Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 660 Expectation

Chapter 660 Expectation
"In the first half of this year, Resident Evil 2 starring me will be launched in the United States. The investment this time will be much higher than the first one, and the scene will also be enlarged from the underground research room to an urban area."

After fans have been expecting and urging for so long, Luo Quan finally gave a clear answer here.

There is usually no official announcement about her work previews, and her dynamics are equivalent to official announcements.

"As for the actors, they must be the original cast, and there will be other new faces, such as Lyon, Wen Xia, and an artist from my company."

Luo Quan continued to break the news to fans in the live broadcast room, which were basically some issues that fans were most concerned about.

"It's true that the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders."

"I just like your nepotism attitude, so as not to allow outsiders to come in and mess things up."

"Indeed, they are all acquaintances, and the quality is still trustworthy."

"Speaking of which, will there be any welfare scenes in the sequel?"

"Indeed, there was a beautiful woman out of the bath in the first one, and I won't get tired of doing it again in this one."


Facing the demands of the fans, Luo Quan's expression was very serious: "This must depend on the plot, if it's filmed like this without thinking, it won't be a B-grade movie."

After Luo Quan said this, he thought for a while, and then said: "But Resident Evil seems to have started B-level movies?"

"Ask me about the movie you made yourself?"

"So GKD!"

"GHS on the big screen, what do you all think?"

"This is exciting."

"That's it, why don't you go to see a swimsuit photoshoot."


"Anyway, horror and action movies, don't expect to see too many benefits, so many beautiful actresses are not good enough?" Luo Quan is also helpless, this movie type is not that type, why so many people Hoping to see something new.

It can only be said that the current one wants to go to the immortals after being a human being, and wants to go to heaven after being born on the earth.

Don't get used to it too much, or else it's easy to overreach.

Hearing what Luo Quan said, the high emotions of the fans finally calmed down gradually.

Indeed, don't think too much about other elements in a thriller action movie, after all, it is not a love action movie.

In fact, just the fact that Luo Quan is doing a backflip in a cheongsam is already very interesting.

And this time we can add two more beautiful actors, which is really a surprise.

Before the live broadcast here is over, the hot search trend on Twitter has already rushed up.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Luo Quan would not have believed that Resident Evil could have such a huge popularity.

In less than an hour, there were a total of 30 related discussion tweets, tens of thousands less than her Oscar-winning tweets.

This heat can be called an explosion!
I don't know if the latter has taken the light of the former, but what is certain is that the ip of Resident Evil is half established?

As long as there is no problem with the next second film, it is definitely possible to become one of the most profitable movie IPs.

However, there is a big discrepancy between the plot of the original movie and the plot of the game. Luo Quan revised it in the first part, and the characters and settings are more game-oriented.

So the plot of the second part will be a fusion version of Resident Evil 2 and 3.

That is to say, the stories of the four protagonists Jill, Chris, Claire, and Leon are mixed into one line.

Of course, these must be supporting roles in the movie, and the protagonist must still be played from her perspective, that is, Alice.

In fact, she had arranged all of these a long time ago, and even took the set photos of several leading actors.

But I didn't have time to shoot before, so I kept pressing it in my hand and didn't send it out.

Now that the official announcement has been made, all the setting photos of the protagonists have also been released.

Cecilia, who plays Jill, has been studying acting in the academy for more than a year, and has not participated in the affairs of the circle much. That is, when Luo Quan won the actress before, she specially sent a twitter to celebrate.

If Luo Quan hadn't posted her photo, many movie fans would have almost forgotten the name of the beauty who played Jill.

Jill in the set photo of Resident Evil 2 still has the classic style of short brown hair and dark blue T-shirt.

And Ada Wang played by Wen Xia, in order to distinguish it from Luo Quan's appearance, the clothes he wore changed into a white cloud-pattern cheongsam, and his makeup was also slightly lighter.

In terms of setting, King Ada still comes from a mysterious organization, which is not much different from the original game.

