Chapter 653

A few wisps of smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun, and Eric subconsciously wanted to turn around twice to look cool, but then remembered that this is not a revolver, the inside is necessary.

"Grab it and take it to the New York Police Department." Eric stepped forward and kicked his bloody hand away, staring at Hancock who was kneeling and covering his hand: "If you want to deal with my family, don't blame me for what happened next." means."

Hancock raised his head and gritted his teeth: "Don't give me the day I get out of prison, otherwise..."

"Get out of prison?" Eric chuckled, "Then you probably won't have this chance, and you probably won't even think about getting out of prison in your life."

After speaking, Eric turned and left.

In the afternoon, the police station interrogated Hancock. Seeing that Hancock didn't seem to cooperate very well, Eric also proposed to bring his wife and son over for interrogation.

Hancock's son is almost a vegetative state, how could he pass the trial.

But Eric is not ignorant of this, he just wants to remind Hancock that you still have a wife and son, and you are not alone.

Don't think that as long as you are stubborn to the end, it's over. You can't protect yourself now. Think about how to protect your family.

If it was in the past, Eric would not have used this method of threatening other people's relatives to persecute him, but now his own family is almost hurt, so he can't control it.

Although Hancock hated Luo Quan to the bone, he still didn't completely lose his mind after all.

Under Eric's threat, he finally got the information he wanted, that is, conspiring with Fremini to deal with him.

There were all the witnesses and evidence, and the New York Police Department immediately organized personnel to rush to Fremini's house.

At this time, Fremini, accompanied by a large group of bodyguards, was planning to take a large family abroad, but the background intercepted him as soon as he left the house.

After Flemini knew that Hancock had been taken into the police station, he immediately planned to abscond, and his reaction was already very fast.

But it didn't expect Hancock to give him a confession so quickly. Calculating the time, it didn't even weigh down the 15-minute interrogation.

It is estimated that he didn't even call a lawyer, and he explained everything after a few questions from the police.

"Mr. Fremini, we have a case that requires you to return to the police station to assist in the investigation.

You have the right to remain silent, and if you do not remain silent, everything you say can be used as your evidence in court.

You have the right to have a lawyer at your trial, and if you do not have one, we will arrange it for you. "

Holding up his police card, the sheriff told Hancock this long series of classic quotations.

This is the famous Miranda rule, and Chinese people can hear this sentence in many Xiangjiang police movies.

"I'm going to contact my lawyer now!" Fremini's expression was calm, but the panic in his eyes and trembling hands had already revealed his true mood.

If God would give him another chance, he wouldn't be accepting that damn Hancock's bad idea if he killed him.

That is a lunatic who has no bottom line, and now he is also implicated!

"Talk to us at the police station first." The policeman didn't handcuff him directly, which was to save him some dignity.

But soon, the news of the rich man Fremini's arrest spread immediately.

This day, Twitter was full of relevant hot searches, from Luoquan martial arts to the Albert Group's business wars, to the grievances and grievances between various wealthy chaebols, each topic sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The general public is quite interested in these rare secrets.

On the Internet, there are a lot of brothers who claim to be insiders, conveying news that is both true and false to the big guys, and the stories they tell are also confusing.

The arrest of Fremini brought the whole incident to a climax.

The family of this rich man is also one of the top wealthy families in the United States. It has also entered the top [-] of Fox's global rich before. It is mainly engaged in financial investment and meat processing business.

Originally, there was no conflict of interest with the Albert family, which was engaged in real estate, but the reason for the commercial war between the two parties was that Fremini wanted to short the stock of a subsidiary of Albert.

It was a local war at the beginning, but in the end it developed into a head-on confrontation between the two groups.

This business war lasted only two days, and Fremini couldn't stand it anymore, and then planned this matter with Hancock, who had an enmity with Luo Quan.

Everyone has seen the final result, Luo Quan turned into a god of war and solved all the gangsters.

The plans of the two rich men were quickly revealed, and those who should be arrested should be sentenced.

