Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 671 Concert

Chapter 671 Concert ([-])
There are many, many popular anime characters at Bilibili, but when it comes to representative Bilibili, there is only one.

There are many divine comedies at station B, but when it comes to battle songs, there is also only one.

"Only my railgun" is such a song, and it has an unsurpassable status in the hearts of fans at station B.

The only pity was that there weren't too many Huaxia fans at the scene, otherwise, when the accompaniment sounded like an electric roar, the cheers at the scene would be more than that.

Although the fans at station B can't make a sound, they can still play with the barrage.

In Bilibili, where users are sinking rapidly, I don’t know how many users have watched those videos full of advanced and cool barrage.

When acg culture first came to China, barrage culture followed closely behind.

One of the reasons for Bilibili’s fortune is also because of the barrage.

It's just that such large-scale advanced bullet screens rarely appear now, but this time they appeared in Luoquan's live broadcast room.

The huge amount of colorful barrage that enters the audience's field of vision from various angles and various poses tells the atmosphere of Station B to everyone with extremely gorgeous and spectacular scenes.

On the screen, Luo Quan and the girl who appeared on the stage wearing Paojie cosplay clothes are no longer visible, but their singing voices are still loud and passionate.

"Let it go!
Let go of the dreams and future engraved in my heart, even if I ignore the future, it doesn't matter

Boundary など知らない means nothing!
I don't care about boundaries, it doesn't make sense

This power turns the unreachable longing into a bright light!


As soon as the singing sounded, everyone's barrage became uniform in an instant, which is the famous sentence in the world that almost all fans of old station B know:

The electric light that moves at your fingertips is my unchanging belief in this life, only my super electromagnetic gun will last forever!
The song entered the interlude, Luo Quan raised his hand to the beat of the drum and felt relieved, before he even opened his mouth, the fans immediately understood and stood up one after another, following her right hand in an incomparably rhythmic and neat way: "Hey! Hey! Hey !"

This is a common cheering culture in Japanese and Korean idol circles. In South Korea, it is mainly manifested in the form of making idol names into jingles and shouting them out.

On the Japanese side, it is more concise, that is, to follow the call of the singers on stage to interact.

Facts have proved that even the simplest syllables can still look like a rainbow under the unanimous voice of 10,000+ people.

This is a spectacle that cannot be seen at many domestic concerts.

There are too many singers who have a concert and encounter a cold scene. It is often the singer who sings enthusiastically on the stage, but when they ask for interaction, the audience is dead silent.

Others can feel uncomfortable when they watch the video afterwards.

It's hard to imagine what kind of mood these singers would feel when they encountered this situation.

Luo Quan was worried about encountering such a situation earlier, but since returning from the New Year's Eve at station B, her self-confidence has completely exploded.

For the Two-dimensional segment, the enthusiasm of the fans is truly incomparable.

But in Japan, this kind of enthusiasm shocked her even more.

Not only her, but Wen Xia and others who were the backup dancers were also quite surprised.

It is said that Japan has a unique idol fan culture, and this time I finally saw it.

At the end of the song, Luo Quan, who was thirsty, left Girls' Generation on stage for a transitional performance. When he returned to the backstage, he took a sip of water, and then immediately began to change clothes.

There are many characters that will be cosplayed in the future, and now it is just the beginning.

The anime character that appeared next was Senju Tsunade that Luo Quan asked fans to select online.

It just so happened that Tsunade's hair was about the same color as hers, so there was no need to wear a wig.

It's just that although Luo Quan has a very good figure, he is still far behind Tsunade.

Moreover, it is impossible to set the fork too low like Tsunade. In that case, it is hard to say in Japan, and the domestic live broadcast room may have to be blocked.

After all, although she is not as good as Tsunade, she is not bad, so the collar design of the cos uniform is conservative.

The connecting performance of Girls' Generation ended, and Luo Quan returned to the stage.

