Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 658 Exercise

Chapter 658 Exercise
At Shanghai Airport, Luo Quan pulled the suitcase and walked out facing the sunshine.

After winning the Oscar, she did not stay in the United States for too long, and returned to China with everyone on the third day.

Strictly speaking, her winter vacation is not over yet, and she doesn't want to think about work matters at all.

But she doesn't want to think about making new achievements in the new year, and a large group of people under her command are waiting for her to take command.

After all, she manages such a big company, so she can't be too lazy as the boss.

In addition, there is also good news from Nikola, saying that the first new energy vehicle has been assembled and is going to participate in the auto show after a while.

According to her words, the performance of the car must surprise everyone.

In addition, Nicholas said that he is good at technology, but he is really not good at language arts, so he asked Luo Quan to help write a manuscript, so that he can have more references when he plays on the spot.

It's all their own business.Luo Quan certainly couldn't refuse.

"It's so deserted." Wen Xia looked up and looked around, "The airport is usually very lively, why are there so few people during this time?"

"Didn't you watch the news?" Luo Quan, who was wearing sunglasses, asked suspiciously, "Refugees from abroad are hitting developed countries these days, and smuggling is everywhere. Many European countries have suspended flights."

"We are also a developed country?" Wen Xia laughed directly, "Aren't we still developing?"

"So we don't have any refugees here." Luo Quan also smiled, "Overseas all promote that China is backward, with poor technology and living standards, and people can't even afford enough food and clothing.

As a result, when the refugee wave came out, all of them went to Europe and the United States, and few came to China. "

"That's really self-defeating." Wen Xia said and looked at the phone, "The taxi has arrived."

As soon as the words fell, two taxis stopped on the side of the road, and the girls immediately loaded their luggage into the car.

After returning home, everyone was a little bit surprised.

I went to the Oscars this time, and I saw the world. Many international stars who could only be seen on the TV news before, all saw real people this time, which is really amazing.

Especially after Luo Quan won the Academy Award for Best Actress, the frame was full. Just thinking about it, they felt that they were honored, which was equivalent to being honored together.

As for Luo Quan, his mood has tended to calm down now.

When I didn't win the prize, I was worried about gains and losses.

When I first won the award, I was really excited, and my soul was almost out of my body.

But after a while, it feels like that.

Isn't she the Oscar queen? It's something she can get at her fingertips. Not only will she win this time, but she will also win it next time.

Probably, this is what is not available and is always in commotion.

It's a pity that there are not many things that she can prefer at present.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan immediately went to the express box at the door and took out the package inside.

"What is this? It's such a big one." A group of girls had just put their luggage away and came down the stairs, when they saw Luo Quan holding a tightly wrapped long stick.

"Why did you say one?" Luo Quan turned his head to look at Wen Xia, and then tore off the wrapped plastic foam.

"Did you buy the arm strength machine?" Wen Xia said halfway, and then she understood.

This is a long sword with a black scabbard and a bright silver hilt.

"This is a sword I picked up in the woods of my grandfather's hometown. After asking, no one wanted it, so I brought it back." Luo Quan said, standing far away from the girls, and said "thousand" Pull out the sword.

A cold light flashed across their eyes.

"I'll go, it's so bright!" Wen Xia blinked, a little surprised.

"I think the sharpness of this sword is comparable to Zhang Xiaoquan's scissors." Su Yu joked.

Now China's most famous cold weapon is Zhang Xiaoquan's scissors. The chain stores have opened abroad, and everyone who has used them agrees.

And in the sun, it is also so cold.

"This is much more powerful than scissors." Luo Quan said, twisting his wrist a few times, and pulled out a sword flower.

"Hey! How did you do this!" Wen Xia suddenly jumped up with both feet, shouting in surprise.

"It's just a fancy sword move." Luo Quan said, turning around a few more times.

"Look well, come here a few more times, I have to record it." Wen Xia said, took out her phone and entered the camera mode, and Su Yu also started to take pictures when she saw this.

"What's so good about this, I can do even more complicated tricks." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, but he continued to perform this basic trick as he said so.

