Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 654 Oscar Stay Night

Chapter 654 Oscar Stay Night
Under the overnight interrogation by the police, Fremini did not last long before he was recruited. His lawyer did not play the role of his three-inch tongue in the face of iron evidence.

Considering that I really just want to make trouble for the Albert Group, but I really don't want to touch his family, so I want to confess, and I hope Eric can be magnanimous.

Hancock must be sitting in prison and has nothing to run, and it is not certain whether he will be released in his lifetime.

As for Fremini, although he is indeed a rich man, not all of the Wester Group is in his hands.

He is in jail, and a group of brothers and sisters are eager to take over his burden immediately.

Therefore, there were not many obstructive voices within the Wester Group, and even took this opportunity to propose a truce with the Albert Group.

Although Fremini will not be imprisoned for decades like Hancock, he still has to go to prison.

However, it is estimated that he will be released on parole for medical treatment in a short time. After all, he is a rich man.

There are grievances and debtors, and Eric has no intention of killing them all. After all, although the Fremini people are stupid, their bottom line is still higher than Hancock.

If it is true that there is no sympathy, maybe another mortal enemy will be born.

This is the end of the matter, but the enthusiasm of the big guys on the Internet is quite high. After all, the battle is so big and involves so many celebrities and wealthy families. The fire of gossip in the hearts of the people is not so easy to extinguish.

As for Eric, the family moved to Wall Street after a night at their old home.

The real estate was arranged by Mia's father. This fat man with a belly half a meter in diameter looks like he has suffered from American fast food, and he weighs at least three hundred catties.

Judging from the appearance, it is completely impossible to tell that a beautiful person like Mia was born to him.

However, this uncle named Karava is quite easy-going, always smiling, and he is also the one who calls when he moves.

As for the place to move to, it was a building on Wall Street.

Not to mention how tall it is, only about [-] floors, and it is not a landmark building on Wall Street, and its appearance looks very mediocre.

However, this is a building specially provided for the rich. Every two floors are a suite. The interior decoration is very distinctive, and the style of each suite is different. Some suites are as luxurious as the golden villa of a certain Arabian prince. fight.

However, Eric didn't like this overly ostentatious style. He chose a relatively simple style, saying that it was designed by the British royal family, with extravagance, luxury and connotation.

However, Eric had lived in Buckingham Palace as his own home before, so he didn't feel that the design of this suite had anything to do with the British royal family.

But for designing this thing, the right of interpretation rests with the designer, and laymen don't understand it, so naturally they can say whatever they want.

Anyway, it's spacious enough.

This suite has two floors, with an area of ​​over a thousand square meters, which is quite large.

The lighting and ventilation are also good, and Mia's house is downstairs, so Mia doesn't have to drive when she visits in the future, which is very convenient.

After the house was finished, Mia's father asked the moving company to start work.

There are not too many things that need to be moved, mainly the clothes, books of Eric and his wife, and the baby's baby products.

Then there are the studio equipment of the Luoquan Lyon brothers and sisters, mainly those large objects in the recording studio, then a few computers, and three Steinway pianos.

Originally there was only one, but after Luo Quan came, Eric added another one, and after Luo Xi was born, another one was added.

Although I haven't played much since I bought it, it's better than nothing.

The moving company was busy for the next day, while Luo Quan had already packed his clothes.In my own room in my new home.

"Fans, we've arrived at our new home. Let's take a look at the environment."

Luo Quan held up his mobile phone and showed the fans in the live broadcast room the environment in the new bedroom.

The overall style of the bedroom is a very girly pink tone, and the four corners of a large bed are supported by lace pink gauze, making it look like a princess's boudoir.

"Oh, this damn girl fan, this old man's heart is about to melt."

"Now we're moving to a new house, you're so inhumane!"

"The family is engaged in real estate, this should be considered a basic operation, right?"

"By the way, where is the location? How much is a square meter?"

"Look at the bathroom, the quality of a bedroom is in the bedroom!"


