Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 668 Concert

Chapter 668 Concert ([-])
ps. The New Year is approaching, the author is here to say a Happy New Year to everyone in advance, thank you for your support as always.

At the same time, I also hope that in the new year, everyone will be healthy and happy, with a happy family and a successful career!

In addition, at the request of the group of friends, the author will write some side stories when he is free in the future. If you are interested, you can add it and take a look. It can be regarded as a big pie for everyone.

: Wives, two fours, Wu Erlings for a long time
I'm still learning how to do it, so I can't see it yet, and I'll let you know when it's done.

In addition, we usually ask for two days off at the beginning of the month, so don't wait the next day.

that's all.


"Oh my god, Luo Bao, your row of noodles is really big!"

As soon as she walked into the hotel room, Wen Xia couldn't help but yelled.

She is also a star herself, and she is quite well-known in Asia.

But no matter where I go on tour, I have never encountered such a pomp.

Countless fans gathered around, crying bitterly.

A government police car cleared the way ahead, accompanied by a helicopter flying in the sky.

I don't know, I thought it was the head of a big country who came.

For a star, to reach this level is definitely the ultimate pursuit.

"I told you on the plane, Izumi Sauce is not popular in Japan." Junko said proudly, as if Luo Quan was so popular that she followed suit.

"Cunzi, what are you so proud of?" Yun'er said amusedly when she saw that the corners of Junzi's mouth were almost raised to the sky.

"Quanjiang is my boss, shouldn't he be proud?" Junko put her hips on her hips, with a righteous look on her face.

"I'll be my boss soon." Wen Xia hugged Luo Quan's arm with a smile, "Boss, when can I be like you and become number one in the world?"

Luo Quan wanted to be like the beggar in the movie, and said that it was today.

But realistically, definitely not, at least not yet.

However, Luo Quan still smiled and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee that everyone will be famous one day.

Besides, you guys are equally brilliant now, you can't find a match for Chinese idols, right? "

"There is still a big gap between you and Izumi-chan, but we will work harder!" Junko clenched her fists, as if swearing.

Several other members of Girls' Generation also have this expression.

Originally, I came here this time just to be a backup dancer for Luo Quan. By the way, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so we can have a good time together.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a big scene after getting off the plane.

At the same time, it also made them understand how big the gap is between themselves and the world's top artists.

I saw what the media said about titles such as pop goddess and Oscar queen, but they didn't have a specific concept at all, and I couldn't imagine how powerful they were.

Now they know that it is an empty place for thousands of people, a sea of ​​people in the true sense.

Moreover, they are not only ordinary fans, but can even have an impact on the national government. In their perception, it seems that only Uncle Long can reach such a level in China.

And what level is Uncle Long?He is also a big shot in the European and American entertainment circles, the greatest action actor in history certified by Hollywood, and the only actor in Asia who has won the Lifetime Achievement Award.

As for Luo Quan, although he is still a little short in honor, his influence is actually almost catching up with Uncle Long.

There is no doubt that Luoquan is now one of Huaxia's most famous business cards abroad.

And what they want to be is such a star

Of course, it is still too early to talk about this.

Although their starting point is already very high, it is far from enough.

"Everyone take a break and prepare for lunch, and we will go to the Superdome to prepare for rehearsal in the afternoon." After Luo Quan put away his luggage, he talked about the business this time.

Not even 10 minutes after I finished speaking, the manager of the Tokyo Hotel called and said that the hotel had arrived, and that the hotel had prepared a luxurious meal for everyone, and it was ready to serve at any time.

"I'll go, it's so sweet." Ivy burst into laughter when she heard the content of the call.

I have read about how delicious Japanese food is on the Internet, and this time I can finally see how delicious it can be.

"Is everyone hungry?" Luo Quan looked up at the girls.

The girls nodded like pecking rice.

"Okay, let's serve dinner!" Luo Quan said, leading the girls to the restaurant.

