Chapter 672 End
At 12:30, the concert ended here, and all the songs prepared by Luo Quan had been sung.

However, the fans still showed reluctance, crying and asking her to stay for a while, even if they said a few words.

Because everyone knew in their hearts that after this concert ended and Luo Quan had finished his graduation from the University of Tokyo, it might be difficult to come back in the future.

He said that he would definitely come back for a concert again, but who knows when the next time will be.

So, before Luo Quan left, everyone wanted to stay with her for a while, even for a few minutes.

Hearing the tears of the fans trying to persuade him to stay, Luo Quan certainly couldn't really leave, nor could he really stay for a few more minutes.

Since you can't go anyway, let's continue singing.

So the concert, which was supposed to end, was extended for more than 40 minutes.

I sang all the Japanese songs. In addition, I also selected a few English and Chinese songs that are popular in Japan.

Everyone in Girls' Generation and the LM band has no strength. Ivy stepped down relatively early after becoming a guest, and now she is also on stage as a firefighter.

It is also fortunate that the people brought this time are complete enough, otherwise they really wouldn't be able to last so long.

But it was Luo Quan who surprised the big guys the most. They sang from seven o'clock to one o'clock, a full five hours.

To be honest, fans were a little tired watching it while lying in bed.

Luo Quan sang and danced all the time, and he is still full of vitality. He is worthy of the pinnacle of the earth's combat power, and his physical strength is really not ordinary.

But there is no permanent banquet in the world, no matter how reluctant the fans are, it's time to say goodbye.

After singing the last song, Luo Quan waved goodbye to the fans and asked them to leave the venue in an orderly manner and pay attention to safety.

Generally speaking, when the concert lasts until 12 o'clock, the nearby residents have already called the police and let the police come to remind them that it is over early.

But this time, because everyone knew that Luo Quan was holding a concert, many nearby residents were lying by the windows and listening to Luo Quan's loud and clear singing with great interest.

When it was time to go to bed, no one complained even after a little tossing.

This shows how exaggerated the public's tolerance for Luoquan is...

"My god, it's finally over."

Back in the hotel room, Luo Quan let out a long sigh of relief, and then gulped down hot water to moisten his throat which was almost on the verge of exhaustion.

What consumed the most this time was not her physical strength, but her throat.

Now she finally understands why those queens will suffer from lifelong illnesses at the end of their careers.

Divas must often go on shows and hold concerts at their peak. They can sing for several hours. If things go on like this, they can keep their voice and deafness. This can be called an occupational disease.

And those with a lower coffee rank can't get it, because they don't have the number of fans to support them to hold concerts frequently.

When the spirit relaxed, drowsiness immediately rushed up. Seeing that Luo Quan didn't even bother to wash up, he took off his clothes and fell asleep directly.

At ten o'clock the next day, Luo Quan woke up with back pain.

Although she exercises every day, her muscles still feel sore when she exceeds the limit.

As for the throat...

Luo Quan opened his mouth a few times and was a little hoarse, but the situation was much better than after the previous evening parties, at least he wasn't completely speechless.

This is all thanks to the throat lozenges given by the system, which really improved the durability of her throat a lot.

The first thing I do when I wake up is to finish the washing that I didn't do last night, and watch the news by the way.

The news of last night's concert, without any suspense, became a major event reported by the media all over the world.

Because the popularity is so high, it has tens of millions of popularity on several domestic platforms, especially at station B, which directly broke [-] million.

The number of people and popularity certainly cannot be compared, but if compared horizontally, she is also unprecedented.

As for foreign countries, the data is also exaggerated to the point of outrageous. Every platform has millions of viewers. Tokyo last night is definitely the focus of the whole world.

At this point, the debate about the box office appeal of her concerts has completely disappeared.

There is nothing more convincing than a hot live recording. After returning last night, many live audiences praised this experience with all their language, calling it the best concert they have ever seen in their life.

