Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 664 Nikolai Press Conference

Chapter 664 Nikolai Press Conference

The female blood elf warrior controlled by Luo Quan, armed with two two-handed swords, charged at the boss, and then slashed him with the hands of the keyboard.

"Haha, furious battle is really cool, dual wielding big swords is so cool." After finishing the boss, Luo Quan stood on the spot and danced.

Because she is familiar with the process, although she entered the pit late, her level is higher than others.

In addition, because it is an internal test, the experience has been increased to three times, in order to allow internal test users to experience the core gameplay of the game faster.

In version 1.0 of World of Warcraft, Luo Quan's level limit is 60. Now she has reached level 41. If she stays up all night, she will definitely be able to reach the full level. However, her addiction is not so great.

Besides, this is an internal test with deleted files, so there is no need to hurry up.

After killing the boss, Luo Quan also used Hearthstone to teleport back to the main city, and then quit the game: "Fans, let's finish the game tonight, I'm a little tired, let's go see how the other streamers are doing. "

"There is a guild in China that has gathered 25 members to reach the full level, and has started to play raids."

At this time, a bullet screen floated across the screen.

"I'm going, have 25 people reached the full level so soon?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, thinking that it's been less than 11 hours since the game was released, and it must be too efficient for these people to level up.

"It's the Moonlight Guild. They are all veterans of more than ten years. Every time they enter the pit, they never watch the plot."

"It's the same when I play mmo, the dialogue and everything are skipped."

"Indeed, I just need to know who to kill and what equipment will explode if I kill it."

"That's a pity, this plot is really good."


There was a heated chat in the barrage, and Luo Quan also went to the live broadcast room of the Moonlight Guild.

Finding that they have assembled a team of 2 tanks, 5 healers and 18 output, they went to the Molten Core team to start a wasteland.

This team dungeon originally had 40 people, but Luo Quan felt that there were too many people and it was a bit bloated.

Now that entertainment methods are becoming more and more fast-food, the number of new users of League of Legends has gradually decreased, not to mention the time killer of World of Warcraft, which will only be more difficult than League of Legends.

Therefore, there is no need for the setting of 40-player group book, and too many people is also a burden on the host. Once the group starts, the number of frames will be more than a dozen, and the game experience will not be much better.

So 25 people is the best choice.

As for the difficulty of the raid, it is Random, Normal, Heroic, and Epic.

The closed beta version can only hit heroes at most, and also arranged a surprise for the first pass team, that is, the world's first pass, and the group copy orange equipment will be dropped.

There are two explosive weapons in Molten Core. They will definitely become a status symbol when you hold them in your hands. Walking on the street, you will definitely turn your head back [-] percent of the time.

But if you want to get this weapon, you have to face the obstacles set by the Blizzard studio's gameplay group.

Each Boss in the group copy has a very high blood volume and an independent special skill mechanism. Before the skill mechanism is figured out, it is very likely that a small detail is not handled properly, and a large number of people will die or even the group will be wiped out.

The most important thing is that Luoquan did not make an official guide for the group boss, everything needs to be explored by the players themselves.

After the first first pass team appears, the strategy of the group will appear in the game interface.

There is no doubt that crossing the river by feeling the stones like this is playing a dungeon, and it must require countless deaths to pass the level.

It sounds grueling, but that's the fun of this kind of game.

Torturing the player over and over again the player treats it like first love.

And after successfully killing the boss, the joy is absolutely unparalleled.

In order to expand this joy, Luo Quan also slightly increased the reward for killing the boss of the group.

In the raid of the previous life, ten bosses were killed, and the black-faced players might not be able to get a single piece of equipment.

But this time, Luo Quan set it so that each player in the team dungeon would be guaranteed two pieces of equipment.

It's just that the drop rate of orange equipment is still the same as in the previous life, and it needs to be seen.

Now this Moonlight Guild, the first boss who is fighting the Molten Core, all of them have extremely serious faces, and the barrage is sending out the number of times they have been wiped out.

