Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 655 No one sleeps tonight

Chapter 655 No one sleeps tonight
Luoquan's incident of revenge has finally subsided. This is the case in the Internet age, and the heat comes and goes quickly.

People's memory is not deep in many things, and although many people were injured in this attack, they were the ones who suffered the consequences, so it didn't leave a deep impression on everyone.

However, Luo Quan's kung fu has become an enduring topic.

There are a lot of people discussing it both at home and abroad. The domestic people want to know whether Luoquan Chuanwu can be replicated, while the foreign people want to know whether she can enter the octagonal cage to fight against those male UFC fighters.

After watching the video, most of them felt that Luo Quan's pressure should not be too great.

That strength has surpassed that of ordinary girls by several levels, and it really looks a little unreal.

For those fighters in the UFC, it might be okay to fight three or five ordinary people, but there is absolutely no chance in the face of thirty strong men. When everyone swarms up shoulder to shoulder, they can press down the fighters so that they can't move their hands.

In comparison, Luo Quan not only has great strength and speed, but also has even more fierce moves. Basically, he can control the enemy with one move, without the slightest sloppiness in his movements.

With such a combat power, it is no longer doubtful to say that she is the pinnacle of human combat power.

It used to be a bit of a joke to say this, but now, it is a label that has been recognized by the public.

However, although the combat power is so terrifying, it does not make the majority of male compatriots feel fear. On the contrary, they think this is an attractive point of Luoquan.

Just imagine, if a girlfriend could be as beautiful as Luo Quan, with such high strength, her sense of happiness and security would be full.

Such a scene, just thinking about it, can't help but make an idiot smile on his face.

However, it only exists in imagination.

After life returned to the right track, Luo Quan released the remaining two songs of the album together, drawing a complete sentence for this album that has become a hot topic in China.

The seventh song is the classic "Luo-style boast" love song, "Kiss Everywhere", which sings about a beautiful woman who can turn all living beings upside down with a kiss and kill a person with a kiss.

It is needless to say who is singing, only Luo Quan's beauty is worthy of such lyrics.

If she really kissed her like this, it is estimated that a minor illness like a cold or a cold will be cured immediately.

But the person who is kissed will probably be attacked by her fans, and it seems reasonable to kill someone with a kiss.

And the last song of the album is a rock style that is relatively rare in old Cantonese songs.

The title of the song is "Broad Sea and Sky", and the lyrics, emotions, and singing voice have all reached a point where fans are moved.

They seem to hear a life described in the song, which is obviously a passionate and inspirational song, but for some reason, they feel the sadness and unwillingness to wither as soon as it blooms in full bloom.

The song as a whole must be positive, but it is really strange to hear the feeling of regret.

But sometimes life is like this. Even if you work hard, you may not get good results.

But above all, there is no compromise.

If you don't fight hard, how do you know that what you get in the end is not a brighter future?
This is probably what Luo Quan wanted to say to the fans.

And "Broad Sea and Sky" has also become the most commented song on this album.

Even though it was posted the latest, there are so many comments, and all kinds of contradictory things can only happen on Luo Quan.

"This song is the only music I would like to repeat more than ten times.

It doesn't matter what you listen to or not, but I heard life, faith, and motivation from it.

After listening to the song, I always feel that there is a magical power behind me, encouraging me to move forward. This is probably the reason why I can't stop. "

"Luo Quan seldom sings Chinese rock, but as long as he speaks, it is the divine comedy among the divine comedies.

The song "Kill That SJZ Man" a while ago can be said to be the best work since the new century in terms of ideology!
And this song, in spirit, is a unique masterpiece, which can definitely be passed down for hundreds of years, encouraging generations to come! "

"It's the college entrance examination season again. As a class teacher of the third year of senior high school, I decided to position this song as a class song, and I will play it to the students tomorrow. I hope they can be inspired and have a brighter future."

"I can only say thank you Luo Quan for bringing us such a beautiful song. Not only us, but your future must also be bright."


The comment area that reveals the true feelings is much more qualitative than a group of calling brothers and sisters, or meaningless exclamation sentences.

One night, [-] comments also proved the gold content of the song "Broad Sea and Sky".

Luo Quan was very moved when he saw it.

This is the previous life, one of his favorite songs.

When she was in confusion, this song also gave her a lot of inspiration.

It's a pity that she can bring this song to fans in this world, but she can't bring the legendary career of this song band to this world.

What is more inspiring than the song is actually the real original singer of the song.

However, to use this song as the end of the new album, in Luo Quan's view, it is considered a consummation of merit.

It is enough to touch the fans.

As for herself, she no longer needed any incentives.

Her material conditions have been greatly satisfied, and her spiritual world is quite satisfied.

Certainly not worth mentioning compared with those noble people who have devoted themselves to various great causes.

But she was originally a commoner, and she really didn't have such great ideals for the spiritual world.

Unlike Mia, she still has a real maga dream in her heart, and it is a road that has never been imagined.

That is called a lofty ideal.

Luo Quan felt that he could not reach such a realm, so he could only admire him and give him help within his ability.

Of course, it's not that she has no pursuit at all. At least this time, she wants to reap a good harvest of the Oscars, which can be regarded as a zero breakthrough for the motherland in the entertainment awards.

On February 28, the Oscars will be held as scheduled.

Although the United States has not been peaceful for a while, there are parades and zero-dollar purchases, and a bunch of celebrities are helping big brothers in the road to clean up their crimes, and public opinion on the Internet is flying around.

However, this does not affect the holding of the world's largest entertainment event, the annual Oscar Awards Ceremony, this year is still rain or shine.

And because of the films and stars that participated in the selection, this Oscar is also known as the most interesting one in the past ten years.

Not only have so many classics appeared, but also because the topics are full.