The viewership ratings of the concert broadcast by major TV stations in Japan also surpassed the Red and White Song Concert. If you ask any young man on the street, they must be the audience who watched the concert last night. The difference is whether they were at the scene or not.

This concert, Luo Quan can be said to have achieved great success.

But today, its status and achievements no longer need to be proved by concerts.

As she said before, the Rai concert is all about the fans.

If the fans didn't like it, she really didn't want to make herself so tired for these few hours.

And not just the few hours on stage, but also the few days of rehearsal.

Thinking about this, Luo Quan's lazy cancer broke out again, paralyzed and didn't want to move on the bed, and didn't get up until Wen Xia knocked on the door.

"It's time for lunch." Wen Xia's voice sounded normal, after all, Girls' Generation didn't sing much last night.

After a lot of physical exertion, the hotel prepared a lunch full of high-calorie foods for everyone, including various barbecues, fried chicken, pizza, and burgers.

"I'll go, is this the lunch you ordered, brother?" Luo Quan subconsciously asked Leon when he saw the dishes.

"No." Leon shook his head bluntly. There were only two chicken legs and a vegetable salad on the plate.

"When did you become a herbivore?" Luo Quan thought it was funny when he saw how little people were on his brother's plate.

"I'm adjusting my eating habits to make my body healthy." Leon said with a serious face. He stirred the salad with a fork, and before he started eating, the vegetables were already on his face.

It's not malnutrition, but those who are greedy for meat.

"Forget it, I've never heard that health comes from dieting. A reasonable diet and proper exercise are the key."

Luo Quan said while picking up a piece of steak for his younger brother: "I'll make you a healthy diet list later, so you know how to eat healthiest.

As for exercise, go to the gym regularly. "

Hearing what his sister said, coupled with the rich meaty aroma of the steak, Leon finally couldn't help it, and began to bury his head in eating.

After lunch, everyone went back to the room and went back to bed to rest.

Originally, when I came here, I planned to travel around Tokyo after the concert, go shopping and so on.

But now everyone seems to be so tired that they have peeled off a layer of skin, so this plan can only be shelved, and we will talk about it later when there is a chance.

Luo Quan was lying on the bed, but he was not completely relaxed, and was still dealing with some company affairs.

It is mainly about "World of Warcraft". The internal test has been carried out so far, and the data has been collected almost.

First of all, the number of daily active users has reached 9000, which is a retention rate of 80.00%. This is a very high result, which is equivalent to directly predicting the explosion of World of Warcraft. up.

Of course, although there are so many people left behind, there are also many suggestions.

Mainly in the following aspects:
The difficulty of the copy is too high, if you don’t pay attention, you will die
The drop rate of orange equipment is too low, sometimes you can't see an orange equipment after several difficulties

Warlock is too weak, please plan to strengthen it
In addition, it is too livery.

These feedbacks, after analysis, can be regarded as commonplace issues in all MMORPGs.

It's nothing more than not being able to get good equipment, not being able to beat the basics, the profession is unbalanced, and the liver is not moving.

But if MMORPG is too casual, it will be much less fun.

It is absolutely impossible not to change it at all, but it is necessary to make some fine-tuning as appropriate.

So far, the form of World of Warcraft is very good, and the number of bad reviews at home and abroad is pitifully small, and it has really achieved the point where most players are satisfied.

In addition to games, another business is about Nikola cars.

The first batch of cars that have already been built have already been delivered, and the evaluations on the Internet are mostly positive.

There must be some shortcomings, but they are all harmless. After all, at this price, what more bike do you need.

If nothing else, Nikola Motors will continue the praise after the press conference.

And the company's stock price has continued to rise since then, and its stability is even more outrageous than Bitcoin.

Every time Bitcoin rises for a period of time, there will be a sudden plunge, and then it will start to rise again. The curve is a W with a sloping angle.

The stock price of Nikola is completely upward slash, so far there is no sign of any decline, and the entire market is bullish.