In addition, Luo Quan also added some foreshadowing in the new plot, such as the cheongsams of King Ida and Alice, which are very similar in some details and look like they came from the same organization.

In addition, in terms of external action design, the moves of the two will also be homogenized.

The foreshadowing she wanted to plant was that Alice and King Ida belonged to the same mysterious organization.

This also explains why Alice can have skills far superior to other police officers in the first part.

And the main line of the story unfolds like this, that is, after amnesia, Alice seeks the secret, and gradually reveals the true face of the Umbrella Company and another mysterious organization.

The second part is definitely just a foreshadowing, and a lot of details need to be set up, but movie fans like easter eggs, foreshadowing and so on, so that they will feel unclear when interpreted afterwards.

Of course, Resident Evil is not a brain-burning movie. She will definitely not set up too many twists and turns in the plot. The focus must still be on the appearance of the leading actors and the refreshment of giving zombies headshots.

A commercial film should have the appearance of a commercial film, and what kind of character should do what kind of thing.

Like in "The Silence of the Lambs", Leon plays a pervert who is big and thick, so he must self-destruct his image, and he can act like a pervert.

But the character of the same name in Resident Evil doesn't need to be so reckless, because Leon is set as a warm-hearted and stunned handsome guy.

At this time, it is necessary for my younger brother to display his most handsome skills in the world. How much the female fans can contribute to the box office this time depends entirely on Lyon's appeal.

In order to get this amount of money, Luo Quan must not spoil his younger brother's appearance like before.

Therefore, in the setting photos of the movie characters, Luo Quan made his younger brother look so handsome.

Moreover, Luo Quan asked his younger brother to exercise his muscles very early on, originally to prepare for the next movie, but now it comes in handy.

Although the muscles can't be compared with well-known Hollywood tough guys like Dachao, Captain America, and Thor, they are enough.

At least compared with his peers, Lyon's figure is definitely quite strong.

Don't think that American aesthetics are popular with muscular men, but most young artists in their twenties are actually like skinny monkeys.

Strong men with ancient Greek classical beauty are more common among male stars after the age of 30.

Anyway, Leon was exercising, his muscles were just right, and he was full of heroism after wearing the police uniform. Holding a police pistol in his hand, he turned into a girl killer.

However, among the three new characters, the one with the most praise is not Leon, but Wen Xia who plays King Ada.

She is wearing a black cheongsam with white background and black border, and high heels. It can be said that she has become a big hit on the Internet.

As a Chinese, and the most beautiful in the world, Luo Quan's external image has always been white.

This is what she regrets most. In fact, she really wants to change the foreign stereotypes of China and reverse the so-called high-end aesthetics.

She couldn't do such a thing with her own appearance, so she could only pin her hopes on other people.

And Wen Xia, as the second most beautiful in Asia selected by TCC this year, basically has no major flaws in appearance.

What's more, Luo Quan specially designed such a beautiful look for her. The cheongsam looks like an ink painting, and Wen Xia's makeup is also black and white, which is completely the most standard temperament of traditional Chinese beauties.

If you add another oil-paper umbrella, it will be a lore, but it is a pity that you can't add it.

But even so, it has already amazed foreign netizens, saying that they did not expect such a beautiful girl in Huaxia.

But soon, these surprises appeared again.

Unlike Wen Xia, Su Yu's appearance is more ordinary, just like a girl next door.

Pure, pretty, sunny and full of vitality.

Compared to Wen Xia, Su Yu's face is more delicate.

In terms of appearance alone, Su Yu is better than Wen Xia.

It's just that because of the popularity that has been suppressed for too long before, it has gradually gained popularity recently, so it ranked ahead of Wen Xia in the voting.

However, the ranking of appearance is sometimes not counted, and you have to read it yourself to know.

Compared with Wen Xia, Su Yu's appearance is more Western-style, that is, a high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, and a strong jawline.

