Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 646 The Daily Life of the Goddess

Chapter 646 The Daily Life of the Goddess

"What is this host doing? Luo Quan is so famous and you need to introduce him?"

In front of the TV, a few grandparents helped their reading glasses and complained.

There are many people in Huaxia, but there are actually many people who don't know Luoquan.

However, she has made a lot of noise in the past two years. For a while, her name appeared in newspapers all over the country, so there are actually more people who know her.

Fame can be spread all over the world, and there is no reason to be anonymous in one's hometown. This is simply illogical.

That is to say, Luoquan seldom goes back to Yuzhou. The local government has actually visited her grandparents’ house many times, and even interviewed the elders, asking how they cultivated such a talented girl.

What can the two elders say, my granddaughter has been smart and obedient since she was a child, but her mother is responsible for the training.

It's a pity that the media couldn't interview Luo Quan's mother, otherwise the answer would probably be: My daughter has been smart and obedient since she was a child, but I haven't really trained her in art, she is self-taught.

Not many people know the truth about it, but Luoquan's reputation is actually quite loud among the Chinese people.

After all, the music and dance performance in the Spring Festival Gala was the time period with the highest ratings in the entire Spring Festival Gala.

Among the beauties, Luo Quan was the one who impressed everyone the most. At that time, many viewers said that they had never seen such a beautiful girl in their life.

Unlike young people who often surf the Internet, middle-aged and elderly people live in an information cocoon, and the channels for accessing information are newspapers and TV in most cases.

Now, high-value female stars rarely appear in these two places.

When watching TV dramas, the number of female stars that can be met is also limited, which in turn limits their imagination of appearance.

The first time Luo Quan appeared, he was like a fairy girl who fell from the sky.

It's just that this fairy girl has a higher nose, which makes her look like a foreigner.

But no matter what, this impression is really very deep.

As more and more newspapers and news introduced her later, the common people also had some understanding of Luo Quan.

Of course, they are all ordinary people who have no problem with food and clothing.

Those poor families who have not yet touched the well-off line are concerned about how to eat enough and save more money every day, and they are not in the mood to care about entertainment news or talented girls.

But I just saw this show today, and I was free at night, so I just watched it.

There is one thing to say, this girl is really handsome, but they are even more envious of the big house where this girl lives.

The camera was lifted up to take a picture. The area was as large as the construction site where they dusted.

"I really didn't expect that you would come to interview me. How could this kind of program film me." Luo Quan scratched his head, looking a little puzzled.

"It can't be said that, as a musician with both integrity and ability, your works have been liked by the public, so you have the life you have now."

Xiao Sa laughed, but encouraged Luo Quan: "Besides, you are also donating money, this is your contribution."

"Just try my best." Luo Quan was modest, and then led several members of the program group into the living room.

Wen Xia and Su Yu ran to the kitchen to get cups and poured hot water.

In this scene, it seems that there are visitors at home, the man is in charge of reception, and the woman is serving tea and water.

They each perform their duties and are quite virtuous.

"This time, I actually want to take a picture of your day, from tonight to tomorrow night.

Speaking of which, what is your daily life like? Do you practice piano or exercise, or collect materials when you are not creating? "The direction Xiao Sa asked was no different from the previous interview.

He knew that this episode of the program was aimed at young people. After all, to be a program covering the whole country, we should not only consider middle-aged and elderly people. It is also necessary to interview some celebrities that young people like.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, was ranked first.

Hearing the question, Luo Quan thought for a while and replied: "I, in fact, I usually relax at home, that is..."

"Lying corpse!" But before he finished speaking, Wen Xia suddenly added something.

"!" Xiao Sa was puzzled, "What's the situation with the dead body?"

"It's just that the living conditions are relatively decadent and not full of vigor." After all, it was broadcast live on CCTV, Wen Xia still saved some face for Luo Quan, and didn't say that she ate and slept, and ate and slept.

