Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 649 Always be able to come up with new tricks

Chapter 649 Always be able to come up with new tricks

It was half a day after Luo Quan got off the plane.

It was morning when we left, and it was still morning when we arrived.

Fortunately, she basically sleeps on the plane, and she doesn't have to suffer from jet lag.

It was still the plane that my younger brother drove to pick me up. It was a luxury Mercedes-Benz business model with eight seats and a huge space. Otherwise, it would not be able to accommodate the five people and a lot of luggage.

"Oh sister, you are going to take off this time. There are so many Oscar nominations, and the New York Times has been listed for several days." Leon announced the good news to Luo Quan while driving.

Lyon is not as versatile as Luo Quan, and he can only be an actor in movies. This time Universal took a lot of effort to get him a nomination.

And it's just a nomination, it's almost impossible to win an award.

Not only do they have to destroy their image, but they also have to show acting skills that can shock everyone. Currently, Lyon is obviously not hot enough.

Luo Quan smiled sideways: "Don't worry, the new movie prepared for you this year has this potential, whether you can get it depends on your ability."

Turning on the phone, the discussion of the new work "Iron Blood and Heart" has reached its peak in China.

When the song was released last night, she was boarding the plane, so she didn't participate in the first wave of heated discussions.

But it doesn't matter if she can't come out and speak, because everyone from ordinary fans to professionals is applauding her whimsy this time.

Choral songs are a very common form of music, especially love songs. There are a large number of male and female chorus songs, and the number of fine works is also very large.

But at present, in the Chinese pop music scene, there is no chorus that uses the polyphonic form like "Iron Blood and Heart".

The so-called polyphony is composed of two or more simultaneous, related but distinct voices.

These voices are independent, but harmoniously unified as a whole.

As I said before, Canon is a typical polyphonic form.

To use a poem to describe it, it seems that they are separated forever, but they are still dependent for life.

The lingering sentimentality of love is vividly reflected here.

In fact, polyphonic music appeared very early in foreign countries or in China.

In foreign countries, it is usually classical music, while in China, it is drama or folk songs.

However, although it has existed for a long time, no one in China has applied it to the creation of pop music.

One is that it is too difficult, and the other is that no one has the inspiration to think about it.

But now, this blank was filled by Luo Quan. After the appearance of "Iron Blood and Heart", everyone in the industry was shocked, thinking that Geer can still sing like this?
In the chorus, men and women sing their own words, which usually only happens in stage accidents, but it appears so harmonious and beautiful when it appears in "Iron Heart".

Moreover, although Luo Quan's reverse male voice is not so masculine, it is as silky and delicate as a violin.

It can be seen how authentic the accent is.

Moreover, not only young people participated in the discussion this time, but the elderly and middle-aged people were also excited.

This group used to seldom speak online, but now they can't help it anymore.

Because the taste of the song is too strong, it is exactly the feeling of Xiangjiang in the 80s of the last century. As soon as the accompaniment sounded at the beginning, there was only one sentence left in their minds:

I'm back, I feel like I'm all back.

It is obviously a new song, but it feels a classic atmosphere, such a huge contrast can only be achieved by a genius like Luo Quan.

Following the relevant discussions on Zhihu, the famous musician Zhao Lun commented on "Iron Blood and Heart" like this:

"Luo Quan tried a brand-new style of Chinese pop music, and achieved success in one fell swoop. This song will be a monument in the history of Chinese pop music!"

The second highly praised answer is an editor of an authoritative music magazine, and the evaluation is also quite high:

“This album has brought me so many surprises.

The previous few songs are almost at the top level in the industry in driving emotions. Although they are all excellent works, they still lack a work that is enough to impress me.

And "Iron Heart" satisfies me. The musicality of this song is so high that I can't look up to it. How genius is it to come up with the idea of ​​integrating polyphony into pop music?
No one has done it before, and imitators in the future may not be able to reach such heights. Although the song is a tribute to the classic martial arts novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", I think this song itself will become an immortal classic in the future.

As for whether there will be a tribute, I think there will be, and I hope there will be.

