Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 667 Concert

Chapter 667 Concert ([-])
This time, when she went to Tokyo, the Tokyo government directly sent a special plane to pick her up, which saved her a lot of airfare.

Considering that this is her first concert, she directly invited all her relatives and friends, including more than 20 from home and abroad.

It is said on the Internet that she usually stays at home, does not have contact with others, and her social circle is too narrow.

But looking at it now, there are actually quite a few, but fans don't know much about it.

Besides, the number of friends does not mean anything, friendship is everything.

As time passed day by day, the news about Luoquan concert on the Internet became more and more popular.

Most of the netizens have seen Luo Quan's previous performances at the party, and the effect is almost perfect. That feeling is completely incomparable with just listening to audio files.

And this is the first concert in her life, I believe it will definitely give a big surprise to the fans who are looking forward to hearing the god-level live.

Luo Quan has indeed put in a lot of effort in this regard. In addition to eating the "Golden Throat" jelly beans from the previous lottery, she also exchanged a lot of potions for reducing vocal fatigue from the mall, just in case.

Logically speaking, her current physical condition is sufficient to support the entire on-site meeting.

But if you don’t keep it together, when you get emotional and sing high, each song is one or two keys higher, which will increase the burden on the body, and there may be some unexpected situations.

With these potions, the risk of accidents can be minimized.

With everything ready, Luo Quan boarded the plane with a group of sisters.

Compared with civil aviation aircraft, private jets are much smaller, but the interiors are quite luxurious, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as magnificent.

"I didn't expect the specifications given by the Tokyo government to be so high. This private jet looks even more powerful than the private jets of ordinary rich people."

After Wen Xia entered, she looked at the interior decoration of the plane and sighed.

Junko laughed immediately: "Captain, you say that because you don't know how popular Quanjiang is with us."

As a Japanese, Junko knows Luo Quan's status in Japan better than most people.

Almost [-]% of the national love is higher than that of any Japanese in history. There is no one who does not know her, from the elderly in their [-]s to the children as young as three years old.

TV Tokyo called it a super national goddess that comes out every 5000 years. It sounds funny, but when you think about it carefully, it is unexpectedly appropriate.

"When the plane arrives, you'll see the enthusiasm of our Japanese fans." Junko put it off with a mysterious look.

"Why, you have arranged an extra program?" Luo Quan has been following the hot searches on Twitter in Japan, but has not seen any news.

"You'll know when you arrive." Junko smiled mysteriously, but didn't say anything directly.

"Please fasten your seat belts, the plane will take off soon." The flight attendant came in at this moment and started a routine reminder.

There is no need to adjust the time difference when going to Japan. Luo Quan reads magazines on the plane when he has nothing to do.

It's the latest issue of the Asian edition of Time Magazine, and she's on the cover again.

The reason for saying again is because she has been on it many times last year, and every time there is a little movement, Time Magazine will let her show her face.

It's just that sometimes it's in the Asian edition, and sometimes it's in the main issue.

But even so, the frequency of her being on the cover far exceeds that of other celebrities, comparable to that of political leaders from various countries.

The last star with this kind of enthusiasm was a black superstar pop star in the United States, but he unfortunately died young a few years ago.

Definitely a huge loss for world pop culture.

But now, Luoquan seems to have signs of successors.

Her current influence does not seem to be much worse than that of the Heavenly King back then.

And her rising time is shorter and more abrupt.

This time she appeared on the cover of the Asian edition of Time Magazine, and also talked about why she became popular so quickly.

Luo Quan took a closer look, but didn't see anything new.

It is nothing more than beautiful qualities such as appearance, talent, and kindness, which have been said countless times by many media.

To sum it up, she is an unrepeatable miracle, the pearl of mankind, and the most shining treasure in the new century.

The intensity of the praise made her a little embarrassed.

Just watching magazines to pass the time, the plane crossed the strait and arrived at Tokyo Narita Airport.

