Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 661 Aesthetics

Chapter 661 Aesthetics
As usual, Luo Quan continued to broadcast live the next day after returning to China.

The Spring Festival holiday is over, and most people have returned to work.

However, there are still a few days left for the students' winter vacation, so it is not particularly abundant.

Therefore, the title of Luoquan's live broadcast room today is: Students, have you finished your winter vacation homework?

"Damn, as soon as I entered the live broadcast room, I went into cardiopulmonary arrest!"

"Why are you reminding me of this?"

"I haven't moved any of my six homeworks, and school starts in less than ten days. I don't think it's very difficult to do one in six days."

"You guys are pretty optimistic."

"Luo Bao, please comment on the new movie "Lion Dance"."


In a bunch of bullet chats discussing winter vacation homework, this bullet chat suddenly appeared.

"Lion dance?" Luo Quan had been abroad for the past few days, and the only domestic hotspot he paid attention to was the matter of Wang Lv.

"Is this another conscientious domestic product? Our Chinese movies are about to rise." Luo Quan said while searching in the browser.

"Haha, it's not too late to say this after you read it."

"I always feel that you are implying something. You really don't know this movie?"

"If Chinese-language films are to rise by relying on this kind of thing, I would rather it die immediately."


The barrage became excited because of Luo Quan's words, as if he was quite dissatisfied with the movie "Lion Dance".

And when Luo Quan found out the poster of the movie and watched the trailer, she fell silent.

"Honey, say something~"

"Luo Quan was thinking in his heart: What is this shooting about?"

"Haha, this character modeling directly silenced Luo Quan."

"When I finished watching it, I had almost the same expression as Luo Quan."


The fans were joking in the barrage, but they were already angry.

"Is this domestic or foreign?" Luo Quan asked after being silent for a while.

In fact, this problem is clear at a glance under the propaganda, from the director, producer to art, all are domestically produced.

"It's a bit outrageous. How can someone of your own portray your own people like this?"

Luo Quan's two beautiful eyebrows gradually have a tendency to match: "In foreign countries, this kind of portrayal should be a kind of RH, especially this kind of wide eye distance and hanging corners."

"That's the way it is said, but the film's main creator doesn't think so."

"They think it reflects cultural aesthetic confidence, not RH."

"The director of the film also said that the material was taken from Guangdong Province, and that it was the face of the Chinese people with the army."


Seeing the description of the barrage, Luo Quan felt that this matter was outrageous.

But she didn't understand the complete story, and she didn't start scolding at the first time, she could only say some conclusions she could be sure of:

"First of all, this is definitely not a public face, because didn't you say it was a high-end face before?"

Luo Quan chuckled, isn't this kind of face a high-end model's face touted by many Muyang dogs, and now it has become the face of the public again, isn't this contradictory?
"That's it. Now the country is arguing over this matter."

"Those who support the film say that we are self-styled, have no aesthetic level, and are foreigners."

"Indeed, I want to scold someone just looking at it."

"It belongs to the plaque that Brother Long was kicked over back then. These people picked it up by themselves."


It can be seen that the fans of the barrage are very enthusiastic.

However, when the opponents talk about it, they say that summer insects are indescribable. There is a gap between the aesthetics of the general public and professionals, and the rabble cannot represent authoritative experts.

This sounds irritating, but ordinary people really can't refute it by reasoning, because the opposing party is a little unreasonable.

"Are you a foreigner? That's fine. I happen to know a few friends from the foreign film industry. Wouldn't it be good to just connect to them and ask them to comment?"

Luo Quan also had a whim, since these people feel that they want to be in line with the international trend, then she will use magic to defeat magic.

Soon, Luo Quan sent a video request to Seifert on the computer.

It is 09:30 in the morning, and it is not too late in the United States. With Seifert's workaholic schedule, he must not be asleep yet.

Sure enough, after about ten seconds, Seifert was connected.

"Oh my Oscar queen, what's the point of you sending a video to me at night?"

Seeing Seifert's appearance, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing: "I'm broadcasting live to fans here, and I just encountered some problems, and I want to ask you for advice."