It is indeed a luxurious feast, with a total of more than [-] dishes, such as steak, lobster, foie gras, sashimi, etc. There are basically Japanese and Western food, and the portions and production are very delicate.

The only pity is that the taste can only be said to be average.

For ordinary people to taste, these dishes must be extremely rich and delicious.

But those present here have all eaten Luo Quan's own dishes.

After eating that kind of delicacy in the world, eating other people's craftsmanship, not to mention the taste, but it will not cause too much trouble.

But if it's just to fill your stomach, it's not a big problem.

After the meal was finished, Luo Quan took a group photo with the waiters and the manager, and even the head chef of the back kitchen came out.

It was a fat uncle. When he came out, he was wiping his apron with his hands awkwardly, looking very simple and honest.

But when he looked at Luo Quan, there was a twinkle in his eyes.

Luo Quan did not favor one person over another, and did not refuse every request to take a photo with her.

This has been her habit since her debut.

After a full lunch break, the girls came to the newly built Tokyo Super Dome Stadium.

This place is even bigger than the Tokyo Dome, and it can accommodate 14 people in the most extreme case.

However, for safety reasons, only 12 tickets were sold this time, and any more tickets would be overloaded.

"Wow, this is bigger than any concert we've ever been to."

Wen Xia walked out from the auditorium of the stadium, looked around the stadium from the highest point, and asked Yun'er beside her for confirmation.

"I've done a few tours in Europe, but compared to this one, it feels like a town theatrical performance." Ivy's self-deprecating words caused the girls to laugh.

"So this is a new stage where the greater the challenge, the more it will test your psychological quality. At that time, there will be 10,000+ people in the audience, and all eyes will be on us." Luo Quan said seriously.

This is the first concert in her life, and she hopes to make it perfect.

In the past, at the concerts of singers, there were more or less accidents, which were unavoidable.

She guessed that she might have a similar situation, but at least in terms of performance, there should be no problems.

As soon as Luo Quan said this, everyone in Girls' Generation, as well as Ai Wei, were shocked.

This time they are all guests and will have a long stage performance.

Ai Wei is better, just singing a few songs with Luo Quan.

As for Wen Xia and the others, they have to dance for several hours, singing and dancing, which is not a small burden on physical strength.

However, they are professional in singing and dancing, and their busy business over the past year has also raised their level to a very high level.

But whether they can shine on this stage with 10,000+ people depends on watching the concert in three days.

After realizing the difficulty of the task, Luo Quan took everyone to the stage that had been set up and started rehearsing.

Luo Quan had already informed everyone of the songs and dance moves that needed to be accompanied by dancers.

Because it's a concert, it's mainly about singing, so they don't need to dance too hard like the dance forest conference, and the movements are relatively simple and easy to practice.

In addition, they have collaborated several times before, and some songs are performed directly based on their abilities. Now it is no problem to review them and find out how they feel.

In general, the difficulty is not as great as everyone imagined.

For the next few days, all the girls were basically rehearsing in the hotel-stage two points and one line, except for eating and resting, they were basically rehearsing.

During the period, he was well-known as a comedian, and TV Tokyo also came to interview Luo Quan.

But this time they didn't make a fuss, but asked some very normal topics.

Such as when will the new Japanese album be released, will you come back often after graduation, and what will be the next Japanese movie.

Luo Quan, who was able to answer these questions, answered them directly. As for coming back to this topic often, to be honest, she couldn't guarantee it.

But after thinking about it, I still couldn't bear to tell the truth, and finally told a white lie, saying that I would come back often if I had the chance.

It was such a smooth interview without any hot spots. After it was broadcast, it also appeared on the hot searches in Japan.

As if it's because of holding back for too long, as long as there is anything related to her in Japan, it can be easily searched for in Japan.

Moreover, it can be counted from the moment she got off the plane at the earliest.

Those reporters who were closer to Luoquan posted a message after the filming said: "The road that Quanshui Sang walked is really fragrant. There is a lemon-like aroma. I don't know what brand of shampoo it is."