Musicians should not be afraid to imitate others. Any creation starts with imitation. Now that we have a benchmark, what we have to do is to continue on the path opened by Luoquan and embark on a path that belongs to Chinese pop music!
At this moment, I was extremely moved, as if I saw the hope of the rise of the Chinese music scene. "


Such an answer can be said to reveal the truth, and it has the taste of Zhuge Kongming being a teacher.

The editor obviously hopes that the Chinese music scene can grow and develop, and it is understandable that he is so excited when he hears a brand new masterpiece.

Compared with these professionals, the fans' answers are more unpretentious:

"When it comes to music, Luo Bao is still terrified. She is said to be dead. I didn't expect to sing a duet so soon."

"You, you can always come up with something new for me · jpg"

"I'm actually quite curious. Did she tune the male voice in this song with a computer or was it artificial?"

"To be honest, this voice gave me a gentle and jade-like feeling of a humble son, delicate and soft but not motherly at all, very powerful!"

"I'm very curious about what Luoquan's men's clothing looks like. She has such an extreme appearance, but it should be the best for men or women, right?"

"Hold on, this kind of thing doesn't need to be described too specifically, leaving us more room for imagination."

"Imagination? What are you thinking about?"

"Actually, this is quite normal. There are so many women's clothing bosses on the Internet, which shows that as long as the appearance is good, any gender can actually charm all beings."

"Good guy, why are you guys more excited about this kind of topic than us girls?"

"The current netizens are like this. You didn't go to Station B to see it. A bunch of philosophical bigwigs there shouted to quickly fencing with Luoquan."

"As expected of the largest homosexual dating site in the country."


Seeing this, Luo Quan was stunned.

The praise from the professionals in front is quite normal, and she expected it. After all, this classic song in Cantonese can not be overstated in any way.

But I didn't expect that her simple backstory would cause such a big commotion.

I didn't realize before that there are so many philosophy lovers among her fans, I thought they were all from LSP.

But the two don't seem to be in conflict, and in the end it's just a face-to-face anyway.

Of course, some also look at the muscles, but the main focus is on the appearance.

As said in the answer, with her good looks, she will be sought after by countless people regardless of her gender.

If she was really a man, then there would be nothing wrong with her younger brother, and the honor of being the most handsome face in the world and the three consecutive champions would have to rest on her head.

"Ah sneeze!"

Leon, who was driving, suddenly had an itchy nose and sneezed loudly.

"Strange, could it be that Mia is thinking about me?" Leon rubbed his nose and returned to the road.

Here, Luo Quan clicked into station B, wanting to see how the fans behaved.

After entering, a video on the homepage caught her attention.

"The male version of Luo Quan!"

The number of views has exceeded 80, and the barrage has exceeded [-], which is quite popular.

Luo Quan clicked in, and saw a sketch with her photo as the model.

The master up drew on the photo, and the last one he drew was a boy, but he was [-]% similar to himself, more like her than his own brother Leon.

The barrage exploded under the car after the drawing:

"Li Liyuan is on the score!"

"Who are you handsome?"

"Only one sketch is enough for who? Let the foreigners next door know that we think we look down upon it. Draw another one, one for each person!"

"This male version of Luo Bao is truly amazing."

"There is a saying that a hundred refined steels are no match for soft fingers."

"It's better to look good. Luo Quan's appearance is really extraordinary and refined, no matter how you draw it, it looks good."

"Indeed, I suggest @我们come over and take a look."


The barrage is full of jokes, and maybe there are some sincere ones in it.

After all, the number of users of station B is so huge, who knows if there are any real philosophers in it.

But in any case, this reverse singing really brought her an unusual degree of discussion.

Glancing at the comment area, she typed and said, "This is a good job!"

Afterwards, the news was synchronized, and it was a wave of publicity for the up master.

Seeing this, fans who were always following Luoquan's news flocked to him immediately.

And this is just one of the hot videos in station B that arranges the image of a boy for Luo Quan.

