Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 663 The Potential of Explosive Fire

Chapter 663 The Potential of Explosive Fire

Two days later, the qualifications for the closed beta of "World of Warcraft" began to be released.

The distribution lasted for one day, and the sales volume was [-]. At present, there are only national servers. Although the game language has more than ten foreign languages, foreigners need to face a rather high delay if they want to play.

Fortunately, this is not a game like League of Legends that cannot be played if the delay is high, and the impact is not particularly large.

Although many people have said that they should take a wait-and-see attitude towards this game in the past two days, they are not unreasonably optimistic.

But when it was time to apply for qualifications, they were all distributed within half an hour.

There is a probability of one in ten draws for the qualifications, which means that at least a million game fans have applied in these five minutes, and the popularity can be said to be quite high.

But this is also normal, after all, the anime "Azeroth" became popular a while ago, and has accumulated a large number of plot fans around the world.

And "Final Fantasy" has now sold 2000 million copies, and the production strength of Blizzard Studio is also worth looking forward to.

In addition, this game is recommended by Luo Quan. Boys who like to play games can hardly find a reason to refuse it. Even if they don't like this genre, they will be willing to give it a try.

It is indeed rare for qualifications to be issued so quickly, but it did not exceed Luo Quan's expectations.

Now that the qualifications have been issued, the test will start early.

All the servers are provided by Penguin. There is no need to go into details on how powerful the Penguin server is. It is basically one of the best in China, with a mere [-] users, so there is no pressure at all.

Because it is an online game, and Li Jiang is very confident in the quality of the game, even though it is only an alpha test, it can also be broadcast live.

And many big anchors at home and abroad started preloading immediately after applying for the qualification.

The size of the closed beta version of World of Warcraft exceeded all expectations.

The volume of the previous "Final Fantasy" was just over 103G. Considering the current stand-alone games that have not installed additional content on the market, it is already a giant.

And "World of Warcraft" is even more outrageous, just the closed beta version has 120 G, if the full version can't break 200?

Moreover, as the version of online games is updated, the size will become larger and larger. After two or three years, will it still be worth it?
So after seeing the size of "World of Warcraft", the anchors directly shouted that fans can buy a T hard drive in advance, which is probably not easy for ordinary hosts to serve.

Because the server was opened in the morning, Luo Quan was sitting in the company at this time and was responsible for dealing with all emergencies.

In fact, it is to be a mascot, and Li Jiang and another assistant are basically responsible for all matters big and small.

After waiting until ten o'clock, the closed beta of "World of Warcraft" started. Except for those players who are lucky but have a slow internet speed, other players are basically saying that they entered the game for the first time...

Tomato is the up owner of the game area with the most fans at Station B. Because of the witty commentary language, he is deeply loved by fans.

Usually, which game is the most popular, he will basically broadcast live or make videos to fans as soon as possible.

"World of Warcraft" is no exception, but his luck was not very good, he failed to get the qualification, and spent three thousand oceans to get an internal test pass.

The good news is that the closed beta pass is said to be bound after entering the game, and can be used until the public beta.

"Brothers, don't use any more configuration identifiers. My dual-channel 2080Ti graphics card can't stand up to mere World of Warcraft?" Tomato laughed confidently when he saw the worry in the barrage.

Double-click the game icon, first the screen will be black, and then there will be a blue Blizzard logo in both Chinese and English, which is very comfortable to look at.

But then, the penguin logo jumped out, and the barrage immediately began to create bad luck.

There is no way, Penguin really has a bad reputation in China.

But scolding is scolding, use is use, and now there are not many people on the Internet who can put aside the relationship with Penguin.

After the logo, there is an animation, which is the teaser cg released by Luoquan before. Although I have watched it many times, I still find it interesting to watch it again.

After the animation, enter the camp selection, which is the famous alliance and tribe in the future.

But Tomato and a group of viewers didn't know, they just read the introduction of the two camps first.

The alliance is headed by humans, who are basically the native races of Azeroth, with normal body and appearance.

