Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 652 Reasonable Means

Chapter 652 Reasonable Means

"Certainly not. This time, the other side blatantly broke into a private house. According to the castle law, there is no problem even if you kill him directly." Connor said with a smile.

"Then let's do it for today. I have other things to do." Eric nodded and left the police station with his daughter and son.

Although Jonny, who is in charge of leading the team, is still in a coma, it is unknown whether he can survive.

But in Eric's mind, he already had someone to suspect.

He called one of his subordinates and whispered in his ear: "Go and check on Hancock's recent situation and see if he has been in contact with the Wester Group."

"Dad, do you know who did it?" Luo Quan looked at her father, she only knew that this incident was related to the Wester Group and was caused by the business war with the Albert Group.

But Dad just mentioned the name of Hancock, and she also has some impression of this name.

"I don't know if it's related, but it will be clear after checking." Eric shook his head lightly, took a deep breath and let out another breath.

When he rushed home just now, he was so nervous that his heart almost jumped out of his throat, for fear that something would happen to his wife and children.

Fortunately, my daughter just came home today, and beat up all thirty big men by herself.

He has traveled all over the world in the past few decades, and has seen many strange people and strange men, but he has never seen a person with such a force value as a daughter.

"Speaking of daughter, where did you learn your fighting skills? Why are you so good?" Eric asked his daughter curiously after getting into the car.

"Self-taught, just watch videos and listen to various fighting classes, practice and practice." Luo Quan raised his hand and clenched his fist, "Plus my strength in the sky is great, and after practicing martial arts, it will become even bigger , so the combat power is stronger than ordinary people."

"It's not just stronger." Leon chuckled, "Those big guys are tall and burly. I feel difficult to deal with two guns in my hand. You can clean them up with bare hands...... Is this just Huaxia? Kung fu, I heard people say that there are many close combat masters like you in China, such as Tai Chi, five consecutive whips..."

"Those are all nonsense." Luo Quan was a little speechless. "Although there may indeed be some masters, at least I haven't met them yet. As for those who appear on the Internet, they are probably liars."

"No matter what, it's a good thing that you have such skills." Eric looked at his daughter with relief, and then said: "But in the future, I will live in an independent manor, and the security must be increased."

"There are quite a lot of idle manors near Mia's house, you can move there." Leon suddenly remembered this matter, and immediately suggested.

"That's a good suggestion. You should go and ask." Eric patted his son on the shoulder and handed over the task to him.

The matter of the son and Mia, the two families are very much in favor of it, they can almost be said to be in-laws, and it would be nice to move there to be neighbors.

After returning home, the living room has been tidied up.

More than thirty bodyguards in black patrolled the outside of the house with their hands behind their backs, watching all passing creatures.

Luo Ni had already taken Luo Xi upstairs for an afternoon nap, the baby was quite obedient, she was not frightened by such a thing, and was very quiet the whole time.

After returning to the second floor, Luo Quan went to check on Wen Xia and the others. These big-hearted girls didn't feel like being in shock at all, and they were even quite excited.

"Boss, life in the United States is so exciting. Have you encountered this kind of thing often before?" Ivy immediately grabbed her hand and asked after seeing Luo Quan coming in.

She had been studying in Europe for a while, and usually stayed in school and rarely went out. Although Europe is not a peaceful place, compared with the United States, the folk customs are simple and simple.

Luo Quan laughed: "Haha, New York's law and order is considered good, and this area is a wealthy area. If you change to Chicago or Miami, there will be gunfire already. Do you think it's a joke for everyone to have guns?" what?"

"But you are too fierce, and you won the 1v30!" Wen Xia's voice suddenly turned up, "When those people were carried away by the doctor just now, it was a disaster, especially the one who was hit on the wall... ... Tsk tsk tsk, I guess if his mother comes over, he probably won't recognize that this is his son."

"So I'm so fierce, do you still dare to bully me in the future?" Luo Quan clenched his fist and raised it in front of Wen Xia, taking this opportunity to threaten with force.