Hearing the live broadcast, Seifert immediately became more serious: "If you have any questions, just tell me, I will know everything."

"Let me introduce to the fans first. This is Seifert, the deputy director of the marketing department of Universal Corporation. He discovered and brought out my brother Leon, and he is also in charge of a gold medal agent. There is no doubt about the industry's level." Luo Quan raised his hands to make cups, and said solemnly.

"Ahem!" Seifert adjusted his tie and hairstyle, and said sternly, "Correct me, I have been promoted a long time ago, and now I am the head of the marketing department!"

"Good minister, I'll send you a trailer now, and you can comment on it." Luo Quan sent the movie trailer link of "Lion Dance".

It took Seifert 2 minutes to read it, and then it was the face of the old man on the subway:
"I saw that it was written in Chinese on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It was a shocking release, right? Isn't a character with this image in Huaxia counted as RH?"

"Look, everyone, even a foreigner can spot it." Luo Quan spread his hands facing the camera.

"This still needs foreigners?" Seifert was stunned, "This should be a surprise, not only Huaxia, but Chinese people all over the world will feel uncomfortable seeing this, right?
In this line of work, taboos from all countries, races and beliefs must be taken into account. Anyway, if I were the boss and made the role into a modeler like this, I would definitely blow his shit-filled head with a toilet punch. "

"I'm sorry to bother you this time, keep busy." Luo Quan nodded and hung up the video with Seifert.

"One person's point of view may be one-sided. Let me find another person to talk about, and find someone with authority."

While Luo Quan was speaking, he directly invited Director Carnathan.

Some fans with good English were shocked when they saw Carnathan's name, thinking that it could be that Carnathan, right?
And after the new Oscar-winning director appeared on the screen, the barrage immediately boiled over.

"Damn it, it's Carnathan!"

"It's said that Luo Quan doesn't know how to socialize and has no connections. Let's see who she knows?"

"Could you introduce me? I don't know much about the European and American entertainment circles."

"The director of "Titanic" just won the Oscar for Best Director and Best Picture."

"And it's not the first time I've taken it, it's a big shot among Hollywood bigwigs."

"Cow batch."


Director Carnathan has been in a good mood for a while, and he smiled when he saw Luo Quan. After understanding the intention of Luo Quan's video, he first waved to the friends of Bilibili.

It's a pity that Director Carnathon doesn't know much Chinese, so he can only follow a half-baked sentence: Nihao.

According to the process, Luo Quan also didn't comment on anything, and let him watch the trailer of "Lion Dance" first.

Because of the different positions, Carnathan's evaluation is also different from Seifert's.

Seifert pays more attention to the commercial benefits. For this kind of character modeling that obviously affects the box office, he bluntly said that the modeler who designed it will be fired.

As a director, Carnathan saw the essence: "These directors probably want to win some awards in Hollywood."

The background of this sentence is based on the fact that an Asian director won the best documentary at last year's Oscars.

The content of that director's filming was also somewhat sensitive, but because it appealed to some of the judges, he won the award.

But the current situation is estimated to be similar to that at the beginning. Is it nothing more than political correctness?

Smearing black people is discrimination, which is political correctness.

Discrediting the Chinese is praised, which is also politically correct.

Although Director Carnathan himself is also an American, he didn't take it into account when he said this. Moreover, he himself almost became a victim of political correctness. This year's best film was almost hacked.

Saying this now, there is a bit of accusation and scolding in it.

"In fact, one of the major functions of movies is to export ideology and culture. The United States has long shot individual heroism movies that save the world, just to establish the image of Americans as great heroes abroad.

Movies can really have a subtle influence on audiences, but many people don't realize it. "

Director Carnathan is very courageous, but not big enough. He mentioned some important points, but he didn't directly point them out.

Although he sees things more thoroughly, he is an American after all, and when it comes to this, he is already benevolent enough.

In a word, this director just wants to cater to those foreign professionals and get a few awards, preferably an Oscar for Best Foreign Language or an Oscar for Best Animation.