The orcs in the tribe are foreign and belong to the invaders of Azeroth, but there are also many local ethnic groups, such as tauren and trolls, but their appearance is relatively out of the public's aesthetics.

The only bright spot is the blood elf women of the tribe. The preset faces are all very good-looking, which belongs to the tribe's beauty.

It's a pity that Tomato is not a shemale player. After a little thought, he decided to join the human race in the alliance camp.

The next thing is career. Tomato prefers high-output characters, so he chose the mage.

So far, everything is quite satisfactory, and there is nothing to distinguish it from other games, until Tomato starts pinching his face.

As we all know, most netizens face pinching is an extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive link.

There is a saying that the game is 3 minutes, and the face is pinched for half an hour. It is said that some people spend more time on the Internet than in the game.

And, it's a common phenomenon.

For other games, a more refined one is to give a dozen or so preset face shapes, and then fine-tune them through numerical values.

And World of Warcraft is amazing, it directly reminds you that you can download the mobile app and scan your face to pinch your face.

"I'm going, what kind of black technology is this, and there is such an operation?" Tomato has played games for 18 years and has been the president of countless online games, but this is the first time he has encountered an online game that can scan his face.

Surprised, he immediately downloaded the app and started scanning his face.

The result of the scan surprised him, there were eight images!

"I'll go, this is too restored."

"This technology is awesome, it's already used in face unlocking."

"Wouldn't it be possible to see all kinds of celebrity faces in the game from now on?"

"Actually, you can pinch it just by pinching it."

"What are you waiting for, use it directly."


The restoration speed of scanning the face caused a burst of exclamation in the barrage, but Tomato had a different idea.

"It's impossible for me to use this face. How can I still look good in the game?" After Tomato was surprised, he laughed again, "It's all virtual on the Internet, and I'm not a handsome guy, so how could I use my own face? True face."

After speaking, he naturally chose an oriental face and began to pinch his face. After more than half an hour, he finally pinched a rather handsome face.

Paired with a blue silk robe, the temperament came out all at once.

For the next two hours, Tomato started an immersive game.

At the beginning, he would also explain, marveling at the high quality of the textures in the game and how good the lighting effects are.

But as the plot and gameplay deepened, he became more and more addicted, especially after seeing the world leaderboard, he immediately jumped to the top.

There are many lists in the leaderboard, such as the pvp score list, the team copy first pass list, the equipment level list, and the achievement list.

There are so many tricks, it can only be said that it is a game with a penguin logo.

"Damn, I'm going to steal my money again." Tomato, who was already playing, subconsciously pressed the esc key, ready to enter the mall to find the krypton gold system, and make a first charge first.

But after entering the mall and searching for half a circle, I found that there was no first charge at all.

Except for point cards, weekly cards, and monthly cards, which will only take effect after the official server is opened, there are only various transfigured skins.

Good-looking is good-looking, but it doesn't improve the combat power at all.

"I'll go, this game is really conscience, you can't buy combat power with money."

"Are these really penguin games?"

"To be precise, it's just a Penguin agent, and the game is produced and operated by Blizzard."

"No wonder, then I decided to enter the pit."

"Indeed, the picture is too high, and it's no problem to play it as a stand-alone."

"Then the question is, is this leaderboard changed?"


Seeing the question on the bullet screen, Tomato's eyes were bright: "How to rush? Everyone knows my character, right? Stand-alone players must collect all achievements, and online games must be in the top five rankings.

Since krypton gold krypton is gone, then liver!As long as the liver is not dead, go to the liver to die! "

After finishing speaking, I started the whole-hearted level-up journey, and this time-up, it took a whole morning and afternoon, and I couldn't stand it in the middle, so I stood up and moved around, and then I sat back and went to upgrade the plot after a while up.

But in the barrage, I didn't see a few people urging him to rest, because the audience was better than him.

