Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 650 Big Trouble

Chapter 650 Big Trouble

"Good morning everyone, I'm now at my home in New York safely."

In Luo Quan's live broadcast, as always, he used his big face to stare at the camera at close range.

"What a big nostril!"

Someone in the barrage directly launched the advanced barrage, which is the one with bold colors.

"You can see my nostrils from this angle?" Luo Quan's nose almost crooked in anger.

Obviously the camera gave a bird's-eye view, and she didn't have an upturned nose, so how could she see her nostrils.

Even if you can see it, it can't be very good.

"Fake fans, right? Do you want to smear our world as the most beautiful?"

"Fork out and shoot for 10 minutes!"

"It's too cheap for him, just fill the cesspit."


The barrage immediately turned into a torture science scene, and Luo Quan laughed: "Then there is no need to be so cruel, and the size of the nose has nothing to do with the appearance."

As Luo Quan spoke, he calmed down the camera, and then arched his nose.

Muscles such as the nose and ears are the most difficult to control, but Luo Quan makes his nose go up and down, which is called lively.

"Haha, this nose can still dance."

"Then you are a real bully."

"I'm really not afraid of ruining my image."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Even if Luo Quan's nose is turned upside down, it will still be the most beautiful upturned nose in the world."


There was a burst of compliments in the barrage, Luo Quan stopped and rubbed his nose.

She rarely plays tricks like this during the live broadcast, but it doesn't hurt anyway.

In the past, she would pay great attention to her posture, and she was very taboo about the abyss.

But since she won the world's most beautiful three consecutive championships, she doesn't really care about these things.

It’s a bit of reaching the pinnacle, and the mentality is starting to return to the basics. If it’s too serious, it feels tiring. It’s better to be more casual.

Besides, she has a more detached personality, not as gentle as Yun'er or Su Yu.

"By the way, did Luo Bao watch that video, the one that is popular on station B?"

"The male version of Luoquan Sketch, right?"

"This painter is indeed a talent."

"The fans probably watched it. Luo Quan just got off the plane, so he probably didn't have time to watch it."

"Go and see what you look like in the parallel world."

"Haven't you all seen Luo Quan's new developments? All the comments have been posted."


The conversation was very heated in the barrage, and Luo Quan turned on the laptop, cut the live broadcast screen to the computer, and then opened this video:
"Although I have already watched it once, since everyone requests it, I will show it again, and let fans who haven't seen it watch it."

Played the video again, both male and female fans said: I love it.

"I really want to see Luo Quan in men's clothes, why don't we just shoot this for the next photo session?"

"If Luo Quan wore the manly clothes of ancient times, he would definitely look immortal."

"It's a pity that Luo Bao looks like some straight girls. It seems that she has never dressed in a neutral way since her debut."

"Isn't it natural for girls to dress like women?"

"One thing to say, indeed."


Seeing the fans' anticipation, Luo Quan raised his mouth arrogantly: "It's impossible to wear men's clothes. It's impossible to wear men's clothes in this life. Is it because my women's clothes don't look good?"

"It's boring to look beautiful, you always have to change your taste."

"So, love disappears, right?"

"You are the one who likes the new and dislikes the old, right? I am different. I will never get tired of watching Luo Bao for the rest of my life."

"Oh, man."


After hearing Luo Quan's refusal, the fans didn't say anything more.

The topic shifted to some international affairs. After all, Luo Quan is now abroad, so the things he talked about should be in line with international standards.

Speaking of recent hot events are all happening in the United States.

A while ago, a singer died at a concert, causing a large stampede accident.

Then there were school shootings.

In the past few days, another moth has appeared in the United States. Many artists have jointly held a charity concert, and the purpose of the charity is to save a big man on the road from prison.

I just want to use my fame and the influence of the concert to generate public opinion and put pressure on the inspection agency.

According to the police, this boss has more than 200 lives under his command. Although the state where he lives does not have the death penalty, if he is sentenced according to the law, this prison can be used from Dayu's flood control to Shenwu's moon landing, and he will be able to sit in prison properly. It's over.

