Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 674 Fast and Furious

Chapter 674 Fast and Furious

Shooting a car commercial, especially one with a lot of hands-on action, can be quite the hassle.

Not only must several cameras be arranged inside and outside the car, but also multiple angles in the sky and underground must not be leaked.

After Luo Quan got the top-level supercar, she hadn't actually raced a car. Domestic traffic rules and road conditions did not support her drifting on the bustling streets.

If he really did this, he would probably be coded and sent to the chair of regret immediately, and then it would become hot news in the whole country and even the world.

But now that she is in the proving ground, she naturally wants to go crazy. Anyway, Fast and Furious is a ready-made material, and it seems that there is nothing inappropriate to make an advertisement into a movie.

For this reason, Luo Quan even set up a simple plot for the advertisement.

It was probably a girl driving a handsome Nikola car on the road, and met a challenge from a boy driving a supercar, and then the two started a race on the multi-curved track.

The reason why they don't compete in a straight line is, of course, because the performance of the car is not as good as that of a real supercar.

Although the multi-curve track also requires performance, the driver's operation occupies a considerable proportion.

As for racing in a straight line, step on the gas pedal and you're done.

Although Nikola's car named "Passion" is not far behind the theoretical limit speed of a supercar, and its acceleration ability is even better.

But compared with the endurance of those supercars, it is a notch behind, and there is no advantage in running long-distance straight lines.

Therefore, under reasonable consideration, Luoquan chose a track with half a straight line and half a bend.

As the protagonist, he must be behind at the start, but overtakes with technical corners to win the plot.

In the subsequent scenes, there is no reality at all. Luo Quan designed Mercedes-Benz in multiple scenes, mainly based on visual effects.

This part is used to exaggerate the cool and fashionable atmosphere, and promote interested buyers to make up their minds to use it.

After the warm-up was over, Luo Quan first went to the open field and made a few not-so-difficult turns to get used to the car's grip.

Each model of car has different parameters and feel in all aspects. If you want to maximize the performance as much as possible, you must go through enough adaptation.

The average person's adaptation time is usually ten days and half a month or even longer.

As for Luo Quan, it took less than half an hour.

Feeling that it was almost done, Luo Quan stretched out his hand out of the car window as an OK gesture.

If this is placed in the country, points will be deducted directly.

The filming started, Luo Quan was driving a red "Passion", and his opponent was driving a supercar with its logo removed.

Although the car logo is gone, every supercar has its own unique shape. This beautiful white car is obviously a Bugatti, and the deep roar of the engine is as shocking as Longwei.

Dozens of extras gathered around the side of the road for discussion and pointers.

A racing girl with a hot figure and bold clothes walked up to the car with a silk scarf, raised the scarf high, and then let go.

According to the plot, the silk scarf is the signal gun, and it starts when it lands.

But for the sake of safety, the female model left the track after letting go, and took another shot at the back of the car. Later, through editing and the limitations of the lens, the model would create the feeling of the car speeding past her.

After such a toss, the car continued on the road, and everything went according to the plot. Because it was a straight line, more shots were given to Bugatti to show how fast it was.

Passion followed closely behind, but it was just a little short.

After running in a straight line, the corner part is the top priority.

In order to achieve the desired effect of Luo Quan, this part took a whole morning and half an afternoon to complete, during which time the tires were changed three times.

In the next two days, it will be shooting in various places, plus the shots in the green screen.

After the material was shot, Luo Quan directly handed it over to Universal's special effects studio for production.

If you want to make the audience feel shocked and excited, you can't just have a video, but also have to be accompanied by passionate music.

Considering that the main sales group of cars is young Americans, the songs are naturally also in English.

In order to be acceptable to both men and women, she directly brought Leon to sing the song together.

American Phoenix Legend is also a well-known combination that is well-known to everyone. The songs sung by the two have already surpassed the entertainment industry in terms of popularity.

It took about a week to make.

