Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 656 Oscar Night

Chapter 656 Oscar Night

"What theme are you planning to shoot for this year's movie?"

There was still a while before the opening scene, and Director Carnathan chatted with Luo Quan when he had nothing to do.

"Biography of characters, with the background of the changing times." Luo Quan said a more general concept.

"This kind of theme is very humanistic." Director Carnathan sighed, thinking that this young man Luo Quan is really versatile, and he is proficient in all kinds of virtual and realistic themes.

It is very difficult to make a good movie of this kind without rich social experience.

Carnathan was about to ask, but he remembered Luo Quan's imagination, and he understood.

"Let's talk about Director Carnathan, you have such a wide network, do you know some inside information about this award?" Luo Quan suddenly lowered her voice and asked. Before the awards were presented, she was also a little nervous and wanted to find out in advance.

"I won't be an award presenter this time, where did the news come from?" Carnathan spread his hands, "In fact, don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing, as long as the movie is finished, the awards will come to you by itself.

Besides, you are so young, even if you don't get it this time, you still have a lot of opportunities in the future. "

"That's true." Luo Quan nodded lightly, looking at the stage.

After a short pause, the lights suddenly began to flicker.

All the guests have arrived, and the host appeared amidst lighting, sound effects and warm applause.

This time, the organizer of the Oscars even invited a singer who is a national treasure of the United States to do the opening performance.

Although blind, he became one of the singers who made the most contributions to pop music.

Although Luo Quan is full of talent, there are endless golden songs and divine comedies.

But in the eyes of professionals, it is still a bit worse than such an old fairy.

If she is a master of pop music in the new century, then this old man is one of the founders of modern pop music.

If Luo Quan wanted to catch up, he probably had to create a genre of music like him.

The Oscar organizers invited such a heavyweight guest, probably because they wanted to add a bit of legend to the awards ceremony, which was already full of masterpieces.

As soon as the great god-level singer opened his mouth to sing, it was really extraordinary. Although he was ninety years old, his vocal cords were still in good condition, a little hoarse, but more charming.

Other than that, there are no flaws, and the singing hits the soul directly and shocks people.

The crowd of pop singers sitting in the audience, including Luo Quan, all stood up and cheered for this great god after his performance.

This level has indeed reached the peak level of human beings.

After the opening act, the main action begins.

The first award, the Oscar for Best Original Music, is commonly known as the Oscar Golden Song.

It is interesting for the organizers to put this award behind the performance of the great god. Did they want to compare the two before and after?

In this way, many smart people guessed who would be the winner almost instantly.

Among the young people in today's pop music scene, who else can compare with such a great god?

That can only be a hot woman!

"The winner of this year's Oscar for best original score is..."

The award presenter was an old British jazz with gray hair and beard. He had won two movie stars and one best supporting actor, and he was also a figure in the entertainment circle.

When it comes to suspense, it's really familiar.

These few words made him feel like a suspenseful feature film. Many candidates in the audience stretched their necks and clenched their fists hard. He didn't know whether they were nervous or wanted to punch him twice on stage.

"It's My Heart Will Go On from Titanic!"

As soon as the words fell, golden fireworks burst out in unison, and Luo Quan's melodious and distant singing voice resounded throughout the Dolby Cinema like a siren.

It is said that there is no harm without comparison, but just after the opening performance, Luo Quan's music was played again, and there was not much difference between the two.

Both are the ultimate existence of human singing, a male voice and a female voice, each with its own characteristics.

Even for a girl in Luoquan, the music sounds even more majestic and majestic!
Amidst the warm applause, Luo Quan Shi Shi ran to the center of the stage with a bright smile on his face.

Although her dress today is not as sexy and stunning as before, it does not reduce her most beautiful face in the world at all.

She was in two completely different states before and after her twenties.

Before, the green girl was beautiful and quiet.

After that, there is a sexy stunner, who turns all beings upside down.

It's just that the age has changed, but the temperament seems to be a completely different person, especially the charm, which can be called a walking eyeball harvester.

"Thank you to the Oscars, and thank you to everyone who supported me." Luo Quan held the trophy in his hand, feeling the cheers from everyone and the glory of the world focusing on me.

Just now she was still a little apprehensive, worrying about gains and losses.

But when the host said the name of the song, the first reaction was not joy, but a sigh of relief.

The most worried situation did not happen after all, and Murphy's Law seemed to have no effect on her.

Just like Director Carnathan said just now, as long as your work is good enough, the awards will come to you by yourself.

And then, Luoquan's door was knocked again and again at the Oscar ceremony.

First the Oscar Golden Melody Award, then the Oscar Best Costume Design nomination for "The Queen Wearing Chanel", and then the Oscar Best Visual Effects nomination for "Frozen", one nomination won the other.

Luo Quan has also become the recipient of the award with the most appearances so far.

And when others received the award, a large group of creators cheered in unison at the scene, and then sent representatives up.

On Luoquan's side, the cheers were all relatives and friends.

why is it like this?
Because there is no main creative team at all, she made them all by herself.

Even the most technically difficult special effects, most of them are produced by herself, worthy of the name of the Almighty Goddess.

Three times on the podium, the public opinion on the Internet has exploded.

Everyone had guessed that this might be the result. After the actual implementation, Luoquan fans had already taken out the champagne and started to revel.

In the history of the Oscars, there are films that have won multiple awards, but it is still very rare for Luo Quan to sweep with a strong single-person posture.

Especially after "The Silence of the Lambs" won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

It even raised the popularity of Luoquan to a big level. Four nominations won four awards, and the award presenters have changed two rounds. Looking at it, it was still her who came to the stage to accept the award.