But what's interesting is that this boss is said to have a bottom line. He never does anything to ordinary people, and most of the people under his command obviously committed the crimes to protect the civilians in his own community.

This also led to 10,000+ civilians in the community where his gang is located, jointly writing a letter to the government, hoping to pardon him.

In the judicial system of the United States, the president's amnesty order is quite useful, as long as it is not a particularly anti-human evil person, it can generally take effect.

But this kind of stuff is usually written to myself when the power of the president is handed over, and when the former president is still in office.

meaning is.No matter what he did when he was in office, once the amnesty is issued, he will not be held accountable.

It sounds like a joke, but it really works.

However, this amnesty only applies to criminals who have violated federal laws. It does not take effect for criminals who have violated the states and have been prompted to prosecute by the district court.

To put it bluntly, this is the way out for the officials themselves, and it has nothing to do with the common people.

So this joint letter has caused a lot of trouble, but the final result can be imagined, and there is no legal basis at all.

After this trick failed, the forces behind the boss thought of another method, which was to let a large group of celebrities hold concerts to create public opinion.

Officials here attach great importance to media and public opinion, because it is related to their own future, so if it is really created, it will put a lot of pressure on the judiciary.

However, the celebrities invited so far have influence, but it is not enough. Some of the celebrities who are relatively big do not want to get involved in this muddy water, but express some opinions on Twitter.

Anyway, these people's three views are quite crooked, Luo Quan said he couldn't understand.

It is worth mentioning that with Luo Quan's current traffic, if she is asked to help, it will probably cause a big sensation.

But so far, her mailbox has not received any relevant emails.

He probably didn't dare to look for her. After all, although she is from China, her father's identity is known to everyone in the upper class of the United States.

No matter how powerful these gangs are, they are nothing more than new money (upstarts), and they dare not mess with the real old nobles.

If Eric really knew that this group of people dared to pester his daughter, it is estimated that the boss would not have to think about parole, and he would commit suicide with ten shots in his vest in a short time.

However, no matter how far the public opinion develops, it is impossible for this boss to figure it out in a short time.

The evidence of his crime is extremely solid, and the nature is also very bad. No matter how outrageous the judiciary is, it is impossible for him to escape the law.

In fact, most people understand that on this day, those stars who performed hard on stage are just taking this opportunity to gain the support of the forces behind this big boss.

To put it bluntly, each takes what he needs.

It can only be said that having a father with a background really helped her solve a lot of troublesome things, especially in the United States, where she was born in an unfamiliar environment.

As for the fans in the bullet screen who wanted her to comment on this matter, Luo Quan also simply said: "There is nothing to comment on, and how to judge it."

Although she is not afraid of these people, she is not willing to provoke them. After all, no one knows if there will be some lunatics among these gang members.

Judging from their environment, the probability is quite high.

Luo Quan had fought against these lunatics before, and his strength was not very good, but the gun in his hand was really bluffing.

Therefore, it is better not to get involved if you can not get involved, everyone does not violate the river water.

Just as he was about to change the subject, Luo Quan heard a commotion outside the window.

"It's a little noisy outside." Luo Quan stood up and leaned against the window, seeing a group of nearly a hundred people gathered outside the downstairs door, holding signs and banners, as if they were protesting something, he was very emotional.

The mansions here are not as deep as the Sandalwood Palace, they are built on both sides of the road. Although there are usually patrols, the number cannot cope with so many people.

Moreover, Luo Quan also saw that these people were carrying a lot of blunt weapons in their hands, and several of them had rough faces, and almost four dangerous elements were written on their faces.

Thinking that his mother and sister were still downstairs, how could Luo Quan care about the live broadcast, so Sa Yazi ran downstairs.

On the first floor, the doors and windows had been locked, but the people outside were still pounding on the door, and the force was getting stronger and stronger.

"What's the situation?" Luo Quan saw everyone sitting in the living room nervously, making phone calls.

Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Luo Ni showed concern: "It's your father's company that has laid off employees. These people are moths who entered the company through nepotism. I don't know where they found out our address, and they came to ask for an explanation.