During the period, Nikola held another press conference and launched a mid-range sports car passion.

Undoubtedly, the passionate cool shape and brutal performance shocked many car fans and media.

The price revealed later was no longer shocking, which made netizens feel that Nicola was here to report to the society for charity.

This shape and performance are so cheap.

Mr. Nikolai, don't you make money?

I don’t know how many netizens left messages under Nikola’s Twitter to ask questions, but Nikola’s answer was: “I’m in business, and I’m sure I’ll make money, but I want to make friends with everyone.”

This pattern opened up at once.

This friend is really sincere for being able to set a price that is far lower than the market average price and also comes with various discounts.

However, no matter how passionate it is, it only has a very high popularity in the automotive circle.

In the era of traffic, it doesn't make much sense to just be popular in a small circle, you have to break the circle.

What made the "passion" break the circle was the next tweet from Nicola:
"I'm very honored to have invited the international superstar Luo Quan to speak for our company's new sports car passion. She also specially shot an advertisement to promote the car. In the early morning, the advertisement will be launched on all platforms."

Some media said before that everything related to Luoquan can be regarded as a traffic code.

This sentence can be said to be extremely correct, because the report that Luoquan is the traffic code itself also received huge traffic because of the mention of Luoquan.

And Nikolai's tweet was more than just mentioning military dogs.

The ghost knows how long the world's famous brands have longed for Luoquan's endorsement. It is impossible to ask grandpa to sue grandma. In the end, this newcomer to the car, Nicola, did it.

Numerous brands have expressed jealousy and grievances in the comment area, both openly and secretly.

And as a car brand in the same industry, it has also become the object of ridicule by netizens, saying why Luoquan chose this new energy and not you, is the price not enough?
Among them, the Lamborghini under Volkswagen is the most complained about. Luoquan currently only has one car, and it can be seen from the live broadcast that she likes this car very much.

But it's a pity that she didn't get the qualification to let her speak for the car.

Although it soon became clear that Coplow Springs is the second shareholder of this company, it is reasonable to advertise its own products.

However, under such a big discussion, Nikola's new car "Passion" is still out of the circle and has become a hot topic among many netizens.

The main discussion is its shape and price. Although most people still can't afford it, this does not prevent everyone from liking it.

And Luoquan's advertisement for it is also one of the hot spots.

Luo Quan has never been perfunctory in her work. Before, she made commercials for Chanel and Huawei, and they all produced songs, and this time is definitely no exception.

Therefore, Luoquan's fans waited with great anticipation until twelve o'clock, when the advertisement was launched on all platforms.

The duration of the advertisement is more than 3 minutes, which is much longer than expected. If it is placed in the prime time of the TV station, how much money will be spent.

Click on the video to see Luo Quan's beautiful profile.

She drove the red passion, driving smoothly on the street.

At this time, a white sports car came up behind her.

The words Bugatti appeared on the barrage immediately.

"Hey girl, you drive slower than my grandma." The boy in the Bugatti sneered at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan said with a sullen expression: "I bet 100 yuan, if you really run with me, you only deserve to eat the ashes raised by my tires."

"Haha, don't cry when you lose."

The boy laughed, and the bet was considered established.

As soon as the camera turned, the two had already arrived on the track, surrounded by a large group of passers-by who were booing for the game.

Then, the hot racing girl came to the middle of the road, and after waiting for a while, she dropped the silk scarf she was holding.

The moment the silk scarf fell to the ground, the tires of the two cars immediately began to spin rapidly, and two lights and shadows, one red and one white, rushed out with a whoosh.

The racing girl in the middle of the road was blown by two strong winds, and the beach jacket she was wearing outside was also in the sky.

Music, too, starts here.

