Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 665 The market is bullish

Chapter 665 The market is bullish
ps. I originally said that I would add updates to everyone in the past few days, but my family members are sick and hospitalized, and I have to take care of them. There is really no extra time.


Facts have proved that if you keep up with Luoquan's pace of investment, you can't go wrong.

After the press conference, Nikola's company's stock price immediately began to rise sharply. Whether it is retail investors or some capital, they are very optimistic about the company's prospects.

After all, what was displayed at the press conference will definitely have a considerable impact on the new energy vehicle market.

Originally, the U.S. government was dissatisfied with Tesla's dominance, and had previously proposed an antitrust investigation.

Now there is one more competitor, which is definitely something officials would like to see.

As for some of the games behind it, there is no need to worry.

The boss of Tesla is certainly rich, and he also knows many important people.

But the background of Nikola's second largest shareholder is not a joke, that's right, it's Luo Quan.

Many of these investments were purchased with complete confidence after seeing the name of the shareholder Luo Quan.

Capital has never looked at metaphysics. No matter how lucky she is, she is known as a humanoid koi, but it is impossible for her to succeed every time.

But her father has a wide network of contacts, her grandfather is rich, and he is very close to the stock god's family.

With this basic market, no matter how you invest, you will not lose money.

Just like the sons of the richest men, even if they know nothing about business, they can still run their companies well with their huge start-up funds and the influence of their family members.

However, it is not known whether it will last for a long time. Anyway, there are very few rich second-generation entrepreneurs who can succeed in their own businesses, and they all lose their money in the end.

But at the moment, these people are just planning to make a quick buck, and have no intention of binding to the Nikolai ship, so just buy it without thinking, and sell it when the price is almost the same.

Under such a general environment, Nikola's stock price soared all the way, and the market value soon reached 18 billion US dollars, an increase of 15.00% compared to before the press conference!
Compared with those giant companies, the market value of 18 billion US dollars is naturally nothing, but the current market sentiment is good, and the stock price still has ample room for growth, and 18 billion is far from the limit.

And after the Nikola car is officially launched and used for a period of time, it will completely usher in the outbreak period.

At that time, a good reputation will make Nikola's brand stand upright, so the next thing to do is to pay attention to the quality of product production and the progress of subsequent research and development.

For a physical company, product quality is the barometer of the stock price. As long as one's own car can be sold, the stock price will not collapse no matter what.

By the time the U.S. stock market closes, it will be the next day.

As soon as Luo Quan woke up in the morning and turned on his mobile phone, he saw several news about the sharp rise of Nikola's stock price.

Click in and see that the red curve stretches upwards, which is very gratifying.

Global Times commented:

"Tesla's biggest enemy has come. The quality and price of Nikola cars are better than Tesla cars of the same model.

Even compared with the boss, Nikola's company is even better. The humorous conversation and the rigor in the data are very attractive. "

The following New York Daily was even more ruthless. In addition to reporting the news of Nikola's new car, it also published another big news:

"The antitrust investigation of Tesla Motors has officially opened!"

This means that the U.S. government has become displeased with some of Tesla's behaviors and has begun to issue warnings.

This means that the U.S. stock market is now closed. If Tesla’s stock price is released in the morning, it is estimated that there will be a big downturn.

But in fact, there is not much difference. When Nikola Motors appeared on the market, it was already a matter of time before Tesla's stock price fell.

Unless Tesla comes up with better models and more favorable prices.

Even, stricter quality control can actually have an effect.

After all, the failure rate of Tesla's cars before was too high. Every now and then, the applause made the news, and some even killed people.

That is to say, there are no other new energy vehicles on the market, otherwise, how could there be so many negative news and people would buy them.

Generally speaking, the prospect of Nikola Motors is quite good. As long as there are no problems with the products, there will be no decline in the next period of time.

Before the daily limit, the market value of Nikola had reached 19 billion, and Luo Quan, who accounted for 30.00% of the shares, was now a rich woman worth nearly [-] million US dollars.

