Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 662 I have a dream

Chapter 662 I Have a Dream

It was already one o'clock at noon when I signed the letters and took pictures for the fans and went home.

Luo Quan simply scrambled an egg and fried rice, and after he was full, he couldn't wait to turn on the live broadcast, and at the same time changed the title to: I love my movie ticket.

"Fans, did any of you go to the movies just now?" Luo Quan said looking at the camera.


"Who's going to see that thing?"

"It's all about making yourself uncomfortable."

"A waste of money."


There was nothing in the barrage, Luo Quan also helplessly covered his face at this moment: "To be honest, I really regret going to see this movie."

"Haha, you will be fooled one day."

"Even Luo Quan complains like this, how bad this movie is."

"I don't know, I see that bloggers, up hosts and even many big media on all platforms are blowing it up."

"It's okay to blow it up after receiving the money, but what I'm afraid of is that those people don't even accept the money."

"Indeed, his heart can be punished."


Seeing the remarks in the barrage, Luo Quan first waved his hand: "I have to tell fans who haven't seen one thing, that is, the production of this movie is really excellent, and the soundtrack, graphics, and details are all top-notch in China.

But this is also what makes me most angry. Even with such good technology, such modeling disgusts the audience. The plot is also very unreasonable, which is obviously intentional. "

Speaking of this, Luo Quan showed his ticket stub, gritted his teeth and said: "My evaluation is, absolutely don't contribute a little box office to this kind of movie, let these people understand that we have zero tolerance in this matter, even if you don't Not overly sensitive.

Think about it, do foreign movies dare to make content that makes chimpanzees stand in a cotton field and eat watermelon fried chicken? "

"I'll go, isn't the director going bankrupt after this filming?"

"It's not good to spend money to eliminate disasters. It is very likely that people will die."

"It's different in foreign countries than in China. They have guns."


"So, this kind of question cannot be ambiguous at all, and must be resisted to the end." After speaking, Luo Quan tore off the ticket stub and threw it into the trash can.

About half an hour later, this matter was on Zhihu's trending searches. As for Weibo, there was no news at all. It is estimated that the film crew spent money to press the trending searches.

But in fact, there is no need for Luo Quan to lead the rhythm. This movie has already caused an uproar when it was previewed, and countless people crusade on the Internet.

It's just that the film crew was willing to put their money into the heat, so that everyone thought that not many people knew about it.

But how could it be possible to hide such a big event, and as long as it is a normal Chinese person, it is impossible for it to contribute to the box office after knowing the whole story.

Except for Luo Quan, she mainly wanted to avoid making mistakes before spraying, so she did a field investigation.

It turned out that the clown was actually me, and I immediately issued an edict of guilt during the live broadcast, admitting my mistake in public.

In a word, the eyes of the masses are discerning.

No matter how high your rating is, no matter how much the overwhelming hype is, the box office hit is its best end.

It is said that the production cost of this film is close to [-] million yuan, and the announcement of this scale is estimated to be another [-] million yuan.

But now it has been shown for a day and a half, only a mere [-] million, and the attendance rate is less than [-]%.

To say that it hit the street is to exaggerate it, and it died suddenly. It is estimated that the investor was so anxious that he was about to jump off the building.

However, these have nothing to do with Luo Quan.

Originally, after watching the movie, she was quite afraid that netizens would be misled by this top-level production and attracted to watch it.

The result is that she thinks too much. When it comes to money, everyone is a smart person. Even if they spend a lot of money, it depends on whether they can satisfy their inner needs.

It's clear that The Lion Dance isn't a movie that deserves it.

After the live broadcast, Luo Quan also posted a post to summarize:

"If you don't occupy the cultural highlands, someone will.

For a long time, most of foreign countries' understanding of China has come from news and film and television works.

There’s nothing you can do about news, but film and television works can be done well. I won’t talk about fake and empty things. Let’s start by changing the stereotypes foreigners have about Chinese people.

Since there are no male artists under my banner, let's start with girls.