"Don't dare." Wen Xia shook her head hastily.

"Just don't dare." The corners of Luo Quan's lips curled up, "Today's matter is basically resolved, and none of the culprits can escape, so everyone can rest in peace.

I'm probably going to move tomorrow, so don't be in a hurry to hang your clothes in the closet first, so you don't have to pack them tomorrow. "

After explaining, Luo Quan returned to his room.

Seeing the lit computer, she remembered that she was still broadcasting live when she left.

After leaving for an hour, the popularity of the live broadcast room increased instead of decreasing, but few of them were worried because of Luo Quan, instead they were discussing what to eat for lunch today.

"It's been a long time since I ate braised pork, let's order this for lunch today."

"Mei Cai and pork are served with rice, braised pork in braised sauce is too oily."

"Who needs to be more oily than these two dishes? Are you kidding me?"

"By the way, why are you shaking so calmly? Are you not worried about Luo Quan at all?"

"There is nothing to worry about. Luo Bao is invincible in the world, and she is the only one who kills the enemy."

"Indeed, it's the people who make her unhappy that she really needs to worry about."

"Those who disobey Luo Bao will be in trouble!"



This barrage is outrageous, Luo Quan looked at it twice and couldn't complain.

Reaching out to straighten the crooked camera, point it at yourself: "I'll go, you've just started choreographing me after walking for a while, right?"

"Congratulations to General Luo on his triumphant return."

"What the hell happened?"

"Going for so long, it seems that the opponent is very difficult to deal with."

"This time, it won't be like before, and it will be entered into the bureau again and there will be three trials?"


Seeing the fans' worries in the barrage, Luo Quan explained briefly: "My grandfather's company had some commercial disputes, and someone organized a group to come to our house to make trouble, but I quickly dismissed it after I went down. .

It took me so long to take notes later, but this time I was at home and it was self-defense, so there was no trouble. "

"Peace is good enough."

Fans breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Luo Quan's reply.

Although he said he wasn't worried, but after leaving for such a long time suddenly, there must still be some worries.

But they didn't know that the real situation this time was much more intense and exciting than Luo Quan's understatement.

The exposure of this incident did not take too long, after all, a reporter from the New York Daily was present at the time.

Soon, Twitter exploded, and the trending searches were all "Luoquan", "Albert", and "Vestl".

The New York Daily reported directly on major platforms:

"Today, employees of the Onelson Group, who were laid off, gathered at the door of the company's new president, Eric Albert, to protest.

During the period, some employees broke down the door of Eric's house and broke into it because of emotional loss.

But Eric himself was not inside, his daughter, well-known international star Luo Quan greeted them.

Luo Quan initially advised them to calm down, but the protesters who had lost control of their emotions did not listen. Some started looting, and some launched attacks on Luo Quan. The two sides fought fiercely. The following is what the reporter recorded at the scene Case……"

There is a video here in the article, which can be played by clicking on it.

It was said on the news that it was a duel, but in fact it was Luo Quan's unilateral rampage. She beat thirty strong and strong men with two hands to fly all over the sky.

This scene, even the most exaggerated Hollywood action movies would not dare to act like this, it can only be seen in sci-fi movie cameras.

Because it was too abstract and outrageous, if it hadn't been for the fact that the New York police had also issued a similar news announcement, a bunch of netizens would have thought it was a promotion for Luo Quan's new movie, a new hype method she had come up with.

Knowing that many official media have classified this incident as a bad crime, public opinion finally set off a frenzy.

First of all, a large number of fans or passers-by directly offered their knees to Luo Quan by recording videos. They knelt on the ground and bowed to Luo Quan with five bodies.

Of course, kneeling in foreign countries is not so much in accordance with the domestic rules. This time, foreign netizens did this simply to express their inner admiration to Luo Quan.

On Twitter, countless netizens commented:
"My God, I always thought that Luo Quan was the reincarnation of an angel, but I didn't know until now that she was the reincarnation of Valkyrie!"

"Valkyrie doesn't have to be beautiful, just go straight to Athena, Luo Quan will be my patron goddess in the future."

