Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 673 Car Advertisement

Chapter 673 Car Advertisement
What appeared on the screen was a rather stylish blue sports car.

Luo Quan guessed that Nikola would launch a sports car, but he didn't expect that the speed would be so fast, and the shape was not as handsome as 01:30.

Although not as good as the Lamborghini Poison in her garage, the gap is definitely not that big.

This kind of shape with a sense of technology is definitely from the hands of famous masters.

"How about this car?" Nicholas in the video looked very proud, "This is designed by Koenigsegg's royal sports car designer who I hired with a high salary. Does the shape exceed your expectations?
And in addition to black and blue men's models, there are red and purple women's models, as well as white neutral models, covering all aspects.

In addition, it only takes 2.39 seconds to accelerate from zero to 420 kilometers per hour, and the top speed is [-] kilometers per hour. The performance can be said to be quite powerful. "

Luo Quan nodded in agreement: "It's really thoughtful, what about the price?"

"Starting at US$18, the shape of a supercar, the price of a mid-range car, the market competitiveness is absolutely great!" Nicola's eyes are full of confidence.

Usually he doesn't have so many expressions, but when it comes to his car, he is always so passionate.

"OK, leave the advertising to me. As a shareholder, it's right to do publicity. You can pay the endorsement fee."

Hearing this, Nicholas shook his head: "That's not okay, favors are favors, business is business, it's not good to confuse them.

I know your fees are very high, but anyway, I am now worth tens of billions, and I can still afford the endorsement fee. "

"Indeed, I didn't think about it." Luo Quan nodded, then checked a few recent emails inviting her to be an endorsement in his mailbox, and calculated the average endorsement fee.

"$5000 million a year, two years first." Luo Quan said a rather exaggerated figure.

And Nicholas didn't doubt him, and directly sent the electronic version of the contract that had been drawn up a long time ago.

After the two discussed without any objection, they decided to use this contract.

"Give me half a month. I'll go to the United States to shoot commercials after the things here are over, and I'll also make the commercial song by the way."

Luo Quan gave Nicholas an exact time. When she saw the car, she had already thought about how to shoot the commercial.

Sports car beauties have always been a major feature of Hollywood commercial films.

It's a pity that there is no Fast and Furious series in this world, and there seems to be no famous scenes of beautiful women driving sports cars.

Since there is no one, it is up to her to create it.

Speaking of the Fast and the Furious series, it can also be regarded as one of the most lucrative big IPs in the history of Hollywood commercial films. If it is filmed, the box office will definitely not be bad.

It's a pity that she has a lot of movies to shoot at the moment, and there are two concerts to be held, so she probably doesn't have much time this year.

But anyway, no one was shooting, and the material is there and she won’t run away by herself. She will pull it out when she is free, so that the world’s movie fans can see that what is called drag racing can also save the world.

After resting in the hotel for two days, Luo Quan received a notice to go to school to take graduation photos.

The thesis she wrote at the beginning of the year has passed.

The department is 3 words, and the monk is [-] words. She has no need to continue her studies, so she only needs to write [-] words.

After graduating from Linguistics, Luo Quan finally studied his old profession after many years.

After concentrating at home for many days and consulting countless materials, I finally compiled a paper with a very low rate of duplicate checking.

The topic is "On the ancestors of East Asian languages ​​and their subsequent dissemination"

It is from the literature and the pronunciation characteristics of each country's language that it demonstrates the view that the Chinese language is the main branch of the East Asian language.

If this kind of paper is written by another Chinese, it is estimated that there is a high probability that it will be killed. Japan will never see the so-called authentic Chinese.

Even if this statement is the truth, it will not work.

Just like South Korea, although the names on my ID cards are all in Chinese, I can’t even read history books if I don’t know Chinese.

But from top to bottom, they also firmly believe that their country has been completely desinicized.

The same is true for the Japanese.

However, even if Luo Quan had such treatment, her supervisor praised her thesis greatly, and she didn't need to change it, it was passed directly.

But in fact, Luo Quan knew in her heart that her own writing of this thesis was far from as good as her tutor said.