Before landing, Luo Quan saw that the outside of the airport was filled with black and unknown objects.

After descending to a certain height, Luo Quan saw clearly what these dark things were, they were the crowd gathered outside the airport.

It turned out that this was the surprise that Junko was talking about, but the Tokyo government didn’t mean to clear the roads, but the security forces were in place for so many people gathered.

"Oh my God, there are so many people!" Wen Xia and other members of Girls' Generation tilted their heads and looked out the window.

They have also encountered a lot of fan pick-ups, including the previous tour in Korea, which also caused a sensation, and there are also a lot of fans pick-up.

But compared with the scale outside Narita Airport, it is a little bit pale.

Even sitting on a plane, a large area is covered by the flow of people, and the outline of the road can no longer be distinguished, except for people.

"Is this half of Tokyo City's people here?" Luo Quan asked Junko with some surprise in his eyes.

"How can there be only Tokyo." Junko seemed to have heard a joke, and counted with her fingers: "Hokkaido, Nagoya, Nara, Kanagawa, Kyoto, Osaka, Okinawa, there are people coming, fans can't wait to get together with their old love See you again when we meet again."

"I'm a little excited after saying this." Luo Quan rubbed his hands, blushing and excited at the same time.

To be honest, she didn't expect that this battle would be so big, and there would be hundreds of thousands of people who heard this posture to pick up the plane.

"Passengers please sit still, the plane is about to land."

Not long after this reminder, the plane landed and taxied, and finally slid towards the VIP channel.

At this time, Luo Quan turned on his phone and entered Twitter.

It was found that the number one hot search in Japan has been displayed as: Luoquan to land at Narita Airport!
And there are many hot searches with almost the same beginning in the back, from low to high are:

Luo Quan has left China
Luoquan has entered the open sea

Luoquan has entered Japan

Luoquan has entered Tokyo


"I'll go, don't you want to be so outrageous." After reading these hot searches, a group of girls said that today is really an eye-opener.

"Look, what is an international superstar?" Luo Quan complacently gave a tactical back.

Afterwards, everyone took off their luggage and walked to the VIP channel one by one.

At this time, the live broadcast on Twitter was also turned on. Reporters from dozens of Japanese media, large and small, waited outside the channel, along with countless viewers who were watching the live broadcast.

Soon, a figure appeared in the camera lens of the tunnel, and before the media reporters could react, cheers erupted from the periphery of Narita Airport.

I still remember Luo Quan's pure and beautiful image when he first debuted.

Like the spring water in the mountain stream of Mount Fuji, it is not without any impurities.

Now that time has passed, Luo Quan's temperament has changed from pure to pure, and his appearance has also changed a little compared to before.

But there is no doubt that she is still the perfect idol that fans love the most.

As if seeing the camera, Luo Quan also showed her signature smile as gentle and bright as the spring sun.

At this moment, she is more beautiful than the most beautiful flower in the world.

But what surprised her was that after seeing her, these reporters did not step forward to interview her, but just silently took pictures of her with the camera.

I don't know whether it was the government who said hello in advance, or whether they did it voluntarily.

If it's the latter, then it's really hard work.

"Quan Shui Sang, the outside of the airport is already surrounded by fans, but after seeing you arriving, the fans gave you a way out tacitly."

At this time, a group of staff members in suits ran up, and one of the leaders explained the situation to her.

"We have arranged for a direct upgrade, do you think it is a helicopter?"

Luo Quan shook his head lightly: "Since the fans have given way to me, let's take this new path."

As soon as these words came out, there was another burst of cheers outside the airport.

With the live broadcast of the whole process, what Luo Quan said could be heard outside.

This kind of boasting space can be interactive, which makes the group of Girls' Generation members behind them look envious.

When it comes to celebrities, there is no one else, and there are no five in the whole world who can be compared!

After finishing his decision, Luo Quan moved on.

