Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 647 The Daily Life of the Goddess

Chapter 647 Goddess' Daily Life ([-])
"I'll go, [-] billion."

"It's only been two years since its debut, which is a lot more than those entrepreneurs who have been famous for many years."

"There is no need to kidnap morally, but Luo Quan is indeed worthy of praise."

"If all the rich people in the world are like this..."

"That is the great harmony of the world, and the journey of the great road."

"However, simple donations are also not acceptable. This is the same principle as saving the poor from emergencies. Wealth still has to be created by ourselves."

"I can only say that Luoquan is worthy of the title of the most beautiful in the world, no matter in terms of appearance or character."

"It's been a long time since I've seen someone so flawless."

"It's over, my wife will start to be missed by everyone again. (狗头)"


In the barrage, there were all amazement and praise.

Some media previously revealed that Luo Quan has been donating, and the amount is not small.

But the fans did not expect the amount to be so huge, more than [-] billion.

Moreover, the whereabouts of many invoices are specific to a certain village or a certain hospital, which is quite clear and clear. Anyone who is interested can find it out, and it is impossible to fake it.

With such a large number and such a wide coverage, it is absolutely rare in the entire Chinese entertainment industry, if not unique.

And it is such a great act of kindness that has not been revealed until now. If it were not for the CCTV program, this matter would still be unknown.

Maybe, among the people who are watching the live broadcast, there are people who have received funding from Luoquan.

It's a pity that the whereabouts on the invoice is too small, except for a few close-ups, the others can only be seen by Xiao Sa and a group of people in Luoquan's house.

"To be honest, you donated so much money, as long as the remaining money is not illegal, you shouldn't feel guilty about spending it anyway!" Xiao Sa's tone was very excited, as if encouraging Luo Quan.

"It's not that much guilt, it's too hypocritical to say that." Luo Quan smiled, his expression relaxed a lot.

After talking about the donation, Xiao Sa talked with Luo Quan about cultural export.

The picture of Huaxia on the tip of her tongue that she took before caused a sensation all over the world. It was the most successful cultural export of Huaxia to the outside world in the past ten years, and even attracted a lot of tourists.

These are all supported by data, and they are definitely attributable to Luo Quan.

Talking about it again now, I also want to ask her about her experience in this regard, and the original intention is to let her show a way out.

Luo Quan understands what Xiao Sa means, but for things like giving can she point it out?
There is no road in history, and there are roads when there are many people walking.

It's just that she flies directly, and it is difficult for others to imitate and copy.

"I think some people don't think so far in advance."

Since she was asked to say a few words, she was blunt: "Many domestic cultures, such as Peking Opera and traditional musical instruments, may have a generational gap in domestic talents, and the audience is also decreasing. This is a top priority that needs to be resolved urgently.

After it becomes popular in China first, then consider cultural export.

If your own people don't like it, how can you make foreigners like it? "

This is quite an incisive speech, but there must be many people in China who understand this truth, but there is no channel to speak out.

There are really not many people like Luo Quan who have the opportunity to speak out live on CCTV.

But here are some things to say, and it's over.

It just so happened that the broadcast time of the show was about the same, Xiao Sa left the sofa, made a conclusion, and then bid farewell to Luo Quan and the audience.

Overall, the interview was a success.

At least let the people know that not all rich people in China are unkind, there are still people who have the world in mind, although the number may be very small.

However, after the broadcast of this program, if the other rich people come to power, they will make some gestures.

In addition, it also helps Luo Quan set an example in the entertainment industry, so that other artists can learn from it.

It's just that some of Luo Quan's words in the show are still inappropriate, but fortunately, there are no harsh words, so there is no need to be particularly entangled.

After seeing off the program group, Luo Quan also let out a long sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

There has never been an interview like this one, which made her feel so nervous, like a final exam. Is this the oppressive force of CCTV?

"Luo Luo, you have shown your face in front of the whole country this time." Wen Xia said with a smile, then grabbed the receipt and stuffed it into her schoolbag.