A group of fans kept asking questions in the bullet screen, but the address must not be disclosed, but if fans want to see the bathroom, there is nothing they can't see.

"I can't tell you the address. It's in Manhattan anyway. Let's show you the bathroom." Luo Quan said, pushing open the door of the bathroom.

The space inside is more spacious than Luo Quan imagined, and the whole body is also pink. It is about 30 square meters, half of which is occupied by the bathtub.

"Wuhu, what a big bath."

"Okay, that's all for today's live broadcast."


"Your thinking is so jumpy, you can't help it just by seeing the bath?"

"The following content requires payment to unlock."


"You guys..." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, walked around the bathroom and came out.

"Okay, let's stop here for a stroll around the room. Didn't many fans want to learn boxing from me yesterday? Today I will teach you all."

Luo Quan put his mobile phone on the desk, then stood still in front of the camera, another mobile phone opened station B, and the screen faced him:

"The answer on Zhihu yesterday made it very clear. What I showed were Wing Chun, Bajiquan, and Xinyiquan. In addition, I also know some Taijiquan and Xingyiquan. Which one do you want to learn?"

"It feels like they are looking for cruel words to take people's lives."

"Martial arts is a killing technique, only if you are ruthless enough can you call it Chuanwu."

"Can you teach Beidou Shenquan?"

"I want to learn military boxing."

"Let's cast a vote."


The barrage is half serious and half funny. It can be seen that some want to learn, and some are just watching the fun.

This is also normal. After all, not everyone has the determination to realize the martial arts dream in his heart. Practicing martial arts is not a comfortable job.

Hearing the suggestion from the barrage, Luo Quan began to vote, and the one who got the most votes in the end was Wing Chun.

After thinking about it, it's actually normal.

After all, the "Ip Man" series of movies in this world are currently the best and most popular martial arts action movies on the market.

Ip Man's universe is also one of the top IPs in China, and the number of films filmed is much more than in the previous life, and there are many more martial arts from other schools.

Half of the current popularity and popularity of martial arts are supported by "Ip Man" and Wing Chun.

The most popular type of boxing known to the general public, besides the national art of Taijiquan, is Wing Chun.

Moreover, as a boxing method created by women, Wing Chun still has a lot of real value. Many UFC fighters and even special forces abroad have practiced it.

Including Luo Quan himself, Wing Chun was among the first boxing techniques he exchanged.

There is no way, the popularity is too high, and the power is indeed not bad.

"You guys are quite good at choosing." Luo Quan smiled, "But practicing Wing Chun requires a wooden dummy, and I can't find it here now, so I have to wait for a while.

However, some moves can be done without wooden dummy. "

As Luo Quan said, he picked up the pillow and hung it on the number hook on the wall: "For example, the Japanese punching boxing that I'm going to show next is a very famous move in Wing Chun with a visually explosive effect.

The main point of the movement is not to be fast, but to master the steady breathing and the rhythm of the two punches alternately. As long as these two points are achieved, the speed will naturally increase, but if you seek fast, you will be in a hurry..."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said the precautions of this move seriously, and the bullet screen was also very happy when he saw it.

"She seems to really want to teach us boxing."

"Luo Bao's serious appearance is so cute."

"Why are you staring blankly, take notes!"

"My dream teacher Luo Quan actually appeared in this way."

"Are you moved?"

"Don't dare to move, don't dare to move."


Luo Quan pretended not to notice the gag barrage. She raised her hands and took a light breath: "Everyone, be careful not to blink your eyes, and carefully observe the correct way to open this move."

As soon as the words fell, her fists landed on the pillow one after another like a pile driver, so fast that an oval phantom appeared.

When you look at it together, it really looks like a "日", no wonder it is called "日".

But Luo Quan's speed was much faster than what was shown in the movie, the fist that hammered on the pillow even hit the wall with such a thick distance.

That sound was like a rainstorm hitting plantains, very rhythmic and continuous at the same time.