The cosplay of Naruto's popular characters immediately caught the eyes of countless audiences, who howled excitedly.

For otaku, the most lethal role has always been this kind of welfare role.

And with Luo Quan's good looks and figure, cosplay characters are completely easy to grasp. Although it can't be said to be [-]% restored, it has already satisfied the fans.

cos Hokage, the song is naturally the theme song of Hokage.

The first song is "Blue Bird", which was voted by fans last year as Hokage's best-sounding OP.

Although both are anime burning songs, after Luo Quan changed his voice, the two songs showed completely different styles.

Luo Quan's voice in "Only My Railgun" is as intense and high-pitched as a rushing electric current, and as crisp as a piano.

But in "Blue Bird", the voice line is a bit more dull, and the voice is much thicker than before, as if a completely different person.

This is also a characteristic of Luo Quan's songs. Her voice lines in many songs are not completely consistent, and sometimes she deliberately creates a voice line that is different from her original voice.

But this voice, which sounds like a different person, unexpectedly fits the song very well.

As many media have said, she is the ever-changing queen who can control all styles.

And "Blue Bird" is one of the changes, with the enthusiasm for freedom in the dullness, which also makes people excited.

The song ended with the lingering sound of the harmonica, Luo Quan took a few breaths lightly to calm down his chest that was heaving due to panting.

"Fans, after listening to so many old songs, do you get any new feelings from them?" Every time Luo Quan sings, he will try his best to let fans experience new ideas, just not wanting to make fans feel bored.

And the answer to this question is of course obvious, and it is naturally a "yes!".

"However, no matter how old songs are sung, it is definitely not more surprising than new songs."

As soon as the words came out, the fans immediately became excited.

Before the concert started, everyone knew about President Luo Quan's unreleased new song, but they didn't know when it would appear.

And surprises often come when everyone is caught off guard.

The next song is a theme song I made for the new Naruto movie.

In fact, the film crew mentioned this to me before, but I was too busy at the time, so I didn't answer it.

But Naruto is an anime I like very much. I always feel a little regretful that I couldn't sing for its movie. I took this opportunity to sing this song. I hope everyone will like it.

(PS. The title of the song is "if", originally sung by Kana Nishino)
After making noise continuously for so long, Luo Quan finally brought the atmosphere of the concert back to calm and lyrical.

When the accompaniment of "if" sounded, Luo Quan murmured softly while holding the microphone,


If the rain doesn't stop that day
we're sure to pass
moments like always
if the bus comes
I won't meet you


The slightly sad lyrics, combined with Luo Quan's melancholy singing voice, hit the tender hearts of fans almost instantly.

Luo Quan's songs are still the same as before, just the beginning can make people fascinated.

And its chorus also makes people feel excellent. It may not be particularly amazing at the first time, but when the chorus is repeated for the second and third time, the charm will start to be reflected.

Its taste is like a mellow fine wine, there is not much feeling when drinking it, but as it gradually diverges in the stomach, the stamina will immediately pour into the limbs and bones.

If this is the title song of Luo Quan's new album, there is no doubt that it must be one of her most listenable title songs.

But as we all know, Luo Quan never has only one title song.

After singing "if", Luo Quan didn't intend to give the fans a chance to breathe, and then released the second song of the new album live.

(The title of the song is "夜に駆ける", originally sung by YOASOBI)
The melody of this song has reached the point where countless listeners' ears are pregnant, and it belongs to the type that will be completely enchanted upon hearing it.

Even in the Japanese music scene, which is rich in beautiful melodies, the melody and rhythm of this song are definitely the top choice. The only shortcoming is that it feels too strong in the market, but under the filter of fans, this shortcoming can be completely ignored.

After all, Luo Quanke has never advertised himself as a master of culture, and his works have never been under the banner of compassion.

She once said that she only wants to sing songs that make fans feel good, and all songs so far have firmly followed this path.