I have a dream that one day the high-end face in the foreign population will no longer be wide-set squint eyes, but normal eye shapes such as almond eyes, original eyes, and red phoenix eyes.

I have a dream that one day Chinese people will no longer regard the so-called high-end face models as the standard of aesthetics, but the appearance, figure, and temperament that conform to the normal aesthetics of Chinese people.

I have a dream that one day art creators no longer treat their parents with arrogance, but truly share the joy with the people and create art that the public can accept and like.


In a series of articles, Luo Quan talked about eight dreams in succession, with hundreds of words eloquently, and it was the largest post she had ever posted.

There is no Martin Luther King in this world, and naturally there is no "I Have a Dream" that has been handed down to the world.

Parallel sentences have always been a kind of sentence pattern with great momentum and appeal.

This series of I have a dream is lined up, and the netizens are excited to see it.

Moreover, every point that Luo Quan talked about is some problems that China Entertainment is currently facing.

She talked about her dream and promised to fight for it. This pattern alone is already many times better than others.

The comments made in the previous live broadcast were suppressed and failed to make the hot search.

But the popularity of this article cannot be suppressed no matter what.

Just at Station B alone, the number of likes is close to one million, and this order of magnitude can be ranked among the top five in station history.

Soon, the title "I have a dream" appeared in the top search on Weibo.

The impassioned article shocked countless netizens for a whole year.

"Luo Quan is indeed the so-called conscience of Huaxia Entertainment. He can always set rules for everyone in a deafening way."

"It is recommended that these stars in the entertainment industry memorize the full text. Among these eight dreams, as long as you work hard on one of them, the entire Chinese entertainment industry will be completely new!"

"I was so excited to read this article, the sentence I have a dream is so shocking."

"It can only be said that Luo Quan is indeed different from ordinary stars. The light of fireflies cannot compete with the scorching sun."


In addition to the approval of netizens, GQT also appeared in the comment area and gave a very high evaluation.

However, Luo Quan has experienced this kind of treatment many times before, and once again, he no longer feels flattered at the beginning.

What she thinks now is that the cowhide has been blown out, and how to realize it in the future will be a problem.

But there is no need to worry too much. After all, this is: Luoquan has a dream. It takes time to realize the dream, and it may not be successful. There is no need to race against time like completing a task.

What she needs to get done right now is the development of the two projects "World of Warcraft" and "Resident Evil".

The first is the game "World of Warcraft". Compared with the stand-alone game, the details of the online game do not need to be cut so hard, and most of the employees are already relatively skilled, so the development progress is quite fast.

Thousands of people have come down for three months, and the maps and characters have been messed up.

This part of the plot, like the original, took place after another invasion of the Burning Legion was defeated.

At this time, tens of thousands of years have passed since the end of the War of the Ancients, and the protagonists have changed from purple-skinned night elves to humans and orcs.

In addition to these two main races, there are also minority groups such as tauren, trolls, gnomes, goblins, and blood elves.

There are dozens of occupations and specializations, but there are only three occupation classifications, namely tank, output, and nurse.

That is to say, it became the most classic system of combat and animal husbandry in mmorpg by later generations.

The big shelf has already been erected. This type of game has many things to attract players, such as wonderful plots, excellent equipment drive systems, handsome character modeling, and cool but not light-pollution skill special effects.

And these are the advantages that World of Warcraft has.

And after using the most advanced engine, the picture quality of World of Warcraft has also made a huge leap.

In the early days of Warcraft in the previous life, the picture quality was better than that of mosaics like legends, but now, it is already exquisite enough to be comparable to the top picture quality of ordinary stand-alone games.

The trailer and the test version of the game are now out, and Luo Quan just got the good news.

Li Jiang's voice sounded very tired, and it looked like the result of crazy overtime.

Luo Quan was worried and forced him to rest for two days this weekend. At the same time, he was planning to arrange another deputy general manager to supervise the company's holiday.

After all, she is not one of those unconscionable capitalists who has no habit of working overtime after employee 996.

But in any case, it is indeed a good thing that the game has entered the beta stage so quickly.