Already died 3 times, the 5.00th time was only [-]% away from killing.

But this time, after fully figuring out the mechanism, the Moonlight Guild's team won the world's first kill with almost zero mistakes.

This also made Luo Quan couldn't help sighing, the professional ones are different, and he has already started in less than a day.

"That's it?"

"It seems that the difficulty of this game is just like that."

"It took only three times to win the group."

"It's so-so. After opening the server, it is estimated that civilians can win it within half a month."


Seeing the taunting words from the fans in the barrage, Luo Quan did not explain, but just smiled: "Wait, their nightmare has just begun, and they are still playing on the lowest difficulty level."

After speaking, Luo Quan did not wait in the live broadcast room.

Normally, it would be tomorrow morning after the wasteland reclamation team finished this dungeon.

The first boss, let everyone taste the sweetness first, so as not to be too difficult, I will directly persuade you to quit.

I played the sand sculpture video for fans for a while, and it was about to be broadcast, when I received a message from Nicola.

Nikola's new energy vehicle conference is about to start, so she can also watch the live broadcast.

"Hey, fans, don't leave, I'm here to place an advertisement for you." Luo Quan clicked on the link, and then stopped the fans who were about to leave.

"Buying Chanel?"

"I don't like this brand, mainly because my wallet can't afford it."

"It's mainly because it's expensive, but it's okay to buy an album or something."


Luo Quan laughed: "It doesn't matter, everyone who has money will support the money market, and those who have no money will support talents."

The link was opened, and it was in a very large venue.

Nicholas stood alone on the stage, calm and composed.

Unlike other brands who wear suits and leather shoes during the development conference, Nicola is dressed in simple everyday clothes, which looks very friendly.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the launch site of Nikola's new energy vehicles..."

As a scientific researcher, Nicholas usually doesn't talk much, but for his own efforts, he is willing to make changes and learn.

In addition to accepting the new look and speeches designed by Luo Quan, he himself also learned and created some jokes according to Luo Quan's friendly and funny style, and then incorporated them into his speeches.

With Nicola's eloquent speech and funny talent, the press conference turned into a talk show scene, and the audience in the audience couldn't help laughing at one burden after another.

And Nicholas was not just talking about jokes, he also listed the parameters and advantages of his own models in a table one by one, and compared them with other competitors in the market.

As a new model, Nikola's cars with the same displacement are actually better than Tesla's cars in many ways.

"Speaking of which, please allow me to emphasize that our car's intelligent control system has gone through the most rigorous experiments and is reliable enough.

And we also arranged double insurance, the braking system will stop the car immediately after detecting out of control, after all, a calm car is always safer than a car running wildly all the way. "

With a smile on his face, Nicholas told another advantage of his own car.

It was very serious at first, but the audience couldn't help laughing.

As soon as they heard the out-of-control running, they thought of Tesla cars. There have been a lot of news about this car breaking down recently, and there will be a news almost every once in a while.

Especially a while ago, the company recalled a large number of problematic products from China on a large scale, so that the stock price fell a lot.

Now that Nicholas has such a connotation, the audience certainly understands it.

From the current point of view, if the various configurations of the car are really as stated in his form, then the quality is absolutely excellent.

And the model is also seen now. It is a normal streamlined family car. The groove on the front of the car makes it feel like a sports car. It is a small surprise. The appearance is generally not bad.

Next, you need to look at the price for comparison.

"I believe that everyone now has a preliminary understanding of the performance of Nikola α. Compared with products with the same displacement on the market, there is no need to repeat how obvious its advantages are.

The next thing to be revealed is the issue that everyone is most concerned about-the price. "

When Nicholas said this, the audience in the audience straightened up a little, and expectations began to appear on their faces.

And Nicola's expression is as serious as ever: "Actually, in my heart, these cars are like my children, who designed them without thinking of cutting leeks to make a lot of money.