"I'm really lazy at ordinary times, but when I have a job, I will be very conscientious." Luo Quan explained with a serious face.

Then he glanced at Wen Xia with kind eyes.

To be reasonable, if this was not a show, Luo Quan would probably let her know why he was called the peak of Blue Star's combat power right away.

Xiao Sa raised her eyebrows in surprise, and opened her mouth wide: "It seems that our geniuses are usually quite leisurely. I thought geniuses were 90.00% inspiration and [-]% sweat."

"I'm half and half of the two. Hard work is definitely necessary, but it doesn't need to be particularly hard." Luo Quan looked humble, but his tone sounded like Versailles.

Seeing this scene, Luo Quan suddenly had an idea, maybe this is a good opportunity to recruit Chinese music?

"Taking this opportunity, I actually have something to say to the parents in front of the TV."

Luo Quan sat upright, with a serious expression on his face: "Students must get good grades now is the top priority, but if they find that students have a hobby or talent for music, parents can encourage and even support them.

It is not necessary for them to learn music, but it is definitely not a bad thing for them to consciously understand and improve their aesthetics.

Maybe your child is the next musical genius?

What I want to say is that parents should not blindly obliterate their children's yearning for art when it is not necessary. "

This is the first time she has spoken out for the music industry on such a big platform.

And the target of the propaganda can be said to be one of the biggest enemies in the field of Chinese art, that is, the parents who firmly believe that everything is inferior, and only those who study well.

After the new century, such views have been somewhat alleviated. It was not easy to make some art in the last century.

But the current situation is actually not much better. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Quan also wants to contribute to the music industry.

Perhaps after shouting this sentence, it may not necessarily change the concept of parents, and it will have no effect.

But at least doing it is better than not doing it.

In addition, she also wanted to use herself as an example. It happened that the cameraman just took a picture of her Dabieye, which can be regarded as letting the parents know that if the music is done well, you can make a lot of money, which is not in the traditional concept. His playthings are depressing and not doing business properly.

Xiao Sa nodded, with a face of agreement: "Luo Quan really wants to contribute to China's music industry, but besides telling the parents, do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes, that is, I hope that the relevant personnel can vigorously rectify the chaos of piracy and plagiarism. When the general environment improves, original musicians will have more opportunities to support their families." Luo Quan said the biggest problem without even thinking about it.

Xiao Sa broke into a cold sweat directly on the back, thinking that this girl really dared to say that, as soon as she said this, didn't she put something on the fire.

It's a pity that this is a live broadcast and there is no possibility of editing.

In addition, what Luo Quan said is not too much, combating piracy and plagiarism is the most basic protection of intellectual property rights.

But after talking here, the topic must not continue. If we talk a little more, I don’t know what Luo Quan will say, so Xiao Sa began to change the topic:
"Actually, it can be seen from our initial conversation that you seem to have some resistance to interviews. Can I ask why? Do you not like being interviewed?"

"Mainly because I feel embarrassed." Luo Quan smiled shyly.

"Which way is it embarrassing? Are you afraid that your grandparents or relatives will see it?" Xiao Sa smiled.

"It's because there are still so many people who are living a miserable life. I feel very embarrassed to see that I live and dress so well through TV."

Luo Quan sighed softly, and the huge living room suddenly became silent, as if dropping a needle could make your ears hurt.

There are hundreds if not thousands of celebrities interviewed by Xiao Sa. Many of them said that they don't like to appear on camera, but it's their turn to be more positive than each other.

When asked why, some said they were withdrawn by nature, some said they didn't like exposing their appearance in reality, and some said they simply didn't like interviews.

But it was the first time I heard Luo Quan's answer.

"Can you tell me more about it?" Xiao Sa's tone became deep, and his eyes sparkled.

Luo Quan blinked his eyes, and spoke softly: "I have always felt that if you are poor, you can be alone, and if you are rich, you can benefit the world. I have made a lot of money now, and even if I am extravagant, I can't spend it all.

