Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 645 Interview

Chapter 645 Interview
"The arrogance and arrogance
Hot blood beats red sun

Courage is like iron and bone is like steel
The mind is a hundred thousand feet long
swear to be a good man

Luo Quan's singing voice, like gold and iron, echoed powerfully in the ears of fans.

How deafening is this.

Never thought that a girl could sing such a heroic and strong song.

It can be said that this is a super difficult song that most tenor singers in China can't sing well.

Not to mention Luoquan's invincible aura like a rising sun rising from the east, just this real high-pitched character who has never played G3 in the whole process can already dissuade 90.00% of the people.

Especially in the climax part, the song is filled with a lot of G3, A4, B4 treble, and they are all real voices, which makes the difficulty of this song even higher.

From a technical point of view, this is undoubtedly a virtuoso divine comedy, fully displaying Luo Quan's arrogant and domineering talent.

Her previous high-pitched works, such as "Suffering" and "Eternal Love", are already extremely shocking and world-renowned works.

The chest voice that resembles the long cry of an elephant is as powerful as Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

That is to say, she doesn't know how to roar like a lion. If she really has this kind of martial arts, she might be more suitable for practicing this kind of martial arts than the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun.

However, those songs used some mixed voices more or less before, and a trained soprano can still reach the same level.

But this time "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" is full of real voices, full of emotions, and no skills.

It's not that Luo Quan has no skills in singing, but that she didn't use any skills at all when she soared high notes, and she relied purely on her body to force her way up.

To put it simply, God chases after her to feed her, and it's not enough if she doesn't eat.

This is an innate talent born from the mother's womb, which cannot be compared with any skill.

Without the same strong capital as Luoquan, it is impossible to reach the same level even if you practice for 100 years.

After listening to this song, many colleagues were shocked and felt a sore throat at the same time.

Let alone their real voices, even if they are asked to sing in false or mixed voices, their voices will probably be a little tired after the end.

With this singing skill, they don't know what to say other than being convinced.

With this professional ability, she deserves to be popular.

As an ordinary fan, I definitely don't understand this kind of professional information.

But what they listened to was the lyrics, the momentum in Luo Quan's singing.

To put it bluntly, this is one of the most powerful and fierce songs since the concept of Chinese pop music.

Moreover, many people think that this one can actually be removed directly.

Not to mention, the lyrics are so domineering.
A real man was born between heaven and earth, so it should be like this.

Look at those sissies in the entertainment industry now, and look at these licking dogs in reality. Compared with the boys in the lyrics, they are completely two species.

Now netizens know why Luo Quan sang this song. This is her best wish for Chinese boys.

If they can do what they sing in the lyrics, even if it is only half of it, will we still see those troubles in society today?
It's a pity that the current aesthetics are indeed a bit crooked.

The boys themselves are fine, but the words of the girls have drifted towards the Hallyu side, and the fresh meat is especially popular.

After the song came out, countless boys spoke excitedly below:

"Let's take a look, this is Luo Quan's ideal male image."

"Boys are supposed to be masculine."

"What about those with gender cognitive impairment?"

"You have a gender cognition disorder, do you still think you are a boy? It's obvious that you didn't examine the questions carefully."

"Don't be ridiculous, as long as you think you are still a man, you shouldn't have anything to do with the word sissy."

"Not only the character, but also pay more attention to how people behave in the world. Indecisiveness, no bottom line, and persistent tolerance are not worth advocating."

"I always feel like you're implying something."

"Is this still a hint? Luo Quan has already said that this is a song for some boys, warmly welcome you to take your seat."

"I've realized, I won't be a dog licker in the future."

"Haha, Tangtang is the most beautiful in the world to help the majority of boys get out of the sea of ​​love. What kind of sentiment is this?"

"I would like to be called a female Bodhisattva, so come and save me sometime."

"Well, you monster, give me a stick from my old grandson!"


There are true feelings and gags, this is the current status in the comment area.

