Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 659 Rewards

Chapter 659 Rewards

After explaining the essentials of the action to Wen Xia, Luo Quan went back to the room and lay down on the bed.

I slept on the plane for so long, and now I am not sleepy in broad daylight. The main reason for going to bed well is that the rewards from the system have arrived.

Previously, the system issued a task for her to open a Chinese restaurant and gain a certain influence.

The mission has been completed for a long time, but the reward has not been issued until now.

It can be regarded as a traditional art of the system, and I often like to default, but as long as it is in the account, it will be fine.

The reward for this task is "unknown", that is, what can be offered depends entirely on luck.

As soon as the thought came to him, Luo Quan opened the gift box in the system backpack, and a burst of light flickered, feeling that something good had been opened this time.

After the light gradually dissipated, Luo Quan saw clearly the three props that appeared in front of him.

A bottle of "Magic Throat Lozenges", which belongs to the system version of the Golden Throat Lozenges, is eaten after high-intensity singing, which has a very good protective effect on the throat.

And if you eat it regularly, you can also slightly improve the physique of your voice, which is equivalent to directly improving your singing skills.

This bottle is a family bottle, the volume is about the same as a pot of vegetable oil, and there are hundreds of them at least. Luo Quan tasted one, and the taste is not bad, similar to mints.

Take one to refresh your mind, not only to protect your throat, but you can also eat this thing if you feel sleepy in the future.

A very practical prop, especially for a singer like her whose all works are difficult songs.

The second prop is a bottle of skin care product called Ice Muscle Jade Bone Cream. It seems that the effect is to improve the skin texture and touch, and it also has the effect of accelerating the body's heat dissipation.

I feel that the previous function is still useless, except that I can touch it, and no one else can touch it.

As for the heat dissipation, it is still useful, at least you don’t have to worry about sweating profusely when you go to the street in summer.

The third item is an item that she wanted very much before, but now she is very entangled with it.

"Appearance Improvement Card x 1, after use, the appearance will be raised by one level."

SSS+ is already the pinnacle of appearance that human beings can theoretically achieve, and Luo Quan has raised two levels on this basis, from a question mark to an exclamation mark.

Now there is another face value promotion card, what state will it be after the promotion?

Could it be double quotes? It's not human anymore.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan smiled and used the card directly.

To be honest, she really wanted to see what the pinnacle of beauty would look like.

However, after using the card, her appearance did not change in any way, except that the column of appearance level changed from an exclamation mark to an energy bar.

The energy bar is divided into five equal spaces, one of which is full of energy.

"Is this unlocking the title with five grids?" Luo Quan asked while looking at the system.

"That's what it means, so you have to keep working hard." The system gave an affirmative answer.

To be honest, Luo Quan was somewhat surprised by such a result.

Her appearance has improved, but it doesn't seem to be completely improved. Instead, it is the same as the system's usual style, drawing a big cake for her.

I don't know what it will be like when the energy tank is full.

Overall, the rewards for this mission are neither good nor bad.

Now she still has two tasks in hand, one is to cultivate battle qi, but she has been working hard for several months, and the current progress is still [-]%, and there is basically no hope of completing it.

Then it is to earn enough US$200 billion within three years, and [-]% has been completed so far, and less than three months have passed.

When the subsequent businesses are launched, the task progress will be much faster.

And this task is also the most lucrative, just thinking about it makes her feel excited.

It's a pity that after the task was settled, the system did not issue the task immediately, it seems that it will have to wait for a while.

Back in the living room, Wen Xia was paralyzed on the sofa, her legs were still trembling on the sofa.

"You've worked so hard, my baby." Luo Quan quickly massaged her with his hands to relieve the soreness of her legs.

"Remember to apply hot water later, or you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow." Luo Quan reminded while massaging.

"I feel like I can't do it now." Wen Xia tilted his head to the sky, looking unloved, "This squatting is simply torture, it's as tiring as when I was just a trainee!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "How can it be effective if you're not tired? Think about my figure, and then consider whether you should persist."