"You just said in front of the people of the whole country that my usual hobby is laying dead bodies, right?" Now that the outsiders have left, Luo Quan's eyes began to flicker fiercely, and he wanted to impose a wave of sanctions on Wen Xia.

However, Wen Xia reacted faster, and threw Ru Yan Huan Lin into Luo Quan's arms, grabbing her itch precisely.

Afterwards, Luo Quan once again lost the power to resist.

Facts have proved that as long as the enemy's weakness is mastered, even the God of War will be easily defeated.

Luo Quan's Achilles' heels are the sides of her waist, and if she gets caught, she will almost die.

Fortunately, only Wen Xia and several female artists in the company knew about it, and it really had nothing to do with Wen Xia.

After the turmoil, the status of the family was confirmed again, Luo Quan continued to go back to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Wen Xia helped wipe the table and wash the clothes.

Su Yu didn't show up tonight because there happened to be a show, and it is estimated that it has just finished recording and is on the way back.

Luo Quan left some meals for her in the refrigerator to see if she ate out or came back.

After washing up and returning to bed, Luo Quan turned on his phone to watch the follow-up of the CCTV live broadcast.

There are already two on Weibo Hot Search.

One is "The mansion in Luoquan is so big", and the other is "Luoquan donated 18 billion."

The former ranks higher than the latter and has more comments.

In fact, Luo Quan's home in Tan Palace was photographed many times during the live broadcast, and fans knew that her home was very big and luxurious.

It's just that this time it's a national live broadcast, and the influence is not at the same level, so more people know about it.

It is worth mentioning that there is no hatred of the rich in the comment area this time.

"I think she deserves this kind of life. After she developed, she didn't forget other people. She has done well enough."

"For the few rich people that I don't dislike, no matter how she flaunts her wealth, I think it's justified."

"You can spend the money you earn by doing whatever you want."


To be fair, Luo Quan is the only one with such harmonious comments below.

The good news is that this interview had more than just two trending searches.

The next day, celebrities who were "infected" by Luo Quan's generous donations announced that they would respond to Luo Quan's call and contribute their own strength to Huaxia's charity.

Some donated money, some donated clothes, some subsidized poor students, and some built roads for the village.

The amount of donations for the famous ones basically starts at 300 million yuan, and the amount of donations for the lesser famous ones is tens of millions, far exceeding the previous Bazaar Charity Night.

This time, the nomination certificate can be said to be quite positive.

But the only one who was a little confused was Luo Quan herself. After she saw the news, she wondered when she made such a call?

No one can answer this question for her. Those celebrities can't say that it's because they saw your show and feel that life will be difficult if they don't donate, right?
There must be some of these artists who were inspired and sincerely donated, but it is unknown how many there are.

However, a gentleman does not care about his deeds, as long as he is willing to donate money, it is a good thing, and it is also worthy of praise and promotion.

Immediately afterwards, some large domestic manufacturers on the verge of monopoly also announced that they would make donations, and the amount was much exaggerated compared to all the stars.

Originally, people thought that Luoquan’s donation of 18 billion in two years was exaggerated, but these big companies started with [-] billion, which made people dumbfounded.

In addition, some rich people who own large companies have also donated in their own names, amounting to hundreds of millions.

Sure enough, the financial resources of big companies and rich people are unmatched by any artist. To match such an amount, Luo Quan has to ask her grandfather to help.

Donating such a large amount in one day is quite rare in recent years. If this happens once a year, the misfortune of many families may be avoided.

Of course, imagination is beautiful, but the reality is not skinny, it depends on everyone's awareness.

Originally, he showed his face on CCTV, but in the end he was robbed of the popularity by tens of billions of donations. Luo Quan didn't expect it either.

But it doesn't matter, what she lacks most now is heat.

The live broadcast was turned on at noon. By this time, she had already finished her lunch and went back to bed.

Just like Wen Xia said, her favorite thing to do is laying dead bodies.

"It's starting to lie down again, right?"

"Why do most live broadcasts start on the bed."

"It's like this after eating and sleeping."

"Too lazy, Luo Quan."


