Chapter 67

The time soon came to evening. After Wen Xia and Luo Quan changed their clothes, they called a taxi and went to the scene of Weibo Night.

Generally, on such a big occasion, a little famous female star will arrange for a driver to drive a luxury car to the scene. After all, there are quite a lot of reporters gathered on the red carpet. has already started.

However, neither of the two signed a brokerage company in China, and they could not contact the luxury car rental shop for a while, so they didn't bother to do these superficial efforts.

Therefore, the two of them also became the only female stars who took a taxi to walk the red carpet on Weibo night this year.

At that time, when the taxi stopped, the reporters thought it was a late staff member, but they didn't expect two big beauties in full costumes to get down from the back seat.

Although Wen Xia spent most of her income with the company when she terminated the contract with the company, but she loves to buy clothes and has collected a lot of high-end dresses. For this Weibo night, she brought three whole sets of dresses to Beijing. I hesitated for half an hour on which one to choose.

And Luo Quan doesn't have so many worries, because she only has one set, which is the one that Raphael gave her. Although the black dress is more everyday, the dignified and elegant design is still shocking even if it is used to walk the red carpet. Live the scene.

As soon as the two women walked on the red carpet, they immediately became the focus of the reporters around them, and they didn't know how many films were murdered for a while.

"Two, this way please." A staff member in a black suit hurried over to guide Luo Quan and Wen Xia.

The staff took the two of them to a huge cardboard with a "2016 Weibo Night" logo on it, and under the logo was a dense number of signatures.

The hostess handed over two marker pens, and Wen Xia and Luo Quan took the pens and danced on the cardboard with ease, leaving their names on the cardboard.

After signing, the two women walked towards the interior of the conference center.

Because Weibo Night is mainly a live webcast, there are not many fans who come to the scene. It is estimated that there are only ten thousand people who come to the scene, and the positions are arranged in the back.

The stars are sitting close to the stage, which is also convenient for receiving awards.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia were placed in the first row. According to the unspoken rules of Weibo Night, there must be someone out of the two to receive the award.

"Wait, one of us will definitely go on stage to win the prize!" Wen Xia suppressed her voice and whispered in Luo Quan's ear.

“How come you see?”

"There are three rows of stars, except for the most popular stars who can sit at the front, the rest will win awards, which is convenient for the staff to give the camera, while those who can sit in the second row and the third row will win awards. Celebrities are basically foils, and they just applaud after a game."

Luo Quan smiled: "It's probably you, I've only debuted for a month and a half, how can I be popular?"

Wen Xia shook his finger: "That's hard to say, your songs are very popular in China, and all the platform charts are your songs!"

Luo Quan curled his lips: "Fuck it, the album hasn't even sold [-] copies until now, it's all about whoring!"

Wen Xia laughed: "No way, it's because the price of your album is too expensive. If it were cheaper, maybe the sales would be much better."

The appearance of the two women talking happily immediately attracted the attention of the cameraman, who immediately aimed the live broadcast at them.

Although the Weibo Night has not officially started, the live broadcast has already started, the staff is still debugging, and the stars who are seated are trying their best to win the favor of the cameraman.

As the saying goes, beauties are like heroes since ancient times, and white heads are not allowed to be seen in the world.

Although there are many big female stars present, and some even have a certain influence in the world, they have also given their youth to achieve these achievements.

As for Luo Quan and Wen Xia, they are still [-] or [-] years old. Even if they don't apply any artificial collagen, they are still soft and round. Even if they don't put on heavy foundation and makeup, they are in the spotlight. It still shines below.

This is the advantage of being young. Besides, one was the most beautiful in Asia last year, and the other was called a "walking dream". In terms of appearance, it is not worthwhile for the big actresses beside her, even some More than that!

Therefore, although Wen Xia and Luo Quan did not deliberately seek the attention of the camera, the cameraman was still happy to point the camera at them.

After all, most of the people watching Weibo night are young people in their early twenties. Young and beautiful beauties are always more eye-catching than old cucumbers with green paint, right?

With the rebroadcast of the camera, the audience watching the live broadcast at this time also saw two young actresses whispering.

The two were shoulder-to-shoulder, their faces almost pressed together, and they seemed to be talking and laughing so close.

Fans of the two of them immediately swiped the barrage on the screen:

"I heard that Wen Xia and Luo Quan are friends, but I didn't expect the relationship to be so good!"

"Didn't Wen Xia say it before? She and Luo Quan have been in a relationship for almost ten years.

"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as being small~~~"

"What do you want to say in the front? (manually funny)"

"The orange trend is very good, I'm a fan of this couple."

"I really want to take a hot spring (dog head)"

"You really are a talent, Wenxialuo Spring, isn't it a hot spring?"

"Add one, not very good at soaking."

"With all due respect, the people who want to soak in the hot springs are all members of"

Just as the barrage was rolling, Wen Xia and Luo Quan also found the camera aimed at them.

Upon seeing this, the cameraman hurriedly moved the camera to other actresses who had been waiting for a long time. After all, it was a Weibo night with bright stars. It was not enough to shoot just two people, at least the guests in the first row had to be taken care of.

The invited stars entered the venue one after another and took their seats. After the two hosts took the stage to debug, they finally announced in a passionate voice: "The 2016 Weibo Night has officially begun!"

There was applause from the audience, and the fans in the back didn't move much, all the stars in front were cheering.

However, this is also the norm of Weibo night. After all, it is not a serious party or concert, and the interaction with fans must be worse.

On the stage, there were two hosts, a man and a woman. The man came from CCTV, and the woman also hosted Weibo Night for many years. Both of them had rich work experience, and they still had a bright smile on their faces in the face of such an embarrassing scene.

After a brief chat, the hostess said to the stars: "This year's Weibo Night is different from previous ones. In addition to signing on the name board, the organizer also specially added a link, that is, the stars. Group photo.

Here are all the celebrity guests, come to the center of our stage, and our videographer will record this exciting moment with the camera in his hand! "

(End of this chapter)

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