So much investment some time ago, all of a sudden pay back.

Sure enough, stock market finance is huge profits. In just half a day, you can make hundreds of millions of money.

Unlike her filming and singing, it takes time and effort, and there are still many people looking for pirated copies on the Internet for free.

The only pity is that no matter how much money there is, it can only be stored in the stock market for the time being, because the stock price will continue to rise in the future, and then cash out when there is no way to go up, so that the benefits can be maximized.

However, apart from stocks, the company has now officially started business, and she can distribute the operating profit every quarter.

Thirty shareholding ratio, just thinking about it is very beautiful.

In a happy mood, Luo Quan also turned on the live broadcast with a smile.

As soon as the camera was turned on, a group of fans rushed in impatiently.

"Luo Bao, you are really my God of Wealth!"

"I followed Luoquan Stud yesterday, and now I'm a tender model of the villa."

"This Nikola company is too high. It has risen so much in one day, and it seems that it will continue to rise."

"Does Luobao have any other investments recently? If you have money, let's make it together."


Obviously, those fans who threatened to stud last night were not joking with her, but really bought it.

It had been a long time since there had been a live broadcast room where gifts were given with high frequency, and now the new captains were also swiping their screens one by one.

"Haha, it's a good thing for everyone to make money, but the stock market has risks, and things like ups and downs are uncertain, so it's better not to spend all your wealth on it." Luo Quan thanked and reminded fans to trade stocks rationally .

"By the way, everyone watched the press conference last night. Is there anyone interested in the new car? If there is a need to buy, I can help say hello and make it faster. It is a fan benefit." Seeing that everyone has made a fortune, Luo Quan is also Finally the sales start.

She was not sure about the financial strength of the big guy before, so she never advertised in the live broadcast room.

Now that so many people have made money, maybe they can meet some people who want to try new energy vehicles?
However, the fans' responses left her disappointed.

"It's a really nice car, but I choose the Mercedes."

"I made a lot of money this time, and I feel that Daben is more in line with my current temperament."

"How much my wife hated me when I mortgaged the house last night, now she loves me so much, so I decided to change to a BMW to make our love stronger."

"It belongs to sitting in a BMW and laughing."

"I'm envious of you brave ones, I'll make a move when the market opens."


There are all kinds of chats in the barrage, but there is no one to place an order.

There is no way, no matter how good the quality of this car is, it is still in the low-end market after all, and it is not well-known at present, where Mercedes-Benz and BMW sound grand.

These two models are basically the top luxury cars in the eyes of Huaxia Volkswagen. They are similar to FAW-Volkswagen and Beijing Hyundai, but they are of different grades.

In fact, Luo Quan himself understands the truth. If it were her, with a Lamborghini in front of her, she would definitely not choose her car. The beauty has already been completely defeated.

Seeing that the delivery failed, Luo Quan didn't mention it again.

It seems that she has no talent in this area.

No longer paying attention to the car, Luo Quan searched for news about World of Warcraft.

At six o'clock in the morning, the Moonlight Guild achieved the first pass of the Molten Core dungeon, and obtained two orange weapons, Thunderfury and Ragnaros' Fury.

Because it is an internal test, the props are obtained directly, and the official server requires a lot of production process.

Now the discussion on game forums at home and abroad has exploded. There is no other reason, but the appearance of these two orange weapons is so handsome.

Especially for the Thunder Fury, the light effect is almost bursting.

Now on the team dungeon leaderboard, the warrior of the Moonlight guild leader is holding this Thunderfury, standing alone to posses the posses, making other guilds envious.

What made them even more envious was that the team that cleared the dungeons one after another found that no one on their side dropped orange weapons, only some purple suits and weapons.

After asking the game customer service, I found out that this orange weapon is dropped by chance, and only the first-pass guild will drop it.

And each difficulty can only be picked up once a week.