Subsequently, in Japanese supermarkets, lemon-flavored shampoo, shower gel and even toothpaste were all sold out overnight.

The boss of some supermarkets also said that because of the last few bottles of shampoo, several young men in the store did not fight. I really don’t know why. Fortunately, he saved a few bottles for himself in advance, otherwise he would have to participate.

Undoubtedly, the news made it to TV Tokyo.

When Luo Quan saw the host uttering this ridiculous news in a serious manner, he was in a completely dazed mood, thinking that this could also lead to a fight?

But this is not the only absurd thing.

In addition to the "Luoquan same fragrance" shampoo and shower gel, there are also Luoquan's favorite dishes.

It's just because Luo Quan woke up hungry and couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so the hotel made a double-cooked pork rice bowl as a supper.

Somehow, after the news spread, twice-cooked pork became her favorite dish, and the fatty meat must be the kind that is so fat.

Hmm... How should I put it, although it does like to eat twice-cooked pork, but this kind of dish should be delicious with balanced fat and meat, right?
But the public doesn't care about this. I heard that Luoquan likes to eat fatty meat, and the market is out of stock.

It's a pity that there are not many Japanese who know how to cook twice-cooked pork, a classic Chinese dish.

Therefore, those who are going to cook the same dish in Luoquan may not enjoy any good taste, but at least they are quite satisfied in their hearts.

There are many similar absurd news. The current trend seems to be that whatever Luoquan does, the public will follow suit.

This is no longer a role model, it should be called an idol.

But it is not the idol in the entertainment industry, but the idol in religion, which is the physical representation of God in the world.

And these fans are like devout believers, crazily imitating what God does.

Luo Quan was thinking, if she revealed that she loves to eat watermelon, what would those fans who are not well off do?
In addition, can the local watermelon stalls in Tokyo take the opportunity to go on the market?
It sounds ridiculous, but Luo Quan really thinks it is possible to realize it.

Of course, she doesn't particularly like watermelons, and there are not many places where you can buy watermelons, and they are all grown in greenhouses, which are quite expensive.

Under this abnormal atmosphere, many Japanese netizens on the Internet said: People around me seem to be crazy!

"These netizens said that everyone around them seemed to be infected with a virus, imitating Luo Quan's appearance, and regarded it as a trend. This has never happened before, and it is simply too scary!"

Just looking at this statement, I feel that the symptoms of the people around him are indeed quite frightening.

But look at the nicknames of these netizens:
"My love for Luoquan will never change"

"Izumi-san's favorite Shiba Inu"

"Fountain Love Story"

"Love izumi"


Saying this kind of nickname makes me feel very happy, like calling a thief to catch a thief.

But one thing they were right about was that he and everyone around him were poisoned, or sick.

And the name of the disease should be the love for Luo Quan.

This is a very pure love, and it is the admiration of ordinary people for the collection of truth, goodness and beauty in this world.

It is the longing for this girl who has thousands of good things in one body.

It is a fiery expression of the best love object in my mind.

People always need faith, whether materialistic or idealistic, and Luoquan has become their faith at this time.

There used to be a saying in Japan called the Luoquan phenomenon, which refers to the phenomenon that Luoquan became popular right after his debut, and then people all over the country discussed it enthusiastically.

At that time, TV reporters randomly grabbed someone on the street and asked them if they knew Luoquan.

The answers I got were basically: "How could it be possible not to know her?"

And now, another Luoquan phenomenon has appeared.

That's what fans crazily imitated and repeated what Luo Quan did.

The purpose of doing this is not to become her, but to experience the life she has experienced, so as to shorten the distance with her.

Living with Luo Quan is probably the ultimate goal in the hearts of all fans.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan has always been a high-intensity live broadcast, almost non-stop from morning to night.

If there are conditions for the entire vr live broadcast to give everyone an immersive experience, it is estimated that the effect will explode.

But these things can be done again, and now she has only one task, and that is to get the concert right.

As the three days passed, Japanese nationals and fans all over the world finally ushered in the day they had been looking forward to for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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