However, Luo Quan's songs once again became a phenomenon, and also attracted the attention of relevant departments.

After "Canon of Luoquan" became popular last time, the bells of elementary and middle school students were uniformly replaced with this piece of classical music, which is known as the most beautiful melody.

And this time, "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" also has a similar treatment, but it's not the bell for the end of get out of class. If that's the case, it's not easy for the teacher to delay the class, because the broadcast will cover what they said.

What was replaced was the piece of music when the students went out for exercises at ten o'clock in the morning. This time is usually a stage when sleepiness gradually rises. Students pull out to run and do exercises to improve their energy.

Coupled with this song to boost energy, the effect is simply getting twice the result with half the effort.

After changing the background music in many schools, many boys said: This song made them want to ride their classmates into the battlefield.

It makes people feel funny, but also sighs that Luo Quan's songs are too contagious.

Not only "A Man Should Be Self-Strengthening", but also "The Great Wall Will Never Fall". Although the number of paths taken is different, the touch they bring is the same.

Both of these two songs can be called the main theme songs, and they won't feel abrupt when they appear at most formal evening parties.

Combined with what happened in the past few days, Luo Quan made the most powerful response with his own singing.

This is much more useful than her chatting with those people on Weibo.

As soon as this song came out, it had a good influence all over the country, especially after the craze for cover singing gradually started, the name Luoquan was mentioned again and again.

Of course, this is not the first time her name has been spread across the country. As early as last year when she sang "Blue and White Porcelain", she was already well-known throughout the country.

It's just that she spent most of this year abroad, so she didn't take advantage of or maintain this enthusiasm in the follow-up.

The popularity mentioned here refers to offline, and she has never lost the popularity online.

But there are still many people in Huaxia who don't go online, or don't play Weibo B station, and the way to see Luoquan is not so convenient.

But this time, her name appeared directly on the headlines of the major newspapers.

Apart from the Spring Festival Gala, this is probably one of the ways for a person to quickly gain explosive popularity.

Another one is the character news in the prime time. It just happened that the top ten people who touched China were broadcast some time ago, and this time there is another program called Finding the Most Beautiful Chinese People.

Originally, the purpose of photographing occupations such as hawkers, street cleaners, firefighters, construction site workers, and doctors was to let the public know how difficult their jobs are and to show the grassroots style.

It is impossible for such a glamorous career as an entertainer to appear on such a people-friendly program.

Because the hard life of the general public is completely parallel to these well-clothed people, and there is no possibility of intersecting.

But this time, because Luoquan's commotion was too loud, the program team really came to the door.

This program has a special feature, that is, it will not notify the filming characters in advance that they are coming, but will make a surprise attack and then start the interview.

Just to see what kind of situation they are at home, to see the real side.

It is worth mentioning that this program is also a live broadcast, which is a bit like a reality show, so the ratings have remained high for a while, and both middle-aged and young people like to watch it.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the camera was turned on, and the lens showed the dark and cold night outside, and street lights speeding backward one after another.

This program will also be broadcast on Bilibili and Weibo Live.

The popularity is neither high nor low, and there are still several million.

"I'll go, this time the family lives in the suburbs."

"It's so far away from the city, I can't tell where it is."

"It's a bit like the outskirts of Shanghai. I went there when I was outing."

"Okay brother, you can see it at a glance."

"It is indeed Shanghai, but the suburbs of Shanghai are different from ordinary suburbs. The people living there are rich people."

"And it's not ordinary rich people, it's extremely rich!"

"Call Tangong, that place is even more outrageous than Lujiazui, full of invisible rich people."

"Could it be that the protagonist this time is a college student working in a high-end community, or a security guard?"

"This theme is very inspirational when you hear it."


The audience was discussing with each other, but none of them guessed who the real show crew was going to film tonight.

Arriving at the gate of the Tan Palace, the host Xiao Sa stood at the gate of the Tan Palace, first went to negotiate with a few security guards, and showed his identity as the host.

