Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 669 Concert

Chapter 669 Concert ([-])
Although it was still daytime, and there were still several hours before the concert started, there was a countdown timer on the lower right corner of almost all large LED screens on the streets of Tokyo.

And after a while, the countdown will expand, allowing passers-by to see why it is counting down.

"It's 07:21:12 until the spring concert starts."

The tickets that should be sold have already been sold out, so there is no need to advertise like this.

But Sony is still willing to spend money and invest a huge amount of money in publicity, and even let the streets of Tokyo know how long the Luoquan concert will start.

Such a big handwriting and dense appearance rate did not make passers-by feel bored. On the contrary, they lamented the high popularity of Luoquan, and at the same time regretted that they did not buy tickets.

The phenomenon of spring water has continued until now, and it doesn't look like it will subside at all.

And as the concert was about to start, it became more and more popular.

What young people in Japan compare to nowadays is not a luxury or the luxury of their own bedroom, but tickets to Luoquan concerts.

This thing has become the proof of the chosen one in the minds of young Japanese.

Because this is not something you can buy with money at all, you need to compete with tens of millions of fans around the world.

Although the ticketing website is in Japan, for Japanese local fans, it still has some advantages in terms of internet speed.

But Japan is also home to millions of competitors, and getting a ticket is almost a year-long run of luck.

Now as long as the tickets are posted on social platforms to show off, there will be a large number of envious and hateful comments below.

Most tickets are worthless after the concert.

But Luo Quan's concert tickets are definitely not listed here. The collection value of this thing is on the same level as her autographed photo.

Also because of the tickets for this concert, there have been many burglary cases in Japan these days.

The reason is that some people know that their neighbors, classmates, or friends have bought Luoquan concert tickets, and they want to steal the tickets together with their resident ID cards.

As for the question of appearance, they are no longer in their consideration. As long as they get the tickets, they will always find a way to get in.

But so far, no one has succeeded.

These malicious thieves were either caught on the spot or were caught after the owner called the police.

The Japanese police are usually relatively inefficient, but they showed considerable attention and efficiency in this case.

Because there have been many similar cases, it has caused TV reports and heated discussions on the Internet. In the end, Luo Quan also issued a dynamic appeal, telling fans who want to listen to her songs not to do illegal behavior.

This is her first concert, not the last, it doesn't have to be.

After the appeal, the number of cases has dropped significantly, not only the cases of stealing tickets, but also the number of daily theft cases.

This miraculous situation was naturally included in the phenomenon of spring water by netizens.

However, experts predict that this phenomenon will end after another two or three days.

In the afternoon, the final rehearsal for the concert ended and fans were ready to enter.

Luo Quan and everyone from Girls' Generation went backstage and began to change clothes and make up.

In the past few days, it can be said that the whole of Japan is building momentum for this concert. It is the first time that a Chinese singer can make such a big battle abroad. It is no exaggeration to say that the whole world is paying attention.

In terms of singing and dancing, they definitely don't have any problems.

But with such a big stage and such high attention, it is inevitable that there will still be some nervousness. Now is the last chance to adjust your mentality.

In comparison, Luo Quan, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, seemed much calmer, sitting alone in front of the mirror, combing his own hair.

The theme of this concert is "If it's just like seeing you for the first time", her look will be consistent with the first impression of fans when she debuted. For this reason, she also washed her hair color back.

Her first appearance, I remember when she was on the streets of Shibuya, a Youtube anchor found her while exploring the streets and asked her to sing a song live.

Afterwards, fans and the company all came to him.

Speaking of which, although the two of them added line, she basically didn't use the app much after returning to China, and the two of them didn't seem to have much contact.

When Luo Quan fell into remembrance, the six entrances of the Tokyo Super Dome had already started checking tickets.

More than [-] fans took their tickets and ID cards and began to verify their entry one by one.

From time to time, fans who bought scalped tickets were invited out and taken to the police for questioning.

This would not be the case if you just bought tickets from scalpers, but given the frequent theft of concert tickets recently, no one can guarantee whether your tickets were bought by scalpers or stolen.

If it's the former, when there are fewer people, you can sneak in here.

If it's the latter, then we can only talk about it in the bureau first.

Of course, in addition to these, there are people who want to break in without a ticket, or those who fish in troubled waters for other concert tickets.

But these are completely self-deceiving practices. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has deployed thousands of police forces for this concert, just for similar situations to happen.

In addition, dozens of ambulances were parked outside the concert, and medical staff were ready to enter the venue to rescue people at any time.

At the same time, Luo Quan's words admonishing fans to be safe were played on a loop in the concert.

As the ticket checking work gradually came to an end, dusk fell over Tokyo unconsciously.

The brilliant Huoshaoyun dyed the whole sky orange red, magnificent and enchanting.

After the fans sat down, they excitedly watched the countdown on the big screen on the stage.

"Five minutes left!"

More than a dozen cameras under the stage are also ready. Youtube, Twitter, Netflix, Bilibili, Weibo, Zhihu, almost all platforms with high traffic are broadcasting the scene.

The popularity of station B has reached a terrifying 2000 million at this time, which is comparable to the s8 finals.

There was such a frightening popularity before it even started, and the hot search list had already been bombarded with news related to Luoquan.

Originally, Luo Quan asked fans not to give gifts, but this time she was not in the live broadcast room, and the day was so special, the fans who had been suppressed for a long time finally couldn't help it.