But when I think of some people still living so hard, I feel uneasy about earning this money, but I don’t have the courage and consciousness to spend my family wealth, so I can only use deceitful methods.

That is to prevent those people from seeing, and try not to look at those people. "

"But as far as I know, you donated a lot of money, much more than most people."

Xiao Sa had investigated this information before coming to the interview. If Luo Quan was simply famous and had made contributions to Chinese culture internationally, he would definitely not have been interviewed.

The most important thing is that she has made greater contributions in China, otherwise CCTV would not have shown the life of an artist to the common people.

"I donated some, but compared to my income, it's actually nothing worth mentioning." Luo Quan thought about the jewelry in his drawer and the luxury car in the garage, and his face suddenly became a little rosy.

"I remember that the amount is huge, and the invoices are all in one drawer." Wen Xia, who had cleaned Luo Quan's room, said suddenly.

"Is it convenient to take it out and have a look?" Although Xiao Sa was asking, his tone was very firm, as if he would not give up until he saw it.

"Okay." After Luo Quan finished speaking, he got up and went upstairs, and came down a minute later with a schoolbag, which was full of donation vouchers and invoices.

There was a pile of black and white writing, and she poured it all down on the coffee table.

"Oh my god, these sums are sum after sum. If you don't know, you may think it is a charity entrepreneur." Xiao Sa casually grabbed a handful, straightened it and held it in front of the camera.

"The donation for this piece is [-] US dollars, donated to impoverished mountainous areas and left-behind children, can I ask the story in it?"

Xiao Sa looked through it. This is the largest amount of all donations he has seen so far, so he is very curious about the story behind it.

Asked this, Luo Quan blushed even more.

She has no memory of most of the donations and can only speculate using the date.

But there is a donation, and she can know the date and month of the donation just by the amount, and why.

"It's actually just me being mean." Luo Quan looked at the camera shyly, feeling that it was really embarrassing to say such a thing.

"It was the year before last, when my album sales were not satisfactory, I said that the fans shouted so much, but it turned out that the effort was not worth the money.

Then, as we talked, we got into braids with fans because of the money. When my brain got hot, I said that if you are really rich, I will crowdfund [-] million US dollars, and then I will take a swimsuit photo for you. "

"Facts have proved that fans are rich, but they don't want to spend money to listen to songs, they are more willing to spend money to see photos, and they can make up so much money in less than half a month, but I don't care if this kind of income arrives. Feel free to donate money raised by foreign fans directly to foreign countries, and donate money raised by domestic fans to China.”

"Then it's a good thing. I personally think we should come more times." Xiao Sa made a joke that everyone understands, which is harmless.

But Luo Quan gave him a reproachful look, and his face turned even redder.

"What about the other ones, do they have stories too?" After talking about the one with the largest amount, Xiao Sa also asked about other donations.

"Then there will be none." Luo Quan shook his head, "I will donate half of my domestic income, I thought about going to condolences in person before, Dai took a team to take some photos for publicity or something.

But I am afraid that some people on the Internet will think that I am putting on a show and paying attention to other places, so I think it is better to hand over the money to professionals, so I will not add trouble, just be responsible for making money.

But then I thought about it again, it’s better to make a show of charity than not to show it, at least publicize it so that more people can see it, and this kind of thing should get more attention instead of being unknown.

So my approach is actually wrong, everyone must not learn. "

"In any case, this is your choice, but as long as you donate money, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. As long as every sum is put into practice and used on the cutting edge, it is worthy of praise."

Xiao Sa's tone was sincere, and then he said a long section of chicken soup.

After talking about the chicken soup, he returned to Luoquan.

"Well, let's see how much Luo Quan has donated over the past two years.

There have been no reports about this on Weibo before, and it is hard to remember if you want to give you credit. "

Vouchers were pulled one after another, recording the whereabouts and amounts.

It is best to convert and add up based on the exchange rate, and get the amount of Luoquan's donation to be 18 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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