Although this event is basically clear.

But the discussion caused by this incident has only just begun.

First of all, some people or organizations in the United States have criticized Luo Quan.

It didn't mean that she was too aggressive. According to the castle law, she didn't care if she killed these people on the spot.

The key point is that when she was scolding the black people who broke into her home for zero yuan purchases, she said this sentence: "Didn't your parents teach you how to be a human being? Or are you born only knowing how to get something for nothing?"

This sentence has aroused dissatisfaction among quite a few blacks, thinking that it is a slander to their personality and discrimination against them.

Zero dollar purchases are indeed wrong, and there is a reason why they got there. If it weren't for losing their jobs, they wouldn't need to do such a thing.

And Luo Quan, as a high-class person who has no worries about food and clothing, really lacks empathy when he says this.

Luo Quan did say these words, because he was already impatient at the time, and he didn't directly fuck Fake because his quality was extremely high.

And now, these people's doubts happened to hit Luo Quan, who was not in a good mood, and she directly tweeted:
"First of all, none of these black people are employees of my dad's company, and layoffs have nothing to do with them.

Secondly, don't try to kidnap me with your political correctness, I don't accept this.

Furthermore, please translate for me, what is empathy?Why should I have empathy for a gang of criminals who broke into my home and ransacked it? "

After tweeting, Luo Quan originally thought that there would be another wave of online debates.

However, the ability of these people is not as good as those of the strongest kings in the country, and they fell silent after being questioned by her.

In the United States, political correctness is always unfavorable. It can be said that seeing gods kill gods see Buddhas kill Buddhas.

But the key point is that Luo Quan's family is not American.

And this time her words were only aimed at those black people who entered her house, and other people who wanted to enter, they were either stupid or bad.

Besides, despite the fact that black Americans are always making a lot of noise, it makes people think that it is their world.

But in fact, whites are the largest group, and blacks have always been a minority.

But even though Luo Quan is from China, you can use your toes to know who these groups will support.

These are some controversies among the American people, and they will not make a big difference.

Thinking back to the New York trial, all the blacks were forcing her to apologize, but even though she knew it was so bad at that time, Luo Quan still did not compromise.

She is famous for being soft and not hard, and she has two words for any forced behavior: no way.

In China, however, there are more points of discussion among the masses.

Some were discussing what kind of wealthy family the Albert family was, and some were asking how high Luoquan's fighting power was.

First of all, the first question, what level is Albert in the end.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that this family has a long history in Europe, and its blood is quite pure. It is related to the British royal family and the German Hohenzollern family.

In addition, the relationship with the Napoleon family in France is also very close, that is to say, the Romanov family was all slaughtered, otherwise there would be more relatives.

This background is already quite prominent.

If it were 200 years ago, with Liuluoquan's appearance and background, it would be no surprise that she would have been a princess, or directly became an empress.

Of course, now there must be no prince who has the ability to receive this heavenly treatment.

And now the whole world is actually not too cold about these old money, capital is the first.

But the Albert family is not short of capital. After all, Grandpa Luo Quan is also a rich man who has been on the list all year round. This time he defeated the financial Vester Group head-on in the stock market, which proved his strong strength.

Of course, Mia's family may also be responsible for this...

A large paragraph of text thoroughly analyzed the details of the family behind Luo Quan.

Luo Quan was dumbfounded after reading it, and commented below: "Good guy, you know more details than I do. Do you study modern European history?"

"Haha, I'm honored and excited to meet a real person who replied, but I'm not doing history, I'm just delivering food."

This reply made Luo Quan unable to deal with it. The food deliverers are all gods now.The knowledge is quite broad.

Below this question, there is a discussion about Luoquan's force.

It appeared a little late, but as soon as it appeared, it had a popularity of 2000 million. It is estimated that it took more than a quarter of an hour to reach the top of the previous one.