The security guards were a little confused, but they quickly contacted the property manager.

This scene entertained the audience.

"Good guy, one day the host will encounter a community that he can't get into."

"As expected of a wealthy area, it's just different from where we Shushu live."

"This is the gap between the rich and the poor, which is both enviable and detestable."

"I don't know why, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

"What's so uncomfortable, everyone has their own life."


After some negotiations, the program team obtained permission to enter.

"Audience, in order not to reveal the protagonist's address, as usual, let's keep the screen black for a while." Xiao Sa said, covering the camera cover, and only his voice could be heard all the way.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect this neighborhood to be so luxurious before I came here."

"Let me see, hey, there is only one family on this floor, and the elevator opens and you walk two steps to get to the family's house."

While introducing, the bell of the elevator rang, several people walked in, and the signal paused for a while.

When they reappeared, they had reached the third floor. A group of people walked out of the elevator. Xiao Sa went to the door not far ahead and knocked.

There is a new couplet hanging on the door, and there is an upside-down blessing character in the middle.

The door opened, and a white face covered in a mask came out.

"Ah, you are!"

"Hello, I'm Xiao Sa, the host. Now we're broadcasting a show about finding the most beautiful Chinese people. Is Luo Quan at home?"

"Yes." Wen Xia nodded hurriedly, then turned her head and shouted in a voice like the roar of a lion in the east of the river: "Luo Quan, the host asked you to record a show!"

As soon as the voice came out, many people who were watching the live broadcast immediately recognized it.

Isn't that just Wen Xia's voice? Combined with those eyes, she must be right.

Unexpectedly, this time the program team went directly to Luo Quan's house!

After about ten seconds, the sound of Luo Quan's footsteps came.

I saw that she was wearing an apron with pink flowers on a blue background, and her hands were wet, as if she was washing dishes.

"Hello, you are... Xiao Sa." Luo Quan has also cooperated with Xiao Sa's host many times, so he recognized him immediately.

"This time we are here to find the most beautiful Chinese people. We are open to people all over the country. There are many people watching the show." Xiao Sa smiled and asked the cameraman to focus on Luo Quan.

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, quickly wiped his hands on the apron, and then brushed his somewhat messy hair with his elbow.

"I was washing the dishes just now, and you didn't say a word when you came here, and you haven't even dressed yet." Luo Quan regarded this show as an entertainment program for looking for beautiful beauties just like TCC.

"It doesn't matter, we just want to see the real side of the interviewee's life.

Because we were all interviewing firefighters, doctors, nurses and so on before, and everyone appeared in their usual appearance when they appeared on camera.

And this time, when we interview an artist like you, we don't want to be an exception. We just want to see what the three-time world's most beautiful winner looks like when he is at home. "

"So it's like this." Luo Quan immediately realized that this was not the entertainment program she thought.

It is a realistic program that focuses on the main theme and promotes positive energy.

However, is it really good for this kind of program to interview her?

You can’t see any suffering among the people here, just talking about this house, the people I interviewed before couldn’t buy a living room with their life savings...

It's hard to say, but it's the truth.

This is why Luoquan has not accepted interviews in China, especially for the general public.

She wants to fit in with the people, but her life has taken her out of that class.

This is a very contradictory fact, and it is also one of the few points that worries her.

"The show is called Finding the Most Beautiful Chinese. You are the darling of the new media era. It would be inappropriate not to make a show about you."

Xiao Sa said, turning his head and looking at the camera: "Everyone in front of the TV, please don't change the channel when you see this.

I don't know if you know Luo Quan, although she looks like a foreigner, but she is a Chinese with good roots.

Moreover, she is now very well-known internationally, and has made a lot of contributions to the spread of Chinese culture.

The most commendable thing is her incomparable musical talent. This is a rare artistic talent in China who has both ability and political integrity! "

(End of this chapter)

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