The first is to release the teaser cg, the composition is not much different from the Warcraft classic cg in the previous life.

Humans, orcs, blood elves, warriors, mages, priests, and warlocks, each with special effects and explosive skills, appeared on the stage one by one.

After the release, the world game circle expressed strong concern.

There are mmorpgs in this world, but the best ones are Korean companies. The graphics are not bad, and they are famous for their sexy female characters and gorgeous special effects.

But the most famous one is the krypton gold system, that is, local tyrants can easily obtain god-level equipment to beat civilians.

In this kind of game, civilians are also part of the game content, and the real players are those local tyrants, so that most people's game experience is not very good.

As for European and American manufacturers, there are very few mmorpg games, and most of them are car, gun and ball games.

This also makes this market very huge, and there is no need to worry about no one playing.

As for the quality of World of Warcraft, it can already be seen from the real machine demonstration of the beta version that the picture quality is completely comparable to that of ordinary stand-alone games and online games.

As for optimizing this piece, there is no need to worry about it.

The high degree of tuning of the Unreal Engine is simply the top in the industry. The picture quality of "Final Fantasy" can also be used smoothly on ordinary consoles, let alone a game like World of Warcraft, which has compressed picture quality?

Of course, the configuration requirements released by Luoquan in the dynamics are also divided into several grades.

First of all, it only considers the operation, and does not consider the minimum requirements such as special effects. The requirement is that it can be played with an integrated graphics card.

And the ultimate image quality with full special effects is another world. The configuration table and table are all the top hardware models on the market at present, so don't worry about it for ordinary people.

The next release is also the charging model that players are most concerned about.

In the past, netizens generally played for free, but there are a lot of in-app purchase items in the game.

Including but not limited to vip, various colors of diamonds, gems, stamina potions, equipment strengthening protection coupons, backpack expansion rolls, high-reward dungeon admission tickets, etc., which greatly improve the game experience, but you must charge money to buy them Serve.

These are just a part of the krypton gold game income, and there is no need to talk about more, because there is no cap, the most popular mmorpg in China, and there are many gods who recharge tens of millions.

However, Luo Quan’s description of game fees is very simple, which can be summed up in one sentence:

Game points are charged, in-app purchases are all about appearance, and equipment can only be bought by yourself.

"You are such a kind person!"

I don't know how many mmorpg players in China have made such voices. There is no such thing as a game with this kind of picture quality to make it stronger?

Especially after seeing that the domestic agent of the game is Penguin.

The penguin agent game does not cost money, which is the same probability as a sow hatched from an egg.

is it possible?Logically speaking, it is impossible.

But it just happened, and this is what shocked domestic game fans.

When everyone asked in the comment area whether this charging model is true, Luo Quan also responded one by one:
"It's true, you only need to buy time to play, and all equipment can be obtained by killing monsters in dungeons, but some good equipment is more difficult, requiring a team of five, 15, or 25 people to win .”

"Haha, how difficult can an online game be, and it's not a MOBA game like lol."

"As long as I can live, I will be able to collect all achievements within a month."

"Zilong is full of gallbladder, but this uncle is full of liver!"

"When will the internal test qualification be released, I can't wait!"

"I am the vice president of the Tianshen Family Guild. This guild has guilds in various popular online games, and the ranking is stable in the top five. I have a very deep understanding of online games. I hope that I can apply for some places for internal testing. I will definitely be able to support you. Games help."

"Damn, I met a celebrity, all the people from the God's Guild are here."

"World of Warcraft is going to be popular, but this charging model, without the support of local tyrants, can it last for a long time?"

"Looking at Luo Quan's mood, she is willing to spend money, and she can manage it for 100 years. After all, the family has a building."

"That's true, but Penguin agent, it's better to be cautious, there is a psychological shadow."

"Indeed, let's observe first."


Seeing all kinds of game fans in the comment area, Luo Quan just wanted to say that you are still too young.

Even though you are not interested in World of Warcraft right now, when the news of the closed beta comes out, you will definitely ask for qualifications in the comment area!
(End of this chapter)

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