There are also some videos, where she directly changed her head to various handsome guys in ancient costumes, without any sense of disobedience, and the female fans said that she was so fascinated.

Luo Quan had never thought of such a situation before releasing the song.

Sure enough, as long as people are popular, can any job be overwhelmed with enthusiasm?
Luo Quan finally found the traffic code.

Brushing station B, I arrived home in a short while.

After leaving for more than a month, there are no major changes at home.

Luoxi can already wave her hands and shake her head, and her appearance has become more and more delicate, like a doll carved from ice and snow, revealing a little pink and cuteness in its exquisite translucency.

Her eyes are the same blue as her father's, but her hair and eyebrows are pure black, and her face is more Asian.

It is estimated that when they grow up, they will become more like a Chinese wife like the boss. In this way, the two sisters can be regarded as having their own characteristics.

As for the mother who gave birth to a second child, in addition to teaching Luoxi early every day, she is adjusting her body shape.

As she gets older, she pays more attention to her body and appearance than before.

When I was young, my mother relied on her abundant collagen and her natural beauty, so she didn't care much about maintenance.

But as the power of time gradually appeared on her body, the natural beauty still had to obey the old.

Of course, the age in the early forties is not so obvious, and now I use various high-end skin care products, but it actually looks very young.

There is definitely no comparison with her daughter Luo Quan, but if she is only 28, no one will be able to tell.

After Luo Quan came back, he happened to meet Mia who came to see Luo Xi at home, and came to see Leon by the way.

Of course, this is her own rhetoric, and she doesn't know who she came to see.

But Mia really likes Luoxi, and hugs her whenever she is free.

Luo Xi was also very close to Mia, but when she saw her sister Luo Quan, her lips twitched, as if she was about to cry.

"Hey, it's been a few months since I saw her, so I don't recognize my sister."

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and retracted the hand that was about to hold his sister, but moved closer to her: "Luoxi, do you still recognize my sister?"

"Sister... pick up..." Luoxi babbled, but didn't make any movements, and there was great doubt in her blue eyes.

"This is Luoxi, so cute~~" Wen Xia and the others came behind Luo Quan, their eyes turned into little stars.

Before coming to the United States, she had already started to look forward to the first meeting with Xiao Luoxi.

Before just looking at the photos and videos, she liked Luo Quan's younger sister very much. Now that she finally sees the deity, she can't wait to hug her directly.

And Luoxi also showed that he was not afraid of strangers at all, and when he saw Wen Xia, he stretched out his hand and made a smiling face.


These two words are quite clear.

"Fuck me, am I your sister or is she your sister?" Luo Quan pouted, a little jealous.

Amidst the big guy's laughter, Wen Xia took Luoxi from Mia's arms, and the little guy tilted his head, smiling so happily.

Wen Xia lowered her head and gently touched Xiao Luoxi's nose with her nose, the smile on her face was brighter than a blooming flower.

After hugging for a while, Luo Quan reached out and wanted to hug her too.

This time Luoxi didn't pout, but looked at Luoquan with wide eyes.

This expression seemed to say, where did such a beautiful girl come from?
Although I don't know if the baby has any concept of appearance, but lying in Luo Quan's arms, Luo Xi is still quite quiet.

It is estimated that the reunion after a long absence was a little strange before, but now that I am familiar with it, it will be fine.

This time Luo Quan finally got his wish, and got close to his sister for a while.

I haven't seen him for more than a month. To be honest, I really miss this little guy.

Dad is not at home, and the company has a lot of work. He has already devoted himself to work several days ago.

In addition to his own shipping company and the new energy vehicle invested by Luoquan, he also checks in on it from time to time.

Although Nicholas is good at scientific research, his business is so-so and he really needs help.

With such a heavy work task, the youngest daughter must not be able to pay attention to it all the time, so the wife is basically in charge of the big and small things in the family.

As for the youngest daughter being handed over as a Chinese or an American, it doesn't really matter, anyway, he has no sense of belonging to the United States.

After all, no matter which country, isn't it his own daughter.

After some intimacy with his sister, Luo Quan went back to his room and started today's daily live broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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