Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 657 The Peak of Life

Chapter 657 The Peak of Life
"I am the king of the world!"

This is the line of Jack in "Titanic". At that time, he stood on the bow of the big ship, accompanied by beautiful women, and surrounded by the boundless ocean.

That scene was so high-spirited that it was considered by movie fans to be a famous scene in world film history.

And the current director Carnathan is so similar to Jack at the time.

The same lines did not make people feel that there was any violation or inappropriateness.

This is the treatment he deserves, and "Titanic" should have received such an honor.

Everyone stood up and gave him the loudest applause tonight.

All kinds of fireworks began to explode, and the light and sound effects rendered the whole scene so prosperous and dazzling that it is not enough to describe it with luxury and gold.

Drunk and dreaming?

Judging by Director Carnathan's appearance, he does look a little drunk.

This year's Oscars has come to a successful conclusion here, and all the winners have received everything they deserve. The Academy Awards Committee, which was controversial before, made a correct decision this time.

It also makes this year's Oscar Awards Ceremony destined to be famous in film history.

Before Luo Quan and the others returned to the hotel, the trending searches had already exploded.

Of course, the news of her coronation as an Oscar-winning actress ranked first, with 50 tweets, the hottest in the beginning of 2019!
Time magazine tweeted its congratulations and became the first media to catch the heat.

Immediately afterwards, the fan carnival began.

"The performance of less than 20 minutes has won the Best Actress Award. Is there anything more to say about the gold content?"

"The current Luo Quan can already be ranked among the best actresses in history."

"I think she is the real king of the world!"

"In just one year, she has done things that countless directors dare not even dream of. What a talent this is."


The fans in the comment area are already overjoyed, as long as they want to get compliments and good words, they are all on Luo Quan's head.

After Luo Quan returned to the hotel, he also lined up the five Oscar trophies and took a photo, and then posted it on Twitter and Bilibili.

"Tonight is full of harvest, thank you for your support as always!"

The popularity in foreign countries is overwhelming, and it is even worse in China. The hot search on Weibo in the early morning is "Luoquan becomes Oscar queen", which is immediately popular.

As China's first Oscar queen, this achievement is unique in the entire Chinese entertainment industry.Not to mention her several other awards.

In the past, a certain movie swept the Oscars, but this time, Luo Quan swept the Oscars in his own name.

This kind of honor seems to be of a higher level than those old seniors that the media asked her to visit before.

And as the goddess of station B, the photo of Luo Quan holding the Oscar statuette is also arranged on the cover of station B. Every netizen who enters station B can see her news today.

And other major social platforms in China also put this news at the top and put it in the most prominent position.

The discussion on the whole network has become immeasurable. It seems that all netizens are participating and sharing the joy of Luo Quan becoming an Oscar queen.

Just like Zhihu netizens said before, now Luoquan's career has reached a new height.

He used to be an international superstar, but now, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call him a household name?
She doesn't know if she is really a household name, but many paper media have already started to invite her to conduct interviews and actively promote it.

Both at home and abroad, including invitations from Time Magazine, People, and Times of various international metropolises.

But what Luo Quan wants to do most now is to get a good night's sleep first.

Every time she fights with someone, she will enter a period of depression.

The acquisition of power usually requires a price, and energy will not appear or disappear out of thin air.

With Luo Quan's strength and speed, it's impossible not to consume energy.

It's just that her special physique delayed the consumption of this energy and replaced it with her body fat.

Not long after fighting those gangsters, she felt a huge hunger.

That night, I ate dinner for six people alone, and my appetite increased in the next few days, and I became very sleepy.

Although it will not affect normal life, and the sleepiness can be supported even if it is topped off.

However, Luo Quan has never been a person who likes to wrong himself. As long as he feels sleepy, he will go to bed immediately, and his work and rest are quite regular.

After the Oscars, her "energy drain" hasn't fully recovered, so she's still staying at home, not even wanting to get out of bed.

Fortunately, there is no work for a while, so it doesn't matter how I play.