"I would like to thank the Oscar judges, my family and friends, and all the fans who support me."

Holding the trophy, Luo Quan's mentality fluttered, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc: "Although I have had similar experiences many times, and I have prepared many different award speeches in advance, I think this is the most ordinary award-winning speech." Testimonials can thank my heart even more.

Because the people I love the most are in my words. "

This crazy and warm speech caused the audience to scream and cheer, and no one thought there was any problem with what she said.

Since the spring breeze is proud, you should ride the horse for a day and see the prosperity of Chang'an.

The ultimate charm of individualism is often the most favorite place for Americans.

Many people even felt that Luo Quan's performance was a bit too conservative.

You have mentioned four times, even if you do a few backflips on stage, no one thinks it is strange.

After all, this is the Oscars.

However, before reaching the real peak, there are often short-term troughs.

After the actress awards began to be presented, the best supporting actress finally missed out on Luo Quan.

Although her performance in "The Queen Wearing Chanel" is good enough, but also because she is too overwhelming, she looks more like a heroine than a supporting actress.

Originally, I couldn’t get nominated like this, but Miranda played the role really well. It’s really unreasonable not to give a nomination, but the award was finally given to another actress who is also very good.

Besides, this 70-year-old man has been running with him for more than ten consecutive years. If he doesn't give an award, it will be unjustifiable in public opinion.

Anyway, Luo Quan is young, so he just wants to come back next year, and it can be regarded as giving some care to the old man.

This is the thinking of the selection committee, not because Luo Quan's acting is bad, but because there are many factors that need to be considered.

Luo Quan himself didn't know this, but he was lucky if he won, and his life was lost, so don't worry too much if you don't win the prize.

After seeing the old senior crying with joy on stage, Luo Quan sincerely applauded her in celebration.

After the female supporting role, one of the most important awards tonight - Oscar for Best Actress will be presented.

Luo Quan is still in the process of being nominated. When Dr. Hanni played by her appeared on the big screen, many guests even started celebrating in advance.

"Her style is flexible and versatile, and she can easily manage almost every role..."

The award presenter made a comment after reading the contents of the award envelope.

But it's too general, and I don't know who it's talking about.

Who can be a candidate for the best actress, who doesn't have a broad career path?

"She has amazing beauty, it is the dream of many men who can walk, but for the sake of art, she can also make subversive shape changes."

As soon as these words came out, two candidates were directly ruled out.

Only Luo Quan, former Carrie Lian, the most beautiful actress in the world, and another beautiful actress remained.

Even, they can be locked directly on Luo Quan's head.

Although it was not explicitly stated that it is the most beautiful in the world, "a dream that can walk" was exactly what director Ford said to Luo Quan at the beginning.

At that time, she had just debuted and hadn't won the title of the world's most beautiful, everything had just begun.

"Her performance is the shortest ever, but it has reached the point where everyone is amazed. It can be called a textbook for actors!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed a clear smile.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Luo Quan?
In "The Silence of the Lambs", after only playing for less than 10 minutes, he left an indelible impression on countless audiences, and was praised by netizens as a god-level performance that even the eyelashes are acting.

"The winner is... Luo Quan, the female lead of "The Silence of the Lambs"!"

After all the dust settled, golden rain began to fall on the stage. Luo Quan walked to the front of the stage, holding a real Oscar statuette in his hand.

"Thank you to everyone, this is my moment of glory.

Since a long time ago, the media has started to build up momentum for me, saying that this time the actress is none other than me.

Although I also think so, but before I got it, I was still a little nervous.

Because if I didn't get it, I'd be the Oscar winner for best joke. "

Luo Quan grinned and told a joke, and all the guests couldn't help laughing.

She has always been relatively cold in front of the screen, as if she is calm no matter what she encounters.

But in fact, in life, she has always been so funny.

And now, it's also true feelings.

"But no matter what, winning this award is a perfect conclusion to my career last year. This year I will work harder and strive to be the best actress in the next Oscar like Lian Zhuang is the most beautiful in the world!"


Lyon was below to cheer for his sister. He has not seen a nomination so far, but he is the most excited one.

The last time Luo Quan was on stage, he cheered and screamed once, just like fans cheering on stage.

However, after the actress awards were over and it was the actor's turn, Lyon became quiet.

Because there is no need, the next two winners probably have nothing to do with him.

Sure enough, although the supporting actor in "The Silence of the Lambs" and the leading actor in "Titanic" were both nominated, none of them won the award in the end.

This is also the traditional art of Oscar.

There have been precedents for young beauties to win actresses before, but it is true that there are no young handsome guys, unless Leon can show shocking acting skills.

But at present, it seems that he has not reached the same level as his sister.

But it is already very good to have two nominations, and he still has a lot of room for growth.

The prosperity is about to end, and at the end of this drama, the climax of tonight will also be ushered in.

Upcoming are Best Director, and Best Film.

These are the two most controversial awards at present, not because of the movie itself, but some off-site factors.

If it is just to discuss movies, there is absolutely no second choice for the winner.

But the key point is that the United States is a country that cannot only discuss movies, but also needs to consider many public opinion factors.

Before tonight, the Oscar committee has been under considerable pressure from all parties, and no matter what the result is, it will definitely continue to be under pressure.

However, when the award presenter said: "Art will not change because of any objective factors. Good is good. If it deserves an award, it will definitely win the award."

Director Carnathan raised his head slightly, already prepared in his heart.

"The best picture of this year's Oscars... is "Titanic" directed by Carnathan!"

Everyone stood up, everyone was at this moment, and offered their sincere blessings to this great director.

Director Carnathan trotted onto the stage, facing everyone and said, "I am the king of the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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