However, Su Yu didn't have a completely Caucasian appearance like Luo Quan's. He belonged to the type of combination of East and West, with both Chinese gentle eyebrows and Western three-dimensional.

Combined, it is still a beauty enough to make many members of the Appearance Association lick their screens.

Now that Chinese beauties of this beauty level appear together on Twitter, it also slightly changes the impression of Huaxia on the Internet.

It turns out that not all Chinese people look like those in the movies in the last century.

The ones who are beautiful are also really ridiculously beautiful.

It is worth mentioning that in the movie Resident Evil 2, there are the top three most beautiful in Asia, the first, ninth and tenth in the top ten most beautiful in the world, and the most handsome in the world.

It can definitely be called a grand gathering of the appearance party. I have never seen such a battle in ordinary idol movies.

So just posting the set photos, a kind of netizen has already said that he can't stand it anymore:
"Let those producers in Hollywood who are confused by political correctness take a good look at what is really handsome and beautiful."

"I don't want to see plus-size black actresses playing mermaids and Snow White. In my mind, a princess is like Luo Quan. Even if she can't reach it, at least she should work hard to get closer, instead of directly adding a minus sign to her left! "

"Haha, this comment is really spot on. The casting of many Hollywood movies is really confusing. Fortunately, there is a conscientious producer like Luo Quan."

"Haha, she seems to be the only producer who doesn't care about women's rights and ethnic minorities at all, because China has no taboos in this regard."

"Speaking of Huaxia, three of the four leading actresses are from Huaxia this time. I haven't heard that Huaxia has so many beauties before, and they have such a good temperament, full of exotic charm."

"Brother, you should travel to Huaxia once. I have been here for several years. This is the only country where you can go out at night without worrying about safety."

"I give it a thumbs up."

"There is another piece of knowledge that you don't know. There are so many actresses in the movie, it seems that only Wen Xia is not an artist in Luoquan's company."

"Damn, isn't Luoquan's economic company a paradise on earth?"

"Yes, the artists signed by Luoquan are all girls, and they are all beauties. Besides the three here, there are also Carrielian, Angela, Junko, Yuner, and Ivy."

"The sum is almost equal to a women's football team."


The focus has gradually become distorted, but the knowledge about Luoquan Economic Company is indeed very interesting. Few economic companies accept only girls like her, and the quality is still so high.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing only happens in YY novels, and the boss can only be a man.

For this situation, Luo Quan is actually very innocent.

It's not that she doesn't want to find male artists. The key is that she has found two potential artists and invited them, but if they don't come, what can she do?

But it's good to have only female artists in the company, so as to avoid the situation of office romance, which can be regarded as saving her a lot of worry.

After the photos were released, the popularity of "Resident Evil 2" went from cold to hot. The fans of Biohazard who had been quiet for a long time became excited again and began to look forward to the arrival of the new work.

As an epoch-making monster, the theme of zombies has ushered in more than a hundred follow-up works in the past year.

Quality varies, but none come close to Resident Evil.

The past year's imitation works have almost exhausted the fans' expectations. Fortunately, Luo Quan announced the news of the new work at this time. Otherwise, the wave of zombies that has finally started may really turn cold. .

In foreign movie circles, Luoquan has officially entered the big kill mode.

Starting from winning the actress this year, Luoquan will dominate the screen in the next few months.

But in China, there is a thing that people don't know how to evaluate.

The cause was the release of a movie called "Lion Dance," which was particularly polarizing in reviews.

Luo Quan shook his head after watching the trailer, saying that my head hurts, so it's not good to comment.

It's not that this movie has too much depth or tells a story that can't be told, the main thing is that this casting is in stark contrast to her casting of Resident Evil.

It just so happened that the two incidents happened very close together, and netizens directly compared the two together.

ps. Thanks to the book friends 20170514175736337, 20210301106482133066, Xiaobai who loves to show cute, and the book coins rewarded by passthrough, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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