Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 675 Marksmanship is like God

Chapter 675 Marksmanship is like God
ps. There were some mistakes in the previous chapter, which have been revised.


It is rare to see any stock that has risen as much as Nikola.

The completely abnormal curve of Bitcoin is because the virtual currency itself is a new product, and it is easy to fool followers who don't know what it is.

Coupled with the hype of a large number of capitalists with ulterior motives, this has led to its skyrocketing all the way to today.

As a real industry, Nikola can maintain such a growth rate for such a long time, which is actually rare.

The first group of stockholders who invested have now made a lot of money, and they almost regard Nicholas and Luo Quan as their reborn parents.

After all, without these two, it would be impossible for Nikola to develop to where it is today.

Afterwards, investors who came here especially for the name were still apprehensive when they first started buying, for fear that this was a false prosperity.

And after the "Passion" sports car became popular on the Internet and won a large number of pre-orders, the big stone in everyone's heart was completely let go.

In the real industry, as long as the product sales are good, the stock price will definitely not fall.

Now the momentum is so good, it seems that there is no second choice except to increase leverage and increase positions.

Soon, buying Nikola stock became a major event that investors all over the United States and even the world began to seriously consider.

Although its rising trend is gratifying, no one can say anything about the stock market. After all, when the stock gods have big losses, what if they follow suit and lose money?
Does this kind of thing happen in the stock market?
Most people are watching.

Therefore, opportunities will only be reserved for those who are courageous and have sufficient capital.

While most people were still watching, fans of Luoquan had already bought in.

The momentum of the stock is good, and the star I like is the endorsement of the second shareholder, there is no reason to hesitate, even if it loses, I will admit it.

"Luo Bao, most of my income last year has been given to you." Wen Xia waved the information about buying a large number of stocks in her hand, and showed off to Luo Quan.

"You iron cock is so generous now?" Luo Quan laughed.

"I don't like to hear what you say. What is an iron rooster?" Wen Xia was very unhappy when he heard this title, "Aren't I just as diligent and thrifty as you in housekeeping?"

"You can say whatever you want." Luo Quan waved his hand and reminded: "But if you buy it, you have to hold on to it. This is a long-term investment. The current rise is just the beginning. You will make a lot of money in the future." when."

Wen Xia hugged Luo Quan's shoulders: "I still have great confidence in you. When I follow you, I'm not a hot drinker."

"It's good to know." Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth proudly.

Except for Wen Xia, the other women also bought shares in Nikola Company according to their own financial resources.

In the absence of a special financial consultant, they think that it is better to put their deposits in the bank to eat interest, which is safer.

But since Luo Quan recommended it to them, just do what she said, after all, the boss has never made a mistake so far.

After two days of rest, the whole family flew to Hollywood.

After marketing for so long, the day of shooting "Resident Evil 2" has finally arrived.

In addition to the original cast of the first part, the joining of Wen Xia, Su Yu, and Leon is also the biggest attraction.

Especially Leon, this seems to be his second appearance besides "Titanic", and the female fans are looking forward to it.

As for the boys, let alone, in Resident Evil 2, there will be four spring entertainers including Luo Quan.

The four words "spring water entertainment" have now become the endorsement of paradise on earth. The artists in it are all peerless beauties who are famous on the list of the world's top [-] most beautiful faces, and they have all kinds of beauties from China, Japan, the United States and South Korea.

It's a pity that most people don't know the existence of Yunikina, otherwise they would be even more excited.

From the point of view of commercial films, "Resident Evil 2" can be regarded as the ultimate gimmick, and it is the sequel that fans around the world have been looking forward to for more than a year. After the release, it will definitely set off a huge movie-watching boom.

However, although the current "Resident Evil" traffic is high, it is still a bit behind some top IPs, mainly due to the lack of a totem-like character.

To be honest, the image of Alice in the first part is already very clear, but she still gets a lot of attention from Jill, Chris, and even Wesker.