In addition, she is notorious for not being interviewed by the media, so the rejection of invitations from major media this time did not surprise too many people.

Besides, the media interviews ask questions that media people want to ask, and the limitations are relatively large.

She talks directly to the fans, isn't it more direct?There is no need for middlemen to make the difference.

Taking advantage of his better spirits, Luo Quan started the live broadcast.

He was still wearing pajamas, a pink bunny onesie, and two long ears on his head, which were designed to be used as an eye mask, and the eyes could be covered by buckling down.

"Rabbit Luoquan, cute."

"This look is nice, I like it."

"You Furui control, right? But it really looks good."

"Didn't you say you don't wear men's clothes before? Why did you wear them last night?"

"Old and arrogant, typical mouth dislikes integrity."

"Girls don't want Shun, you really think you don't want it?"

"Indeed, a bunch of straight men who don't understand girls."


Luo Quan looked at the barrage with a smile, his head wobbled, and his rabbit ears swayed from side to side: "I saw so many comments asking for men's clothing, and I didn't think it was a difficult thing, so I just wore it. I didn't say no before." Want to surprise everyone?"

"It was indeed a pleasant surprise."

"Excuse me, Miss Oscar, how do you feel now?"

"You don't need to ask, it must be so exciting."

"Indeed, Luo Quan seldom smiles so presumptuously in front of the camera. Last night's smile almost exposed the back molars."

"Wahhaha, what adjectives are you all using?"

"I'm really happy. The first Oscar queen in China is unprecedented."

"It feels like if you go on like this, the Youngest Lifetime Achievement Oscar is also in your pocket."

"If this is really possible, it will be like a heifer flying on a plane, and it will be awesome."


Seeing so many compliments in the barrage, Luo Quan was a little proud to be honest.

However, she is well aware of the principle that she should not forget her form when she is proud, no matter how happy she is, she still has to have manners and a city.

Now that his career has reached its peak, the popularity is even higher, and there must be more jealous people.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at her, not to mention being cautious, but you also need to pay attention to your words and deeds, especially during live broadcasts.

Otherwise, the end will be miserable.

And such a decision soon made Luo Quan realize how correct it was.

On the second night after winning the Oscar, her popularity has not subsided, and she is still occupying the front row of major searches.

But a piece of news that surprised everyone immediately swept the entire Internet.

"The Chinese music superstar Wang Luren's setup collapsed."

Luo Quan has never met Wang Lu, but he has listened to many songs.

The Chinese music scene at the beginning of the century was hailed as the best music era, with divine comedies and geniuses emerging in endlessly.

And Wang Lu is one of the best musicians here. Regardless of Luo Quan's situation, his status in the entire Chinese pop music circle is guaranteed.

Wang Lu is not only talented, but also has a burst of good looks. He is known as the most handsome man in the Chinese music scene.

Although he is an American citizen, he has always been developing in the Greater China region. He graduated from a prestigious school, has a good family background, has a harmonious family after marriage, and is keen on charity. He has been praised by the official media many times.

But it was such a nearly perfect and powerful star national idol who was severely punched by his divorced wife.

Soliciting prostitutes, cheating, domestic violence, extremely indecent behavior in private, etc., etc.

Countless shortcomings were exposed all at once, not only Wang Lv's fans, but countless passers-by were dumbfounded.

Wang Lv's reputation is too great, he is said to be a passer-by, but in fact he is considered half a fan, and more than [-]% of young people have heard his songs.

But as a high-quality idol, the inside is so dirty.

Even in the entertainment industry where similar incidents have occurred frequently recently, it is really shocking.

Wang Lu can definitely be regarded as the spokesperson of the golden jade, and none of the other stars can compare with him.

The collapse of the personality of such a Chinese superstar also caused countless netizens to ask questions:
Are there any clean people in the entertainment industry?
Luo Quan, who was in the limelight, immediately laid down his gun innocently, and was brought to the forefront by public opinion.

"I don't know anything else, at least Luoquan is quite clean."