The main question asked is: Is Luo Quan a martial art?What kind of martial arts is used?
An anonymous user answered below, which received tens of thousands of likes:

"I have practiced martial arts for more than [-] years, although I haven't been able to develop any famous tricks, but I have been immersed in hundreds of boxing styles, and I have dabbled in all kinds of boxing styles.

As far as I know, there are seven or eight kinds of Luoquan used, including Wing Chun's Japanese punching boxing and inch boxing, Baji boxing's top heart elbow and sticking mountain back, and Shaolin Xinyi's turning over and splitting. , and even the use of the carbine in marksmanship.

Speaking responsibly, this is the first time I have seen a person proficient in so many boxing techniques. That strength can only be used at the grandmaster level. Second, many of these martial arts masters are either on the mountains or in some unknown villages, big cities, etc. The town has almost disappeared. "

This analysis can be said to have aroused thousands of waves. The anonymous user's words are equivalent to acknowledging the existence of Chuanwu again.

Since several years ago, Chuanwu has become a joke.

Because more and more so-called masters have been exposed and cracked down on fakes, those famous martial arts masters have all become liars in the end, not even a single one with real kung fu.

This also made a lot of Chuanwu fans disappointed, and even turned fans into black.

Now if anyone mentions Chuanwu again, they will be ridiculed by a large group of netizens.

It is quite sad to say that martial arts, as an important cultural symbol and inheritance in China, has now become the environment of public opinion, and those fake masters deserve death.

But now, some people say that Chuanwu is actually true, and it was demonstrated by Luo Quan's own experience, and its power is quite astonishing.

How can we not make everyone feel excited?
For a while, everyone was @her, asking her if this happened.

After Luo Quan saw it, he responded immediately.

"The moves are indeed these moves."

Because the heat value is too much, she did exchange a lot of martial arts, and also used it in actual combat.

Goku Karate gave her a strong physique, and she thought that with such strength and speed anyway, there are no moves that would be useless, so she exchanged these traditional martial arts.

After exchanging it, I realized that each of these moves was more ruthless than the other, and they were either dead or disabled when used. Luo Quan, who was soft-hearted, sealed it up and didn't show it to others easily.

If it wasn't for Li Li's anger today, she probably wouldn't have used such a vicious move.

It is said that the [-] gangsters who were sent to the hospital all suffered fractures and internal bleeding to varying degrees, and there are still [-] in a coma.

This is the power of martial arts combined with a strong physique.

But then again, with such strength and speed, even fists are just as powerful.

It's just that passing on martial arts can make the movements more agile, and the dodge of body skills is higher.

Luo Quan's fighting power is already overwhelming, except when facing gunmen, the effect of body skills is not very obvious.

Of course, she will definitely not tell the fans these truths.

After all, tradition is an important cultural inheritance of China, and it carries the dreams of many people. In fact, she herself was once a martial arts fan.

She can't do dream-breaking things, and sometimes white lies are very important.

Seeing Luo Quan admitting this, the people who eat melons were immediately excited, and asked one after another:

"Where did you learn these moves?"

"How long have you practiced, how come your level is so high."

"Can you show it systematically, I want to learn!"

"By the way, what are the requirements for practicing this, and how long will it take to reach your level?"

"Dare to ask the respected master's name, which old god is it?"


Telling a lie often requires making up a series of lies to cover it up, but Luo Quan doesn't like trouble, so he directly came to the bottom of the pot:

"Without a master, martial arts are all seen in the pamphlets on the street stalls when I was a child, and now the pamphlets have long been lost.

As for whether others can practice, it depends on their aptitude. If you have a good aptitude, you can achieve a small success in one year, and if you have a bad aptitude, you can't practice in ten years. "

For this reason, she borrowed kung fu to pick up your plot.

She has amazing bones and learns martial arts from comic books.

As for whether other people can be effective after practicing, that's none of her business.

After a while, it can play a few sets of punches when it is free, but the difference from the punches in reality will not be very big.

Fans of Chuanwu are destined to be disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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