I have already called your dad, and he said that he will be there in 5 minutes at most, and let us go into the basement and lock the door first. "

The villa has an emergency shelter, which is located underground in the garage. It is equipped with sufficient food and water, and it is no problem to stay there for half a year.

"I don't think this door will last for 5 minutes." Luo Quan saw that the door had been smashed and deformed by someone outside, and the alarm sounded throughout the living room.

"Brother, take mom and sister to the basement first, hurry up!" Luo Quan yelled at Leon.

"We can go together..." Before Leon could finish his sentence, the door had already deformed under the violent impact, and a hand came in from the outside.

Now Leon stopped talking nonsense, and immediately took a group of female relatives to leave first.

He remembered that there were guns and ammunition in the basement.

Soon, Luo Quan was left alone in the living room. She zipped up her clothes, fastened her boots, and pressed the button to open the door.

"Damn Eric, you're finally willing to..." The leading man saw the door open and rushed in first, but he didn't expect to see a girl.

"You are... Luo Quan?" The big man froze for a moment, then laughed.

"Excuse me... what are you trying to do?" Luo Quan raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

However, many of the employees who rushed into the mansion, mainly black, had already rushed into the kitchen and started buying for zero yuan on the second floor.

Luo Quan has lived for 20 years, but he didn't expect that the zero-yuan purchase would happen to him, and it was still in his own home.

"If this is the way you want to express your demands, then the only drink waiting for you is going to jail!" Luo Quan shouted loudly.

"Hey, Johnny, this is different from what we said." The big man turned his head and saw that the people who came to protest together had started blatantly stealing, showing a very shocked expression.

"Idiot, any one of the things in this house is enough for your salary for a few months, why are you still standing there!" The person named Johnny is a black man who is not too dark, and he should be of mixed race in the United States. To rush to the garage.

Luo Quan's expression changed, and he reached out his hand to grab him and drag him to the ground.

"Oh my God! Killed, killed!"

The crowd suddenly started to scream, and several men rushed towards Luo Quan while shouting.

Luo Quan keenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell the reason.

But right now, let's deal with these people first.

Hundreds of people poured into the house, and Luo Quan was alone on the road leading to the garage. In front of her were dozens of men holding iron rods and hammers.

And the big guy in the lead was the only normal person who was still stopping everyone, and he even made a move before Luo Quan.

With a tall physique of nearly two meters, even if he didn't have any moves, he was still very powerful, and he could overturn a person with a single slap.

It's a pity that two fists are hard to beat ten hands, and the main thing is dragging, and it didn't cause any damage.

On the contrary, the group of people who came with him were quite ruthless, hitting the big man with the stick in their hands.

However, this big man is also really good. He ran outside while holding a pistol, and he seemed to be beaten to the ground, but it should be nothing serious.

Seeing this, the other people who bought for zero yuan were also frightened, and hurried to the second floor, away from the place of trouble.

However, only Luo Quan and thirty or so big men with fierce faces were left in the room.

"You didn't come because of the expulsion at all, did you?"

Luo Quan's eyes were cold, and his fists gradually clenched.

"Boss, this woman is said to be very powerful, do you want to do it?"

A strong man asked hesitantly.

"It happens to be Eric's daughter too, let's catch it, no matter how powerful it is, can it deal with the thirty or so of us?" The big man in the lead waved his hand after speaking, signaling for me to go.

Since obtaining extraordinary force, there have only been three times when Luo Quan could go all out.

Once it was against Junko's grandfather, the Sword Master Yagyu.

The second time was with the thugs brought by Young Master Huang.

The third time was in New York, with the gangsters with guns.

It's hard to say which time the situation was more dangerous, but there was never a moment like this one that made her feel so angry.

The family is her only backing, and she has more or less left some hands in dealing with those people before.

But this time, she won't show any mercy.

"Now that the Internet is so developed, has no one told you that I am the most capable woman on earth?" Luo Quan raised his head and looked at these strong men with a serious smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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