Therefore, the price I give does not make money, but it is a friend for everyone. "

After speaking, he pressed the button, and the price of $29999 appeared on the big screen.

"what hell?"

Many people in the venue let out a low cry, and the barrage in the global live broadcast room was full of surprises.

No one could have imagined that the price of this car could be so low.

The price of a car of a similar model from a friend dealer is more than 40000. This is an optimization, and a 75% discount is also given!

Now, everyone finally knew what Nikolai meant by the price of making friends.

If you really buy it at this price, let alone make friends, you can call you brother!

"Yes, you read that right, it's $29999."

Nicola smiled and was very satisfied with everyone's surprised expressions: "It needs to be emphasized that the quality of each of our cars is qualified and has a certificate from the relevant American association, so you don't have to worry about quality control."

Afterwards, Nicholas talked about some scheduled benefits, member benefits and other services, and the gifts are also quite good.

In short, he basically talked about the content that should be said, and the effect is also perfect. It is definitely a model in the press conferences in recent years.

And in the time he left the stage after his speech, the sales department had received thousands of pre-orders.

If all are delivered, it will be a turnover of several hundred million.

Nikola Automobile can be said to have successfully launched its first shot in the automobile market.

Relying on Nikola's funny speech, as well as the cost performance of the car itself.

The performance is better than it, and the price is more expensive than it.

The price is cheaper than it, and the performance is not as good as it.

Relying on lower prices for small profits but quick turnover, earning word-of-mouth first, this is the strategy proposed by Luo Quan to Nikola.

After all, the brand doesn't have any popularity now, and it was because of her that the press conference was trending on Twitter.

But Luo Quan has a clear grasp of what is going on in the Internet age.

As long as you can make a meme, you can become popular beyond everyone's imagination.

And Nicholas's speech can be called a classic sentence, and the content of the meme is too high.

With hundreds of thousands of discussions on Twitter, it is only a matter of time before it explodes.

The problem of popularity has been solved. As long as the quality of the car is good, it can definitely win the market with this price!

And Nikola's scientific research company is now intensively developing other models, including mid-range and high-end models.

Obviously, neither Nikola nor Luoquan just want to make low-end cars. What they want is to cover the entire market.

Of course, everything is just beginning now.

"This car sounds amazing, but why are you advertising it?"

"Yeah, this Nicholas doesn't seem to have mentioned you either."

"Is this a new movie endorsement?"

"I thought you would be like an endorsement for a supercar."

"Sweet car beauty, Hollywood standard configuration is yes."


Seeing the doubts of the fans, Luo Quan did not hide it: "The reason for advertising is mainly because this company has some of my shares, so I want to use my popularity to bring some traffic to it."

In fact, she is not just some shares, but a well-deserved second shareholder, only 5.00% less than Nikola himself.

Nikola himself holds 35% of the company's shares, Luoquan 30%, and the rest are thousands of retail investors.

She and Nicola are also the only major shareholders who can make decisions on the company's development.

It's just that there is no need to say these things, you just need to tell the fans about your connection with Nicola.

"It turned out to be the company you invested in, so I will buy it with a full position, and I will not keep a cent of the [-] funds."

"I'll go, brother, calm down, if you fall, it won't be a loss."

"It doesn't look like a real fan at first glance. When did Luo Quan ever make a money-losing business?"

"Indeed, just follow Luo Quan without a brain, and I will directly increase the leverage by five times here."

"When I just watched the live broadcast, I already mortgaged my house. Now my girlfriend is scratching my face. Brothers, do you think I did the right thing?"

"Damn, it's really fake, so hard."

"The stock market needs to be cautious."


"I'll go, you guys don't do this." Luo Quan saw the barrage of these fans, and didn't know if they were really full or just joking.

She can't control the stock market, if she loses...

"Don't forget your nickname, you are the goddess of luck."

"I trust you only because your name is Luo Quan!"


"Ah, this..." Luo Quan was speechless at the barrage, and hoped that if she lost money, these people would not scold her tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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