Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 666 Concert

Chapter 666 Concert

This sudden news almost detonated the entire network.

Luo Quan, who has not held a solo concert since his debut for more than two years, has been begged by fans for so long and has not held a concert. Every time he talks about this topic, he will use excuses such as busyness, tiredness, and the next time Luoquan.

Now, it's time for a concert!
What led her to make this decision, was it the warmth of human nature or the discovery of conscience?
No one knows this, but the fans are already a collective fryer.

The reason why it is not a collective cheer is because there is only one event this time, and the location is in Tokyo.

But Luoquan has fans all over Asia, America and Europe, how can it be possible to satisfy everyone with just one show, it must be a global tour!

"I'll go, the bowl of water must be level."

"Why not do it in Huaxia first, we have been waiting for a long time."

"Have you forgotten our American fans?"

"Although it's not easy to hold large-scale concerts in the United States these days, if it's you, you shouldn't have too much trouble."


Holding a concert is definitely a good thing for fans, but if there is only one concert, those who are not taken into account will definitely be jealous and dissatisfied.

Luo Quan also hurriedly explained: "It's not just one show, the main reason is that the filming of the new movie is about to start, and there is only enough time for one show.

If I don't make a movie this year, there's nothing wrong with holding a concert tour, but I really don't have enough resources.

But I promise that the interval between the second concert and the first concert will not exceed three months, and the third concert will be the same, and there will be China, the United States, and Europe, and there will be no preference for one over another. "

As we all know, Luo Quan refuses to make promises easily, but as long as he says it, it will definitely be realized.

After reading this explanation, the fans who were filled with jealousy calmed down.

It doesn't seem too long to hold a concert in three months. Although it's a pity that you can't go to the scene, even if you hold it in your own country, you may not be able to buy tickets.

The most important thing is that Luoquan will hold four concerts in a row this time, which will really be a feast for the fans.

Compared with Chinese and American fans, Japanese fans are undoubtedly the happiest group at present.

After learning that Luo Quan will hold his first concert in the place where he debuted, almost all fans shouted on social media that Luo Quan is on board.

Sure enough, there are no wrong people, Tokyo Goddess still loves them.

Although it has been a long time since I came back, whenever there is something important, this place is still the first thing I think of.

Izumi-san, come back now, the sakurua in Tokyo is also open, it is as beautiful as you.

In terms of status, Luo Quan is the well-deserved No. [-] in the current Japanese entertainment industry, and the number and loyalty of fans are unmatched.

Movies and albums came out, and Japanese fans also gave their full support.

Tickets for this concert can't be called support, because there are more wolves and less meat.

After the official ticket sales channel was opened, [-] tickets were sold out in an instant, not even a second passed.

This is still the case when identity authentication is implemented for purchase and entry, and there is no room for scalpers to operate.

However, the tickets were sold out in an instant. It can only be said that Luo Quan's influence is indeed more exaggerated than she estimated.

Soon, the news that the Luoquan concert tickets were sold out within 0.1 seconds became a hot search around the world.

Concert appeal is the best proof of a singer's influence besides album sales.

Luo Quan's performance can only be said to be No. 1 among the top [-] musicians of the new century selected by Jushi Magazine, which is a gold standard.

Of course, some people are happy and some are sad. Luoquan has hundreds of millions of fans, and a mere [-] tickets are not enough points. Most of the comments on Hot Search are the complaints of fans who have not bought tickets.

"Mommy Falk, can you be faster? It shows sold out before I even click the mouse!"

"You have me miserable? I just blinked my eyes!"

"None of them usually talk, but they all come out to grab me when the concert starts, right?"

"Who is willing to pay? I can charge a high price for a ticket, and it will not be a problem to double it!"

"Identity verification is required when entering the venue, and it cannot be transferred unless the ticket is refunded."

"Then I will change my identity with you at a high price, and I will change it back after the concert is over?"

"I rely on it, what is the solution."