Before the awards ceremony was held, "Get Out" had been marketed as the best of the year in 2018, and it claimed to harvest all the heavyweight awards with its plot and depth of thought.

As we all know, the public opinion before the Oscar ceremony is almost the direction of the selection criteria.

The more aggressive your marketing, the more likely you are to win.

In addition to marketing, "Escape from Deadly Town" has also become the biggest hit on the handicap of many gambling websites.

It is equivalent to saying that the capital thinks that it has the greatest probability of winning.

Political correctness is indeed unrivaled in the United States. This film that focuses on blacks and discriminates is indeed unrivaled.

However, Director Carnathan was very calm and did not post a dynamic complaint on Twitter. On the night of the award ceremony, he also arrived at the scene early, with a confident smile on his face.

I don't know, I thought his movie was the number one odds now.

In comparison, Luo Quan, another big hit tonight, came much later.

Because there were a lot of people, and my father insisted on arranging bodyguards for her for safety reasons, so this time the whole convoy came directly.

If the traffic is a little congested, you will have to wait for more than ten minutes.

So although Luo Quan left early this time, he arrived very late.

But there is a saying that goes like this, it’s never too late for a good meal.

When Luo Quan appeared on the red carpet, all the reporters were excited. They rushed to the cordon formed by the on-site security bodies, like the most ardent fans rushing towards Luo Quan.

As the most influential star at the moment, and also the most popular Oscar queen tonight, any opportunity to interview Luo Quan is not to be missed.

The security guards also understood this truth. They stopped the reporters mainly to maintain order, so they didn't try too hard.

Luo Quan's appearance today is very different from before.

His long black hair was combed into a high ponytail, and he was wearing a neat suit.

If it wasn't too plump, everyone probably thought it was some fashion designer coming over.

Beside her, Mia, Leon, Wen Xia, Su Yu, Carrielian, Angela, Ivy, and Lan Xuan were all in formal attire.

The women are all evening dresses, but the only man, Leon, is wearing a blue suit.

Luo Quan originally wanted to make a flirty pink suit for his younger brother, but Leon, a straight man with advanced cancer, flatly refused, saying that it was the color only a bitch would wear.

After a compromise, I chose this blue set.

It was mainly the black suit she said she was wearing. If her younger brother also wore a black suit, it would inevitably be a bit repetitive.

This team of people is basically dressed normally, with good looks and good figure, which is definitely a rare sight at the Oscars.

But Luo Quan became the one with the weirdest clothes inside.

But although it is strange, it is unexpectedly good-looking, with a heroic feeling.

"Luo Quan, may I ask what you are wearing today to speak out for the women's equal rights movement?"

Immediately there were reporters who made associations based on Luo Quan's clothes and asked questions.

"Of course not." Luo Quan stopped in his tracks, "This outfit has nothing to do with any sports, it's just because the fans said they wanted to see my men's clothing, so I wore it."

During the live broadcast before, tens of thousands of fans at home and abroad wrote to her to wear men's clothes, and many people even left messages in the dynamic comment area after the live broadcast.

Although she refused at the time, after the live broadcast, Chanel made a suit and just made the chest bigger.

This kind of typical oral integrity is Luo Quan's cuteness that has always been loved by fans.

And there are not many stars who love fans like her.

It's hard to describe how happy Luoquan's fans are watching the live broadcast at this time.

My idol said it himself, the clothes on my body are for them, and I feel like a woman is looking for someone who pleases herself.

That huge sense of satisfaction makes people happier than the crazily secreted dopamine.

"Hey, my wife really loves me, she says no, but her body is very honest."

At this moment, I don't know how many fans showed idiot-like smiles in front of the screen.

The reporters, on the other hand, seemed a little surprised, thinking that Luo Quan's special attire was to speak out for hot issues in society.

Unexpectedly, it was just such a simple reason.

"Why are you so surprised?" Luo Quan laughed seeing the expressions of the reporters: "As a star or idol, isn't it normal to make fans happy? Is there anything suspicious about this matter? ?"

She doesn't have such a big pattern, she just hopes that simplicity is better.

When the reporters heard this, they finally understood Luo Quan.

But what she did by herself was actually more than that.

She does no less than others in public welfare and charity, but she doesn't like to show off these as achievements.

Besides, this is not the United Nations General Assembly, so there is really no need to express any great ideas.

Before the reporters continued to ask questions, Luo Quan turned his head and continued walking forward.

Although the suit worn this time has a unique shape, it actually disappointed some lsps at the scene.

Every time I saw Luo Quan wearing an evening dress at close range, it was a great enjoyment from the inside out. To be honest, the suit showed too little this time.

But no one would dare to express this kind of dark side, especially when the name of "Human Goddess of War" became popular recently.

After taking the pen, Luo Quan and his party left their names on the vertical board at the entrance of the venue.

This year's Oscar ceremony, the names of Chinese people are far more than in previous years.

And to be honest, Ai Wei and the others are not completely brought in by Luo Quan, because they also participated in the production of some of the films nominated this time.

Many movies have their names at the end, but they didn't participate in any awards, but with their popularity, attending the ceremony is definitely not a back door.

Entering the scene, Luo Quan and his party sat in the first row, and the last seat was full.

Interestingly, the main creative team of director Carnathan is sitting next to him, and the main creative team of "Get Out" is on the left.

The three colors of black, yellow and white are quite distinct. I don't know if the organizer specially arranged it to provide some topics for this awards ceremony.

After Luo Quan sat down, the directors on both sides greeted her proactively.

Director Carnathan seemed to be more enthusiastic. After all, he had worked with Luo Quan before, and the director himself admired Luo Quan very much.

Ruth's No.1 choice at the beginning was also Luoquan, but because of well-known reasons, she had to give up in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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