There are so many stars in the second part, it is destined to be a group portrait movie again, no one will stand out.

And the fact that everyone is famous means that none of them can explode.

For example, when you mention Resident Evil, you can immediately think of Alice. Some fans may think of Jill and others.

And more, think of zombies.

Although it is true that she should be a zombie, but she is not playing a zombie.

Therefore, it is a problem that needs to be solved in terms of character creation.

In addition, it is also necessary to shoot some videos outside of the movie to enrich the background of the characters.

And Alice is naturally the best choice.

Therefore, during the filming process, she also took some extra time to add the part of character background, as a pastime and discussion point for fans while waiting for the film to be completed.

Alice is naturally the first issue.

It only took one day to shoot this Luoquan, because other character action scenes need to be designed and practiced, Diao Weiya repeatedly shot, there are too many steps.

As for her, she only needs to clear the scene and point the camera at it. With her skill, most of the action scenes are played once.

Three days after the filming started, the character background of Resident Evil finally ushered in the official short video introduction.

The length of the video is 5 minutes, and the beginning is the beginning of the first part, the scene of Luo Quan lying down in the bathtub.

After so many years of high-intensity surfing, she knows exactly what everyone likes.

Although she usually behaves very conservatively whether she is broadcasting live or accepting interviews.

However, when making my own movies, the scale of what should be done has never been ambiguous.

Commercial movies always have to do something, this is the norm in European and American film circles, and Chinese audiences actually like it.

In the video, Luo Quan wakes up slowly just like in the first part, and then puts on the red cheongsam, with his snow-white thighs exposed along the high fork of the cheongsam.

At this time, the screen freezes, and a line of words appears.

"The following is the information that can be released.

Name: Alice
Identity: An undercover agent placed in the police station by a mysterious organization, and later sent by the police station to Umbrella Company as the security of the mansion.

Experience: I have been trained in fighting and shooting since I was a child, and I am the first in each event. I am a good friend with Ada Wang in the same organization. They wear the same style of cheongsam but different colors.

Features: Calm, decisive and persistent.

Gene: It has been perfectly adapted to the T virus and has become a complete humanoid nemesis. "

Next, there is a picture of her training in a mysterious organization.

Still wearing a cheongsam, he performed various high-kicking backflips, opened and closed postures, but adjusted the angle at critical moments, making it impossible for people to feast their eyes, and the anxious audience felt like a cat was scratching their hearts.

And the next stage of marksmanship demonstration is completely miraculous.

Alice held two sand eagles, her hands were as steady as holding two water guns, as if she had no recoil at all.

She quickly pulled the trigger with her fingers, and she quickly pierced through the ten rings on the opposite target.

After the Sand Eagle demonstration, it was the Magnum revolver again.

But this time it is not dual-wielding, but the visual effect is more mysterious.

With six targets in front of her, Alice put the revolver on her waist, and quickly moved the hammer.

Just in the blink of an eye, the six targets fell to the ground amidst a series of gunshots.

After shooting, Alice turned the revolver twice, and then gently blew away the light smoke from the gun with her bright red lips.

Although there were no lines in the whole process, the audience fell in love with this handsome and beautiful Alice just by the action.

After the video was released, the fans of Resident Evil were the first to get excited.

Although there are many outstanding characters in the first part, Alice is definitely the most popular.

In the comment area, it has become a scene for large-scale daydreamers to exchange their illnesses.

"Woman, I admit that you have successfully attracted my attention. This is my room card. Be conscious tonight and don't make me wait too long."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand Alice's skill."

"It's so handsome, it's the first time I've seen women play with guns so explosively."

"Perfectly meets my expectations of sexy and handsome, Alice is my ideal girlfriend!"

"Speaking of the speed of the revolver firing, is it really possible to complete it in reality?"

"Who knows, I think it's a bit unscientific, how can a normal person's hand speed be so fast."

"In fact, there are indeed, both military and civilians can find them."


The heat of discussion among fans is quite high.