After saying this, the flames in Wen Xia's eyes blazed up again.

Having the same figure as Luo Quan is really attractive to all girls.

Second only to the saying that she has the same level of appearance as Luo Quan.

After accepting Luo Quan's horse killing chicken for a while, Wen Xia went back to the room to do hot compresses.

And Luo Quan also edited the few videos she took just now and sent them to Station B.

The main reason is that I haven't posted a video for a long time, so I will post one this time, so that fans won't complain that she is the new up host.

The title of the video was "A few random moves of swordsmanship", and the video had more than 10 hits within 50 minutes of its release.

Fans who watched the video said that this is simply the reincarnation of the sword fairy.

"Luo Quan said she was beating nonsense, but she was not beating recklessly, she came here completely prepared."

"Is there really someone who can dance swords so gracefully?"

"The swordsmanship is very beautiful, it feels almost the same as in martial arts novels, does it have a name?"

"Look at the introduction in the expanded video, it's called Hundred Flowers Sword Art."

"Is it true or not? It looks like special effects."

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"The coach said, I have never seen this scene."


In fact, not only at station B, but in the entire network, there are not many people who have seen this scene.

Everything else was normal, but the last move of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was too unreal, it would have been really hard to end it if it wasn't for special effects.

Soon, there was a discussion on Zhihu, asking whether Luo Quan's sword technique was real or a special effect.

Gao Zan's answer is still anonymous:
"It should be true. I was lucky enough to meet an old man before, and he also showed things that seemed unscientific to ordinary people, but in fact, they can be explained clearly with science in the end.

Another example is the poker cards we usually use to fight landlords. Some people can throw this kind of cards hundreds of meters away, or even stick them directly into wooden boards.

These scenes, which look similar to martial arts novels, can be achieved through talent and practice.

It's just that the visual effect is not as exaggerated as Luo Quan's, but it's understandable. After all, Luo Quan's fighting power is so strong, isn't it normal for the peak human beings to widen the gap with ordinary people? "

Below the answer, there are several videos.

Among them is a video of a thin old man practicing boxing, and the dust is flying around him.

There is also a young guy, the video of the poker penetrating three points.

There is also a video that is even more outrageous. Shaolin monks come directly to Qinggong to float on the water, but they just step on the floating board.

These videos are all real on the Internet, without special effects, and you can see them with a search.

Compared with Luoquan's, it just doesn't have such a bursting visual effect.

This answer is well-founded, and it also made the public opinion biased towards Luo Quan's swordsmanship as real kung fu.

But with this real kung fu, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see how powerful it is in actual combat in the future.

Because in this world, there are not many people who are qualified to let Luo Quan do his own fists, let alone use this obviously more lethal swordsmanship?
It is said that Luo Quan is so versatile, both martial arts and cold weapons are at the peak, how about the level of hot weapons?

This point makes fans and netizens very curious, and if there is any question, everyone will directly ask Luo Quan:

"Luobao Luobao, can you play with guns?"

Seeing this question, Luo Quan directly showed the old man's face.

This... This question seems to be nothing outrageous, but why does it feel a little weird?

She should answer: Am I good with guns?

Scratching his head, Luo Quan changed his tone: "My marksmanship can only be said to be unimaginable to most of you. The talent in this aspect is not much different from my musical talent."

As I said before, Luo Quan was free in the United States and exchanged for the specialization of a certain "Western Gunslinger".

After that, the pistol was basically handled tightly.

Compared with martial arts, her marksmanship is invincible in the true sense, so fast that the naked eye cannot catch it.

When she was in the United States before, she went to the shooting range for live ammunition practice, and she was very proficient in the operation, which belonged to the kind that was proficient as soon as she took a gun.

It's just that there has never been a chance to show it off, and now that fans ask, she naturally shows off a little.

Luo Quan seldom replaced modesty with complacency, but this time he spoke so full of words, which proves that marksmanship is really at its peak.

Fans have said:
"I really want to see you show your hands!"