"Haha, you still have a lot of tricks."


Fans who have not bought tickets can only have fun in this way.

It's really a pity that I can't see Luo Quan's live performance, and the live video broadcast will be a little bit less interesting after all...

"I just said, you should have held a concert a long time ago."

Wen Xia looked at the words "sold out" on the computer screen, and scolded Luo Quan: "With your current influence, if you hold a concert, you can earn 1000 million US dollars at least for one concert, and open a global tour. When the country turns around, you will be a billionaire directly.”

"How tiring is that?" Luo Quan curled his lips, "Didn't you see those friends in my band in Tokyo, after the concert tour, each of them seemed to have lost [-] pounds, who knows? How bitter!"

Wen Xia was speechless: "You have the physique to kill a cow with one punch, can't you bear this bit of hardship?"

The corner of Luo Quan's mouth curled up: "Who told you, I'm very fragile, okay?"

"You, you only have one word in your life, lazy!" Wen Xia poked Luo Quan's forehead with her finger, hating iron for not being steel.

"By the way, this time the nine of you come together and be my backup dancers." Luo Quan raised his legs, his white jade feet swaying up and down, looking very proud.

"What's your attitude, can you be better?" Wen Xia put her hands on her hips, and began to make up her mind.

"This is a good opportunity for you to show off." Luo Quan snorted softly: "When I perform my concert, every major video platform in the world will broadcast it live, such as Youtube, Netflix, and Twitter. The popularity is incredible."

"Tch, it's great to be famous." Wen Xia knew that Luo Quan was telling the truth, but she was still a little unconvinced.

"Sao Aorui, fame is great." Luo Quan spread his hands and shook his head.

"Hehe." Wen Xia glared at Luo Quan, and then sent a message to the team members.

The nine people Luo Quan mentioned are naturally the Girls' Generation Nine.

They have collaborated many times on stage before, and the results are very good.

In terms of professional ability, there is no problem with Girls' Generation, and their popularity in the world is not low.

Inviting them to accompany dancers in this concert, the effect will definitely be explosive.

In addition, the lighting and sound effects need to be arranged by Director Shicun, and the costumes need to be prepared now.

Fortunately, she doesn't have many other things. There is absolutely no shortage of beautiful clothes. The brand Chanel is her wardrobe, and she can choose whatever she wants.

Of course, when holding a concert in Tokyo, Japan, you have to pay attention to the costumes as you do in the Romans.

In the country of anime, cos classic anime characters must be the highlight.

But these certainly cannot be told to fans now, we can only pick some other previews to whet the appetite of fans.

After it was sold out in front of the door, Luo Quan immediately posted another post:
"This time I will hold a concert in Japan. I believe that many of the fans here are loyal fans of anime. I also like watching anime very much, and I have sung many theme songs of anime.

In addition to cosplaying the theme songs of anime that I sang this time, you can also mention some of your favorite anime images.

As for the song, it’s definitely too late to write it now, so I’ll just cover the anime’s own song. "

If the previous news is to detonate fans, then this news is directly the rhythm that makes everyone go to heaven.

God pity, fans begged grandpa to tell grandma how many cosplays Luo Quan would like to do, but the answer was no.

And now I have directly started to solicit opinions from fans in batches, this happiness came too suddenly!

However, since Luo Quan requested it, some fans would definitely not be polite and just speak freely in the comment area.

"I've watched too many ordinary anime cosplays, it's not interesting, I want to watch something I haven't seen, why don't you cosplay this one?"

Then a picture of the character was released in the comment area.

"I was drinking water, and I burst out laughing when I saw this."

"Chun Meng Xin, can you tell me which anime this is from?"

"Damn it, I haven't watched these two classic dramas yet, how dare I say I'm Two-dimensional?"

"These are the tears of the times. In the past, station B could still see the uncensored version and communicate with the barrage."

"Damn, I know what this is. You people are interesting."