"Shouldn't you be lazy during the winter vacation?" Luo Quan yawned, "From now until March, shouldn't it be a rest time for our student party?"

"You are studying at a university in Japan, and school is starting now."

"Fuck, I almost got you fooled, your semester is different from ours!"

"Haha, have you been arrested for fishing this time?"


Seeing fans mentioning this, Luo Quan also blushed. She forgot that she was no longer studying in Huaxia.

But she quickly adjusted and explained: "I'm about to graduate, and the school allows me to prepare my thesis at home."

"By the way, will you be able to get a diploma by the end of the year?"

"A diploma from Dongdae University is still okay, but if you go to Harvard for a full master's degree, it will be awesome."

"Is Tsinghua University number one in Asia this year?"

"Don't look at the rankings, the number one in Asia has to be Dongdae."

"To be reasonable, with Luoquan's IQ, wouldn't it be easy to go to any school?"

"I think you can study further."


Seeing so many people persuading students in the barrage, Luo Quan was amused and a little helpless: "No, why are you like my mother, she also let me continue my studies.

But I am not a scientist, so why do I acquire such a high degree with such knowledge? "

"Stupid, pretending."

In the barrage, the fans told the truth in one word.

"You can pretend without a diploma." Luo Quan shook his finger, "Besides, with my current personality as a genius girl, isn't the personality high enough? If it is better, I feel that I will be out of the crowd.

Therefore, let’s just take the entire undergraduate diploma, which is considered to be at the same level as most of you. "

"Then you overestimate us too much. I'm a humble person, and I can only be an expert."

"What's wrong with the college? The college people, the soul of the college, and the college are all masters!"

"Vocational seniors are trembling."

"I dropped out of school after finishing junior high school and went to work in Shenzhen. I worked hard for ten years, and now I'm already in debt of [-] yuan."

"Pfft, what's the matter?"

"I can't see it, why is there Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the barrage?"

"The real bosses are more reserved and just don't talk."


Somehow, the screen turned into a scene of academic exchange.

Usually everyone says they are 985211, but now they are lower than the other.

However, looking at the education statistics on Weibo, there are actually not many people with a bachelor's degree.

Of course, Luo Quan himself is an undergraduate, so he is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

Moreover, academic qualifications cannot completely judge a person's life, and follow-up efforts and luck are actually crucial.

But she doesn't need to talk about these chicken soups. No one likes to listen to lectures on this aspect, and she generally likes a relaxed and happy atmosphere during live broadcasts, and doesn't want to spread anxiety.

After broadcasting for about two hours, Luo Quan just lay on the bed and chatted with everyone.

During the Chinese New Year, there was no big news in China, so we talked about foreign countries.

There is also a lot of news, mainly from the United States.

That is, another school shooting occurred, and the nature was quite bad, with more than 20 casualties.

In the past, such a major event would have caused quite a stir in China.

But now, it can only be said to be commonplace.

The frequent occurrence of shootings is a traditional art in the United States. In the environment where all people hold guns, it cannot be controlled at all.

Luo Quan dared to say that he was invincible in melee combat in China, but in the United States, if he was cautious, he would definitely not dare to make it public.

Because you never know whether the action of the other person reaching into his arms is scratching an itch or drawing a gun.

Some people can't think about it, so they just take their guns to the streets and shoot indiscriminately. There are too many variables.

Just like when she subdued the five armed criminals in the supermarket, although she looked very handsome on the surveillance, and she was not injured at all from the beginning to the end.

But when Luo Quan recalled it afterwards, he was also in a cold sweat.

Several times, if she moved a little slower, the other side could pull the trigger.

Fortunately, her movements are always a little faster than these people.

But if she is allowed to come again, it is hard to say whether it can continue to go fast.

Therefore, it is still very risky to show boxing skills abroad, which is why she seldom goes out, mainly because she is afraid of this.

After talking about these news, Luo Quan got up after taking a nap and started today's work.

Tonight is the fifth song of the new album, singing about love, family and country feelings, and positive energy.

It's time to give her a song of her own.

This time she chose "The Minister Under the Skirt".

(End of this chapter)

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