Chapter 651

Luo Quan once conducted an experiment on his own body, that is how strong his muscles and bones are.

Her current strength has reached the point of inhumanity, and invincibility in melee combat is really not a joke.

However, although the strength is great, if the body cannot match this strength, if you really go all out, you will be easily injured or even fractured.

The subject of the experiment was a two-millimeter thin steel plate. She first used five minutes of force to make a depression, but she didn't feel any pain.

After throwing another punch with all his strength, the fist sank directly in, and he felt a little pain, but the skin did not appear damaged.

Now she knew that her body was not what it used to be, and she could bear the more intense movements.

And today is the moment when her restriction is lifted.

Filled with anger, Luo Quan launched a reverse charge towards these unknown gangsters.

She didn't know if these people had guns, but as long as they got close, she could react immediately if they had guns.

Her strength and speed have reached her level, and moves are meaningless. What is the situation of the ufc fighting champion and the kindergarten children, and what is the situation of her dealing with these gangsters.

Everyone received only one punch, and flew out with a whoosh like an arrow on a string.

Luo Quan's figure was like a bouncy ball bouncing in a narrow space, its trajectory was weird and irregular at all, the criminals often just felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then felt a sharp pain in their body, and then entered a state of weightlessness.

In just a short breath, seven people became trapeze people. Seeing that the situation was not good, the gangster in the lead stretched out his hand to touch his bosom.

However, this scene was caught by Luo Quan, who was watching all directions and listening to all directions. Her round thighs suddenly bulged with well-defined muscles.

Just like what Wen Xia touched before, it doesn't look like much scale, but it's as hard as steel.

She stepped on the solid wood floor directly to make a footprint, and the huge explosive force made her rush out like a cannonball. While still in the air, she twisted the enchanting willow waist with her strong core strength, and her long legs swept out directly. .

Compared with the arms, the legs must be longer.

This kick directly landed on the gangster's right arm. He just touched the pistol in his arms, and he turned into a hot wheel in the air.

After spinning for a while, he hit the wall with a pia, the kind that couldn't be torn off.

After landing with an elegant posture, she didn't stop, and continued to move her legs and punches. For a while, everyone under her could survive one move!
At the same time, a large group of policemen and men in black suits were rushing towards the mansion on the street outside, and Eric was the fastest runner.

When he received the news, he rushed out of the company immediately, and drove along the way with the skills he used to drive sports cars on the Western Highway.

But just as he was about to get home, he found a car accident ahead and the road was blocked.

Eric's heart skipped a beat, knowing that something was wrong, these people must have come prepared.

While getting out of the car and rushing here, he was also very anxious.

His wife and daughter are all at home, where he has all of his life. If something happens, he can't imagine what will happen next.

And as he ran closer and closer, after seeing the door of his house cracked and opened.Eric's heart was more than half cold.

But soon, a large group of black men with masked backpacks raised their hands and retreated from the house.

Followed by her daughter and son holding an AK47 in each hand.

"Raise your hands, or we will shoot!" The police rushed forward desperately, but their guns were aimed at the gangsters.

"Daughter, son!" Eric embraced a pair of children, his eyes full of joy, "Where's your mother?"

Leon lowered his gun: "They have already entered the basement, and no one can enter from the outside except your key."

"I have been guarding the door, no one can go in." Luo Quan turned his head and looked at the living room, where dozens of masked men were lying here and there.

There was also a reporter standing at the door holding a video camera with a bewildered expression.

He is a reporter from the New York Times. He received a call and heard that there will be a parade here today, so he came here. Who knew that such a powerful scene was filmed.

"Mr. Eric, the situation is under control." The Chief of New York Police came over and said while panting.

He was exhausted from going out to the police this time. Not only did the boss of his immediate boss personally give orders, but he also had to jump around and run long-distance along the way.

Compared with those young people, how can he, who sits in an office all year round, stand up to such a toss.

"Thank you Connor, I need to interrogate these people, just in your police station." Eric was initially shocked, and his expression became calm, but there was a sternness hidden in his eyes.

"Maybe we won't be able to interrogate for the time being." Luo Quan said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously, Luo Quan pointed to the gangsters in the living room: "Call the ambulance first, I'm going to be a bit heavy this time, it might be hard to save if I go late."

Few of the gangsters on the floor had obvious injuries, not even a few drops of blood.

But in terms of traditional Chinese martial arts, these people suffered from internal injuries, which cannot be seen on the surface, but the internal organs have been displaced, and if it takes a while, it will be impossible for gods to save them.

The specific situation is definitely not so exaggerated, and Luo Quan did not greet these people's stomachs, but there must be some fractures, and some of them are more serious.

Soon, the ambulance arrived.

The road that was blocked before was also cleared after the police arrived.

After confirming that it was safe, Eric went to the basement to pick up his wife, daughter, nanny and other female relatives.

The living room and kitchen have not had time to tidy up, they are very messy, the upstairs is a bit better, mainly because Luo Quan is quicker, and those black people who bought for zero yuan were frightened and dared not move until Leon charged with a gun come out.

When Leon came out, Luo Quan had already handed over all the gangsters to the system.

"What's going on here? How did your company lay off such a large number of layoffs?" Luo Ni entered the basement at the first time, so she didn't know what happened.

"It's not because of layoffs, it's just a pretense." Eric shook his head, took out his mobile phone and called his father in London.

After briefly explaining the situation here, after talking for about 3 minutes, Eric probably understood.

"In the past few days, the group and a large company in the United States have been fighting fiercely. It seems that they have lost a lot of funds. Maybe they can't bear the urgency, but the specifics need to be reviewed first."