It's just that the fan filter is so good that the instructor is reluctant to criticize it.

Including the director, dean, principal, all of them.

As the face and pride of Dongda University, not to mention that her thesis is not top-notch, even if it is a piece of shit, she will still be passed and praised.

With her status, she was destined to enjoy such treatment.

So sometimes, Luo Quan felt that this kind of privilege made her both love and hate.

Of course, this kind of words must not be said out loud, because if you say that, you will appear too hypocritical, and you will be good-looking if you get cheap.

Anyway, the dissertation passed, and now I'm going to take graduation photos, and she will officially graduate from the University of Tokyo by the end of the year.

The place where the graduation photo was taken was located under the famous Akamon Gate of the University of Tokyo. In order not to cause riots and affect the teaching order, the school did not take the photo with much fanfare.

But when Luoquan arrived, there were quite a lot of onlookers.

Junko also came along. She and Luo Quan were admitted to the University of Tokyo together, where she majored in economics.

In order to become an idol, I have been studying until now.

Luo Quan is about to graduate, and her graduation photo is still far away.

What's more, after enjoying the glory of idols for so long, she didn't want to go back to school, mainly because she couldn't calm down.

But seeing Luo Quan and a group of other students wearing graduation gowns, Junzi still had some envy in her eyes.


The photographer shouted and attracted everyone's attention: "Please look at me with your brightest smiles!"


The picture freezes at this moment, more than 30 students and more than ten teachers, all laughing happily.

And Luo Quan is the most eye-catching one here.

After the graduation photo was taken, Luo Quan stepped off the stage, and the classmates and fans who had been waiting for a long time rushed up immediately.

One is that I want to get close to this national idol, and the other is that I want a group photo and autograph.

Today is a special day, and Luoquan does not refuse anyone who comes.

Fortunately, it is now the class time, most of the students are in class, and they don't even know that Luo Quan is back to school.

Otherwise, it might not be so easy for her to leave today.

At noon, everyone from Luo Quan, Junko and LM band found a restaurant that was relatively out of the way and had a meal together.

This parting, it is estimated that we will not see each other for a while, so everyone except Luo Quan drank a lot of sake.

The eyes of the two girls, Lingyin and Xiazi, were still red, the feeling of wanting to cry but holding back.

Girls are always so sad, this sad scene made Junko's nose sore.

Although she and Luo Quan still had a lot of time to meet, the situation just couldn't hold back.

Fortunately, after all, it is not life and death, and no one is really crying.

After returning to the hotel, Luo Quan booked a plane ticket to the United States.

If it was before, at this time, a large number of Japanese people should have started petitions on the Internet, hoping that Luoquan could stay.

But after experiencing so many lessons before, fans also know Luo Quan's thunder point, that is, never force her to do things she doesn't like to do.

Therefore, the fans just posted a message to ask Luo Quan to come back to watch more often, hold more concerts, and don't make the fans who love her wait too long, otherwise they will empathize with others.

Faced with such a situation, Luo Quan never had the heart to say no.

The promise must be given, but there is no time for fulfillment, just saying: I will definitely come back.

It sounds a bit like a classic quote from a villain in a certain cartoon. After seeing it, a group of Huaxia fans felt a little strange.

After the matter was over, Luo Quan got on the plane to the United States, and the whole family followed him to the United States.

Wen Xia and Su Yu are preparing to shoot Resident Evil 2, and Lan Xuan's agent is responsible for taking care of them.

And Ivy, Junko, and Yuner all went to the United States to check in and travel, and they would return to China after a few days of shopping.

Although there are more people brought over this time, fortunately, after moving to a new house, there are enough rooms to live in.

It's just because of Luo Quan's suffering, as soon as she got home, everyone urged her to cook and show everyone her long-lost cooking skills.

The kindness is hard to come by, and Luo Quan can only simply cook a dozen or so dishes, which can be regarded as a cleansing for them.

Speaking of which, Wen Xia and the others have already been here, and they don't know what kind of dust they are washing.

Once again, the family was full of praise for the delicious food cooked by Mrs. Luo.