"Is there anything better?" Wen Xia became interested when he heard this, "Then show it off, what's the difference between you and Jinyi Night Walk?"

Luo Quan was silent for a while, then nodded: "All right, but there are too many furniture here, so I can't use it."

After speaking, she walked into the courtyard and found an open place.

During this period of time, Luoquan didn't call the cleaning staff to clean it up, so there were quite a lot of withered and fallen leaves in the courtyard, and when people stepped on them, they made a series of crackling sounds.

"Hold the camera steady." Luo Quan raised the tip of the sword, as if holding up a selfie stick, and aligned the blade with his gaze.

Then, the whole body moved like a dancer.

The long face glowing with silver light drew beautiful arcs one after another in the air, showing the special effect of fluorescent sticks in the bright daylight.

Gradually, the fallen leaves under her feet also danced with her, and some of them flew up.

"This move is called Flying Flowers Picking Leaves!" Luo Quan snorted, stabbed a fallen leaf with the long sword and then threw it out. The irregularly shaped fallen leaf immediately turned rapidly like a chainsaw, and then hit the wall with a loud sound. There was a crisp sound.

"This trick is called Falling Flowers and Flowing Water!" Luo Quan waved his arm again, poked the sword in his hand on the ground and lifted it, bringing a large leaf up to the sky, leaving an arc made of leaves.

"The last one is Dazzling Hundred Blossoms!"

Luo Quan swung his arms and slashed horizontally, all the leaves in the air immediately shattered and scattered in all directions, making crackling sounds with the walls and glass.

Taking a long breath, Luo Quan's heaving chest finally calmed down.

This set of swordsmanship really took a lot of energy, and the sword in her hand was a bit heavy, so she almost rolled over and couldn't achieve the effect.

On the other side, Wen Xia and the girls were already dumbfounded.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to imagine that dancing swords could still dance like this.

The name and appearance of this move are comparable to martial arts novels!

"How about it, this flower job is okay." Luo Quan put the sword back into the scabbard and said with a smile.

"It's not only okay." Wen Xia stopped filming, "So there really is such a thing as kung fu in the world."

Suddenly, Wen Xia grabbed Luo Quan's arm: "Luo Luo, are you the disciple of some unworldly master, possessing peerless martial arts, who can beat a wall with one palm and jump as high as two floors? !"

"Do you think I'm a flea?" Luo Quan was speechless, "I jumped up and down two floors, Olympic champions are not at this level, okay?"

"Then your martial arts are not as good as the average person's." Wen Xia continued to ask.

"It must be stronger, but it's not that outrageous. Except for strength, it is basically weaker than the Olympic champion, which is the top level of the provincial team."

"Then you are too modest. I think your level is at the top level of human beings." Wen Xia flattered her with a smile, her eyes swept Luo Quan up and down, looking malicious.

Wen Xia saw Luo Quan's heart trembling, his shoulders trembled, and he asked, "Say what you have to say, don't look at me like that, it's weird."

"Hey Luoluo, do you have any martial arts secrets, can you teach me, I also want to fight ten times alone!" Wen Xia said eagerly.

Although she is a girl, she has had a martial arts dream since she was a child. The way Luo Quan danced the sword just now really made her so handsome.

If there is such a martial art, she must learn it!

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "Yes, there are, but you are not strong enough, it may be difficult to learn, at least five years of hard work."

"Ah, five years." Wen Xia burst into tears, and said in her heart that she was a trainee in South Korea, and it took less than three years for her to come out.

"Five years is the most ideal situation. Martial arts training must start from a baby. The older a person is, the slower his progress will be. In addition, the first course is the horse stance. Let's do it for 10 minutes." Luo Quan put his hands behind his back and spread them apart He took a horse stance with both legs.

Su Yu and others looked over, and their eyes lit up immediately.

Because his chest is too broad, Luo Quan's upper body often attracts all eyes.

But in fact, her figure is a very well-balanced S-shaped figure, which can be described in a certain book written by China's first Nobel Prize winner.

Of course, the language is a bit vulgar, and Luo Quan can't be described as fat, it is more appropriate to use Qiao.

