Chapter 68 Grab the C position ([-])
The stars present obviously did not expect such a link, and they were all stunned for a while, and it was not until the hostess repeated it for the second time that they got up and prepared to take the stage one after another.

Originally thought it was enough to stand casually, but the hostess personally went off to arrange the positions of the stars.

Those lesser-known second- and third-rate stars were the first to go up, but they were arranged at the edge of the stage.

The next few actresses suddenly understood, whoever stands in the middle means who has the highest status in the circle!

Several powerful actresses glanced at each other, and they were very eager to move.

When they are in their position, there is generally no desire to be competitive, but the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail.

Today's occasion is so special and solemn, and several actresses around him are also big names in the circle as well as himself. If you can grab the C position under such circumstances, wouldn't that further demonstrate your status?
There are not a few actresses who have this idea, and they are a little bit eager to understand what is going on.

As the saying goes, people fight for a breath, and Buddha fights for a light, not to mention in the already extremely competitive entertainment industry?
Although everyone had a smile on their faces, I'm afraid they won't be soft-hearted when it comes time to grab the C position later.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia are more Buddhist. They are the second batch of people to come on stage, and they are barely regarded as male stars in the center of the camera and around them.

Several of these male stars seemed to have met Wen Xia a few times, and they took the initiative to come over to say hello after seeing her. Of course, they also said hello to Luo Quan by the way.

At a grand event full of Asian faces, Luo Quan's foreign face and an elegant and gorgeous black dress are really eye-catching. Even if he stands there and does nothing, he can easily gain the favor of the opposite sex.

However, compared to Wen Xia, who was approached by many people, it is still a lot worse. After all, the former has developed longer and better than her in China. If it was in Japan, the scene would definitely be different.

Here, the two women and a bunch of handsome guys had a good time talking, and the first few female stars with the highest celebrity status were about to fight for the C position.

Because the status of these actresses in the entertainment circle seems to be different, no one can hold anyone else down, and the hostess doesn't know who to put in the middle after letting them go on stage.

Just kidding, if you dare to say such offending words, you won't have to mix in the circle in the future.

But there always has to be someone standing in the middle, so one courageous one just stood there, and the actress next to him looked at it and said, it's so bad, how can you steal the limelight?
So they crowded together and wanted to work together to squeeze the actress out. The actress was stubborn. Although her body was swaying from side to side, she still kept an elegant and polite smile on her face. .

A group of male stars beside them looked at it, snickered, or turned their heads away, and they all thought this scene was really interesting.

The barrage of the live broadcast is also rolling:
"Liu Li is too strong, the four women are all squeezing her, and she doesn't move like she's growing on her heels!"

"Fortunately it was a live broadcast, otherwise these women would have to fight!"

"Yesterday, Tian Yuan was still in love with sister Liu Lixiu on Weibo, but today she was sweating out (laughing and crying)"

"Don't say who is noble, Liu Li may work harder than Tian Yuan in changing positions!"

"It's still our wives who are well-behaved. Wen Xia Luoquan stood by the side from the beginning and didn't participate at all."

"The woman is your wife, do you think you are Si Cong!"

"These two marketing monsters want to go there, and they don't care if they can squeeze in."

At first glance, the last barrage was Wang Yan's fans. There was a strong sour smell in the yin and yang, but they didn't know that their masters were also arranged outside, standing in a pile with a group of potbellied investors and bosses.

"I'm afraid those who say this don't know how popular Luo Quan is in Japan!"

"Laughter, if Japan also has Weibo Night, as long as those senior artists don't come, no one from Luo Quan will dare to squeeze her in the middle of the station!"

"Wen Xia is a well-deserved senior in the same age group in South Korea. The top four-generation girl group is no joke!"

"Take a good look at where your master is. You are surrounded by a bunch of salty and wet uncles, and you are concerned about whether they can squeeze in. I really worry about eating radishes."

Originally, there were still a few sour barrages that contained Wen Xia and Luo Quan, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the rolling barrage army.

At the same time, the battle for the C position finally came to an end. The most central position was won by Liu Li who took the lead. After experiencing the combined force of the four, Liu Li relied on his extraordinary physical fitness to support down.

Although her face was dripping with sweat, her high-end cosmetics had a very good water release function, and even with this appearance, she still did not waste her makeup.

The panting Liu Li stood at the center of the stage like a winner. Behind her was a well-respected domestic actor. There were quite a few vacancies beside him. Except for acquaintances, no actor dared to squeeze him. .

This basically shows the difference. The status of domestic male stars has always been based on strength and works, while female stars usually look at popularity, or the number of Weibo fans.

Liu Li is currently the top five followers of Weibo, reaching an astonishing [-] million, almost as many as Japan.

Liu Li, who got the C position as she wished, faced the camera like a winner, ruffled her hair, and put on a charming poss.

At any rate, she is also a top young female artist in China. Although she is not young, her appearance when she was young was not much worse than that of Wen Xia Luoquan. Under the focus of the bright stage lights, she is still peerless and radiant.

As for Wen Xia and Luo Quan, they were like outsiders. They were squeezed further and further out, and finally they stood with the first batch of small transparent who came to power.

But they are not the same concept with these little transparents. If they really want to fight, they can still squeeze into the position close to the C position, but Wen Xia and Luo Quan are not like this.

But these little transparents are different. They all tilted their heads at this time and looked at Liu Li, who was smiling brightly under the spotlight. There is the most glamorous place in the entertainment industry, and almost all the popular people gathered around that place. The highest star, cheered and applauded by the crowd.

Envy, jealousy, longing, yearning and other emotions flickered back and forth in these small transparent eyes, and they also wanted to go there, even if it was just the one who squeezed Liu Li next to her!
Luo Quan looked at it, and thought of a lyric in his heart:
"The eighteenth year, the Weibo party
stand like a hooligan

I was crying then
Swear you must see me! "

(End of this chapter)

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