"Besides being the most beautiful in the world, Luoquan has never set up any character design, so there is no possibility of the character design collapsing."

"Some people want to use this incident to imply Luo Quan. I advise you to save your energy. She is not something you can fool around with just guessing."

"If you really want to find someone perfect in the entertainment industry, you have to look at Luo Quan."


To be honest, this turmoil is a big test for any star who has a good reputation before.

Before being hammered, many celebrities had harmonious and happy families, and they kept themselves like jade and modest sons, whiter than white lotuses.

As a result, when they got divorced, they were all the same thing, even a weasel laying down a mouse, one litter was worse than one litter.

Think about it, celebrities like Wang Lv who are clean and well-reviewed are like this, and other celebrities in the circle who are more or less scandalous, are they easy to get?

Even Luo Quan, who seems to have nowhere to hide, really doesn't have some little secrets or hobbies that are not known to everyone?

Who would have known what these stars' real lives were like before it broke out?
When trust is in crisis, reputation is hard to maintain.

This is the case in the entertainment industry, when the character design collapses again and again, passers-by and fans lose their trust.

Under Wang Lv's apologetic Weibo account, apart from those who accused him and announced that he had dropped his fans, there were also a lot of skeptical ones.

What they suspected was not Wang Lv, but an entertainer who was as famous as him in the entertainment industry.

Luo Quan has been mentioned many times, and there are also many other stars.

However, Luoquan's fans were the ones who reacted the most. They thought why this celebrity would overturn, and my family Luoquan would be pulled out to bring disaster to Chiyu?

"Let me just say, those who doubt Luo Quan have no heart, so there's nothing wrong with it?"

"Luo Quan usually broadcasts live for such a long time. From morning to night, except for taking a shower and going to the toilet, you can almost watch it. I don't know how to prove my innocence if I supervise you like this."

"To be honest, I suspect that she is really outrageous."

"Luo Quan is pure and innocent, and those who question here will be treated as idiots."


It was a great joy to be awarded the Best Actress Oscar just now, but unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

To be honest, not only Luo Quan's fans were angry, but Luo Quan himself felt a little uncomfortable.

Although it has not been substantially affected, these groundless speculations are still very uncomfortable in the eyes.

Especially the sentence: Maybe Luo Quan also recruits ducks in private.

It almost made her vomit blood.

Would she be so stupid to spend money to make others cheaper?

Some people really don't use their brains when they talk!

But such speculation can't be sued, and there is nothing to do when it looks disgusting.

But it's not her style to be silent and silent. Later, she posted a post on Station B:
"It's true that my style has changed a bit from when I debuted, it's more unrestrained, you can say I'm a sexy style.

But apart from these, I don't accept any unreasonable doubts and speculations. As for some people who so-called go to the hospital to get a certificate, if they don't do it, they are guilty.

I can only answer you one sentence: Pure idiots.

You met an idiot on the walk and said that you were not born by your father, would you go to the hospital to issue a certificate to prove your innocence?
Taking a step back, with your little quality, to be honest, no matter how corrupt other people's morals are, it's not your turn to blame them.

There is nothing wrong with occupying the commanding heights of morality, but you are not qualified to stand up, you can only be the one who blames you from the bottom, and you have no other use! "

Still cursing heartily and drippingly, Luo Quan always speaks bluntly when he is upset.

After this news came out, the public opinion about her on the Internet immediately stopped, and no one dared to export against the wind.

Netizens are used to the resignation of celebrities, as if as long as they are upset, no matter how much they criticize the celebrity, the celebrity dare not speak back.

For the sake of fans and their own fame, the vast majority of celebrities really dare not, after all, without works, they have no confidence.

But Luo Quan has never been used to these people, and she will definitely scold her back when she is scolded.

And if there is still ignorance, then she will directly start the roll call mode.

This is also the reason why her black fans are getting less and less, not because her word of mouth has conquered these people.

It was entirely because these black fans couldn't scold her, so she gave up.

And this time, it is undoubtedly the time for Luo Quan to eliminate the black fans.

(End of this chapter)

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