In folk terms, Luo Quan looks like a very high-born man, with a figure that belongs to the top of the top.

This horse stance is tied up, which is enviable to a group of children and girls.

Let me ask, who doesn't want to have a perfectly curvy S figure?
"As expected of the best..." Wen Xia opened her mouth slightly, her eyes a little envious.

"Where are you looking?" Luo Quan stood up straight, angry and funny.

But soon he became serious again: "In fact, everyone can practice these, although they may not be able to practice martial arts, but they have a very good shaping effect on the body.

What is the specific effect, everyone will know after seeing it. "

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the girls immediately burned with flames.

Nothing can be more lethal than this sentence.

In the past, the selection of the most beautiful in the world was actually the most beautiful face, and there was no special requirement for the figure.

But only Luo Quan, her world's most beautiful is recognized as the first appearance plus the first figure.

There is enough scale to make people imagine.

But it won't be too huge to make people feel disgusted.

In the true sense, if you donate one cent, you will be too fat, and if you lose one cent, you will be too thin, which belongs to the perfection of perfection.

On the Internet, I don't know how many men and women are eager to have Luo Quan's perfect body.

Good looks are innate, and countless doctors bluntly say that they can't make the same style, so they can only envy.

But the body can be exercised, as long as you work hard, it stands to reason that it is not particularly difficult to reproduce it.

But the strange thing is that I don’t know how many fitness experts exercise in Luoquan swimsuits, strictly control their diet every day, exercise in the most scientific way, and live like ascetic monks.

But in the end, I still couldn't get the same feeling as Luo Quan.

Before, no one could understand what went wrong. They only thought that Luo Quan was too perfect and belonged to an individual that could not be copied at all.

Now the truth finally came to light. It turned out that there was something wrong with the way of exercising.

Thinking about the possibility of having such a perfect and hot figure as Luo Quan, how could this not make these girls who love beauty go crazy?

Now Wen Xia is not the only one who grabs Luo Quan's hand, Ai Wei, Su Yu, and Lan Xuan all grab her, as if you don't want to leave if you don't explain today.

Luo Quan also didn't expect the big guys to react so violently, so he quickly put down the sword to avoid hurting them: "Everyone, don't get excited, I can't run, and I will definitely teach you everything you want to learn."

Hearing this, everyone let go of their hands.

"First of all, if you want to practice this, you need to have a lot of physical fitness. Sudden excessive training may cause rhabdomyolysis. That is no joke."

Luo Quan went back to the living room, took out a notebook, and wrote on it: "I'm not worried about Wen Xia, she practices dancing every day, and her physical fitness is very good.

As for other people, they need to change their habit of lying on the sofa and bed after eating. They should run and skip rope in moderation every day, so that the body can adapt to the exercise before proceeding to the next step of high-intensity exercise. "

After speaking, the training plan on paper was also written.

The girls looked at it, and there were some very common diet recommendations, as well as 15 jumping ropes, and things that could be run within [-] minutes.


But now, they really don't have the ability to accept high-level training.

"What about me, what about my plan?" Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan eagerly.

"Let me demonstrate it to you, remember the main points of my movements." Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a horse stance again, "Also, the muscles of the buttocks should also be tensed, and you can jump as long as you can, but remember not to cramp. If you have cramps, relax quickly."

While talking, Luo Quan helped Wen Xia control the bending of each part of the body.

"Is this posture so hard?" Wen Xia frowned.

She has also pierced the horse step before, but it can't be compared with the current one.

It took less than a minute for the piercing, and the soreness came up.

"How can you call practicing martial arts without hard work?" Luo Quan chuckled, "We martial arts practitioners have to endure hardships, otherwise why should we have martial arts, or the figure you want?"

Hearing the figure, Wen Xia immediately stopped complaining and gritted her teeth to persevere.

It didn't take long for her body to start shaking, and winter sweat dripped from her forehead and nose.

After a while, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

However, Luo Quan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he immediately stretched out his hand to support Jiaxiu: "Just practice like this, and rest for half an hour when you're tired, two or three times a day is fine.

By the way, put a cushion under the butt in the future! "

(End of this chapter)

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