Eric said, got up and hugged Luo Ni, and let go after a while: "Don't live here for a few days, move to Manhattan Island."

After a brief arrangement, there was a noise from the upper street outside, and a large number of strong men in black suits ran over.

As soon as Luo Quan stood up, Mia said, "Don't be nervous, everyone, they are from my family."

There was a lot of trouble today, and the police around here rushed here like crazy, saying that a big man's home was attacked, and the media also started reporting.

As the richest man in the world, Grandpa Mia is also very well-informed on his home news network, so he immediately knew that something happened at Eric's house, and Mia just said that he was going there, so he immediately sent someone to help.

These movements, in fact, cannot be hidden from the eyes of too many people.

The business war between the Albert Group and the Wester Group is no secret.

But it is the bottom line and the iron law in the business world that the family is not affected by the disaster.

In the United States, a gun can be bought for a few hundred dollars, and a mentally ill killer can be hired for a few thousand dollars.

In this environment, it is too easy to do mental calculations and unintentionally want to kill someone. Even the President of the United States cannot dare to guarantee his personal safety.

Therefore, there has always been an unspoken rule in the upper circles, that is, no matter how you fight in business, you can never attack other people's wives and children in reality.

If you broke the rules today, and another imitator comes tomorrow, then why don't you fight business wars in the future, just let it go directly to hot wars.

So no matter how much money Wester Group lost this time, what the boss of the group did this time is equivalent to driving himself to a dead end.

This time, not only is the company going bankrupt, it's as simple as going to jail, but his family will also be boycotted by the entire upper class in the United States. I'm afraid there will be no chance of turning over.

After sending his wife to a safe place, Eric took the lawyer and several interrogation experts to start interrogating these people, Luo Quan and Leon were also nearby.

The first is the stupid big Henry who took the lead in smashing the door. His words are:
I lost my job, and my family wanted me to support it. Just in time, Johnny came to me and said that many people in him had also been fired. He wanted me to bring other fired people to the company's boss for an explanation. Address He also provided it to me.

"How is it possible, this time I only fired a dozen or so people, except for some moths who rely on their relatives to join the company and can't do anything, there are also mentally handicapped workers like Hank.

Out of good intentions, I transferred him from the heavy-duty transportation position and wanted to find him an easy job in a supermarket affiliated to the Albert Group. Made it. "

Eric looked at this stupid big man who was obviously not that smart, and felt helpless.

Although the quality of the door of his house is not as good as that of the bank's security door, it is not so easy to break open.

It's just this stupid big guy with such outrageous strength that he just smashed it open with a hammer.

When Luo Quan saw this Henry, he was also a little surprised.

At that time, when he stopped his workers, he could lift people away with one slap like a bench, which is indeed a natural supernatural power.

Henry has passed the test here. In the surveillance, he is indeed only responsible for opening the door. After seeing that the workers are doing something wrong, he tries to stop it. If he is more intelligent, the others will probably be persuaded.

But then again, if Hank was really intelligent, he wouldn't be used as a gunman.

Among the one hundred protesters who came this time, thirty were sent to the hospital. They were all gangsters with unknown origins.

The other dozen or so are Henry's co-workers, the moths that Eric mentioned.

The remaining people are more responsible. There are reporters who come to report, there are workers’ families, there are also a group of unemployed black homeless people who pretend to be workers, and a group of lgbt groups.

All kinds of buffs are directly filled up. It seems that they want to use the trick of not punishing the public. It is estimated that even if they fail, they can have an explanation when confronting the police.

But they didn't expect it to be so easy to enter the door, wasting a lot of demolition tools in the car.

But what I didn't expect was that there was also a human goddess of war in this room, which was directly placed by Luo Quan Kai Wushuangquan.

And those unemployed black people simply came here to fish in troubled waters and buy it for zero yuan, but this time they failed to make it. They will face multiple charges including breaking into houses, robbery, and destroying property.

It became clear that this incident was caused by those gangsters who were defeated by Luoquan. These people used the pretext of layoffs, entangled people to find his house to protest, and then took the opportunity to buy money to plot wrongdoing.

Who is the mastermind behind it, he will find out soon.

But what he needs to figure out now is how these people got into this rich street.

As I said before, because there are many rich people in this area, for the sake of safety, there are many security guards and police patrolling.

So many people came in directly, and blocked the entrance street outside.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was an insider in the management of this community, it would be that the people below were bought off.

But no matter what it is, this house can no longer be lived in.

At this time, the property manager of the mansion area called and apologized to him in an extremely sincere tone, saying that his subordinates had been bribed and asked them to let the protesting employees go today.

Because the money given was too much, he did such a stupid thing.

This time, the loss of the community property is willing to make full compensation. If you want to move, you can also provide the most thoughtful service. This matter has nothing to do with the high-level management of the community.

Eric was dubious about this, but the manager mentioned the person who bought the security guard, his name was Jonny.

It should be the same person as the stupid Henry said.

And where is this Johnny now?

Luo Quan had already sent him to the emergency ward, because he was about to draw a gun at that time, so Luo Quan hit him hardest.

After he was beaten into the air, he stuck to the wall for a long time before falling off. His right arm was fractured and broken into two pieces.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of big nose bridge, but a flat nose that is rare among mixed races, so it is not particularly serious.

If it is really a triangular nose, I am afraid there is no need for rescue.

"Connor, my daughter won't be detained again this time, will she?" Eric asked after glancing at the police chief beside him.

The last time my daughter also injured someone, she was sent to the detention center for very outrageous reasons...

Wait a minute, Eric suddenly had a thought, could this be related to the incident last time? !
(End of this chapter)

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