"How can this girl be so fierce? My fighting coach told me that such a scene can only happen in a super heavyweight of 40 kilograms against a flyweight of more than [-] kilograms."

"The flyweight is not so outrageous, and the maggot is about the same."

"I'm going to be laughed to death by you, but Luo Quan's fierceness is beyond imagination. I'm starting to worry about who I should seek justice for if I encounter her domestic violence in the future."

"Just live your daydreams!"

"If Luo Quan is really my wife, it doesn't matter if she gets domestic violence every day."

"I'm afraid your body can't bear it."

"It's okay, just prescribe more medicine."


Sure enough, users are regardless of nationality, and there are also a lot of fans abroad who are greedy for Luoquan's body.

They didn't pay much attention to how to deal with this matter, but paid more attention to the super force that Luo Quan showed this time.

The people who eat melons need to be more rational. When they exclaimed that Luo Quan is the miraculous demolition of Yasuo, they also began to analyze the cause of the incident.

Parades and protests are a traditional performance in the United States, but most of the parades have a bottom line, and according to the video, the employees did not encounter any factors that made them emotional during the parade.

What was it that made them rush into the house?
It was obviously driven by the organizers, especially the big man who smashed the door, and the dozens of tall and strong men who rushed into the house behind.

But soon someone broke the news that the so-called protest was actually just a superficial factor, and the real reason was likely to be a commercial war.

The business war between the Albert Group and the Wester Group was immediately revealed by some insiders.

As for the boss of the Wester Group, Fremini Wester is said to be about to face an investigation. If it is true, this time it will not be as simple as losing money, but will be jailed.

If it's just dealing with ordinary people, it's okay to be exposed. In a capitalist country, many things are easy to deal with if you have money.

But this time, the target is an important member of the Albert family. He is powerful and not short of money. As long as he has the evidence, it is impossible to keep it even with the best lawyer team in the world.

The crux of the problem lies in the parade organizer Jonny, who was beaten by Luo Quan and the hospital issued three critical illness notices.

Now he is being rescued in the best hospital in New York, but whether he can survive is still unknown.

Eric has already sent someone to protect the ward. This is to protect the witnesses in case there is a situation of silence.

On the other side, Eric also found Hancock.

Originally, he didn't plan to do it directly, but Hancock probably saw that the matter failed, and sooner or later he would be known, so he simply came to a bamboo tube to pour beans.

This time, it was indeed his planning, and then Fremini cooperated in the implementation.

After the failure to frame Luo Quan last time, Hancock faced multiple charges of perjury, but all of them were resisted by one of his relatives.

Although his own business has suffered a huge blow, but at any rate, the shelf is big enough, and there are still some left in the end.

If you manage it well, you can live comfortably.

However, just a week ago, his half-vegetative son suffered from respiratory failure, and the hospital immediately issued a critical illness notice.

Although he was rescued in the end, he was also told that the chance of his son waking up was very slim.

And this became the last straw that crushed Hancock.

He just heard about the layoffs of Eric's company, so he immediately approached Fremini and told him that there was a way to alleviate his company's plight.

Hancock's rhetoric to Fremini was to use the method of protest to plunge Eric's company into criticism from public opinion, and then lead it to the Albert Group.

Use the media to defeat him, just like he did to Luo Quan before.

And Fremini needs to mobilize manpower and funds to help him deal with the security of the rich community and the streets outside, and create opportunities for him to succeed.

And Hancock's own plan is to let thirty of his men kidnap Eric's family to take revenge.

This is obviously hopeless for his son to wake up, and he has fallen into madness.

After explaining everything, Hancock even took out his pistol and planned to make a dying struggle while everyone was not paying attention.

Even at this moment, Hancock is still thinking of revenge and killing, and he is really a ruthless person.

But Eric remained vigilant at all times. Although Hancock struck first, Eric drew his gun faster.

As soon as Hancock got the gun out of the drawer, Eric pulled the trigger.

This shot hit Hancock's palm directly, knocking the gun to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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