And this time the video also made many passers-by who haven't watched Resident Evil, and because of this video, they were attracted to fans and fell into the trap.

In contrast, pure Resident Evil fans are more concerned about the pitiful information in intelligence.

Alice's identity has been announced a bit.

Like the new character King Ada, he comes from a mysterious organization.

It seems that this organization has a knack for collecting beauties. The two members I see now are both top-notch beauties.

Soon, someone with great wisdom said that the prototype of this organization was Quanshui Entertainment Company, because the situation in reality was like this, and Luo Quan seemed to be such a boss who had a hobby of collecting stamps and beauties.

However, this kind of statement was quickly regarded as a joke after it came out. It has no basis at all and is a wild guess.

The good news is that the popularity of Resident Evil has been completely rekindled with the popularity of the video.

To be honest, after more than a year of silence, no matter how high the popularity is, it will inevitably subside. The memory of the Internet is very long, but it is actually very short.

However, with Luoquan as a gold-lettered signboard, it is not easy to gain popularity.

Next, the background introduction videos of Leon, Jill, Ada Wang, Chris and others were also included in the schedule one by one.

Each one will be released every few days. Although squeezing toothpaste will make fans feel uncomfortable, it can also maintain the popularity for a long time. This is what it means to catch big fish with a long line.

After all, there is still some time before the official release of the movie. If it is released all at once, fans will have to clamor that there is nothing to watch and feel lonely.

The movie is filming, and Valentine's Day in Western countries is here.

Among the limited Western festivals in Luoquan, Valentine's Day seems to be second only to Christmas, Halloween, and Parents' Day.

Of course, this refers to heat.

In recent years, Valentine's Day and Qixi Festival have been about the same in popularity. Hotels and restaurants all over the country will be full at this time, and then news about the first milk tea and the first gift on Valentine's Day will fly all over the sky.

There will definitely be business hype. It's not shabby to make money.

But she still doesn't quite understand, what does Valentine's Day have to do with drinking milk tea? She can understand even giving a necklace or jewelry.

Sending milk tea, then this Valentine's Day is probably the anniversary of the breakup.

Although I don't know if there are many couples in the crew, but as a traditional festival in the West, Luoquan still gave the big guys a holiday.

She can't judge others by herself, and she has no partner, so she thinks that everyone has no partner like her.

In the morning, she checked various props on the set.

In the past, when Hollywood made movies with gunfights, it happened that prop guns fired real bullets.

A while ago, such a tragedy happened, an actor was killed by a prop gun.

Although the police immediately began to investigate what happened, but the dead cannot be brought back to life.

Luo Quan didn't want to see this happen to his crew.

Although Resident Evil is also a gunfight action movie, the people who are shot are all zombies, and no one will shoot the protagonist.

So she checked these, not entirely for herself, but also out of responsibility to the group performers.

The props and guns all have their own markings, which are checked and pasted every time the shoot starts, and then torn off and put in the safe after the shoot.

The safe has a fingerprint and iris chain, only she can open it.

All kinds of protective measures are considered to be quite in place, and those who don't know may think that there is some treasure in the safe.

Then I took it out and saw that it was all imitation guns.

After checking it over, Luo Quan put it back and locked it, and was about to take a look at the footage shot in the past few days and edit it a bit.

A few actors from the studio next door knocked on the door, and they seemed to be holding something in their hands.

"Isn't it, you still do this with me?" Luo Quan turned his head to look, but he was complaining in his heart.

Sure enough, Valentine's Day is here, is it the season for animals to be in heat again?
"Hello, what time are you?" Luo Quan asked softly.

"Valentine's Day is here, I know you must be on the set, so I won't say anything about inviting you to dinner, this is a gift we prepared for you."

A few boys who looked very young at first glance sent many beautifully wrapped gift boxes.

The reason why they are young is because it is very unflattering.

But Luo Quan didn't care, he just didn't accept the gift box: "Thank you, but I may not be suitable for this gift."

This answer was not beyond everyone's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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