There must be no other ideas, because Seifert has already analyzed it from a commercial point of view. This movie will definitely hit the street when it is released in China, and the line that loses its fortune will hit the street.

If it's not for the box office, then it must only be for winning prizes.

The analysis must be very easy to analyze. The reason why Erluoquan mobilizes so many teachers is to make this statement more authoritative.

Don't you all say that you want to be in line with the international standards? Now the marketing director of Universal and the best Oscar director are international enough?

After finishing the video with Director Carnathan, Luo Quan zoomed in on the camera and said, "Now that the teasing is over, everyone should know more or less. If someone talks about foreign countries, just use this live video to embarrass them." .

In addition, I would like to say a few words myself. First of all, there must be people who look like this in China. Different people have different opinions on aesthetics. It doesn't have to be like me to be called beautiful.

However, some people have to touch on some things that have long been concluded, which is either stupid or bad. I don’t know the plot and box office of this movie, but it is considered to be good or bad. For the sake of promoting traditional culture, I will go and have a look, and then give everyone a rating after reading it. "

Without the right to investigate, there is no right to speak, Luo Quan decided to go to the cinema to watch this, a masterpiece that has been praised to the heavens on foreign movie apps.

During the period when Luo Quan went to the cinema, the content of the live broadcast also began to rapidly ferment on the Internet.

Even if ordinary celebrities comment, they can't make any troubles. It's nothing more than a hot search in the last ten minutes or so and there is no follow-up.

But Luoquan's is different. Those invited to evaluate are relatively heavyweight, and they belong to the authority among the industry authorities.

If they both shake their heads, then even if the movie is not as rubbish as imagined, there is definitely a big problem.

Soon, the netizens who have been feeling aggrieved after watching the trailer found an outlet to vent their anger, and immediately opened fire when they got the video:
"Come on, explain why foreign countries think it's rh?"

"Seifert said exactly what I wanted to say. The person who designed this modeling really didn't know what was going on in his head."

"It turned out that I wanted to please the foreign judges, so everything made sense."

"It was screened for 560 hours, and the box office was [-] million. The Spring Festival stalls broke all records. In the end, you were the most popular. Don't you want to think about the reason?"

"It's not clear how many living people there are among the more than 1000 million people."


When there was a lot of noise outside, Luo Quan also encountered an embarrassing situation in the movie theater.

She just said in the live broadcast room that she would go to the cinema to watch the movie.

When clearly booking tickets, only a few of the hundreds of seats were occupied.

But when she got to the cinema, it was full.

Jiu Luoquan who came in was wearing sunglasses, tall and hot, he looked like an ordinary person.

It's over, isn't this a fan meeting?

Sensing the gazes around him, Luo Quan felt that his identity should have been exposed.

After all, who goes to the cinema and wears sunglasses.

"Luo Quan!" Suddenly a boy shouted.

Luo Quan's shoulders also trembled, and finally he took off his eyes helplessly: "Hey everyone, you really came to the movie theater to squat on me?"

"Wuhu, I knew it was you from the back!" A group of fans raised their hands and started cheering.

It never occurred to him that the only sold-out show of the movie "Lion Dance" was actually because of Luo Quan.

Fans who have seen their idols can't focus their attention on the upcoming movie, taking pictures, signing autographs, they are extremely busy.

"Let's take a group photo after watching the movie, and don't publicize it. If there are too many people waiting, it may affect public order." Luo Quan also appealed loudly to the fans.

"I've seen it, it's not a bad movie." A voice shouted, causing laughter.

The fans still listened to Luo Quan's words very much, and they probably knew that she was surrounded in the center, with hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at her, and they couldn't escape, so they returned to their positions.

Soon, the movie started, and Luo Quan spent more than an hour watching the whole movie.

It's similar to what the fan who watched the movie said, not a bad movie.

The plot seems to be okay, but after careful consideration, it seems that it has nothing to do with lion dance.

"Damn, it cost me dozens of dollars." Thinking of this, Luo Quan immediately felt a pain in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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