How long did they play with Tomato? How long did they watch the live broadcast? They took it with them when they went to the bathroom. Seeing Tomato being killed by monsters and losing experience made him feel more distressed than himself.

And such scenes also happened in many large and small live broadcast rooms at home and abroad.

"Boss, the retention rate is very high. After six hours of service opening, there are still about 5 active users!

Considering that half of the users are abroad, many people may not choose to stay up late, so this data is already very scary! "

Li Jiang's face was full of joy when he saw the report delivered by his subordinates.

"Okay, this quarter is over, and I will give everyone an extra month's salary as a bonus!" Luo Quan clapped his hands and said excitedly, and the office suddenly shouted long live.

"In addition, this internal test is over, and everyone has to take a few days off to rest. You have worked hard these days, relax and don't be too tired." Luo Quan said to the employees sincerely with a smile on his face. Thanks.

These employees are the biggest contributors to the launch of "World of Warcraft" so quickly.

And it was just such a sentence that made the eyes of countless employees become extremely gentle.

Although it wasn't night yet, they didn't know why, and they suddenly remembered the words: the moonlight is so beautiful tonight.

People's thinking is always jumping, when seeing her smile, even thought of the child's name.

These employees are estimated to be in such a state now.

Luo Quan didn't realize that his speech had such an effect, and he went home after finishing the company's affairs.

Along the way, I brushed Weibo, Bilibili and Twitter, enjoying compliments from all over the world.

"Help, I'm already possessed."

This is a popular topic on Weibo, and it is a pun. It is mainly because some users who have already played the game express their excitement, but most of the comments are audiences, which is very interesting.

However, no matter what channels they learned about the game, they all gave a very high evaluation of World of Warcraft at this time.

This is a game that can tell how good the quality is just by looking at it.

Second, most of those who have already played have no time to comment.

Before, the media was still saying that this game has some explosive potential. After all, the background is so grand and the picture quality is too good.

But after the internal beta started, it was no longer a matter of potential or not.

It's only a matter of time before it becomes popular. When will the public beta beta be released?

This is just a closed beta with deleted files, and a lot of content has not been released yet, but just experiencing the plot makes people unable to extricate themselves.

I can't believe what it will look like when the full version of him comes out.

As a developer, Luo Quan couldn't answer this question either.

She can only say that this will be a real world with flesh and blood, and the stories in this world will be even more magnificent than Homer's epic.

Just as she finished scrolling through Weibo, the game on the computer was downloaded.

"Today I will broadcast live for everyone to play World of Warcraft. When the public beta is over, a union will be established. Those who are interested can come in. We will play team dungeons together in the future, and I will be in charge."

Luo Quan rubbed his hands together, and started to draw a big cake for Fen Rong.

Like lol, World of Warcraft was also one of her favorite games in her previous life, and she had played it for countless years.

Although the interface, novice tutorial, and gameplay are all different from the versions she played before, there is still no change in the general direction.

Different from those players who are faced with difficult choices at the beginning, Luo Quan has a very clear goal, directing to the tribal camp, the race is the most beautiful female blood elf, and the profession is the fighter with the best sense of attack.

"Damn, female elf warrior, don't you choose hunter and shooter?"

"As expected of you, thick and mighty."

"Anyway, it is also the number one combat force on Earth, how could it be possible not to choose fighters?"

"Indeed, Luoquan has always been good at melee combat."

"Haha, I thought Luo Quan would choose a pastor's nurse."

"Then she must rank first in the amount of healing. (Funny)"

"Help, this is not the car to go to kindergarten, I want to get off!"


Amidst the ridicule, Luo Quan began to sweep his face.

It's too troublesome to pinch the face. It's always difficult for her to choose, so Li Jiang added such a function to let the game character use her own face directly.

And this scan revealed a beautiful face that was [-]% similar to her.

"Damn, it's so beautiful."

"Currently the most beautiful face pinching."

"Nonsense, I don't even look whose face was used to sweep it."


With everything ready, Luo Quan entered this game world created by her with full of expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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