And the boss of Tesla, while he was busy with the antitrust investigation, did not forget to tweet about this competitor in a good situation.

Calling Nikola Motors a bit of a parody of Tesla Motors, everything that is showing right now is false exuberance.

After sending out, I bought a large number of bitcoins, probably ready to cut leeks again.

However, Nicholas has a bad temper. Facing the provocation of his peers, he directly tweeted back:

"Many of the core components of the Tesla car were developed by me. It looks like it will definitely look like it, but it doesn't mean plagiarism, and I am fully capable of reborn on the basis of the original design!"

This response was stunned, and a lot of fun people immediately appeared on the Internet, fanning the flames in the comment area.

The owner of Tesla is the second richest man in the world, and Nikola himself is currently in the limelight, and his net worth is also skyrocketing.

If these two sides fight, it will not only be a great thing for the Internet, but also create countless topics.

It's also a good thing for car customers.

After all, if there is no competition, there will be no price cuts.

Both sides also understand this in their hearts, but Tesla's boss Scott is in trouble now, and he really has nothing left to deal with Nikola except for talking about it on Twitter.

And it was during this time that Nikola Motors enjoyed a golden period of development.

When they are full-fledged, it will become very difficult for Scott to do anything.

And this time, Nikola asked Luo Quan to handle one of the affairs, which was to let her endorse Nikola's commercials.

So far, Luo Quan has only two endorsements.

One Chanel, one Huawei.

Although she usually spends less time shooting commercials, there is no doubt that she has brought considerable benefits to these two brands.

Especially for Chanel, the turnover before signing with Luoquan and after signing with Luoquan is a full 15.00% difference at least.

As for the high-end dresses, it used to be thankless, so I did it once and accompanied me.

Now, not only women, but men also buy, and the supply exceeds demand every time.

To be honest, major brands all over the world have sent Luo Quan countless endorsement invitations. Even though they are rejected every time, they still use a very sincere tone and extremely generous terms every once in a while.

Including but not limited to, after signing the contract, Luoquan can use all the products in the brand for free for life, and as long as they are used up, they can just make a phone call and deliver the goods to their door.

Some brands are even willing to give Luoquan a sales share, as long as they endorse that product, they can get a share of the money if it is sold.

This kind of strength, not to mention ordinary stars, even some international celebrities have never enjoyed it.

And Luo Quan has not agreed to one so far, because he is too arrogant, and has also been listed by the media as one of the hardest stars to hire.

In the early days, everyone thought that Luo Quan was engaged in hunger marketing, deliberately relying on this method to raise her status, and when the price offered by the brand was almost the same, she would come out to make a big call and make a fortune.

But it turns out that Luo Quan has received two endorsements in two and a half years since her debut, and both of them were accepted when she first debuted.

At that time, her endorsement fee was only in the tens of millions, which is completely the price of cabbage from the current point of view.

And in the following period of time, no matter what endorsement or price, the replies I got were unexpectedly consistent, that is, sorry, I have no plans for this for the time being.

This behavior was finally praised and recognized by netizens after a long time.

It is really rare to be able to be so consistent in the materialistic entertainment industry.

And Luo Quan was also used to it. After seeing Nicholas' request, he subconsciously wanted to reply: Sorry, I don't have any thoughts on this for the time being.

She typed very fast, and just remembered when she was about to send it out, this is her own business, and she is the second largest shareholder of Nikola Company.

Although she doesn't usually drive this car, it's completely reasonable to endorse it to promote it.

And now is a critical period for the development of Nikola Motors. If she has a platform and publicizes it, it will definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

With this in mind, Luo Quan deleted all the text and typed at the same time: "No problem, can you send me the model for a look, or just advertise this car?"

"It's a new model. The company developed two cars at the beginning, but the first car is easier to make, so it was released first."

After Nicola finished speaking, he sent the picture of the second car.

(End of this chapter)

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