Under normal circumstances, with four difficulties, there are only four opportunities in a week.

This makes a group of guilds or local tyrants who want orange weapons miserable. Currently, there are more than ten guilds who have cleared the customs, but they haven't seen a second orange weapon yet.

This explosion rate does not seem to be very high, and it is estimated that the public beta will be used in the future.

That is, this dungeon dungeon brought the first wave of discussions among players to World of Warcraft.

This time there is no guidance other than the game, it is all the enthusiasm generated by the players through the game, which represents the establishment of a highly enthusiastic community.

As long as it operates well, the popularity of World of Warcraft will be terrifying for a period of time.

A vibrant community can always bring considerable stickiness to game users. After all, playing games alone is relatively lonely in most cases.

The more lively the community, the higher the enthusiasm for playing.

At this point, the IP of World of Warcraft has been established.

The screen and plot have basically reached the top level in the industry.

The gameplay of the game has now been recognized by the players, and as long as there are no accidents in the next server launch, the word-of-mouth and popularity should be maintained forever.

As for accidents, it is estimated that fans will worry about bombing servers, parties and the like.

But that's completely avoidable. For such a popular game like League of Legends, there are only tens of thousands of people queuing up during peak hours at night.

Some netizens have dozens of servers, even if the server is opened and the server is blown up, the party will have a queue of 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands.

Are there really so many people playing?Luo Quan didn't believe it anyway.

Therefore, she specifically asked the service department of Penguin Management not to line up with ghost soldiers to exaggerate the atmosphere of explosive heat.

It is serious to use the best server to give players the best gaming experience.

The boss of the partner had to listen, and the manager in charge of the project at Penguin was also full of ok.

After the two matters at hand were resolved, Luo Quan called Director Shicun, planning to tell him his most important event in the first half of the year.

She has written and handed in her graduation thesis at Dongda University, and she will be able to get her graduation certificate after a while, and her university career will also come to a successful conclusion.

After graduating from university, there may not be many opportunities to go to Japan in the future.

But after all, this is where she made her debut, and her earliest and most loyal fans are also here.

It was also from Tokyo that she became a goddess, and gradually became popular all over the world.

For her, this place has an extraordinary meaning.

So before leaving for a long time, Luo Quan decided to hold a concert in Tokyo as a parting gift.

"Hey, Quanshui Sang hasn't called me for a while, is this a new album?" Director Shicun was very excited about Luo Quan's initiative to call.

In my impression, it seemed that he was calling Luo Quan. This time, Luo Quan took the initiative to call, and he must have good news to tell him.

"It's not entirely for the new album. I called you to ask you how to arrange the concert in Tokyo?" Luo Quan explained softly.

"A concert?" Director Shicun was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up from his chair and shouted, "You are going to hold a solo concert!"

A gentle smile appeared on Luo Quan's face: "Yeah, I'm about to graduate, but I haven't held a concert in the place where I debuted, so I decided to take this opportunity to make up for it."

"That's really a big deal, but you don't have to do anything, just adjust your state, and Sony will take care of the rest!"

Through the mobile phone, Luo Quan could hear Director Shicun slapping his chest as a promise.

Luo Quan's first concert since his debut, it definitely has unparalleled significance.

It’s been a long time since I made my debut, and it’s not a tour, so I only have one chance.

After the publicity is out, there is no need to think about whether it will be popular on Twitter. Fans all over the world will rush for tickets!

Therefore, for Sony's popularity and turnover, this concert is very valuable.

Even putting aside all the above benefits, based on the long-term friendship between the two parties and the joy of continuing to cooperate in the future, Luo Quan's request for a concert this time must be fulfilled as a top priority.

So after the call was over, director Shicun immediately reported it to his boss, and then started planning with all his experience.

Here, Luo Quan posted a post on Twitter:
"The solo concert that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time will be held in Tokyo. I will tell you the specific time and location when it is confirmed."

(End of this chapter)

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