After playing for more than 30 seconds, Luo Quan felt that he couldn't hold back anymore, and finally stopped.

Under normal circumstances, she can last longer.

However, in order not to let his upper body jump too far, most of his strength was spent on tensing his muscles, which was more energy-consuming.

Those who fight against those gangsters, of course, don't care so much, how smooth the movements are.

But now it is a live broadcast after all, so we need to pay attention to the impact and not be too casual.

After this set of punches, the sound of gags in the live broadcast room has disappeared.

"I'll go, fast boxing!"

"It's outrageous, can you really play so fast?"

"It's even faster than what I saw in the previous video."

"This one hit, I feel like I can be beaten to death."

"Actually, you can get rid of the feeling."

"This is what Chuanwu looks like. As long as he uses it, he will either die or be disabled. Ordinary people can bear this."

"So now those are outlawed."

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Coach: You want to learn, but I still want to learn!"


Seeing that the barrage finally became normal, Luo Quan smiled: "If you want to reach my level, you need to grind it out bit by bit. Unless you are very talented, the speed of tonic is usually very slow.

It took me a little more than a year to master it. If you want to practice, it will take about three to five years.

But before that, you have to exercise your body well. You must have good nutrition and good health when practicing martial arts. If you are in a sub-healthy state, don’t talk about other things. If you run 1000 meters and you lose most of your life, how can you practice martial arts? "

"After you said that, I lost interest completely. It's better to be a dead house."

"I envy those of you who can run 1000 meters. I'm already tired from walking."

"In high school, my health was not bad, but after I went to college, I was getting worse day by day."

"Youdao is poor in culture and rich in martial arts. My family is poor, so let's concentrate on studying."

"There is a saying that all things are inferior, but reading is high."


Seeing a lot of people retreating in the barrage, Luo Quan sighed, and said pretendingly, "Oh, I knew you were not in good health......"

"What's wrong! You can call me poor, call me short, call me short, but you can't say I can't do it!"

"These words are the greatest insult to a man like me!"

"Woman, it seems that it is necessary to show you my majesty."


The barrage was extremely agitated, but it was also normal. Any man would not be agitated when he heard this, let alone it was said from Luo Quan's mouth.

But in the face of these excited remarks, she just calmly took out a wooden board from her schoolbag.

This is a high-grade solid wood floor, one finger thick, picked up from the original home when I moved.

"I just showed you the Japanese punching boxing, and what I'm going to show next is another well-known move in Wing Chun—the inch punch."

Luo Quan grabbed the board with his left hand and held it up in front of him: "Everyone, don't blink your eyes and look carefully. I will only demonstrate this move once."

As she spoke, she stretched out her right fingertips and pointed them at the board.

In the next instant, her whole body was like a spring, and she flicked her fist forward an inch.

In the blink of an eye, the board broke and was sent flying to the wall by the fist.

The breaks of the wooden boards are tear-like scars, and they are fresh short inserts, without any trace of fraud.

"After 20 years of effort, can you stop this punch?" Luo Quan held up the board and smiled smugly.

"Oh my god, is there still a way to survive if you hit me this time?"

"Nvxia Luo, please accept my knee!"

"As expected of China's No. [-] female boxer, it's simply unbelievable."

"I really want to learn this."

"Indeed, if you learn it, you don't have to be afraid of meeting bad people in the future."

"Wing Chun is really good for self-defense."


Seeing that the fans were genuinely moved, Luo Quan put the board aside and said, "I understand everyone's feelings, but that's the sentence, you have to exercise first.

Only with a strong body can we lay a good foundation for martial arts training. If you start to practice rashly, you may be the one who gets injured. "

"It's decided, I will exercise for an hour every day in the future!"

"I'm going to practice for two hours!"

"I feel like I can't hold on to it for long."

"Master is here, please accept the disciples!"

"Guardian goddess, I will trust you from now on, please bless me all the best!"

"You guys are really doing it."


Although the barrage still looks a bit unserious, at least the effect has met Luo Quan's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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