(Song name: international love, international lover, original singer is Peter Paul)
"From Mr. 305 to Mr. Global, I have been popular all over the world

Now we are international, so international

You can't keep up with me, young man
I'm famous overseas and I'm sure my singles have reached number one in hundreds of countries

From 305 till the end of my life
Cremate my body after death and scatter my ashes in the ocean

Lyon's rap voice immediately renders the atmosphere of the video chic and uninhibited. In the United States, this is one of the external expressions of hedonism.

Beauty and sports cars, speed and passion.

There is no problem that cannot be solved by expressing the speed of the vehicle at 120 miles. If there is, it is not fast enough.

The performance of the Bugatti supercar is really extraordinary. After falling behind for a while at first, it quickly caught up and gradually took the lead by more than half of the parking spaces.

And Luo Quan's driving passion is also chasing after him. Although the price difference is more than ten times, there is no obvious difference in speed.

After entering the corner, Luo Quan's driving skills and passionate performance showed a near-perfect level at this moment.

In the shot, Luo Quan frequently stepped on the accelerator and brake with both feet, and quickly dialed the steering wheel with both hands. Everything was so coordinated and rhythmic. It didn't look like he was driving at all, but rather like he was playing the piano.

Play a Sonata of Fast and Furious!

And so many operations show that every time the car turns, the front of the car is almost close to the inner corner of the track.

Apart from art and perfection, there is no third adjective for this kind of cornering.

It's hard to imagine what kind of driving skills are needed to reach such a high level. Although Bugatti has a clear advantage in the straight line, after a few corners, it still can't hold on.

Just when Luo Quan's passion surpassed that of Bugatti, the climax of the song in the advertisement finally came.

The part here is sung by Luo Quan.

Luo Quan in the car also sang out loud with excitement:
"You look like gorgeous New York City

I stay up all night

As wild as Los Angeles
belongs to my dream
you are hotter than miami
A heat wave is within reach


Under the dynamic climax, amidst the barrage of lol, Luo Quan easily overtook Bugatti and walked away.

Just like what she said at the beginning, you only deserve to eat the ashes of my tires.

The plot ends here, and the second half is the company's introduction to the car, which is not much different from Nikola's press conference.

But because the driver was changed to Luo Quan, it became much more pleasing to the eye.

In addition, there are quite a lot of scenes. Standing side by side with horses on the endless grass pasture, driving on the desert road raises a long dust corridor, splashing countless water splashes on the muddy road, in the neon city Shuttle between light and shadow.

These several artistic scenes make the advertisement look very comfortable and have a very high-end texture.

The video was the best, the car stopped slowly, Luo Quan got out of the car, put one hand on the hood, his tall figure was immediately revealed.

"Passion is good, but remember to abide by the rules. Don't be too passionate when driving."

With just a smile, the barrage was almost boiling, and they all boasted: I TM bought it!

In the past, some people did not understand why so many brands wanted Luoquan to endorse them. The most important thing about a product is quality, and celebrity endorsements are only more attractive to fans.

And Luo Quan told everyone that as long as they saw her smile, everyone would become her fans.

This smile is so charming that countless fans who have fallen into the temptation of "passion" have forgotten the price of this car.

Although USD 10,000+ is affordable in the United States, not everyone can afford it.

So sometimes, price is the most effective coolant.

However, this does not affect the upsurge of discussion on the Internet. To be honest, Luo Quan is the only one who can make commercials more exciting than movies.

Moreover, the song is the long-lost collaboration with Lyon, cool and dynamic, and the lyrics are so exciting to hear.

The combination of the two directly made the video reach the top of YouTube's popular video cabin. In less than half an hour, the number of hits exceeded 800 million views, and it was still refreshing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On Twitter Trends, "passion" has become a trending word with more than 20 tweets.

If all of this is just the prosperity after the Internet hype, the stock price of Nikola company soared after the stock market opened the next day, which proves that the capital market is optimistic about it.

Popularity, quality, topics, whatever you want.

There is also Luo Quan's endorsement, and the advertising effect is so good that it explodes.

If this car doesn't sell as a hit, it's really unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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