Luoxi looked at the sumptuous meal on the table, and smelled all kinds of noises in the air, she also opened her hands to taste it.

It's a pity that it's not time for her to eat yet, and a bottle of warm milk powder mixed with water is stuffed in her mouth.

Luoxi hit the bar twice, looking very dissatisfied.

Luo Quan pinched his younger sister's cheek with a smile, making his hands slippery.

This time my sister didn't act like she did when she came back last time. She smiled happily after seeing her, but she didn't take the initiative to open her hand for her to hug.

But there is a process for everything, just wait until my sister grows up a little bit.

Luo Quan's only worry was that everyone said that her sister and sister were born enemies, and she didn't know if Luo Xi would become her enemy in the future like in those urban novels she had read.

If the plot develops like this, it would be too bloody.

But after thinking about it carefully, Luo Quan felt that he was worrying unfoundedly.

There is a 20-year age gap between her and Luoxi, which is almost a generation gap. Logically speaking, the above situation should not happen.

Suddenly, Luo Quan thought that if Luo Xi grew up to her present age.

At that time, she would have been 40 years old, half of her life was gone, and she didn't know what the relationship between the two sisters would be like at that time, which really made her look forward to it.

After dinner, Luo Quan went back to his room to announce his arrival in New York, and announced: "Do you want to know what is Fast and Furious? Next, I will show you my real driving skills!"

Whenever Luoquan wants to sell the goods, he will use this method to catch the appetite of fans, which is already considered a traditional art skill.

And the fans, seeing this mysterious notice, also showed their magical powers:

"I don't know what you are going to do. I only know that there are thousands of roads, and safety comes first. Next!"

"Irregular driving, two lines of tears for relatives."

"Are you going to play Grand Theft Auto in America?"

"I never heard that you can drag racing?"

"And Luo Quan can't? You tell me now that she can fly rockets, and I will believe it."

"Indeed, the Almighty Goddess is talking about her."

"Almighty, it sounds a bit weird."

"When it comes to drag racing, I, Qiu Mingshan Riding God, still have some say."


Seeing that everyone was making jokes and no one guessed her real intention, Luo Quan felt relieved.

In fact, every time before something happens, she sends out such a notice to let fans guess her next move.

She wants everyone to guess a close answer, and then give everyone a surprise.

But she didn't want to be really guessed, that would have no effect.

This is a very contradictory psychology.

Fortunately, so far, it seems that what she is going to do has not been guessed by fans.

Maybe someone guessed it, but she couldn't see it because there weren't many likes.

The next day, Luo Quan arrived in Seattle by plane, which is the city where Nikola Company is located.

There is a very wide flat land near the company, which was built according to the standards of the airport, theoretically used to test the data of the car, but now it is used as a filming set for her commercials.

This commercial will be divided into two parts, one part is all kinds of gorgeous operations she made here, and the other part is also done in green screen.

The final effect must be stylish and cool.

This Nikola car, which looks like a top-level supercar, is actually targeted at mid-range young people, and it is not a high-end route. It needs some Internet celebrity marketing methods.

In short, it is to make it a fashionable product such as the first sports car in the life of American young people, so that young people feel that buying this kind of car is a very fashionable thing, and they can show off with their peers.

Just like the marketing strategy of Apple mobile phones in China in the early years, at that time, if anyone had an Apple smartphone, he would not only be the only one in the class, but he would definitely get quite a lot of envious eyes.

What Nikola has to do now is to copy Apple's strategy.

It's just that compared with mobile phones, the price of cars must be much more expensive.

Whether it can really be reproduced successfully, no one has a bottom line.

However, the quality of the car is excellent among cars of the same price, and the shape is also the most handsome.

The lower limit is here, so it won't be too bad no matter what.

What's more, isn't there an international star who is about to shoot an advertisement?

There is no need to say more about her influence. Dear God of Wealth, there are definitely not a few people who will buy cars because of their reputation.

In view of this, Nikola himself is quite optimistic about the future of this car.

Soon, Luo Quan got into the car and started the warm-up session.

(End of this chapter)

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