"So is your fist faster or the gun faster?"

"Seven steps away, the gun is fast.

Within seven steps, the gun was accurate and fast. "

"Haha, that's true. The physical body is definitely not comparable to a machine."

"The glory of cold weapons has long passed, adults, the times have changed!"

"Wugong is still lonely after all."

"No, at least in China, fists are more effective, because we usually don't see many guns here."

"It's just that the national conditions are different. The United States is a real person cf every day."

"So when Luo Quan goes to the United States one day, I really hope to come and show it to everyone."

"Expressing expectation..."


"Then I guess everyone will have to wait for a while," Luo Quan typed quickly, "Resident Evil 2 will start filming in the first half of this year, and Alice, who I play, will have a lot of opportunities to show off her marksmanship, and everyone remembers to watch it by then. what."

Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, Luo Quan advertised the new movie.

It can't be a new movie, it should be a sequel, but there is no news after so long, Luo Quan is afraid that fans have forgotten this episode.

As the first film he made by himself, the commercial success of Resident Evil is actually no worse than the later films.

It stands to reason that Resident Evil 2 should have come out a long time ago, but she has been busy with other things for a while, and instead left out her Virgo sequel.

Last year, there were many biochemical fans on the Internet who have been paying attention and asking when the sequel will be filmed. Although she gave the exact answer that it will start next year, she did not give a specific time.

After all, the end of next year is also next year. This endless wait has also made many fans gradually stop paying attention.

At this time, Luo Quan suddenly mentioned Biohazard, and countless Biohazard fans occupied the comment area like zombies resurrected in place.

"Damn, it's finally Biohazard 2!"

"You always think of this IP, she is your eldest son!"

"Haha, what kind of metaphors are these, but they are quite appropriate."

"The blond-haired and red-clothed Alice really surprised me at the beginning, I hope to see you in the second part."

"I just want to watch Luo Quan kill zombies in a movie. It's so stress-free. The battle between beauties and monsters is exciting."

"I heard that there will be many new actors in Resident Evil 2, can you reveal some of them?"

"It's still a commonplace question, is there a large-scale lens? (dog head)"

"Want to fart? But I actually want to see it too."

"No, you are not allowed to see, only I can see Luoquan. (Crying loudly)"

"Haha, you are really going to laugh at me to death."


Fans of the barrage like to work as always, and Luo Quan responded selectively while laughing.

"Large-scale shots are impossible. Wearing a cheongsam and showing your thighs is already interesting. If you show your thighs again, you will not pass the trial."

"I can say one thing about the new actor, and that is that this time the male lead is Leon."

As soon as this answer came out, the majority of fans were immediately blown away.

As Luo Quan's younger brother, Lyon is very popular both at home and abroad.

Originally, for a handsome guy like him, girls in China generally liked him more.

However, because he is the younger brother of Luo Quan, with his status as the brother-in-law of the whole people, he has also become the target of the majority of "brother-in-laws" Ai Wu Ji Wu, and his popularity among boys is not low.

Hearing the news that Leon will play the male lead of Resident Evil 2 this time, both boys and girls are excited.

But soon, Luo Quan added another sentence below: "The hero's name in this movie is set to be Leon."

"This is a disappointment."

"Fuck, just have fun."

"It's very incomprehensible for you to be like this. Everyone is excited, and they are facing a basin of cold water."

"Lyon fans expressed a lot of discomfort."


A minute later, Luo Quan, with a smirk on his face, posted another post: "But the actor playing Leon this time is indeed my brother Leon."

Such a rude speech directly caused fans in the comment area to rebel:
"Luo Bao, it seems that after you won the Best Actress, you've lost your mind."

"Come here, ask for family law!"

"You are really skinny."

"There will be another time, and I will feel better with you!"


It can be seen that a group of fans are very indifferent to Luo Quan and can't say anything serious, so they can only express their inner dissatisfaction in such a tactful way.

After playing around, Luo Quan didn't dare to be skinny anymore, and began to make a serious announcement.

(End of this chapter)

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