scolded. Is there really such a quirk?
After reading it, Luo Quan expressed that he couldn't understand.

After a while, someone commented on Weibo again.

A big V female blogger said:
"This matter was originally your wish. If you don't make trouble with the adults and the young couple, you can continue to live. They say that you demolish a temple without destroying ten marriages. Do you think it's appropriate for you to do this?

Some things really don't need to be like this, so what if some people are willing to degenerate, let her be the dog licker, let him be the green hat man, it's all your own choice.

Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself, don't you understand? "

There is one thing to say, the level of this big V is much higher than that of the high-achieving student just now, and many of his words are heart-breaking words.

And the starting point seems to be quite good, so it is more objective, so Luo Quan should not meddle in his own business.

But she will take care of this nosy matter today:

"The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

Some things have nothing to do with me, you can't let me express my opinion after seeing it, right?

Just like it is now, I scold some people is my business and some people, what does it have to do with you, originally scolding me is over, you want to jump out and continue to expand your influence, this is not what you call a big event Isn't the principle of miniaturization contradictory?

You can't do what you don't want yourself, don't do it to others, so why jump out and guide me what to do?

Also, I reiterate that all the remarks this time are not aimed at a certain person, but at this phenomenon.

All have problems and all have been punished.

However, if this phenomenon is not resolved, similar cases will continue to occur.

I definitely can't solve it, but I will try my best to make it more popular, let more people know and understand what to do and what not to do.

I'm really imposing my values ​​on people, but you ask, do people agree with me being aggressive, or with yours and let these people live and die? "

As soon as the words came out, the fans directly expressed their opinions with likes.

The big v got thousands of likes, while Luoquan got 10,000+.

It's clear at a glance who gets more approval.

Some people say that the truth is in the hands of a few.

But Luo Quan quickly replied: "The eyes of the masses are discerning, and most of them can tell right from wrong."

In the second round of debate, Luo Quan won by a small margin.

Compared with the first round, she didn't yell anymore.

But she also added an extra program, which is to sing a song to stand for her point of view.

Music is always infectious.

And Luo Quan sang "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant".

Not only is it contagious, it's even quite shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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