No one knows how dark Luo Quan's face was when he saw these comments. He really dares to ask you to give your opinion. All the characters are here.

Fortunately, it is in Japan, a cos will not fail the trial.

But even if she can pass the trial, don't expect her to cosplay!

Soon, she replied under the comment: "Please mention some normal anime characters, don't mess with these."

"Haha, sometimes Luo Quan can't stand it."

"These characters are really outrageous, let's use the characters in normal anime."

"Indeed, business matters."


After making a joke, fans began to vote seriously.

Before voting for anime female characters, it was all about popularity.

But for this vote, what needs to be considered is the needs of Luoquan itself and the audience.

Especially for male audiences, the demand is nothing more than a lot of benefits.

Therefore, Senju Tsunade of "Naruto" became the No.1 of this serious manga character cosplay.

Ranked second is Boya Hancock from "One Piece", also known as the Empress.

The third place is Harribel in "Reaper".

All have one thing in common, that is the body explosion.

The popularity may not be the highest, but the number of books must be the most.

Seeing this, Luo Quan can only say that these fans are Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and everyone knows it.

But there are also some normal characters, such as Mai-senpai in "Youth Pig Head Boy" and Asuna in "Sword Art Online".

They are all relatively normal and popular characters.

However, the ranking is relatively low, and it is not the first choice of fans.

Considering the length of the concert, Luo Quan only chose three cosplayers, Tsunade, Empress, and Sakurajima Mai-senpai.

Harribel's is too revealing, and the costumes are more difficult to make, and the time is too late.

This answer still disappointed many fans.

After all, among these anime female characters, Harribel's appearance is the most erotic, which is a pity.

But with Tsunade and the empress, it's worth the fare.

Besides these few, Luo Quan will also cosplay many other characters, so the expectations are definitely full.

After the appetite was finished, Luo Quan also started to prepare benefits for the fans who came to the scene.

She couldn't remember the last time she distributed a large number of signed photos. This time, she used the looks she had accumulated for a long time to print thousands of photos.

Then, it took more than an hour to sign these photos and prepare to bring them to the concert site for random distribution.

It is worth mentioning that the price of a signed photo of her has reached tens of thousands of dollars in the market.

And if it's a signed photo of a swimsuit photo, it can easily break [-], which is even more outrageous than gold or even diamonds.

I don't know if the release of these thousand photos will destroy the market.

It is really amazing to say that a mere autograph and a photo can be worth so much money.

I have to sigh that the belief and financial resources of the fans are really strong.

But Luo Quan himself does not advocate this kind of behavior, and does not want his autographed photo to become a tool for benefit exchange.

After posting that she would randomly distribute signed photos at the concert, she added: "Fans who want to get signed photos can keep them well, and don't sell them easily."

We got a lot of responses, but it is not known how many people will keep their promises.

Soon, news came from Director Shicun.

The venue for the concert has been decided, which is in Tokyo's Super Dome Stadium.

This is a stadium bigger than the Tokyo Dome, and it is a landmark building newly built for the Tokyo Olympics in recent years.

Luo Quan was the first foreign artist to use this gigantic stadium for a concert, and when the manager of the stadium learned that Luo Quan wanted to use it, he agreed without even thinking about it.

Such popularity did not surprise Director Ishimura.

After all, in Japan, out of ten passers-by, eight Luoquan fans may be found.

After the venue was arranged, the time was also set, that is, five days later.

Because the Super Arena has held many concerts, it is very familiar with the specific procedures and precautions, and even has a professional team in charge of it.

In addition, the Tokyo city government volunteered to escort her after learning that Luo Quan was going to hold a concert.

In addition to the special plane pick-up and pick-up, the special car will also be responsible for the accommodation and food in Luoquan, as well as the security work of the concert.

This is almost the treatment at the state guest level.

And what Luo Quan has to do is to get on the plane to Tokyo, meet the warm welcome of the fans, and then perform a concert at the Tokyo Super Dome that will attract the world's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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