It's not like some singers who started out with saliva songs, and then suddenly turned to experimental music while singing, and asked fans to cater to them.

For Luo Quan, good-sounding songs are the first priority, while connotation or musicality is the second consideration.

After all, her identity is a commercial singer.

After the two stunning works were sung, Luo Quan went back to the stage to change his clothes.

When he came out again, Leon was already by his side.

With Lyon's airborne, the atmosphere of tonight's concert reached a climax.

Swearing to God Zhou Tian, ​​no one would have guessed that Leon would be there.

In the few days after the news of the concert came out, facing fans' questions, Leon's answer was always: My sister didn't really invite me, and I don't have time, so I won't participate.

The day before the concert, Leon posted his daily vlog of resting at home, proving that he did not get on the plane.

A few hours before the start of the concert, Leon posted another video of himself playing with his sister, leaving fans completely hopeless.

However, appearing on my stage with Luo Quan now, who else could it be but Leon?
Luoquan prepared too many surprises for the fans tonight, each of which was unexpected, but all within reason.

It is said that Luoquan's rich water does not flow to outsiders' fields, but every time she has something to do, these closest relatives and friends will help, no matter how busy she is, they will find time.

Of course, Lyon's so-called "busy" this time is most likely just to deceive fans.

The two joined hands to appear on the stage, which is naturally the famous synthetic song "Love the way you lie".

The status of this song in the United States is almost the same as that of "The Coolest National Style" in the United States.

It is almost everywhere, from big parties to small squares, and even mobile phone ringtones.

It just so happens that the two of them are also a male and female combination, and today I don't know if it's for fun or what, they are wearing a bright costume with feathers.

The legend of the American Phoenix is ​​well deserved.

But in comparison, Leon had much more lyrics, and Luo Quan was the one with few lyrics.

At the end of the song, Lyon also performed his world-famous song "Baby". This time, his sister and Girls' Generation danced for him, and countless female fans in the audience burst into screams.

And the female fans who are watching the live broadcast have gone crazy. They were still laughing at the fans of LM and Girls' Generation before, but they didn't expect the retribution to fall on their heads so soon.

It’s been a long time since Lyon has held a concert, what would we do without your presence?
Lyon must not be able to answer this question for the time being, all his attention is on the stage.

As today's finale guest, he sang four songs.

He hadn't exercised his muscles for a while, and he seemed a little powerless when he sang and danced.

Obviously, I have been exercising all the time, so my body should be getting better and better.

Are all the dead muscles out of the gym?It seems that those junk foods still have work and rest time, so they really need to be adjusted.

Fortunately, he wasn't the protagonist this time, and Lyon completed the task after only singing four songs, and slipped off the stage panting after singing.

And Luo Quan's performance was far from over.

Tonight's concert is destined to be sung until 12 o'clock, after the guests come out.The rest has to be done by herself and everyone in Girls' Generation.

The cosplay and new songs appear alternately, and some of the LM bands will also help host the scene, giving them some rest time, and at the same time keeping the fans from being too lonely.

The concert started at 12 o'clock, and Luo Quan sang until after [-] o'clock before finally ending.

In the chorus of "My all", amidst everyone's tearful reluctance, Luo Quan's first concert in his life finally came to a successful conclusion.

"Thank you, thank you all. Without everyone's support, there would be no Luoquan today. Thank you for being with me all the way!"

Standing on the stage, Luo Quan spoke words of gratitude from the bottom of his heart to the audience, whether they were off the stage or in front of the screen.

Originally, she thought of a long, long thank you, but at the end, the last words she said were only these few sentences.

Probably because I have said too many similar things before, some things just need to be emotional.

The days are still long, and there will be many opportunities to thank the fans in the future. Every time, I will make a long speech, which is probably the same as her acceptance speech, and I will run out of words in a short time.

But no matter what, she deeply loves all those who love her.

(End of this chapter)

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