In just half an hour, she achieved the achievement of ten thousand ships, and the number of governors reached five hundred.

If it weren't for the real data there, it would be really hard to imagine that there are so many local tyrants hidden in Station B.

Now when the Luoquan concert starts, everyone jumps out.


At the concert site, uniform shouts suddenly sounded.

No one organized it, it was just a spontaneous countdown when the audience saw that the countdown was approaching.

Shouting in chorus like mountains and seas at the scene also made the barrage count down overwhelmingly, and the scene was spectacular.


The countdown is over and the speech will officially begin.

The lights of the audience were turned off, and everyone held their breath, looking at the pitch-black stage in front of them.


if only a dream
that would be great


you still appear in my dreams


A clear sound like a wind chime sounded, without accompaniment, only the sound of a guitar.

When the lights came on, Luo Quan stood under the spotlight, wearing a plain white T-shirt and a pair of washed-white jeans. The screen behind him showed the bustling streets of Shibuya. .

Some new fans may not understand what this means, but when many old fans saw this scene, tears welled up in their eyes.

The place where they met for the first time was in Shibuya, Tokyo.

How could it be possible to forget that night, in Daisuke Shimizu's live broadcast room, just seeing that gentle and beautiful smiling face, he never couldn't look away, and all he thought about before falling asleep at night was her face.

At that time, Luo Quan sang the song "Lemon".

As the title song in Luo Quan's debut album and her first hit all over the Internet, "Lemon" has extraordinary significance for her career.

It may not be as popular as "Don't Give Up", but it is definitely the best song in Luoquan in the eyes of young fans, bar none.

Because most of them knew Luoquan because of this song, fell in love with Luoquan, and continued until now.

Just like first love is to lovers, "Lemon" is also so important to Luoquan fans.

In particular, Luo Quan's way of acting when she returned to her debut created the effect of killing memories and evoked countless fans' impressions of her that have been buried in their hearts for a long time.

Just like the theme of this concert, if life is just like the first time you see it.

The first time we meet is always the most beautiful and the most memorable.

Not only because of this person, but also because of the series of beautiful doubts that occurred after meeting her.

That's why fans burst into tears all of a sudden.

Even the sadness of that day
Even the pain of that day

I love all that

together with you


When the climax came, Luo Quan's unmodified singing flowed into the hearts of every listener, like the purest liquid in the world, purifying their troubles and exhaustion.

This concert uses the most advanced equipment, which can record and amplify Luo Quan's voice almost without loss, making her voice seem to ring in the ears of fans.

In this world, there are really people who can soothe people's hearts just by singing. Luo Quan, known as the angel of music, has always been a representative of healing singers.

And "Lemon" is one of the most representative songs.

With the climax, although Luo Quan's voice is high-pitched, the soft and smooth voice is like a pair of hands, slowly touching the heartstrings of all fans, making them gain indescribable peace.


stay in my heart lingering


bitter lemon scent

I won't go back until the rain stops

You are still my light today. "

At the end of the song, Luo Quan's voice gradually returned to calm.

Her ending is like a lemon, sweet with a little sourness and a bit of bitterness.

It's like the stage that people go through when they are teenagers.

At the same time, a huge photo appeared on the big screen behind her.

It was Luo Quan with his eyes closed, holding a lemon in his hands.

That was the cover of her first mini-album. With this cover, she went out of the circle in China and caused countless discussions.

"What a memory kill, the old man couldn't stop crying."

"Luo Quan was so pure and beautiful before. At that time, I thought she was the other half in my heart."

"Why, isn't it now?"

"Always. (dog head)"

"Time flies so fast, it's been almost three years in a flash."

"There is only one concert in three years, so I need to criticize it."

"But after watching today's episode, I really feel that I have no regrets."


In the barrage, the fans were exposed by Luo Quan's true feelings, and the popularity reached 5000 million. All the platforms in the world with live broadcasts had a similar bursting phenomenon.

Some apps with average technology even started to freeze.

On the stage, after singing a song, Luo Quan bowed to the fans, held the microphone and said: "Thank you, thank you for coming to support the first concert in my life, I hope this concert can bring Great memories for all, like when you first met me.

Speaking of which, should everyone guess what I'm going to sing next? "

""First love"!"

I don't know how many people shouted.

"Yes, the next thing I'm going to sing is "First Love". I don't know how many people's first love I am?"

Luo Quan smiled playfully, which caused a burst of booing from the fans.

"You have always been my first love, and you have never changed!"

"I have liked you spring water for almost three years!"

"Look here, look over here, please!"

"Quan Shui, I really love you!"


Even though everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs, they couldn't hear clearly because there were so many people.

But Luo Quan looked around the stadium and waved his hands so that he could notice every corner.

She wants fans to feel like she's not neglecting anyone.

Taking advantage of the moment of speaking, the piano used for performance appeared on the stage from the lifting platform.

Luo Quan sat on the side, put his hands on the keys, and started playing.

"Can we sing together?"

Luo Quan asked gently with a smile, which caused countless mouths to say hello in unison.

"First love" sounded, which is still a gentle and quiet love song that makes people feel refreshed.

Luo Quan's singing is always so magical, no matter how excited you are, your heartbeat will slow down after listening to her songs.

(End of this chapter)

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