Passing through the passage and the airport hall, through the transparent gate, she has already seen the fans outside.

Although the clothes on everyone's bodies are different, they are all more or less holding supporting props.

There are her character cards, billboards with her name on them, and worst of all, a headband with her name on them, which can be said to be quite in line with the local characteristics of Japan.

Seeing this long-lost fan, Luo Quan didn't hesitate, and walked out of the lobby with his luggage.

At this moment, the originally extremely noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Then, the airport suddenly played the accompaniment of a song.

In just a second, Luo Quan heard it.

It was she who sang "My all" to thank her fans.

And now, she is back, and fans sang this song to her before she had time to sing it at the concert.

"How many times have we passed together

How many miles we walked together

What we have left so far, although not perfect, is also brilliant

Now those crystals here are shining proudly
Been so happy and happy all the time, frankly it's not that

But we'll never, ever be alone


As the accompaniment sounded, the fans clenched their fists and almost sang with their loudest voice.

They looked uniform, as if they had experienced countless times of practice beforehand.

But the greater possibility is that they have sung this song countless times, so as long as they listen to the accompaniment, they can start singing in perfect time.

This is true for one person, for 100 people, for 1 people and 10 people, for everyone.

This kind of fan quality really makes other stars who are watching the live broadcast dumbfounded.

Listening to the shocking chorus of fans, Luo Quan has been truly moved.

After the song was over, she raised her hand and waved vigorously: "Thank you for the gifts you all gave me, I'm back!"

These words ignited the emotions of all fans, and the order that had been supported for a long time could no longer be maintained.

Of course, it didn't mean that the fans started to move around, and everyone stayed where they were, but the slogans they shouted became messy, anyway, they shouted whatever came to mind.

"Luoquansang, hey, Xidelu! (Luoquan, I love you)"

"Welcome home."

"Come back this time, can you not leave?"

"Can you hold more concerts? I really miss you."

"How long will the concert last?"

"I didn't get a ticket, but I'll keep watching the live broadcast!"

"My girlfriend quarreled with me again, but it's okay, everything will be fine when you come back!"

"The concert is over, can you stay longer before leaving?"

"That's right, go see the cherry blossoms, the fireworks display, and the spring festival!"


Many of the words were trivial, and they were the things fans wanted to say to Luo Quan after a long time of preparation.

Some want her to stay, some want her to see the scenery of Japan, and some want her to hold more concerts.

But to sum it up, it's all about love for her.

Who can not love such an idol?
Even the reporters beside her were trembling at this moment.

Because they are the few people closest to Luoquan in Japan at present, even the rich and officials do not have such treatment.

Facing the spring breeze, they can breathe the same air as Luoquan, and even smell a faint fragrance of lemon.

That is the fragrance left by Luo Quan on the path.

After experiencing this unique fan welcome ceremony, Luo Quan thanked all fans excitedly.

It's just that there are too many people in front of her, and it's impossible for her to answer these words one by one.

And for some requests, she couldn't even bear to refuse them.

When some problems cannot be solved, not facing it is the best way.

After all, although escaping is shameful, it is really useful.

Just at this time, the extended Les Royce, which had been parked on the side of the road for a long time, finally drove over.

This is the pick-up car arranged by the government for Luoquan, provided by a rich man who does not want to be named.

Because of the large number of people, he also provided not one, but four.

Under the reluctant eyes of the fans, Luo Quan waved them goodbye and got into the car.

Wen Xia, Junzi and the others quickly sat in, fearing that if they stayed a little longer, they would be overwhelmed by the fans if they couldn't control themselves.

With so many people, it was a miracle that it didn't put too much pressure on the security.

But no one can guarantee that the order will last forever. A small accident may lead to big problems. It is the right way to leave early and let the crowd disperse.

And the road ahead was just as the staff said, it was specially vacated by the fans, and it was unimpeded.

(End of this chapter)

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